XXX C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e Application for Promotion Academic Year 2005 - 2006 xxxxxxxx Associate Director of Career Services A. PERFORMANCE OF DUTIES OUTLINED IN JOB DESCRIPTION 1. In general, how have I demonstrated growth and competence in the performance of the specific duties outlined in my job description? In the past three years, I have demonstrated consistent growth and competence in several areas. The environment in which I work fosters autonomy and self-discipline and offers enormous opportunity for constant learning and professional development. In this environment, I have particularly cultivated my organizational and project management skills, as proven through the successful coordination of Career Services sponsored job fairs, activities and events designed to connect employers with prospective employees (and vice versa), as well as through the effective maintenance of the College’s on-line job listing and referral services. In addition, I have fine-tuned my interpersonal communication and leadership skills by 1) successfully interacting with and counseling students, alumni and community members, 2) designing/conducting job search skills training seminars in both workshop and academic settings, and 3) establishing productive and collaborative relationships with faculty and staff. Moreover, by exercising proper judgment and decision-making during significant times it has further illustrated my ability to perform my job responsibilities at the highest levels of commitment, comfort, and competency. 2. The following is a list of accomplishments, special projects and/or unusual work undertaken in my primary area of responsibility: Develop and cultivate successful and on-going business relationships with employers. Plan and coordinate annual recruiting events (A.2.a) such as the Parttime Job Fair, Community Service Fair and Summer Job Fair. Compile and create a Directory of Participating Employers for each job fair, to be distributed to students and community members throughout the year (A.2.b). Design and distribute Career Services “Events & Resources” booklet (A.2.c) for job seekers, and “Faculty Handbook” (A.2.d) for Faculty and Staff, each intended to inform their respective target audiences of the scheduled events, resources and services offered through our office. Create and distribute annual Employer Newsletter (A.2.e.), highlighting upcoming events and resources. Work closely with XXX Facilities Scheduler to coordinate On-Campus Recruiting tables for employers, helping them to publicize current positions openings. Conduct Job Search Skills related workshops (A.2.f.) on a weekly basis and in classrooms as requested by XXX Faculty and xxxxxxx. 1 Created and compiled information packets on Overall Job Search Strategies (A.2.g.), Best Interviewing Practices (A.2.h.), and Effective Resume Writing (A.2.i.) using resources from career and job search related websites and reference books in the Career Services library. These packets are used as supplemental material during the Job Search Skills workshop series and throughout the year. Inform employers/recruiters about and encourage use of the XXX On-line Job Listing Service (A.2.j.), which replaced existing voice-mail operated Job Line. (Maintained Job-Line until it was phased out in 2002.) Collaborate with XXX Faculty and Program Coordinators to organize/run Alumni Career Panels (A.2.k.), informative events that relate to specific academic majors. Work closely with the designated Student Affairs Webpage Administrator to update the Career Services webpage and regularly provide revised and formatted material. Worked with Web Master to design format & layout of and successfully implement the first ever on-line registration form for XXX annual Job Fair held in March 2003. Serve as Voluntary Action Office Coordinator, developing productive relationships with local Community-based organizations to assist them in recruiting volunteers. Maintain designated Career Services and Voluntary Action bulletin boards, announcing current positions openings and upcoming recruitment events. Hire, train, supervise and evaluate work-study, discretionary and GPA interns. 3. What activities have I undertaken to maintain contact with my field or otherwise develop professionally? PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS AND STATEWIDE COMMITTEES Serve as member of CT Career Services Council. Attend monthly meetings at various CT Community Colleges to discuss current issues and concerns in Career Services. Assist with development of Corporate Sponsorship Policy Proposal concerning CCN and statewide Job Board. Serve as member of a statewide planning committee coordinated by the CT Department of Labor, and assist with the annual CT Learns & Works Conference designed for counselors, educators, job developers, business persons, and employment and training professionals. (A.3.a.) Serve as a member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers, Inc. (NACE), and occasionally participate in the Professional Exchange Program of the Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers, Inc. (EACE), in order to visit local and regional employers and learn about recruitment practices, employment opportunities, and career paths of their employees. Serve as a member or the New England Association for Cooperative Education and Field Experience (NEACEFE), attending occasional meetings to keep up to date on co-op and internship opportunities. Served as member of CT Distance Learning Consortium Committee to help promote Career Planning component of FIPSE funded “E-Portfolio” initiative (2003 2004). Attended scheduled meetings representing XXX. Formed objectives with XXX sub-group to work on 3-year pilot plan. Evaluated pilot program and provided suggestions that were used at June 2004 Distance Learning Conference. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Served as Chair (2005) and Co-Chair (2003-2004) of the annual Student Affairs Division Retreat. Developed themes, planned activities, secured guest speakers, and coordinated logistics for this annual Professional Development Day. (A.3.b.) 2 Attend annual CT Learns & Works Conference designed for counselors, educators, job developers, business persons, and employment and training professionals. Attended 2 half-day Instructional Technology seminars in January 2003. (One on PowerPoint and Graphics, and one on Importing Graphs from Excel to PowerPoint). Received additional training to enhance career counseling ability by completing a day-long training seminar on how to more effectively utilize the features of career counseling software package, E-Choices. (September 2005) B. OTHER ASSIGNMENTS 1. College committees on which I have served and a brief description of the work involved. Served on College Governance Committees: College Senate (2002-2004), Media Services (2002-2004), Cultural Programs (2003) Participation in these involved attending regularly scheduled meetings in order to expand my knowledge base and further understand and appreciate their role in the mission of the college. Members typically contribute by analyzing and evaluating information, and often vote on campus wide issues and concerns as well as for proposed activities and/or resources. Elected to serve on the Tenure CCP Contract Committee (2005-2006). Duties include reviewing Tenure Applications and working as a group to decide whether or not to recommend applicants for Tenure. Participate as member of the XXX New Student Orientation Planning Committee. Meet throughout year to discuss fall and spring schedule of events, proposals of new ideas for activities and format of program. Implemented and coordinated new Welcome Table concept. Served on Legislative Liaison Committee during state budget crisis (2002). Wrote letter to State Legislators requesting support of the CT Community Colleges. (B.1.a.) Served as assistant to Graduation Ceremonies Committee Coordinator (XXXXXX/XXXXX, Assistants to the Dean of Student Affairs) during Graduation (2002 2003). Oversaw set-up, supervised assignment detail of student workers and handled logistics at band shell location. Served on search advisory committees for Director of Child Development Center in 2003. Reviewed over 75 resumes and collaborated with search committee members to narrow down list of applicants to ten, based on their qualifications. Made final recommendations to President XXXXX. 2. Indicate any other college service, not covered above, which I believe should be considered by those reviewing this application Serve as primary Administrator for the CT Community College Consortium Job Board (statewide version of the On-line Job Listing Service.) Approve employers and provide password and instructions on how to post position openings. Wrote and received approval for two Perkins Grant requests; one in 2004 for “Instructional Supplies” (purchase of texts, videos and related materials for career library), and one in 2005 for “Career Resources Promotion and Marketing Enhancement” (purchase of Adobe Creative Suite and to cover cost of training). (B.2.a) 3 Hold a part-time faculty position with the College. To date, I have taught 24 credit hours of Communications 213: Effective Speaking and 9 credits of Cooperative Education: Work Experience (B.2.b.). Volunteer during academic advising weeks to assist the Counseling Center with advising of new and returning students. Completed required training in fall 2004. Presented at College Work-Study Training Sessions, coordinated by XXX Financial Aid, informing work-study students of the services provided by XXX Career Services and of the resources available to each of them as they approach graduation. Represent XXX at College Fairs. Speak with prospective students about college offered programs, application and registration procedures. SUMMARY As Associate Director of Career Services at XXX Community College, I have challenged myself each day to improve the quality of services I am capable of providing. Throughout every semester, I have demonstrated enthusiasm, dedication and perseverance, while consistently assessing and reevaluating my professional progress and development. My solid educational background, including a Master’s degree in Counseling with a concentration in Student Personnel Administration in Higher Education, and the supportive network of Student Affairs professionals I am surrounded with, have served as a strengthening force to my skill set. In addition, the many counseling theories and techniques I have been able to apply to every day situations have only reaffirmed my commitment to the Career Services profession. Moreover, the opportunities that I have had to speak to both small and large groups on job search related topics and public speaking techniques has made an enormous impact on my confidence level, and ease in conveying and articulating ideas. These strengths are clearly evident in individual counseling sessions with job seekers and students, and have generated an even stronger sense of both personal and professional competence. I have further demonstrated my willingness to accept new and challenging responsibilities by developing new and innovative marketing strategies to promote XXX Career Services and our activities and resources. I have consistently worked closely with XXX Faculty and Professional Staff, as well as with local businesses, establishing successful collaborations that have contributed positively to the mission of XXX Community College. I look forward to many more educational and rewarding experiences serving our everchanging student population and plan to approach each new situation with the same level of commitment and energy I have shown to date. Thank you for your consideration. 4