File - Hypermedical Life Science and Technology, Inc.

Executive Summary
Hypermedical Life Science & Technology, Inc.
Our main website:
Hypermedical Life Science & Technology, Inc., is a medical technology company based
in San Diego, California, and Las Vegas, Nevada. The company has one U.S. patent
granted (patent number 6669661), one separate Taiwan patent granted, and 4 additional
U.S. patents pending. Since 2009, the company has had annual revenue in excess of one
million USD.
Founded by a cardiac anesthesiologist with 23 years of clinical experience and 15 years
of experience managing medical business, Hypermedical has a team of science and
business advisors consisting of cardiac surgeons, anesthesiologists, and engineering
professor with clinical and academic affiliations to University of California San Diego,
University of Nevada School of Medicine and City College of New York.
The technologies from the US and Taiwan patents lead to (1) safe hyperthermia treatment
to cure cancer and AIDS, (2) safe hypothermia for brain protection, (3) safe anesthesia to
achieve rapid detox and termination of opiate addiction in 8 hours. (4) Portable Ultra
Violet Light Device for rapid sanitizing for larger areas in hospitals and public spaces.
(1) Cancer cells and viruses can be significantly eradicated by heat, hyperthermia. This is
a well-known biological fact. What has held back the wide application of hyperthermia in
the treatment of cancer and viral infections, e.g. AIDS that are unresponsive to other
treatments, is the risk of damage to the tissues in the human body sensitive to heat injury,
such as the brain. Hypermedical has developed a patented technology to protect the brain
to theoretically enable using hyperthermia to achieve curative treatment of cancers and
viral diseases such as AIDS.
(2) Low temperature, hypothermia, slows down metabolism; another biological fact.
When the human brain is threatened with damage from lack of oxygen due to cardiac
arrest, stroke, trauma, respiratory failure, chronic disease, extreme old age, shock, sepsis,
or other organ system’s failure, timely short-term or long-term protection of the brain by
hypothermia is desirable. Hypermedical now has the patented technology to achieve that
objective. See our patent-pending Cool-Head Device.
(3) The same brain protection technology has enabled us to stop opiate drug addiction
under special anesthesia, in just 8 hours. More than 400 patients have been treated since
Our website is the number 1 result on Google search for
keywords “rapid detox”. Our Video is number two on Youtube with the keywords of
“rapid detox”.
See video
(4) Hospital-acquired infections, infections spread inside hospitals, spread of contagious
diseases such as the flu, SARS, H1N1, pandemics in nursing homes, schools, airplanes,
buses, trains, and other public spaces are a costly concern to all. Hypermedical has a
patent-pending invention in proto-type that can reduce the magnitude of this problem: the
UVG device. This portable, high-output ultra-violet light device has two operational
modalities: open or enclosed. In the open mode, the device can gradually extend the light
tubes and achieve 99.9 % bacterial reduction in 10 minutes on surfaces within 10 feet. In
the enclosed mode, the device will not shine UV light outward, but focus the light inward
to an air passage chamber through which room air is continuously circulated. Air-borne
bacteria and virus are eliminated at a rate of 2000 cubic feet of air scrubbed per minute.
Dr. Thomas C. Yee, MD MBA
TEL: (702) 813-3888