FIS-Paper-Oral-and-poster - PICES

October 23, 14:05 (FIS-P-9584)
Shelf Habitat and EcoLogy of Fish and Zooplankton (SHELFZ) of the Chukchi Sea 2013
Elizabeth Logerwell1, Kimberly Rand1, Leandra de Sousa2, Alexi Pinchuk3, Sandra Parker-Stetter4, John
Horne1,5, Johanna Vollenweider6 and Ron Heinz6
NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center NOAA, Seattle, WA, USA. Email:
North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management, Barrow, AK, USA
University of Alaska Fairbanks, AK, USA
Northwest Fisheries Science Center NOAA, Seattle, WA, USA
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Juneau, AK, USA
A group of scientists from NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center, University of Washington, University
of Alaska Fairbanks and the North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife surveyed the fish and
invertebrate community from the beach to the shelf during August-September 2013. The objectives of this
project, “SHELFZ”, are to 1): collect baseline information needed to detect and predict impacts of
changing environment and increased human activities on arctic ecosystems, and 2): identify similarities
and differences between nearshore (<20m water depth) and offshore (>20m water depth) communities.
The work was conducted on two chartered vessels. The F/V Alaska Knight surveyed the offshore area,
deeper than 20m depth, while the Ukpik surveyed the nearshore area, shallower than 20m. Both vessels
sampled with bottom trawls, midwater trawls, fishery acoustics, zooplankton nets and oceanographic
instruments. Scientists on the nearshore boat, Ukpik, also deployed beach seines. This talk will explore
species composition of fish and invertebrate communities in the benthic and pelagic habitats. Similarities
and differences between the offshore and nearshore will be examined. Spatial distribution will also be
investigated, with particular attention to the role of Barrow Canyon in determining distribution and
species diversity.
October 23, 14:25 (FIS-P-9451)
Spatiotemporal variation of benthic communities associated with weathervane scallop
(Patinopecten caurinus) beds off Alaska
Jessica R. Glass and Gordon H. Kruse
School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Juneau, AK, USA
We conducted an analysis of benthic communities in areas targeted by a commercial weathervane scallop
(Patinopecten caurinus) fishery on the continental shelf off Alaska, USA. Some bycatch species taken in
this fishery are commercially valuable, including Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi). Using bycatch data
collected by onboard observers during 1996-2012, we analyzed spatial patterns in community
composition on weathervane scallop beds, as well as changes in community composition over time. We
also explored whether spatiotemporal differences in benthic communities could be related to
environmental variables (sediment type, depth, bottom temperature, and freshwater discharge) and
anthropogenic variables (trawling and dredging effort). Using non-parametric statistics, statistically
significant (P<0.05) differences in community structure were observed at the scale of state fishery
registration districts, as well as among individual scallop beds. Certain species displayed a latitudinal
gradient across the continental shelf. Spatial differences were most strongly correlated with sediment,
depth and dredging effort. Changes over time were also detected, with significant differences between
1996-1999 and 2000-2012. However, these changes could be due to changes in the observer program
after start-up years or altered fishing behavior associated with the formation of a fishery cooperative.
Subtle changes during 2000-2012 were also present. Temporal changes were weakly yet significantly
correlated with freshwater discharge, depth and dredging effort. Results from this study provide a
quantitative baseline of benthic community composition on weathervane scallop beds against which
future changes can be assessed. Findings also contribute to our understanding of essential fish habitat for
weathervane scallops and associated species.
October 23, 14:45 (FIS-P-9565)
Toothed whale interactions with longline fisheries in Alaska and economic implications
Megan J. Peterson1, Franz J. Mueter1, Courtney Carothers1, Keith R. Criddle1 and Alan C.
University of Alaska Fairbanks, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, Juneau, AK, USA
Economics and Social Sciences Research Program, REFM Division, Alaska Fisheries Science
Center, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, WA, USA
Killer whale (Orcinus orca) depredation (whales removing or damaging fish caught on fishing
gear) adversely impacts demersal longline fisheries for sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria), Pacific
halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) and Greenland turbot (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in the
Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands and Western Gulf of Alaska. We examined how depredation rates
varied in space and time, their effect on groundfish catch rates, and the socio-economic
implications of depredation avoidance. The percentage of commercial fishery sets affected by
killer whales was highest in Bering Sea fisheries for sablefish (Anoploploma fimbria; 21.4%),
Greenland turbot (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides; 9.9%), and Pacific halibut (Hippogolosus
stenolepis; 6.9%). Killer whale depredation was more common on the standardized longline
survey (9.2-34.6% sets impacted) than in the commercial sablefish fishery (1.0-21.4% sets
impacted) in all three management areas. Average catch reductions on depredated sets ranged
from 35-69% in the commercial fishery and from 51-73% in the survey. To compensate for
depredation, fishermen set additional gear to catch the same amount of fish, which increased fuel
costs by an additional 82% per depredated set (average $433 additional fuel per depredated set).
Reported avoidance measures resulted in an average additional cost of $494 per depredated
vessel-day for fuel and crew food. Opportunity costs of time lost by fishermen averaged $522 per
additional vessel-day on the grounds. This assessment of killer whale depredation costs is the
most extensive economic evaluation of this issue in Alaska and will help longline fishermen and
managers consider the costs and benefits of depredation avoidance and alternative policy
October 23, 15:05 (FIS-P-9534)
Spatial-temporal variation in feeding pattern and trophic position of Pacific salmon in the North
Pacific Ocean
Yuxue Qin and Masahide Kaeriyama
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. E-mail:
Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp, have flexible feeding habits. In general, sockeye, chum, and pink
salmon are zooplanktivores, and coho, chinook salmon and steelhead trout are piscivores. In this study,
we surveyed the feeding habits, and quantified the trophic position of Pacific salmon using carbon (δ13C)
and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope designations of trophic position in North Pacific Ocean ecosystems.
Chum and pink salmon showed feeding habits typical of zooplanktivores and they had the lowest trophic
position (3.5). Chinook salmon and steelhead trout feeding habits indicated that they were piscivores and
they had higher trophic positions (4.1 and 4.3, respectively). Sockeye and coho salmon feeding habits
demonstrated that they were opportunistic feeders depending on environmental conditions, and intra- and
inter-specific interactions. They had a middle trophic position (3.9). In conclusion, Pacific salmon have
both species-specific and plastic feeding patterns.
October 23, 15:45 (FIS-P-9481)
Comparison of anchovy biomass estimates measured by trawls, egg production methods
and hydro-acoustics in the Chesapeake Bay and the Korea Strait
Sukgeun Jung1 and Edward D. Houde2
College of Ocean Sciences, Jeju National University, R. Korea. E-mail:
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solomons, MD, USA
We compared estimates of anchovy biomass derived from trawl surveys, egg production method (EPM) and
acoustic surveys, conducted in two remote regions. Biomass density of bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilli was estimated
in Chesapeake Bay, USA, by trawls, EPM and acoustics from 1990 to 2000. Biomass density of Pacific anchovy
Engraulis japonicus was estimated in the Korea Strait using EPM, simulation-based daily cohort analysis and
acoustics from 1984 to 2006. Most of the existing estimates already had considered body-size-dependent gear
selectivity, highly-variable instantaneous natural mortality of anchovy eggs, and avoidance of trawl nets by adult
anchovy. Despite great variability in the ratio of trawl to acoustic biomass estimates (0.034-8.35), annually-averaged
biomass density of young-of-the-year individuals derived by the two methods were similar for bay anchovy in
Chesapeake Bay and Pacific anchovy in the Korea Strait (0.83 and 0.70 g m-3, respectively). Results suggested that,
despite substantial uncertainty, anchovy biomass estimates are generally compatible between EPM and acoustics.
However, reported estimates of biomass density derived from the two acoustic surveys in the Korea Strait differed
by a factor of 28, suggesting that further improvements in calibrations are required to reliably estimate anchovy
biomass. The comparisons suggested that all biomass estimates could be biased and will require comparison and
validation by other, independent sampling methods.
October 23, 16:05 (FIS-P-9508)
Interannual variations in abundance and distribution of Japanese jack mackerel Trachurus
japonicus larvae in the shelf-break region of the East China Sea during late winter and spring
Chiyuki Sassa1, Motomitsu Takahashi1, Yoshinobu Konishi1 and Youichi Tsukamoto2
Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, Nagasaki, Japan
Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, Sapporo Laboratory,
Sapporo, Japan
Abundance and distribution of Japanese jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus larvae <5 mm standard
length (SL) were examined in relation to hydrographic conditions in the shelf-break region of the East
China Sea (ECS) during later winter and spring for twelve years from 2001 to 2012. Larval abundances in
late winter were higher than those in spring. In late winter, ratios (expressed as %) of larval abundance in
the southern ECS south of 28°N to the whole study area were highest during the study period, with values
ranging from 80.0 to 95.8%. In spring, the ratios in the southern ECS were still high (34.3–88.8%),
although the values increased slightly in the northern and central ECS. There was no significant
interannual variation in the center of larval distribution, suggesting that the formation of spawning
grounds would be related to geography rather than hydrographic conditions. Habitat temperature of larvae
in the central and southern ECS was approximately 2–4°C higher than that in the northern ECS
throughout the study period, indicating that larval growth and survival processes are different between the
two areas. In the southern ECS, larval abundances fluctuated largely from year-to-year, and the mean
chlorophyll a concentrations there explained 56–60% of the interannual variations in larval abundance.
However, larval abundance did not correlate with an index of recruited juveniles (approximately 50–75
mm SL) in the ECS, suggesting that mortality during the larval (≥5 mm SL) and juvenile stages is
responsible for recruitment success or failure of T. japonicus.
October 23, 16:25 (FIS-P-9652)
Vertical distribution of common squid (Todarodes pacificus) paralarvae in the northern East China
Hwa Hyun Lee1, Suam Kim1 and Chul Park2
Pukyong National University, Busan, R Korea. E-mail:
Chungnam National University, Daejeon, R Korea
Common squid is one of the most important commercial species in Northwestern Pacific countries. The
East China Sea is a major spawning ground for several cephalopods, and an investigation of the vertical
distribution of common squid paralarvae in the northern East China Sea was carried out. During April
1999 and October 2000, squid larvae were collected using a 1m2 MOCNESS sampler, which divided the
water column by 20m interval from the surface to 120m or the bottom. More than 90% of common squid
larvae were found in the mixed layer of southeastern Jeju Island. The vertical distribution of paralarvae
was influenced by the depth of the thermocline. When the thermocline formed in shallow depths (e.g.,
October 2000), most paralarvae were located near the surface layer (0-60m). However, if there were no
thermoclines in the upper 120 m (e.g., April 1999), paralarvae were found to distribute in deeper areas
(20-80m). Larval size within the water column also was related to the presence/absence of the
thermocline. When the ocean was stratified in the surface layer, larval size below the thermocline was
statistically significantly larger than those in mixed layer: larval sizes progressively increased from
1.74mm in the surface to 3.43mm below the mixed layer. Larval sizes through the water column,
however, were not significantly different where there was no thermocline in the upper 120m. Mean sea
water temperatures, where the most paralarvae existed, were 15.4°C and 21.4°C in April 1999 and
October 2000, respectively.
October 23, 16:45 (FIS-P-9720)
Short term exposure of migratory coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch to increased CO2
concentrations impairs olfactory sensitivity to homing cues
Junho Eom1, Nolan Bett2, Wes Didier1, David Close1,3 and Sang-Seon Yun3
Department of Zoology, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Department of Forest Sciences, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Fisheries Centre, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
This study was conducted to examine the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on coho salmon’s
olfactory sensitivity to homing cues during migration. Migratory coho salmon were treated with ambient
(450ppm) and elevated CO2 (1500pm) tensions for two weeks. Two choice maze experiments were
performed to evaluate their preference for control water and 5% hatchery water containing homing cues.
Then the staying time and frequency to visit either side of the channel were measured. The control fish
group displayed preference to the homing cues (staying time: 683.50187.60 sec, frequency: 5.502.16)
over control water (staying time: 22.6716.81 sec, frequency: 0.830.54). However, the fish group treated
with 1500ppm CO2 tension did not display preference behavior to 5% hatchery water (staying time:
354.83192.88 sec, frequency: 2.171.33) compared to control water (staying time: 268.00190.98 sec,
frequency: 1.170.60). Results from this study indicate that short term exposure to elevated CO2
concentrations can impair migratory salmon’s olfactory sensitivity, with the potential to disrupt homing
migration. Further studies on physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying CO2 induced olfactory
impairment are underway.
October 23, 17:05 (FIS-P-9674)
A spatially explicit account of California fisheries as ecosystem services
John C. Field,1 Rebecca R. Miller,1 Jarrod Santora,2 Rosemary Kosaka1 and Cindy Thomson1
SWFSC, NOAA Fisheries Ecology Division, Santa Cruz, CA, USA. E-mail:
Center for Stock Assessment Research, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
We evaluated spatiotemporal patterns of fisheries catches, including both volume and ex-vessel value, for
a unique set of spatially referenced, long-term commercial catch data that were recently recovered for
nearly all California (United States) marine fisheries. This dataset includes landings estimates at a 10 by
10 minute spatial resolution from the early 1930s to 2010 and extends the entire length of coastal
California (up to approximately 180 kilometers from shore). We filtered the data to minimize implausible
catches (based primarily on bathymetric criteria) and mapped climatologies of volume and the value
(standardized to 2010 dollars) of catches by broad taxonomic categories (e.g., groundfish, coastal
pelagics, crustaceans, salmonids and highly migratory species). We quantified areas of high volume and
high value fisheries catches both historically and contemporarily, as well as sequential geographical
patterns of fisheries development. Our results indicate that the history of some fisheries (such as
groundfish) reflected a development pattern in which catches occurred in deeper habitat, at a greater
distance from ports, and in increasingly inclement weather conditions over time. However, this pattern
does not hold for other California fisheries, given the nature of the interactions between fishermen and
fisheries targets in this ecosystem over nearly a century. These results will contribute to future catch
reconstruction (species composition) efforts, as well as marine spatial planning, habitat impact
assessments, quantification of ecosystem services, and ultimately to ecosystem-based approaches to
management of marine fisheries and other resources.
October 23, 17:25 (FIS-P-9513)
Pollock fishery and stock assessment
Oleg Bulatov
Fishery Biology Department, Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography,
Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
Pollock is one of the most important commercial species of the world's fisheries. A large scale
pollock fishery has been carried out for over 40 years. The main fishing grounds are located
currently in the exclusive economic zones of Russia and the United States. In the Gulf of Alaska
maximum catch and biomass was observed in the early 1980s reaching 307 thousand tons and
more than 3 million tons, respectively. In the eastern Bering Sea maximum yield at the beginning
of the 1970s during the unregulated fishery was 1875 thousand tons, with a fish biomass of about
7 million tons. Maximum biomass was observed in the mid-1980s and 1990s, 12 and 13 million
tons respectively. In the Navarin area maximum catches at the beginning and end of the 1980s
were 852 and 854 thousand tons, respectively. Off the coast of western Kamchatka historical
maximum catches in the mid-1970s and mid-1990s were 1,285 thousand tons and 1,250
thousand tons, respectively. In the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk the only significant catch
of pollock occurred in 1990, 946 thousand tons. The most significant variability in pollock catch
was observed in the Sea of Japan, where the maximum recorded in the early 1980s was 2057
thousand tons, which seems now implausible. Thus, the history of Alaska pollock fishery
indicates a high variability in yield in different fishing grounds.
Pelagic ecosystem monitoring in British Columbia, Canada
Jennifer L. Boldt1, Stéphane Gauthier2, Henrik Kreiberg1, Doug Bertram2, Jaclyn Cleary1, George Cronkite1, Linnea
Flostrand1, Jackie Detering1, Vanessa Hodes1, John Holmes1, Moira Galbraith2, Kyle Garver1, Chris Grandin1, John
Holmes1, Stewart Johnson1, Jackie King1, Sean MacConnachie1, Bruce McCarter1, Chrys Neville1, Linda Nichol1,
Ian Perry1, Dennis Rutherford1, Nathan Taylor1, Mary Thiess1, Matt Thompson1, Marc Trudel1 and Greg Workman1
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, BC, Canada
The need to provide science advice to marine management clients across a broad range of
species under changing environmental conditions is an emerging priority for Fisheries and
Oceans Canada (DFO) as it is for many agencies worldwide. Scientific support is therefore
needed for understanding pelagic ecosystem dynamics, including species relative abundance and
distribution, predator-prey dynamics, and factors affecting pelagic ecosystems, in order to
achieve integrated management goals. Efficiently addressing this need, while minimizing costs,
requires the use of existing information and surveys. Recognizing the importance of a broader
science perspective, a Pelagic Integrated Ecosystem Science (PIES) team was formed to explore
the future of integrating and collaborating on pelagic fish sampling plans and science questions
in British Columbia (BC). The PIES team is an informal “coalition of the willing” and a
diversely skilled group of people from a variety of ecosystem monitoring programs, sections and
divisions within DFO. This group was formed from the “bottom-up” and is intended to provide
a way for Science staff, with common research interests in pelagic species and ecosystems, to
achieve more together than may be possible individually. The PIES team mission is to
implement collaborative monitoring and integrated research plans on pelagic ecosystems in BC
that contribute to the understanding and inform fisheries management of factors that affect
pelagic ecosystem components. As a first step towards achieving this mission, the PIES team
discussed desired outcomes of pelagic ecosystem monitoring programs, identified needs to
accomplish those outcomes, and concluded that there is value in continued and improved
collaboration across programs implemented through incremental changes over an extended time