Pedagogical Beliefs and Practices at Republic Polytechnic* W. A. M. Alwis Office of Academic Affairs, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore Introduction Polytechnics in Singapore are state funded institutions of higher education, established as Statutory Boards. They have a short history of five decades and were originally intended to train ‘technician’ or ‘paraprofessional’ manpower for the emerging industrial economy of Singapore by means of 3-year diploma programmes. As the economy grew and transformed over the years, along with changing aspirations of the citizens, the polytechnics evolved as viable pathways of academic advancement, while still serving the original purpose of preparing GCE O-Level certificate holders for gainful employment. Republic Polytechnic (RP), the fifth polytechnic in Singapore, was established in 2002. The academic leadership of the polytechnic took up implementing a system of education that would potentially yield better outcomes than the traditional lecture-tutorial-exam based system as a key priority. The result is a unique pedagogical scheme, implemented institutionwide across all diploma programmes. This system has several strategic facets, among which the ones for promoting learning, curriculum design, and student assessment are addressed in this paper. Education Systems and Theories Educators have been expressing their reservations about conventional systems/methods of education for a long period. “The Saber-Tooth Curriculum,”1 a witty work first published in 1939, is an impressive early example of an educator’s insight into problems in institutional pedagogical practices. “Don’t let schooling interfere with your education,” a quote attributed to Mark Twain, reflects an even earlier assessment. Calls for reform in education have grown louder over the years. That education is in crisis is heard in industry circles as well as on political platforms. Although many agree on the common position that there is a need for reform in education, the diagnoses and proposed remedies vary widely. Some see faults in teaching methods or in memory testing at examinations. Insufficient state funding is another commonly cited cause. There are those who believe that inaccessibility of information is the real reason. There have been suggestions that a good dose of information technology will cure the ailments of education. Had been proposed also is exorcising of various models of thought2 that haunt schools, originating from the likes of the monastery, the military, the production factory and “the scientific method”. The needs of a knowledge economy and modes of potentially workable reforms in educational practices have been widely discussed in recent years3. Despite numerous changes that have been attempted, hardly anything seems to have changed in the broader spectrum. The basic scheme of lectures, tutorials and semester-end examinations still dominate the pedagogical landscape at most institutions of higher learning. Building a solid case for or against any practice of education has never been easy. In established sciences, any enduring proposition or narrative, which would usually be referred to as a theory, can be taken as established knowledge, because of the continual and stringent evaluations that take place. Testing of pedagogical beliefs is usually less direct, and based on * Keynote Paper, International Symposium on PBL: Reinventing PBL, Singapore, 07-08 March 2007. perspectives given by individuals in response to surveys or equivalents, and performance at examinations. Hypothesis and model testing is difficult when it is about education, due to diverse issues associated with gathering reliable unbiased meaningful data in sufficiently large amounts under controlled conditions. The dependability of pedagogical theories is therefore nowhere near that of theories in established sciences. Given this background, the academic leadership at RP decided to take a pragmatic approach and proceed with a reasoned belief system built upon experiences on what had seemed to work better and what not so well. Institutional Approach The broad objectives of education at RP are quite similar to those of most education institutions in the world. Education is to prepare students for a future wherein they can play a more effective and contributory role in the community. Making students knowledgeable in general as well as in their chosen disciplines is a primary expectation. This has to be necessarily accompanied with getting students to become better inquirers and thinkers. In view of the basic needs for success in life in a modern economy, one needs to add openmindedness, risk-taking instinct and communication skills as valuable assets. Turning out caring and tolerant individuals who are team players with a balanced outlook and good values is a social responsibility of any education institution. The pedagogical uniqueness of RP comes from the comprehensive holistic way in which the aforementioned objectives are addressed at RP. The belief system that drives the scheme of pedagogical practices at RP is centrally held at the institutional level. An expectation is that a comprehensive set of practices based on a centrally held belief system would enable the staff to have their academic lives organised around that belief system, thereby enabling the institution to realise its vision amidst inevitable personal differences and other barriers. Needless to say that such a belief system has to be compatible with the institutional vision and also fundamentally credible. Moreover, the belief system has to be sufficiently complex to allow room for diverse individuals as well as creative developments. When a central driving force of a strong belief system is absent at an institution, the efforts of any groups of well-meaning individuals to improve education are likely to yield only patchy outcomes. All learning engagements of regular modules at RP are initiated by a statement demanding a response from the students. Collaborative self-directed learning during each engagement culminating with a presentation, defence and reflection is expected of students. These are characteristics of problem based learning (PBL) and accordingly, RP presents itself as an institution where PBL is practiced. Nevertheless, the necessities for promoting learning are viewed at RP quite differently from other institutions where PBL is practiced, and none of the PBL ‘steps’ or ‘specifications’ available in the literature are directly adopted at RP. The association with PBL in this unique manner at RP is highlighted herein because many educators tend to tacitly accept PBL as the specific method originated at McMaster University in 1969 for medical education. At RP, PBL is viewed instead as an ideology which can be put into practice in different ways according to the needs. Pedagogical Beliefs Promoting learning: At the core of RP’s pedagogical belief system is that learning is a personal happening in each individual, and can be positively and effectively influenced by intelligently planned and executed engagements. These engagements need to be deliberately scaffolded to assist students to follow certain meaningful lines of thinking. Formal knowledge at any level is seldom simple, and usually embedded with diverse counterintuitive concepts and relationships. In other words, students cannot be expected to discover knowledge all by themselves. Learners would nevertheless have to assimilate and internalise knowledge in their own personal ways, instead of just receiving and memorising. They need to gather additional useful information from sources chosen by them, compare and make their own conclusions. This level of engagement needs to be focussed, and therefore each formal learning activity needs to be conducted within a finite time period during which there is no other serious learning engagement competing for the attention of the student. Learners would benefit significantly from involvement and engagement in a collaborative manner with other co-learners. They need to know the goals of any learning activity they are made to engage with, plan actions for achieving those goals, and be in a position to judge on their own how well they have achieved the goals at any time during that engagement. It is better if they are able to take a position on matters related to the knowledge learned. There should be formal opportunities to challenge others and be challenged by others. Regardless of its nature, each learning journey needs a conclusion and a reflection in order for it to make a meaningful impact on the learner. The learning environment has to be multi-modal, never relying on just one source, resource, event or act for any aspect of learning. It is necessary to allow for diverse propensities, orientations and strengths of learners, mature or otherwise. Some learners would respond best to pictorial, verbal or symbolic modes whereas others possibly to hands-on trials, demonstrations or social interactions. The planned formal learning activities need to be in a setting that encourages research, collaboration and other modes of engagement. Learning may happen due to elaboration, evaluation, debating, defending, collaboration, listening, and other actions. A student’s learning effort may be driven by the desire to achieve acceptance, respect, authority, better grades or various personal, social, economic, ethical and other objectives. Demanded by this set of beliefs is a pre-planned flow of learning on one hand and a significant personal effort from the learners on the other, in a single operational environment. This operational environment has to cater for, on a daily basis, the general educational objectives of making students better inquirers and thinkers, open-minded and risk-taking. The conditions therein should demand clear communication and the attitudes of caring and tolerance. The central strategy adopted at RP to address these needs is to make the learning process as humanistic as possible, so that students can make use of their personal skills such as of noticing things, recognising ideas and patterns, strategising, testing, and preparing explanatory communications, whenever they grapple with complexities of formal knowledge. The initial trigger and the scaffolds, pre-planned to introduce elements of formal knowledge, need to have contextual references so that students can draw from their own experiences and prior knowledge. The classroom has to be a supervised and collaborative social environment wherein students are allowed to take charge of matters with which they have a reasonably good chance of succeeding. At the same time, where students need guidance, there has to be a planned flow with systematic introduction and elucidation of ideas and patterns. Receiving guidance has to organically complement self-learning, in such a manner that moving from one to the other is seamlessly possible at all times. This is a quality to be achieved by design when creating the scaffoldings, by opening up multiple possibilities and lines of thinking. A trained facilitator in person is needed in each classroom for reading the situation in the classroom and making finer adjustments. The facilitator has to be a friendly yet authoritative person, who participates in discussions with students, allows time for students to work on their own, and prods and nudges students in desirable directions whenever felt appropriate. Workplace needs: The regular processes in the formal learning engagements need to mirror practices at typical workplaces to a practicable extent, so that the transition from practices of formal learning to engagements at work can be as natural and spontaneous as possible. To be recognised is that most of the knowledge one needs to have in order to do well at a workplace is learnt at the workplace itself, or at other similar environments. Moreover, no one really knows the future workplace of any of the students to a level of detail needed to plan a curriculum to match workplace needs. One can only guess the general nature of a future workplace. The objective of education in this regard is to learn-enable the students so that they can learn at and from their workplaces later, more meaningfully, efficiently and effectively. This belief primes quite a different mindset for curriculum development when compared with what it is when academics deliberately try to map certain identified academic-elements at workplaces onto the curriculum. Patterns of thought and enduring ideas need to be the central focus in the educational engagements. Actual practices and subject content may be brought into the curriculum, but only to the extent needed to assist students to assimilate ideas, patterns of thought, and universals that underpin a broad spectrum of practices. When at their workplaces, the individuals are not expected to recall facts or repeat procedures addressed in a school curriculum, but rather find necessary information and assimilate new knowledge to be able to contribute to the well being of the workplace, inclusive of responding well to situational demands such as making good suggestions and decisions. The intention of the curriculum shall be therefore to organise the minds of students, rather than covering a volume of content expressed as a syllabus. Accordingly, the objectives of the modules in a curriculum would be better expressed as a set of mental and physical abilities to develop in students, instead of a set of topics to be covered. Grading of learning achievement: It is generally accepted by many educators that the way students respond to any system of education depends heavily on the methods of grading. Therefore one has take note of the possibility that the effect on learning due to any change introduced would be minimal if the grading methods had not changed in tandem. However, for grading of student achievement the majority of PBL practitioners seem to adopt the same methods and modes found in the traditional systems of education. In other words, the beliefs about what should be considered as academic achievement, and how that could best be measured, have not appreciably changed in those instances, despite having changed the methods employed for promoting learning. This is partly explained by the fact that PBL theories hardly make any direct reference to assessment of student achievement. This is a concern especially because in conventional examinations and their variations such as quizzes, the students who have memorized a set of pre-prepared answers based on patterns in past examinations have a higher chance of scoring a better grade than the ones who rely on assimilated knowledge instead. The grades awarded by an education institution are supposed to make sense to the academic community as well as the employers. Two- or three-hour examinations with significantly predictable patterns are not of the kind practiced for evaluating the performance of an employee tasked to carry out academic, administrative, procedural or other functions at a workplace. Possibly as a consequence, the so-called academic ability measured by conventional examinations is seldom recognized by employers as a reliable indicator of a person’s ability to perform at work, although they may consider those grades when there is no other significant evidence to base their decisions about a person’s standing. It is quite evident that any enlightened approach to education needs to be accompanied by a system of grading student achievement wherein the grades are practically meaningful and indicative of each individual’s potential to perform in the future, in academic communities as well as in the industry. When hiring and granting career promotions to employees, the employers, inclusive of academic institutions, look at experience, motivation, personality and other indicators of performance, rather than the ability to write answers to a standard set of questions of the types seen in typical examination papers year after year. It is therefore desirable to admit into grading processes certain measurements of the characteristics the employers expect from the educated, such as being prepared for functioning effectively and learning at the same time at the workplaces. Pedagogical Practices As noted earlier, implemented at RP is an integrated institutional level scheme of pedagogical practice that applies to all diploma programmes, across all regular modules conducted. Among the salient features of this system are its one-day one-problem routine, small-group multimodal collaborative classroom environment, strong emphasis on ideas and values over methods and procedures, and student assessment by daily grades and understanding-tests. No scheduled lectures or tutorials are conducted at RP as a formal process of the diploma curricula. One-day one-problem scheme: RP has adopted one working day as the specific time period for active focussed exclusive engagement on any single formal learning activity of the curriculum. One day is a natural time period for an engagement that needs to be mentally intensive. The period of rest available between two working days provides a good separation between two distinct academic engagements. There is a no-homework policy at RP, which is directly linked to the belief that there needs to be a clear disengagement from the previous learning activity before engaging in a new one. Each regular module at RP is made up of 16 such one-day learning engagements, i.e. each of which is meant for providing a response within one structured day. Each semester lasts exactly 80 working days, and modules are scheduled such that a student will engage in activities of a given module at 5-day intervals in that sequence of working days. Accordingly, a student may take at most 5 modules in one semester. No class is allocated more than 25 students. Each class is attended to by an assigned facilitator who manages the proceedings for the day. Students work in teams of five (maximum) members on each day. The daily routine comprises three meetings separated by two breakouts, and ends with a personal reflection for the day. Students, all of whom carry personal notebook computers when on campus, use the wireless environment on campus extensively during their daily work. A web-based eLearning platform with fairly sophisticated capabilities enables students to engage themselves academically in diverse ways, inclusive of accessing learning resources, making required submissions and receiving feedback from academic staff, on an anywhere anytime basis. The first two meetings and the breakout in between lasts an hour each, occupying three consecutive hours of the morning in total. The first meeting is for students to discuss the ‘problem statement’, draw out prior knowledge with reference to the issues raised, and devise an initial plan for preparing a response. During the breakout that follows, students are free to work on their own, possibly according to a plan each team may have set out for themselves. The second meeting is meant for further elaborations on the issues raised, teaching each other, and making any strategic re-alignments found appropriate for preparing a response to the ‘problem’. Next, students get a 2.5-hour mid-day breakout, during which they have to finalise the team responses to the problem and prepare the presentations. During the third meeting of the day, in the afternoon, each student team is expected to provide a response to the problem statement presented in the morning, provide explanations, defend the positions taken, question each other, and seek clarifications. This meeting ends with a presentation delivered by the facilitator to close any gaps in the deliberations of the day and address any important matters not tackled well in student presentations. Normally a 15-minute quiz is conducted before the formal sessions of the day end. Immediately after the third meeting the facilitator poses a general question about the learning process, meant to stimulate reflection on the learning process of the day. Students have time till midnight to provide a response, known as the Reflection Journal. Structured curriculum: The graduation criteria for the diplomas are configured such that in order to graduate a student has to complete 26 regular modules, two projects and two special activities named Creative Engagement and Professional Profiling. The requirements for the regular modules are specified in five components. The first component is for general education and consists of 10 modules, in 5 tracks of two modules each. This component is common and compulsory to all students enrolled in the regular 3year diploma programmes, and addresses the abilities expected in general by the society from any individual who claims to have received a tertiary level education. In the second component, catered for are the universal characteristics expected from the practitioners of the relevant broad discipline, i.e. a one such as engineering, information technology or biological sciences. The number of modules required to be completed in this component varies from diploma to diploma, and range from 3 to 6, in some cases to be chosen by each student from a specified basket of modules. The knowledge addressed in this set of modules would usually have a long term meaning and value to the learners while they advance in their careers over decades in the future. The modules of the third component are of the specialisation of each specific diploma. The learning therein would assist the diploma holders to find employment immediately upon graduation, because of the relevance and currency of the content and practices. The value of these may however be limited to the short term. The fourth component of the curriculum is composed of electives chosen by the individuals according to their personal preferences, from a basket of modules relevant to the diploma. The fifth component is of modules freely chosen entirely by students from the full collection of diverse modules available at the polytechnic, and these are limited to either one or two modules, depending on the diploma programme. The two projects required to be completed under the graduation criteria are for students to experience research and development in a formal manner under supervision of academic staff. These projects require students to formulate strategies involving relatively long-term objectives, carry out planned work, analyse data, discuss and draw conclusions, write a report and present a defence. The projects are graded by a formal evaluation process. Of the two special activities of the curriculum, Creative Engagement requires students to attend talks and take part in hands-on activities on diverse matters outside the formal curriculum. A point system is implemented to enumerate the engagement, wherein typically attending a one-hour talk will earn a Passive point and taking part in a three-hour hands-on engagement is awarded one Active point. In order to graduate a student needs to have received at least 40 points, with at least 30 Active points and 10 points earned from events related to the diploma programme of the student. The Professional Profiling requirement demands that each student study a personally chosen subject of industrial/economic interest to the society and submit a report profiling that subject. This engagement is supervised and the outcome is formally evaluated. Module Grades: The academic achievement of each student in a regular module is viewed as a status that reflects the “process skill level” and the “capacity to understand”. To capture these essences, two separate types of assessments are conducted, with multiple evaluations of each type. These multiple evaluations throughout the semester ensures that each module grade awarded is a reflection of a general sustained ability and not of a one-off happening. At the end of the day, the facilitator of each class evaluates the performance of the students, gives a written feedback to each student and each team, and awards each student a grade. This grade, known as the daily grade, is one of A, B, C, D and F, ranging from “excellent” to “very poor”. Evaluated here is the level of process skills displayed during the day, and not subject understanding. The granularity of the grading is set at this level of coarseness because a facilitator’s judgement on process skills exhibited by a student on a given day is unlikely to bear any higher accuracy to justify a finer grading scale. As there are 16 learning activities per module, each student will receive 16 daily grades for each module. The capability to understand the subject matter of the module is assessed using four understanding tests (UT), conducted at four different time points during the semester. Each UT is of half-hour duration and comprises several tasks. The strategy adopted to test understanding is to set each task so that the level of a specific understanding targeted would manifest in the student response. When setting that task, the examiner determines the kind of responses expected from someone who understands and does not understand. This may not be evident to a student who is merely expected to respond. The grade awarded for a UT is one of A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, E and F, ranging from “excellent” to “fail”. The relatively finer granularity of the grading scheme adopted here reflects the higher level of differentiation viable in a test with several specific tasks. The final module grade, awarded as a letter grade from the set of A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, E and F, is determined by the sum of the average of the best 14 out of 16 daily grades and the average of the best 3 out of 4 understanding test grades. Discarding the two worst daily grades and the worst understanding test grade allows for uncertainties, eliminates any temporary negative effects a student may have had due to ‘bad days’ and other incidentals. The facilitator-bias in the daily-grades is mitigated by adjusting the numerical value assigned for the daily grades, using a statistical method. Such an adjustment for the grader bias is not needed for understanding test grades as all the responses to any one task in a UT is evaluated by one grader. No moderation of grades to modify the mean and variance of module grades at the final computation stage is permitted at RP as such modifications are believed to negatively affect the authenticity of the grades and integrity of the system. Learning Activity Design & Facilitation of Learning: When designing learning activities as well as facilitating learning in classrooms, one has to acknowledge that the ways by which humans have collectively built a system of dependable organised knowledge as well as the ways in which knowledge is packaged as a set of truths in the textbooks are quite distinct from how an individual would build a personal system of knowledge within a relatively very short period. Furthermore, how a person would learn certain complex things like languages and pattern recognition instinctively without requiring any formal interventions is complementary, but not similar at all, to how one learns knowledge that cannot be easily acquired in such a natural manner. Designing learning activities with suitable scaffolds, however, requires a different set of academic skills than facilitation of learning in classrooms. Facilitation is mostly an instinctively achievable skill by an academic with sufficient reasoning skills, once a reasonable alignment with the pedagogical philosophy of the institution had been acquired. On the other hand, designing functional learning activities is a challenge for most academics. This is mainly because of the need to understand the deeply humanistic nature of learning, and to picture what a learner would naturally think upon encountering various things the activity designer may want to introduce to promote learning. For example, the teachers who get students to memorise that ∫(1/x) dx is {ln(x) + constant} are treating that as a lifeless step. If a student can recall this fact a teacher would consider that the student has learned. However, remembering such a fact does not enable a student to recognise situations for which this fact could be meaningfully utilised. Getting students to examine the issue of cooling of a hot coffee cup is a better way to address the learning desired here. Students can then be led to debate and recognise its parallels in phenomena like radioactive decay, and the similarity to growth of bank deposits due to interest rates. The important step is to get students to recognise the pattern where the rate of change of a certain thing is proportional to the size of that same thing. With this background students would be in a better position to appreciate the unique exponential family of x-y relationships where y is always proportional to the gradient dy/dx. Only with such an understanding a learner could possibly make use of the aforementioned integral if a need ever arises in later life, by recognising the pattern first. The matter of adding in an unspecified constant to the solution is another matter entirely, and that needs to be addressed separately, on a separate occasion. The gradient of an unchanging thing, regardless of its magnitude, is simply nothing. When one is addressing a situation where the gradient of something is proportional to that same thing, one has to respect that the phenomenon is immune to the presence of an unchanging component of any magnitude therein. This idea of ‘an unchanging component of any magnitude’ can then be understood much easily as the ubiquitous arbitrary constant. Knowledge acquired in a personalised manner will always be associated by the learner with a value system drawn from the contexts addressed during the learning engagement. Another key factor is the effect of labels, which are helpful for communication purposes of an understood matter, but tend to generate a debilitating effect on a learner when presented before the learner has understood that matter to a sufficient degree. Accordingly the activity designer has to be mindful of the values associated with any context brought up in the activity, and the need to avoid labels that are likely to be unfamiliar to the students before that point in time. The labels of importance are best introduced via the final presentation given by the facilitator at the end of the day, for the benefit of the students who may not have encountered those during their work on their own during the day. Remarks Among the major challenges faced by educators attempting to implement novel pedagogical schemes is the need for ‘strong support from the top.’ This issue is irrelevant at RP, because the system in operation is ‘driven by the top’ both in philosophically as well as practically. Due to the institutional nature of the pedagogical approach, the infrastructural and procedural needs of the system are attended to and advanced purposefully, on an ongoing basis. A common perception held by many educators is that ‘PBL costs more.’ As had become evident at RP, this need not be true. Issues of cost-efficiency are managed at RP mostly by designing the system rationally and engineering the processes with due care. This enables energies to be directed more to the inescapable issues of education, such as academic staff development, learning activity design and quality facilitation in classrooms. The main challenge faced by academics when designing learning activities is the needed development of contexts to make learning of the subject content humanistic and sensible. At present there is no available general strategy for this design process. As such, learning activity design remains a highly creative process, the value of which is to be judged by the outcomes in classrooms. References 1. The Saber-Tooth Curriculum - J. Abner Peddiwell, (Harold R.W. Benjamin), New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1939. 2. Creating the Future School - Hedley Beare, London and New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2001. 3. Teaching in the Knowledge Society: Education in the age of insecurity - Andy Hargreaves, Open University Press, McGraw-Hill Education, England, 2003.