Evolution in the Small Scale Discussed components of evolution Natural selection Common descent Time Populations Variation Put all together Evolution at Its Smallest Scale A species is a group of organisms able to successfully interbreed in nature A species generally consists of several smaller groups called populations All the members of a species that live in a defined geographic region at a given time Populations, not individuals, are the units that evolve Evolution at Its Smallest Scale Evolution can be defined as a change in the characteristics of a population over time Populations are often isolated to some degree from other populations The environments inhabited by each population is different Each population faces the natural selection pressures of its own environment Different populations can evolve differently Evolution at Its Smallest Scale e.g., Two different frog populations in two different environments may both evolve coloration patterns making them less visible to predators A lighter coloration may benefit one population in their particular environment, while a darker coloration pattern may benefit a second population in their (different) environment Evolution at Its Smallest Scale Natural selection acts upon the phenotypes of individuals Individuals with one phenotype may be more fit than individuals with a different phenotype These phenotypes are influenced by genes More specifically, different alleles of genes Evolution as a Change in the Frequency of Alleles An individual’s phenotype may make it more likely to survive longer Surviving individuals may reproduce Individuals that do not survive certainly cannot reproduce Evolution as a Change in the Frequency of Alleles Some individuals are more successful at breeding Their alleles are passed on to the next generation in relatively greater numbers Alternative alleles possessed by less successful frogs are passed on to the next generation in reduced numbers Evolution as a Change in the Frequency of Alleles The evolution of a population involves a difference in reproductive output between individuals This is often the result of a difference in survival between individuals Surviving individuals may reproduce Individuals that do not survive certainly cannot reproduce Evolution as a Change in the Frequency of Alleles “Microevolution” is a change in allele frequencies in a population over a relatively short period of time This is evolution within a population “Macroevolution” is evolutionary change that results in the formation of new species Larger changes resulting in the same way as microevolution Five Agents of Microevolution There are five “agents” of microevolution that can alter allele frequencies in populations Mutation Gene flow Genetic drift Sexual selection Natural selection Five Agents of Microevolution A “mutation” is any permanent alteration in an organism’s DNA Mutations can be small “Point mutations”: change in single base pair Mutations can be large: addition or deletion of whole or parts of chromosomes Some mutations are heritable Mutation rates are very low Five Agents of Microevolution Perhaps just one base pair per billion Very few of these mutations are beneficial Most are neutral, some are harmful Beneficial mutations are very important Mutations are the source of new genetic variation New proteins are produced, which can modify the form or capabilities of the organism Five Agents of Microevolution The evolution of eyes, wings, and other structures depends upon many mutations Many mutations, followed by rounds of genetic shuffling and natural selection are required This process may take millions of years Five Agents of Microevolution Allele frequencies can change as a result of migration Arrival of members from a different population “Immigration” Loss of individuals to a different population “Emigration” Five Agents of Microevolution This movement may involve individuals, or may involve gametes e.g., Movement of pollen Five Agents of Microevolution Allele frequencies can change simply as a matter of chance Random fluctuations in allele frequencies are termed “genetic drift” Alleles can increase or decrease in frequency Alleles that are removed can only be replaced through new mutations or through migration Five Agents of Microevolution These fluctuations have the greatest impact on smaller populations The bottleneck effect The founder effect Five Agents of Microevolution The “bottleneck effect” is a change in a population’s allele frequencies due to chance following a sharp reduction in population size Five Agents of Microevolution e.g., Northern elephant seals were hunted very heavily in the 1890s Only 50 individuals remained Protective measures have increased these numbers somewhat Five Agents of Microevolution All members of the current population of northern elephant seals have descended from this few individuals that survived the bottleneck Many alleles were removed from the population during the bottleneck All of the members of today’s population are genetically very similar Five Agents of Microevolution Pull a dozen M&Ms from a two pound bag Will all of the colors be represented? Will the colors be represented in the same proportions as in the original bag? If these dozen M&Ms “reproduce” to fill a new two pound bag, what proportions might you expect? How do your answers differ if you pull 120 M&Ms from the bag? Five Agents of Microevolution The “founder effect” occurs when a small population migrates to a new area to start a new population The allele frequencies in this small population will not precisely mirror those of the larger population The effects of genetic drift can be profound in such a small population Five Agents of Microevolution “Sexual selection” involves differential reproductive success based on success in obtaining mating partners A form of natural selection This mating is based on phenotype Five Agents of Microevolution Birds of paradise on Papua-New Guinea Five Agents of Microevolution Differential mating success among members of one sex is generally based on choices made by members of the opposite sex Females generally do the choosing Can also be based upon the combative abilities of males Five Agents of Microevolution “Natural selection” is a process in which the differential adaptation of organisms to their environment selects those traits that will be passed on with greater frequency from one generation to the next Natural selection is the means of adaptive evolution Through natural selection, populations become better adapted to their current environment Five Agents of Microevolution Through natural selection Traits of individuals more successful at reproducing will become more widespread in a population The alleles that bring about these traits will increase in frequency from one generation to the next Five Agents of Microevolution “Adaptation” is a modification in the structure or behavior of organisms over generations in response to environmental change A particular environment may change e.g., Streams drying up, etc. A population may migrate to a different environment Five Agents of Microevolution Natural selection is the only agent of microevolution that consistently works to adapt organisms to their environment Mutation simply generates variation Genetic drift is random Gene flow is not related to environment Sexual selection deals with mate choice Natural Selection and Evolutionary Fitness “Darwin’s finches” have been studied since the 1970s by Peter and Rosemary Grant In 1977, a tiny Galapagos Island suffered a severe drought Daphne Major This drought had a major impact on the island’s two finch species 1,300 finches fewer than 300 finches 85% of the Geospiza fortis population died Natural Selection and Evolutionary Fitness The G. fortis population that survived the drought had a larger average beak size than the pre-drought population 6% larger beak size Their offspring had a larger average beak size A slightly larger beak enables a finch to get into large, tough seeds Natural Selection and Evolutionary Fitness In 1984 and 1985, there was excessive rain on this island There was an abundance of small seeds Finches with smaller beaks survived this event in disproportionate numbers The average beak size in the following generation decreased slightly Natural Selection and Evolutionary Fitness Where is the “fittest” bird in all of this? There isn’t any Evolution was not marching toward the production of some generally superior bird Different traits were favored under different environmental conditions 17.5 Three Modes of Natural Selection Many traits are polygenic e.g., Human height Display continuous variation When natural selection acts upon these traits, it can proceed in any of three ways Stabilizing selection Directional selection Disruptive selection Three Modes of Natural Selection Stabilizing selection Intermediate forms are favored over extreme forms Three Modes of Natural Selection e.g., Human birth weights Bell curve distribution of human birth weights Infant mortality is highest for very small and very large infants Infants of intermediate size are most likely to survive 6 – 7 pound average weight is maintained Three Modes of Natural Selection Directional selection Natural selection moves a character toward one extreme e.g., Cranial capacity in hominids Humans and their closest relatives Three Modes of Natural Selection Disruptive selection Natural selection moves a character toward both of its extremes Less common than the other two modes e.g., Pyrenestes ostrinus, a species of finch from West Africa Three Modes of Natural Selection Pyrenestes ostrinus Beaks size is either large or small, without intermediate values Finches with large beaks specialize in cracking large seeds Finches with small beaks specialize in cracking small seeds Finches with intermediate-sized beaks are less efficient in cracking both large and small beaks