Zagrebačka škola ekonomije i managementa Syllabus: Game Theory SYLLABUS Game Theory (ECTS 8) LECTURERS Lecturers TBA Contact E-mail: TBA COURSE DESCRIPTION This course surveys the main ideas and techniques of game theoretic analysis related to strategic behavior among parties having opposed, mixed or similar interests. Students will learn how to recognize and model strategic situations, to predict when and how their actions will influence the decisions of others and to exploit strategic situations for their own benefit. The course will focus mainly on non-cooperative game theory and its applications. The major topics covered are decision theory, strategic form games, extensive form games, Bayesian games, mechanism design, infinite horizon games and repeated games. HOURS Theoretical classes, lectures Seminars and problems solving exercises Total 30 hours (15 weeks * 2 hours) 30 hours (15 weeks * 2 hours) 60 hours PREREQUISITES Students are expected to be familiar with 1st year micro I and micro II. GRADING Your grade will be determined based an exam composed of two parts each worth 30 points, regular exercises divided into two sections each worth 15 points and an essay worth 10 points One should expect the following percentage performance/grade schedule: 1 Zagrebačka škola ekonomije i managementa Syllabus: Game Theory 90-100% = excellent (5), 80-89% = very good (4), 70-79% = good (3), 55-69% = pass (2). PRELIMINARY COURSE OUTLINE 1) Introduction to game theory, game theory and theory of perfect competition, rational behavior, bounded behavior 2) Strategic games, Nash equilibrium, Bayesian games 3) Combined, correlated and evolutionary equilibrium, Nash equilibrium with combined strategies 4) Rationalities and iterative rejection of dominant actions 5) Knowledge and equilibrium 6) Perfect information games, subgame perfect equilibrium 7) Negotiation games 8) Sequential games, infinite games, finite games, Nash Folk theorem 9) Punishment, punishment of the punisher, rewarding the winner 10) Structure of subgame perfect equilibrium with discounting condition 11) Implementation theory, implementation od dominant strategies, Nash implementation 12) Extensive games with imperfect information, equivalence principle 13) Sequential equilibrium, strategies and beliefs 14) Games with observed actions, perfect Bayesian equilibrium 15) Trembling hand perfect equilibrium READING LIST A. Mass-Colell, M. D. Whinston, i J. R. Green (1995), Microeconomic Theory, Oxford University Press Fudenberg, D. i Tirole, J. (1995), Game Theory, MIT Press Gibbons, R. (1992), Game theory for Applied Economists Osborne, M. J. I Rubinstein, A. (1994), A Course in Game Theory, MIT Press 2