SCHEDULE OF MEDICAL CHEMISTRY LECTURES FOR MEDICINE AND ODONTOLOGY 1st YEAR STUDENTS ( Spring semester, 2013) The lectures take place at 800–930 N Date 1 2 1. Water and solutions. Prof Ramunė Morkūnienė 2. Properties of buffers. Prof Ramunė Morkūnienė Easter holiday Room 427 Room 427 3 March 28 March 29 March 30 April 7 April 8 Title of lectures Location 3. Basics of colloidal chemistry. Prof Laima Ivanovienė Room 427 4 April 9 4. Heterogenic processes. Prof Artūras Kašauskas Room 427 5 April 10 5. Coordination compounds. Prof Artūras Kašauskas The Small auditorium 6 April 11 6. Thermodynamics. Prof Artūras Kašauskas Room 427 7 April 12 7. Chemical kinetics and catalysis. (for Medical students only) Prof Laima Ivanovienė Room 427 8 April 13 April 14 April 15 April 16 CONTROL TEST I 9 April 17 8. Classes of organic compounds. Prof Ramunė Morkūnienė The Small auditorium 10 April 18 9. Isomers. (for Medical students only) Prof Artūras Kašauskas Room 427 11 April 19 10. Alcohols, aldehydes, carboxylic acids. Prof Artūras Kašauskas Room 427 12 April 20 April 21 April 22 11. Carbohydrates. Prof Ramunė Morkūnienė Room 427 13 April 23 12. Nucleotides and nucleic acids. Prof Artūras Kašauskas Room 427 14 April 24 13. Amino acids and proteins. Prof Laima Ivanovienė The Big auditorium 15 April 25 April 26 April 27 April 28 April 29 April 30 14. Fatty acids and lipids. Prof Laima Ivanovienė CONTROL TEST II Room 427 FINAL EXAM Head of the Biochemistry department Prof. L. Ivanovienė SCHEDULE OF MEDICAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY WORK FOR 1st YEAR MEDICINE AND ODONTOLOGY STUDENTS (Spring semester, 2013) Laboratory practicals take place in laboratory124 945–1145 for groups 31, 32, 36 MF R.Morkūnienė/S.Dubickienė 1200–1400 for groups 29, 33 MF L.Ivanovienė 1400-1600 for groups 30, 34, 35 MF A.Kašauskas/S.Dubickienė 1600-1800 for groups 13-15 OF students A.Kašauskas/S.Dubickienė N Date Title of laboratory practicals 1 March 28 1. Principles of safe work in a chemical laboratory. Preparation of solutions. Percent concentration. 2 March 29 2. Preparation of molar solutions: molar concentration. March 30 Easter holiday April 7 3 April 8 3. Volumetric analysis. Acid-base titration. 4 April 9 5 April 10 6 April 11 4. Preparation of buffer solutions. Buffering capacity and its determination. 5. Preparation of colloidal solutions. Effect of ions on coagulation of colloidal solutions. 6. High-molecular mass compounds and their properties: jellynation. 7 April 12 7. Coordination-compound based determination of water hardness. 8 April 13 April 14 April 15 8. Last minute arrangements. April 16 CONTROL TEST I. 9 April 17 10 April 18 11 April 19 9. Chemical catalysis and thermodynamics of chemical processes. Examples of reaction rate changes, effect of a catalyst, equilibrium shift. Determination of Michaelis-Menten constant of an enzyme from experimental data (Dry practical). (This day laboratory works are for Medical students only) 10. Carbonyl compounds – aldehydes, ketones and acids. Their properties – specific reactions of functional groups. Esters and lipids. Determination of products of lipid peroxidation. 11. Basics of organic compounds. Some chemical properties of alcohols, phenols and amines. April 20 12 13 April 21 April 22 April 23 14 April 24 15 April 25 April 26 April 27 April 28 April 29 April 30 12. Chemical properties of mono- and polysaccharides. 13. Nucleotides and nucleic acids: characteristic reactions. Specific reactions for products of nucleic acid hydrolysis. 14. Specific chemical reactions for amines, amino acids and proteins. Estimation of molecular mass of a protein from the gel chromatography data (Dry practical). Estimation of molecular mass of a protein by the electrophoresis method (Dry practical). 15. Last minute arrangements. CONTROL TEST II Repetition of control tests if failed FINAL EXAM Head of the Biochemistry department Prof. L. Ivanovienė