Technological Problem Solving Project

TED 384 Computer Applications in Industry
(Robotics Education)
Technological Problem Solving Project
Portion of Final Grade: 15%
Due Wednesday April 11, 2007
Since we worked in pairs to complete our lab activities, each pair will turn in one (1) journal
with problem solving logs. However, to maintain consistency and fairness in grading, each
student is required to submit his/her own final report. Both reports will be submitted to the
instructor along with the journal and problem solving logs.
Problem Solving Logs –
The prescribed technological problem solving logs that you completed during lab activities
should be placed in order of date and time in the back half of your journal.
Reflective Journals –
Handwritten journal entries that you entered into your journal at the end of every class period
should be placed in order of date and time in the front half of your journal.
Final Report –
The final report should adhere to APA guidelines, include a cover page, and content specifically
related to the modules you completed. Please start page one using the following format.
Title of the Report
State the purpose of the paper and introduce your partner. Develop the background of the
report, including a description of the problem solving log and its purpose. Describe the work
stations included in the learning activities. Write a transition sentence leading into the full
descriptions of each module.
Rotation 1: Name of robot platform
Describe this workstation. Provide details about the robot and the tasks you accomplished
during this rotation. Describe the problems you encountered during this time and how you solved
them. Recount at least three things you learned about this robot. What did you enjoy most about
this robot? Least? What are your recommendations about the use of this robot in K-12
Rotation 2: Name of robot platform
Describe this workstation. Provide details about the robot and the tasks you accomplished
during this rotation. Describe the problems you encountered during this time and how you solved
them. Recount at least three things you learned about this robot. What did you enjoy most about
this robot? Least? What are your recommendations about the use of this robot in K-12
Terri Varnado
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Rotation 3: Name of robot platform
Describe this workstation. Provide details about the robot and the tasks you accomplished
during this rotation. Describe the problems you encountered during this time and how you solved
them. Recount at least three things you learned about this robot. What did you enjoy most about
this robot? Least? What are your recommendations about the use of this robot in K-12
Rotation 4: Name of robot platform (If applicable)
Describe this workstation. Provide details about the robot and the tasks you accomplished
during this rotation. Describe the problems you encountered during this time and how you solved
them. Recount at least three things you learned about this robot. What did you enjoy most about
this robot? Least? What are your recommendations about the use of this robot in K-12
Summarize your report. Discuss similarities and differences in the work station tasks. What
recommendations would you make to future students regarding these lab activities?
Terri Varnado
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