Biographies available in the FMS Library

Biographies available in the FMS Library
Aaron, Hank
Abbott, Jim
Adams, Abigail
Adams, John
Adams, John Quincy
Adams, Grizzly
Adams, Samuel
Addams, Jane
Adenauer, Konrad
Alcott, Louisa May
Alexander the Great
Allen, Ethan
Alonso, Alicia
Anderson, Marian
Angelou, Maya
Antony, Marc
Anthony, Susan B.
Arafat, Yasir
Arias, Oscar
Armstrong, Lance
Armstrong, Neil
Arnold, Benedict
Arthur, Chester A.
Attila the Hun
Attucks, Crispus
Audubon, John James
Ballard, Robert
Baltimore, Lord
Banneker, Benjamin
Barton, Clara
Barkley, Charles
Beckwourth, James
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Begin, Menachem
Bell, Alexander Graham
Bergh, Henry
Berkeley, Sir William
Bethune, Mary McLeod
Billy the Kid
Bird, Larry
Blackwell, Elizabeth
American professional baseball player
American professional baseball player
Wife of John Adams, 2nd U.S. president
2nd U.S. president
6th U.S. president
Mountaineer and grizzly bear tamer
One of the Founding Fathers
Early founder of continuing education
German statesman
Author of Little House on the Prairie series
King of Macedonia
Politician and military leader from the American Revolution
Cuban ballerina
African American operatic singer
African American female poet (contemporary)
Roman politician and general
American civil and women’s rights leader
Palestinian leader
Greek mathematician, inventor, physicist, astronomer
Greek philosopher and student of Plato
Costa Rican politician and president
Road racing cyclist who won the Tour de France seven times
American aviator and former astronaut
American general in Revolutionary War who became a traitor
and joined the British forces
21st U.S. President
Ruler of the Huns and fearsome enemy of the Roman Empire
Black leader of colonial patriots
French-American naturalist, painter, and ornithologist
(a scientist who studies birds)
Discoverer of the Titanic
English politician and colonist
American mathematician and astronomer
Founder of the American Red Cross
American basketball player
African American mountain man, explorer, fur trader
German composer and pianist
Israeli politician and president
Inventor of the telephone
Founder of the American Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals
Former governor of Virginia
African American civil rights leader and educator
19th century American frontier outlaw
American basketball player and coach
First female doctor in the U.S.
Bluford, Guion
Bolivar, Simon
Boone, Daniel
Bourke-White, Margaret
Brant, Joseph
Braille, Louis
African American U.S. Air Force colonel and astronaut
Venezuelan political leader and revolutionary
American pioneer and hunter and folk hero
American photographer and documentary photographer
Mohawk chief
French inventor who created braille, a worldwide system used by
blind and visually impaired people for writing and reading
Bradford, William
English leader of the Separatist settlers of Plymouth Colony
Brandt, Willy
German politician and Chancellor of West Germany
Bridger, Jim
Mountain man, trapper, scout, and guide
Bridges, Ruby
First African American child to attend an all-white elementary
school in the South
Brown, William Wells
American abolitionist, novelist, playwright, and historian
Brown, John
American abolitionist who advocated armed uprising against
Buchanan, James
15th U.S. President
Buck, Pearl S.
American author
Buffalo Bill
Frontier daredevil
Burns, Anthony
Fugitive slave who was arrested and tried under the Fugitive
Slave Act of 1850
Burton, Richard
African explorer, Islamic scholar, and translator of The
Arabian Nights
Bush, Barbara
Wife of former President Bush
Bush, George
41st U.S. President
Bush, George W.
43rd U.S. President
Butcher, Solomon
Photographer of American pioneer life
Caesar, Julius
Roman military and political leader
Calamity Jane
Frontierswoman and professional scout
Calvin, John
Influential French theologian and pastor during the
Protestant Reformation
Canseco, Jose
American professional baseball player
Carver, George Washington
African American scientist, botanist, educator, and inventor
Carter, Jimmy
39th U.S. President
Carson, Rachel
Naturalist, environmentalist, and author
Cassatt, Mary
American painter and printmaker
Casals, Pablo
Spanish painter and sculptor
Chavez, Cesar
Mexican American farm worker, labor leader, and civil rights activist
Champlain, Samuel de
French explorer and navigator
Cheng, Nien
Chinese American author who wrote about the Cultural
Revolution in China
Chiang Kai-shek
Political and military leader of 20th century China
Churchill, Winston
British politician and Prime Minister during World War II
Clark, Will
American baseball player
Queen of Egypt
Cleveland, Grover
22nd and 24th U.S. President
Clemente, Roberto
American professional baseball player
Clinton, Bill
42nd U.S. President
Cochran, Jacqueline American aviator and racing pilot
Columbus, Christopher Navigator, colonizer, and explorer
Coleman, Bessie
Coolidge, Calvin
Cook, Captain James
Coronado, Francisco de
Cortes, Hernan
African American civil aviator
30th U.S. President
English explorer, navigator, Captain of the Royal Navy
Spanish conquistador who visited New Mexico
Spanish conquistador whose expedition helped cause the fall of the
Aztec Empire
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves French scientist, author, filmmaker, explorer who studied the sea
Crazy Horse
Chief of the Oglala tribe
Crockett, Davy
Frontier adventurer
Curie, Marie
Physicist, chemist, and a pioneer in the field of radioactivity
Damien, Father
Roman Catholic priest from Belgium who cared for people with
Darwin, Charles
Naturalist and founder of the theory of evolution
Davis, Jefferson
American military officer and leader of the Confederacy
during the American Civil War
Dayan, Moshe
Israeli military leader and politician
de Mille, Agnes
American dancer and choreographer
Debussy, Claude
French composer
de Gaulle, Charles
French general and statesman who led the Free French
Forces during World War II
de Paola, Tomie
American author and illustrator of over 200 children’s books
de Soto, Hernando
Spanish explorer and conquistador
de Valera, Eamon
Irish leader and politician
Dickenson, Emily
American poet
DiMaggio, Joe
American baseball player for the New York Yankees
Disney, Walt
American film producer, director, and animator
Domingo, Placido
Spanish tenor opera singer and conductor
Douglass, Frederick
African American abolitionist, editor, and supporter of
women’s rights
Drake, Francis
English sea captain, navigator, slave owner, and pirate
Dubcek, Alexander
Slovak politician, pacifist, and reformer of Czechoslovakia
Duncan, Isadora
American dancer and considered the creator of modern dance
Earhart, Amelia
American aviation pioneer, author, and adventurer
Earp, Wyatt
American officer of the law in various Western frontier towns
Eastman, Charles
Physician, reformer, and Native American leader
Edison, Thomas A.
Inventor of electricity
Edmonds, Emma
Civil War spy who dressed up as a man
Edwards, Jonathan
Colonial religious leader
Einstein, Albert
Physicist, mathematician, and genius
Eisenhower, Dwight
34th U.S. President
Elizabeth I, Queen
Queen of England and Ireland from 1558 to 1603
Enlai, Zhou
First Premier of China, serving from 1949-1976
Eriksson, Leif
Ewing, Patrick
Feller, Bob
Fillmore, Millard
Flipper, Henry O.
Norse explorer who is considered to be the first European
to land in North America
American professional basketball player
American professional baseball player
13th U.S. President
First African American graduate of the U.S. Military Academy
Fortune, Amos
Ford, Gerald
Ford, Henry
Frank, Anne
Franklin, Benjamin
Francis, Saint
Franco, Francisco
Gandhi, Mahatma
Gandhi, Indira
Sampson, Deborah
Garfield, James A.
Garrison, Zina
Gates, Bill
George, King III
Gladstone, William
Glenn, John
Goddard, Robert
Gooden, Dwight
Goodall, Jane
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Goya, Francisco
Graham, Martha
Grant, Ulysses S.
Greene, Joe
Greene, Nathanael
Gretzky, Wayne
Griffey, Jr. Ken
Griffith Joyner, Florence
Gutenberg, Johann
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamer, Fannie Lou
Hamm, Mia
Harrison, Benjamin
Harding, Warren G.
Harrison, William Henry
Hawking, Stephen
Haydn, Joseph
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Henry the Navigator
at West Point
African American who purchased his freedom in the 1700s
and established a tanning business
38th U.S. President
American founder of the Ford Motor Company
Jewish writer and victim during the Holocaust of WW II
American statesman, scientist, and writer
Founder of the Catholic Franciscans and patron saint of
animals (St. Francis of Assisi)
Military general and head of state of Spain in 1930s
Italian physicist, mathematician, and astronomer
Political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian
independence movement
Prime Minister of India for three consecutive terms
Woman who disguised herself to fight in the American
Revolutionary War
20th U.S. President
Professional tennis player
American founder and chairman of Microsoft
King of Great Britain and King of Ireland in late 1700s
Apache warrior
British statesman and Prime Minister for four terms in 1800s
American astronaut and U.S. Senator
Professor of physics and first person to build and launch
a liquid-fueled rocket
American professional baseball player
British primatologist (researcher of monkeys)
Last head of state of the Soviet Union
Spanish romantic painter and printmaker of the late 1700s
Dancer, choreographer, and influential figure in modern dance
18th U.S. President
American professional football player
Major general of the Continental Army in the American
Revolutionary War
Canadian professional hockey player
American professional baseball player
American track and field athlete
German goldsmith and printer who introduced modern book printing
First U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
American voting rights activist and civil rights leader
American professional soccer player
23rd U.S. President
29th U.S. President
9th U.S. President
Female pharaoh of the eighteenth Egyptian dynasty
British physicist and genius
Austrian composer
19th U.S. President
Portuguese royal prince, soldier, and patron of explorers
Henson, Matthew
Henry, Patrick
Henderson, Rickey
Herriot, James
Heyerdahl, Thor
African American explorer
American statesman and speaker
American professional baseball player
British veterinary surgeon and writer
Norwegian scientist and adventurer who traveled by raft
from South America to the French Polynesia
Founder of the Iroquois Confederacy
Hidalgo, Miguel
Catholic priest who became an activist to free Mexico
from Spanish rule
Hillary, Edmund
New Zealand mountaineer and explorer
124th emperor of Japan from 1926 to 1989
Hitler, Adolf
Austrian-born German politician and leader of the Nazi party
during World War II
Hoover, Herbert
31st U.S. President
Houdini, Harry
Hungarian American magician and stunt performer
Houston, Sam
19th-century American statesman, politician, and soldier
Hudson, Henry
English sea explorer and navigator
Hughes, Langston
African American poet
Hull, Brett
American professional hockey player
Hussein, King
King of Jordan
Hussein, Saddam
Former President of Iraq
Hutchinson, Anne
Pioneer settler in Massachusetts and Rhode Island
Last surviving member of the Yani people of California
Ivan the Terrible
Grand Prince of Moscow, Russia in the 1500s
Jackson, Andrew
7th U.S. President and military leader
Jackson, Bo
American professional baseball player
Jackson, Jesse
American civil rights activist and Baptist minister
Jackson, Mahalia
African American gospel singer
Jackson, Joe
American professional baseball player
Jackson, Thomas Stonewall
Confederate general during the American Civil War
James, Jesse
American outlaw, bank and train robber, and murderer
Jaruzelski, Wojciech
Last communist leader of Poland
Jay, John
First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Jefferson, Thomas
3rd U.S. President and author of the Declaration of Independence
Joan of Arc
Peasant girl who led the French army to several important
victories during the Hundred Years’ war
Johnson, Andrew
17th U.S. President
Johnson, James Weldon African American author, politician, journalist, poet, educator,
Johnson, Lyndon B.
36th U.S. President
Johnson, Magic
American professional basketball player
Johnson, Randy
American professional baseball player
John XXIII, Pope
Pope of the Roman Catholic Church from 1958-1963
Jones, John Paul
Well-known naval fighter in the American Revolutionary War
Jones, Mother
American labor and community organizer
Joplin, Scott
African American composer and pianist
Jordan, Michael
American professional basketball player
Joseph, Chief
Nez Perce Native American leader
Joyner-Kersee, Jackie
American heptathlon and long jump athlete
Juarez, Benito
Juana, Sor
President of Mexico for five terms during the 1800s
Self-taught scholar, poet of the Baroque school, and nun of
New Spain
Kahlo, Frida
Mexican female painter who was influenced by indigenous
cultures of Mexico
Kandinsky, Wassily
Russian painter and art theorist
Keller, Helen
American deaf/blind author, political activist, and lecturer
Kennedy, John F.
35th U.S. President
Khan, Genghis
Founder of the Mongol Empire
Khan, Kublai
Founder of the Yuan dynasty in China and 5th Great Khan
of the Mongol Empire
Khomeini, Ayatollah
Iranian religious leader and politician and leader of the
Iranian Revolution in 1979
Khrushchev, Nikita
Leader of the Soviet Union during the Cold War (1950s-60s)
King, Coretta Scott
American author, activist, and widow of Martin Luther King, Jr.
King, Jr., Martin Luther
American clergyman, activist, and leader in the African
American civil rights movement
Lafayette, Marquis de
French aristocrat and general in the American Revolutionary War
Lange, Dorothea
American documentary photographer and photojournalist
LaSalle, Rene-Robert
French explorer of Canada and North America
Lee, Robert E.
Career U.S. Army officer and general in the American Civil War
LeMond, Greg
American professional road bicycle racer who won the Tour
de France three times
Lemieux, Mario
American professional hockey player
Lenin, Vladimir Ilich
Russian revolutionary who led the October Revolution of 1917
Leonardo da Vinci
Italian painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist,
mathematician, engineer, inventor, botanist, writer
Lewis, Carl
American track and field athlete who won 10 Olympic medals
Lincoln, Abraham
16th U.S. President
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow American aviator, author, and wife of aviator Charles Lindbergh
Lincoln, Mary Todd
Wife of Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President
London, Jack
American author who wrote The Call of the Wild
Lord, Bette Bao
Chinese American writer and civil activist
Louis, Joe
World heavyweight boxing champion from 1937 to 1949
Luther, Martin
German priest who began the Protestant Reformation
MacArthur, Douglas
American general, Chief of Staff, and military leader during WWII
Mac, Andy
American professional skateboarder
Madison, James
4th U.S. President
Magellan, Ferdinand
Portuguese explorer
Malcolm X
African American Muslim minister, public speaker, and
human rights activist
Mandela, Nelson
President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999
Marconi, Guglielmo
Italian inventor who developed a radio telegraph system
Marion, Francis
Military officer who served in the American Revolutionary War
Marshall, George
American military leader, Chief of Staff, Secretary of State
Marshall, Thurgood
First African American to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court
Masterson, Bat
Buffalo hunter, U.S. Army scout, fisherman, gambler, and
frontier lawman in the American Old West
Masaryk, Tomas
Austro-Hungarian and Czechoslovak politician who became
the first president of Czechoslovakia
Socially and politically influential New England puritan minister
connected to the Salem witch trials
Matisse, Henri
20th century French artist
Mays, Willie
American professional baseball player
McAuliffe, Christa
American teacher and one of seven crew members killed in
the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster
McKinley, William
25th U.S. President
Meir, Golda
4th Prime Minister of Israel
Mendes, Chico
Brazilian rubber tapper, unionist, and environmental activist
Millay, Edna St. Vincent American lyrical poet and playwright
Mitchell, Kevin
American professional baseball player
Monet, Claude
A founder of French impressionist painting
Monroe, James
5th U.S. President
Montana, Joe
American professional football player
Montgomery, L.M.
Author of Anne of Green Gables
Moses, Grandma
American folk artist
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Influential composer of the classical era
Founder of the religion of Islam
Muir, John
Scottish-born American naturalist and author
Munch, Edvard
Norwegian Symbolist painter and printmaker
Napoleon Bonaparte
Military and political leader of France in the early 19th century
Nehru, Jawaharial
First prime minister of India from 1947 to 1964
Nixon, Richard
37th U.S. President
O’Connor, Sandra Day
First female member of the U.S. Supreme Court
O’Grady, Scott
U.S. Air Force fighter pilot
O’Keeffe, Georgia
American modern artist
O’Neal, Shaquille
American professional basketball player
Oakley, Annie
American sharpshooter and exhibition shooter
Oglethorpe, James
British general and founder of the colony of Georgia
Olajuwon, Hakeem
American professional basketball player
Owens, Jesse
American track and field athlete
Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza
Shah of Iran from 1941 to 1979
Paige, Satchel
American professional baseball player
Paine, Thomas
Author, revolutionary, and one of the Founding Fathers
Parnell, Charles Stewart Irish Protestant landowner and nationalist political leader
Parks, Rosa
African American civil rights activist
Patton, George S.
U.S. Army officer and general in World War II
Brazilian professional soccer player
Penn, William
Founder and real estate entrepreneur in the 1600s and 1700s
in the Province of Pensylvania
Peron, Juan
Argentine general and politician, elected three times as
President of Argentina
Perot, Ross
American businessman from Texas who ran for President in
1992 and 1996
Perkins, Frances
First woman appointed to the U.S. Cabinet
Peter the Great
Tsar of Russia from 1682 to 1725
Piccolo, Brian
American professional football player
Picasso, Pablo
Spanish painter and sculptor who co-founded the Cubist movement
Mather, Cotton
in art
14th U.S. President
American solider and explorer who mapped much of the
southern portion of the Louisiana Purchase
Pippen, Scottie
American professional basketball player
Pitcher, Molly
Nickname given to a woman said to have fought in the
American Revolutionary War
Indian chief’s daughter who assisted colonial settlers at
Jamestown in present-day Virginia
Poe, Edgar Allan
American writer, poet, editor, and literary critic
Polk, James K.
11th U.S. President
Polo, Marco
Merchant from Venice who went on an epic journey to Asia
Ponce de Leon, Juan
Spanish explorer who became first Governor of Puerto Rico
Pol Pot
Leader of the communist movement in Cambodia
Powell, Colin
African American four-star general and Secretary of State
Presley, Elvis
Popular American singer and cultural icon referred to as
the “King of Rock and Roll”
Price, Leontyne
African American operatic soprano
Puckett, Kirby
American professional baseball
Pushkin, Aleksandr
Russian author and poet of the Romantic era
el-Qaddafi, Muammar
Leader of Libya since he took power in 1969
Quinn, Anthony
Mexican American actor, painter, and writer
Raleigh, Sir Walter
English explorer and author
Reagan, Ronald
40th U.S. President
Dutch painter and etcher
Revere, Paul
American silversmith and patriot in the American Revolution
Ripken, Cal
American professional baseball player
Rivera, Diego
Mexican painter, active Communist, and husband of Frida Kahlo
Robinson, Jackie
American professional baseball player
Robinson, David
American professional basketball player
Rockne, Knute
Norwegian American football player
Rodney, Caesar
American lawyer, politician, and signer of the Declaration of
Rodriguez, Alex
American professional baseball player
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Advocate for civil rights and wife of Franklin D. Roosevelt,
32nd U.S. President
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
32nd U.S. President
Roosevelt, Theodore
26th U.S. President
Ross, Betsy
American seamstress who has been mistakenly credited
for making the first American flag
Rudolph, Wilma
First American woman to win three gold medals in track and
field during a single Olympic Games
Ruth, Babe
American professional baseball player
Ryan, Nolan
American professional baseball player
Shoshone woman who accompanied the Lewis and Clark
Sadat, Anwar
3rd President of Egypt from 1970 to 1981
Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez
Mexican political leader, general, and President
San Martin, Jose de
Argentine general and prime leader of the struggle for
Pierce, Franklin
Pike, Zebulon
Schweitzer, Albert
Schultz, Charles
Schubert, Franz
Schwarzkopf, Norman
Seattle, Chief
Serra, Junipero
Sihanouk, Prince
Sitting Bull
Smith, John
Stalin, Joseph
Standish, Miles
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Strauss, Levi
Stuyvesant, Peter
Sun Yat-sen
Taft, William Howard
Taylor, Zachary
Tchaikovsky, Peter
Teresa, Mother
Thatcher, Margaret
Thorpe, Jim
Tito, Josip Broz
Tolkien, J.R.R.
Trenary, Jill
Trevino, Lee
Van Buren, Martin
Vespucci, Amerigo
Walesa, Lech
Wang, Dr. An
Washington, Booker T.
Washington, George
Washington, Martha
Wheatley, Phillis
independence from Spain
German physician and philosopher who received the Nobel
Peace Prize in 1953
Cartoonist and creator of Peanuts
Austrian composer who wrote songs, symphonies, operas,
chamber music, and piano music.
U.S. Army general who was commander of the Coalition Forces in
the Gulf War of 1991
Leader of the Suquamish and Duwamish Native American
tribes in Washington state
Spanish Franciscan friar who founded missions in California
King of Cambodia from 1941 to 1955
Lakota Sioux holy man who lead his people during years of
resistance to U.S. government policies
English explorer and colonist
Native American who assisted the Pilgrims after their first
winter in the New World
First General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet
Union from 1922 to 1953
Plymouth Colony leader
American abolitionist and author
German-Jewish immigrant to the U.S. who founded the first
company to manufacture blue jeans
Dutch military leader
First President of Indonesia
Chinese revolutionary and political leader
27th U.S. President
14th-century conquerer of much of western and central Asia
12th U.S. President
Russian composer of the Romantic era
Albanian Catholic nun who ministered to the poor, sick,
orphaned, and dying in Calcutta, India
Prime Minister of the U.K. from 1979 to 1990
American athlete who won Olympic medals in the 1912
pentathlon and played professional American football,
baseball, and basketball
Ancient Greek historian
Yugoslav revolutionary and statesman
Author of The Lord of the Rings series
American champion figure skater
Mexican American professional golfer
8th U.S. President
Italian explorer, navigator, and cartographer
Polish politician and trade union and human rights activist
Chinese American computer engineer and inventor
American political leader, educator, orator, and author
1st U.S. President
Wife of George Washington, 1st U.S. President
First professional African American poet
Whitefield, George
White, Ryan
Whitman, Walt
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Williams, Roger
Wilson, Woodrow
Winthrop, John
Winfrey, Oprah
Wyeth, Andrew
Xiaoping, Deng
Yeager, Chuck
Yeltsin, Boris
Zapata, Emiliano
Zedong, Mao
Zenger, John Peter
British religious figure, influential in the establishment of Methodism
American teenager with HIV/AIDS who was expelled from
middle school in 1984
American poet, essayist, journalist, and humanist
American author who wrote the Little House series
American Protestant theologian and supporter of religious
freedom and the separation of church and state.
28th U.S. President
Political figure among the English Puritans who settled in
American television host, producer, and philanthropist.
American visual artist
Leader of the Communist Party in China and reformer.
American professional basketball player
Retired major general in the U.S. Air Force and noted test pilot
First President (1991-1999) of the Russian Federation
Leading figure in the Mexican Revolution
Chinese revolutionary, political theorist, and communist leader
German-born American printer, publisher, journalist in NYC