Nursing Fundamentals Quiz #1 Study Guide

Nursing Fundamentals Quiz #1 Study Guide
Units 1 & 2
1. Explain the difference between the nurse practice act and scope of
practice. Why is each important? What is their purpose?
2. Where are some settings where a nurse can work? How might
requirements differ for each setting?
3. Who are members of the health care team and what is their role?
4. Compare and contrast the different nursing education programs.
What are the roles and responsibilities of each degree? What is an
advanced practice nurse?
5. Explain the functions of nursing organizations (ANA, NLN, etc.). who
is eligible for membership?
6. Compare and contrast different health care reimbursement systems
(e.g., HMO, DRG, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.).
7. What is JCAHO and what does it do?
8. What are the roles of a nurse and what is an example of how the
nurse might fulfill each role in practice?
9. Describe the criteria for a profession as it relates to nursing. What
is autonomy?
10. What are internal and external factors which impact contemporary
11. What are nursing responsibilities with informed consent?
12. What are the different types of consent?
13. Who can legally give consent?
14. What are the elements of informed consent?
15. Define ethics and give an example of an ethical situation where
nursing might be involved.
16. What is ethical decision-making and when should it be used? Explain
some situations which might be an ethical dilemmas and why? How
should nurses make ethical decisions?
17. What legal protections do nurses have?
18. What are the legal standards to which student nurses are held?
19. Define and describe examples of intentional and unintentional torts
(e.g, assault, battery, etc.)
20. Define the elements of malpractice?
21. Describe important items the nurse should consider when completing
an incident report. Who is responsible for completing the incident
22. What is included in an incident report? Why are incident reports
23. What is the nurse’s role in regard to abuse and neglect?
24. Describe what the nurse needs to consider when delegating to
assistive personnel. How does delegation relate to the Nurse Practice
Act? What are nursing responsibilities as it relates to delegation?
25. What is an impaired nurse? What is your responsibility if you suspect
another nurse of being impaired?
26. What are factors that place a client at increased risk for infection?
27. What activities decrease the likelihood of infection and how can the
nurse play a role?
28. Describe the types of isolation precautions (e.g., standard, airborne,
etc.). What are the indications for their use? What types of PPE and
protocols are used with each? For which conditions/diagnoses would
they be used?
29. Explain the difference between medical and surgical asepsis. What
determines when a nurse uses medical or surgical asepsis? What are
some examples?
30. Your client has the following infections. What would you include in
your nursing assessment?
a. Pneumonia
b. Incisional infection
c. Urinary tract infection
d. Systemic
31. Explain and provide examples of specific and non-specific body
defenses. Explain the types of immunity?
32. Explain the chain of infection and nursing interventions which can
break the chain of transmission at the various points.
33. Your client has the following diagnosis. How is the disease
transmitted? What precautions would you take to reduce the risk of
transmission? Why?
b. Influenza
c. TB
d. Chickenpox
e. Salmonella
f. VRE
34. What are the principles the nurse considers to maintain a sterile
field. What is the nurse’s role if sterility is breached?
35. Define and give an example of the types of nosocomial infections.
36. What lab data would the nurse consider when caring for a client with
an infection?
37. What is included in the nursing assessment for the client with an
infection? Explain the various types of exudates.
38. What are some nursing interventions for the client in isolation?
Consider psychosocial and physiological needs.
39. Explain the inflammatory response. What are the cardinal signs of
In addition to the questions listed, you might want to review the study
guides on my web page for more ideas.