Books available to review from the US Book


Books Available for review from the US Book review editor

Agressti A (2007) An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis. Second Edition, Wiley {#222}

Akay M (2007) Genomics and Proteomics Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Wiley {#212}

Albert J (2007) Bayesian Computation with R, Springer {#223}

Ambrosius W T (2007) Topics in Biostatistics, Humana Press {#219}

Bacchieri A and Della Cioppa G (2007) Fundamentals of Clinical Research: Bridging Medicine,

Statistics and Operations, Springer {#224}

Biswas A, Datta S, Fine J P and Segal M R (2008) Statistical Advances in the Biomedical Sciences:

Clinical Trials, Epidemiology, Survival Analysis, and Bioinformatics, Wiley {#225}

Box G E P and Draper N R (2007) Response Surfaces, Mixtures, and Ridge Analyses, Second Edition,

Wiley {#226}

Chang M (2008) Adaptive Design Theory and Implementation Using SAS and R: Chapman &

Hall/CRC {#227}

Chow S C (2007) Statistical Design and Analysis of Stability Studies, Chapman & Hall/CRC {#229}

Chow S C and Chang M (2007) Adaptive Design Methods in Clinical Trials, Chapman &

Hall/CRC {#209}

Chow S C and Shao J (2008) Sample Size Calculations in Clinical Research, Second Edition,

Chapman & Hall/CRC {#228}

Cook D and Swayne D F (2007) Interactive and Dynamic Graphics for Data Analysis: With R and

GGobi, Chapman & Hall/CRC {#230}

Cook R J and Lawless J F (2007) The Statistical Analysis of Recurrent Events, Springer {#216}

Cook T D and DeMets D L. (2008) Introduction to Statistical Methods for Clinical Trials, Springer


Ette E I and Williams P J (2007) Pharmacometrics: The Science of Quantitative Pharmacology, Wiley


Furberg B D and Furberg C D (2007) Evaluating Clinical Research: all that Glitters is not Gold, 2nd

Edition, Springer {#221}

Greenacre M (2007) Correspondence Analysis in Practice Second Edition, Chapman & Hall/CRC


Jiang J (2007) Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models and Their Applications, Springer {#233}

Källén A (2008) Computational Pharmacokinetics, Chapman & Hall/CRC {#234}

Kowalski J and Tu X M (2008) Modern Applied U-Statistics, Wiley {#235}

Kroonenberg P M (2008) Applied Multiway Data Analysis, Wiley {#236}

Lombardo J S (2007) Disease Surveillance: A Public Health Informatics Approach, Wiley {#237}

Manly B F J (2007) Randomization, Bootstrap and Monte Carlo Methods in Biology, Third Edition,

Chapman & Hall/CRC {#195}

McFadden E (2007) Management of Data in Clinical Trials, Second Edition, Wiley {#238}

Moyé L A (2008) Elementary Bayesian Biostatistics, Chapman & Hall/CRC {#239}

Paulson D S (2007) Handbook of Regression and Modeling: Applications for the Clinical and

Pharmaceutical Industries, Chapman & Hall/CRC {#240}

Peacock J and Kerry S (2007) Presenting Medical Statistics from Proposal to Publication: A Step-by-

Step Guide, Oxford University Press {#214}

Rabe-Hesketh S and Everitt B S (2007) A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using Stata, Fourth

Edition (Updated for Version 9) Chapman & Hall/CRC {#210}

Siegund D and Yakir B (2007) The Statistics of Gene Mapping, Springer {#242}

Sprent P and Smeeton N C (2007) Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods.Fourth Edition,

Chapman & Hall/CRC {#243}

Street D J and Burgess L (2007) The Construction of Optimal Stated Choice Experiments: Theory and

Methods, Wiley {#215}

Tramontano A (2007) Introduction to Bioinformatics, Chapman & Hall/CRC {#241}

Turner R J (2007) New Drug Development: Design, Methodology, and Analysis, Wiley {#218}

West B T and Welch K B (2007) Linear Mixed Models: A Practical Guide Using Statistical Software,

Chapman & Hall/CRC {#218}

Wu R, Ma C X and Casella G ( 2007) Statistical Genetics of Quantitative Traits: Linkage, Maps, and

QTL, Springer {#220}
