knights and castles

1. Describe the placement of most castles. What was considered when choosing
them? – the castle were put higher than tree so they can see any approach of
2. How were castles made safer for those inside? – To make the castle safer they
had moats, slits for window, thick heavy walls, draw bridges, knights.
3. What were castles made from by the middle ages? – Castles were made of
4. Who did the Lords get to fight for them? What sort of people did the fighting?
– the people who fought in the battles were knights.
5. What did people eat? – People in the middle ages ate vegies, wine, roast,
6. What was the role of women in the camps and general life? – the women jobs
at the camp were to wash the dishes, make clothes, look after the men, help set
up food, have children, make medicines.
7. What did women use for medicines? How did they know about them? – herbs
and berries were used for medicines. The women knew about the medicines
because they were passed down to the generations.
8. When did girls get married? How many children did each woman have? – girls
were married by 14 years old and had around ten children but only about four
9. Which invention made the cavalry the most important force in war? 10. How did somebody become a knight? Why was chivalry important?
11. What did the white robe signify? – the white robe signified cleansing of the
12. How was being a knight associated with religion? They had to promise what?
– Knight is associated with the church because The church make them a knight
and they can always take it away. They defend the church and make a promise
to respect the women.
13. List 5 movies that set in Medieval times. – robin hood, king arther, the knights
tail, Braveheart and black death were 5 movies that were set in the medieval
14. Describe the armour of the knights.
15. Identify 3 areas of technology that improved during the Middle Ages. How? wheels
16. What was important about the coat of arms worn by the knights? – The coat of
arms was important because it signified who it was.
17. Why were knights’ tournaments held? The tournaments were held for the
knights to practice for war.
18. What weapons were used in War? The Weapons that were used in war were
bow and arrow, sword, axe
19. What strategies were used in fighting?
20. For what reasons did Castles lose their strategic influence?