Modern Korean History

Modern Korean History
Course Outline
Instructor: Young Ick Lew, Ph.D.
Office: New Millennium Hall 605
Course Description:
This is a graduate course designed to help English-speaking students learn modern Korean
history from mid-nineteenth century to the 1950s with emphasis on political history of the given
period. Major topics to be dealt with in this course include the late nineteenth-century Korean
reform movement, Japanese colonial rule, Korean independence movement, the emergence of two
rival regimes after 1945, and the Korean War (1950-1953) and its aftermaths in South and North
Course Requirements:
1. Mandatory attendance at classes and active participation in discussion.
2. Independent reading of the papers and book chapters listed in the “Lecture Topics and
Reading Requirements” shown below.
3. A 20-page critical book review on one of the three following books:
-Gregory Henderson. Korea: The Politics of the Vortex.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968.
-Bruce Cumings. Korea’s Place in the Sun: A Modern History.
New York and London: W.W. Norton & Co., 1997.
-Sun Yup Paik, From Pusan to Panmunjom. Dulles, VA: Brassey’s, 1992
This term paper must be typed doublespace and due prior to the final examination day.
Grading Policy:
Students’ grade will depend on (1) the results of two examinations (mid-term and the final),
(2) the quality of the book review, (3) the record of class attendance, and (4) the level of
participation in the classroom discussions.
Carter Eckert …… Young Ick Lew, et. al. Korean Old and New: A History. Seoul: Ilchokak,
Andrew C. Nahm. Korea: Tradition and Transformation. Seoul: Hollym, 1988.
Lecture Topics and Reading Assignments
1. An overview of Modern Korean History
2. Early Korean Contact with the West and the Taewon’gun’s Exclusionism, 1800s-1870’s
-Key-Hiuk Kim, Opening of Korea: a Confucian Response to the Western Impact (Seoul:
Yonsei University Press, 1999), pp. 1-23.
3. Opening of the “Hermit Kingdom” to Japan and the West, 1876-1880’s
-Key Hiuk Kim, ibid., pp. 80.
-Young Ick Lew, “The Shufeldt Treaty and Early Korean American Interaction, 18821905,” The Journal of Asiatic Studies, 25:1 (1982), pp. 36-51.
-_______________, “Japanese Challenge and Korean Response, 1870-1910, ”Korea Journal,
25:12 (Dec. 1985), pp. 36-51.
4. The “Enlightenment” Movement and the Kapsin Coup, 1870-1884.
Protestantism: The Cases of Six Leaders of the 1880’ and 1890’s Reform
Movements,” [아시아 文化], 4 (1988), pp. 163-66.
-Yong-ho Ch’oe,: “A Reappraisal of Coup of 1884,” Korean Studies, 2 (1978).
5. Korea under the Chinese Domination and the Outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, 1885-1894
-Young Ick Lew,: “Yuan Shih-k’ai’s Residency and the Korean Enlightenment Movement,
1885-94, ”The Journal of Korean Studies, 5 (1984), pp. 63-107.
-_______________, “Minister Inoue Kaoru and the Japanese Reform Attempts in Korea during
the Sino-Japanese War, 1894-1895,” The Journal of Asiatic Studies, 27:2 (1984), pp.
6. Tonghak and the Tonghak Peasant Uprising, 1894
-Susan Shin, “The Tonghak Movement : From Enlightenment to Revolution,” Korean
Studies Forum, 5 (Winter-Spring, 1978-1979), pp. 1-79.
-Young Ick Lew, “The Conservative Character of the 1894 Tonghak Peasant Uprising.”
The Journal of Korean Studies, 7(1990), pp. 149-80.
7. The Kabo Reforms and the Independence Club Movement, 1884-1898
-Young Ick Lew, “Korean-Japanese Politics behind the Kabo Reform Movement, 1894 to
1896,” The Journal of Korean Studies, 3 (1981), pp. 39-81.
-_______________, “The Reform Efforts and Ideas of Pak Yong-hyo, 1894-1895,” Korean
Studies, 1 (1977), pp. 21-61.
-Vipan Chandra, Imperialism, Resistance and Reform in Late Nineteenth Century Korea :
Enlightenment and the Independence Club (Berkeley: Center of Korean Studies,
University of California, 1988), pp. 104-125; 173-210.
8. Japanese Colonial Rule, 1905-1945
-Han-Kyo Kim, “The Japanese Colonial Administration on Korea. An Overview,” Andrew C.
Nahm ed., Korea under Japanese Colonial Rule (Kalamazoo, Mich: The Center for
Korean Studies, Western Michigan University, 1973), pp. 41-53.
-Bruce Cumings, “The Legacy of Japanese Colonialism in Korea,” Raymon H. Myers and
Mark R. Peattie, eds., The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895-1945 (Princeton
University Press, 1984), pp. 487-496.
9. Korean Independence Movement, 1905-1945
-Frank Baldwin, “Participatory Anti-Imperialism: The 1919 Independence Movement,” The
Journal for Korean Studies, 1 (1970), pp. 123-62.
-Chong-sik Lee, The Politics of Korean Nationalism (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University
of California Press, 1965), pp. 129-179.
10. Liberation and the Birth of Rival Regimes, 1945-1948
-Bruce Cumings, “American Policy and Korean Liberation, “Frank Baldwin, ed., Without
Parallel: The American-Korean Relationship Since 1945 (New York: Pantheon
Books, 1973), pp. 39-93.
-Chong-sik Lee, “The Personality of Four Koran Political Leaders: Syngman Rhee, Kim Ku,
Kim Kyu-sik, and Yo Un-hyong,” Korea and Asia: In Commemoration of the
Sixtieth Birthday of Dr. Kim Junyop (Seoul: The Asiatic Research Center, Korea
University, 1983), pp. 181-226.
11. The Korean War (1950-1953) and After
-David Rees, A Short History of Modern Korea (Ellan Vannin: Ham Publishing Co., 1988),
pp. 96-133.
-James B. Palais, “ ‘Democracy’ in South Korea, 1948-72,” Frank Baldwin ed., Without
Parallel, pp. 96-133.
-Chong-sik Lee, Korean Workers’ Party: A Short History. (Stanford: Hoover Institute
Press, 1978), pp. 1-134.