CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT MH 533 Revised 8/03 Page 1of Identifying Information Admission Date: DOB: Client Name: Last First Age: MI Primary Language: School: Referred By: Secondary Language: Grade: Ethnicity: Person or Agency Name, Phone # Parents Name Parents Name Parents’ Primary Language: Address Phone # Address Phone # Legal Guardian/Foster Parent’s Name Guardian/Foster Parent’s primary Language Ward or Dependent of Court: Informant: Address Phone # Relationship Language: Relationship: Reason for Referral/Chief Complaint Why Referred Current Primary Symptoms/Behavior Describe Onset & Duration This Confidential Information is provided to you in accord with State and Federal Laws and regulations including but not limited to applicable Welfare and Institutions Code, Civil Code and HIPAA Privacy Standards. Duplication of this information for further disclosure is prohibited without the prior written consent of the client/authorized representative to who it pertains unless otherwise permitted by law. Name: MIS#: Agency: Prov#: Los Angeles County - Department of Mental Health CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT 8 CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT MH 533 Revised 8/03 Page 2of History I. History of Presenting Problem Symptoms/Behaviors How a problem Parents perception of cause Attempted solutions Relevant Factors Environment (School/Home) Relationships (Loss/Separations) Traumatic Events Sexual/Physical Abuse Sleep Patterns Eating Patterns Hygiene Changes Problem Suggestive of: MR LD PDD ADD & Disruptive Behavior Feeding & Eating Tic Communication Elimination Other Schiz/Psychotic Mood Anxiety Neurological II. Additional Problem Areas/Associated Behaviors Peer Problems Other This Confidential Information is provided to you in accord with State and Federal Laws and regulations including but not limited to applicable Welfare and Institutions Code, Civil Code and HIPAA Privacy Standards. Duplication of this information for further disclosure is prohibited without the prior written consent of the client/authorized representative to who it pertains unless otherwise permitted by law. Name: MIS#: Agency: Prov#: Los Angeles County - Department of Mental Health CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT 8 CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT MH 533 Revised 8/03 Page 3of 8 History (continued) III. Prior Mental Health History Suicidality/Homicidality Interventions When Where Type Duration Medication: dosage, response, adverse reactions Recommendations Response to Treatment Parent and Child Satisfaction IV. Illness (Acute/Chronic) Medications Allergies Accidents Head Injuries Seizure Pregnancy Sexually Transmitted diseases HIV Vaccinations Hospitalizations/Surgeries Vision/Hearing Dental Health V. Substance Use Overview & Attitudes/Exposure (family & peers experience) MH554 Substance Use Self-Evaluation Completed: Yes No, Explain: MH552 Parent/Caregiver Questionnaire Completed: Yes No, Explain: Medical History Pediatrician name Phone Last Exam: This Confidential Information is provided to you in accord with State and Federal Laws and regulations including but not limited to applicable Welfare and Institutions Code, Civil Code and HIPAA Privacy Standards. Duplication of this information for further disclosure is prohibited without the prior written consent of the client/authorized representative to who it pertains unless otherwise permitted by law. Glasses: Yes No Name: MIS#: Agency: Prov#: Braces: Yes Los Angeles County - Department of Mental Health CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT No CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT MH 533 Revised 8/03 Page 4of 8 History (continued) VI. Developmental History Neonatal: Prenatal Care? Place of delivery Term: Mos. Age of Mother Birth Wt. Age of Father Marital Status Did mother use alcohol, cigarettes, drugs? Specify: Illness, accidents, stresses during pregnancy or at the time of delivery Type of Delivery Duration of Labor Post partum complications Comments (Include family and environmental stressors during pregnancy and birth): Developmental Milestones (Describe if not within normal limits) Infancy (0-3) Motor – sit, crawl, walk Speech; Eat; Sleep Toilet training Coordination Temperament Separation Environmental Stressors moves; schools; separation; losses of fam/ friends, changes in fam composition, SES, lifestyle; exposure to fam conflict/violence; major illnesses; abuse; placements, etc. Infancy (0-3): Early Years (4-6): Early Years (4-6) Social Adjustments Separation Sexual Behaviors Latency (6-11) School adjustment Peer & adult relations/friends Interest/Hobbies Impulse control Latency (6-11): Adolescence (12-on) Separation/Individ. Sexual Ident./beh. Relationships Independent func. Moral develop. Adolescence (12-on) This Confidential Information is provided to you in accord with State and Federal Laws and regulations including but not limited to applicable Welfare and Institutions Code, Civil Code and HIPAA Privacy Standards. Duplication of this information for further disclosure is prohibited without the prior written consent of the client/authorized representative to who it pertains unless otherwise permitted by law. Name: MIS#: Agency: Prov#: Los Angeles County - Department of Mental Health CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT MH 533 Revised 8/03 Page 5of History (continued) VII. Type of School Academic Performance Grade Retention School Changes Age & Grade Attitude/Behavior Attendance/Truancy Suspension School History Special Education Current/Past IEP and Date AB 3632: Yes No Services: Arrests Offenses Probation Current/Prior Incarceration Placement VIII. Juvenile Court History Nature of Abuse Age of occurrence Offender CPS or Police Intervention Dependency Court or Criminal Court Action Child Response Parents response to disclosure Placements and type IX. Child Abuse & Protective Services History This Confidential Information is provided to you in accord with State and Federal Laws and regulations including but not limited to applicable Welfare and Institutions Code, Civil Code and HIPAA Privacy Standards. Duplication of this information for further disclosure is prohibited without the prior written consent of the client/authorized representative to who it pertains unless otherwise permitted by law. Special Classes Name: MIS#: Agency: Prov#: Los Angeles County - Department of Mental Health CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT 8 CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT MH 533 Revised 8/03 Page 6of History (continued) X. Relevant Family History & Current Living Situation Indicate nature of family group being described: Biological, Adoptive Guardian, Foster, Group Family Composition Marital Status Siblings/Grandparents Ethnicity/Culture Education Occupation Socio-Economic Family History Medical Psychiatric Drug/Alcohol Legal/Criminal Family Relationships (Current and Intergenerational) Disciplinary Style Conflict/Violence Family Strengths Child & Family/Significant Other Reflections Family/Child’s perceived needs and expectations within the context of their culture What are family members/child: Expecting of MH Expecting from Interagency system Willing to contribute This Confidential Information is provided to you in accord with State and Federal Laws and regulations including but not limited to applicable Welfare and Institutions Code, Civil Code and HIPAA Privacy Standards. Duplication of this information for further disclosure is prohibited without the prior written consent of the client/authorized representative to who it pertains unless otherwise permitted by law. Name: MIS#: Agency: Prov#: Los Angeles County - Department of Mental Health CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT 8 CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT MH 533 Revised 8/03 Page 7of Mental Status Provide a word picture of this child based on your observations. Include relevant features from column on left. Appearance Dress, grooming, unusual physical characteristics Behavior Activity level, mannerisms, eye contact, manner of relating to parent/therapist, motor behavior, aggression, impulsivity Expressive Speech Fluency, pressure, impediment, volume Thought Content Fears, worries, preoccupations, obsessions, delusions, hallucinations Thought Process Attention, concentration, distractibility, magical thinking, coherency of associations, flight of ideas, rumination, defenses (e.g. planning) Cognition Orientation, vocabulary, abstraction, intelligence Mood/Affect Depression, agitation, anxiety, hostility absent or unvarying; irritability Suicidality/Homicidality Thoughts, behaviors, stated intent, risks to self or others Attitude/Insight/Strengths Adaptive capacity, strengths & assets, cooperation, insight, judgment, motivation for treatment. This Confidential Information is provided to you in accord with State and Federal Laws and regulations including but not limited to applicable Welfare and Institutions Code, Civil Code and HIPAA Privacy Standards. Duplication of this information for further disclosure is prohibited without the prior written consent of the client/authorized representative to who it pertains unless otherwise permitted by law. Name: MIS#: Agency: Prov#: Los Angeles County - Department of Mental Health CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT 8 CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT MH 533 Revised 8/03 Page 8of IX. Summary and Diagnosis A. Diagnostic Summary: (Significant: strengths/weaknesses, observations/descriptions, or list of symptoms.) B. Admission Diagnosis: (check on Prin and one Sec) Axis I Prin Sec Code Nomenclature (Medications cannot be prescribed with a deferred diagnosis) Sec Axis II Prin Code Nomenclature Code Nomenclature Code Nomenclature Code Nomenclature Sec Code Nomenclature Sec Code Nomenclature Code Nomenclature Axis III Code Code Code Axis IV Psychosocial and Environmental Problems which may affect diagnosis, treatment, or prognosis Primary Problem Circle as many as apply: 1. primary support group 2. social environment 3. educational 4. occupational 5. Housing 6. Economic 7. access to health care 8. interaction with legal system 9. Other psychologcal/environmental 10. inadequate information Axis V Current GAF X Above Diagnosis from DMH Dual Diagnosis Code Child and Adolescent Initial Assessment dated C. Disposition/Recommendations/Plan: X. Signatures Assessor’s Signature Discipline* *LPHA or PHA student with LPHA co-signature This Confidential Information is provided to you in accord with State and Federal Laws and regulations including but not limited to applicable Welfare and Institutions Code, Civil Code and HIPAA Privacy Standards. Duplication of this information for further disclosure is prohibited without the prior written consent of the client/authorized representative to who it pertains unless otherwise permitted by law. Date Co-Signature &Discipline** **Medicare requires signature of M.D. or licensed Ph.D. Name: MIS#: Agency: Prov#: Date Los Angeles County - Department of Mental Health CHILD / ADOLESCENT INITIAL ASSESSMENT 8 CHILD / ADOLESCENT SUBSTANCE USE ASSESSMENT MH 533 Revised 8/03 Clinician to verbally administer to child when drug use is reported by child. SUBSTANCE AGE AT FIRST USE PAST USE # OF # OF TIMES NEVER 1 YR AGO TIMES IN IN PAST DAILY OR MORE PAST YR. WK. AMOUNT USED PER OCCASION Caffeine, coffee Nicotine, cigarettes, chewing toacco Alcohol, beer, wine Marijuana Cocaine or crack Inhalants (glue, paint, etc.) Amphetamines (crack, crystal, meth, ice, etc) Ecstasy, MDMA, GHB, others Hallucinogens (LSD, mushrooms, peyote, etc) PCP Opiates (i.e., heroin/pain meds) Over the counter medications Prescription Other Context of Use When With whom How obtained Perceived Benefits of Use Negative Consequences of Use School / work Legal Family / peer relationships Attempts to Control Use Personal Limits Treatment (specify) Response to Treatment Describe interaction of substance use with mental health with DSM diagnostic condition. Was mental health DMS condition present prior to regular drug/alcohol use? This Confidential Information is provided to you in accord with applicable Welfare and Institutions Code Section. Duplication of this information for further disclosure is prohibited without the prior written consent of the patient/authorized representative to who it pertains unless otherwise permitted by law. Destruction of this information is required after the stated purpose of the original request is fulfilled. Yes No Name: MIS#: Agency: Prov#: Unknown Los Angeles County - Department of Mental Health CHILD / ADOLESCENT SUBSTANCE USE ASSESSMENT