A. Department of Special Education SED 814 Course Title: Special Education and Supervision Techniques Credit Hours: 3 B. Course Description: The consultation, collaboration, supervision, and services of students with disabilities will be explored. As well as the training of new staff members, relationships with SBDM councils, selection and utilization of support techniques for staff members. The evaluation of personnel and programs for students with disabilities will be addressed. The application of the Kentucky Administrative Regulations, and Policies and Procedures that govern the education of students with disabilities will be covered. Special attention will be paid to the compliant, mediation, and Due Process procedures that surround students with disabilities. C. Text: Students with Disabilities and Special Education, Kentucky Administrative Regulations. KDE. (available from KDE website); Local Special Education Policies and Procedures Manual, (available from your local DoSe); Copy of your local Evaluation Procedures D. Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course students will be able to: a. Perform the functions of a consultant to regular and special education personnel at the building and district level with regard to the education of students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. b. Identify, select, and manage the utilization of necessary support services in special education available in the district and the region when presented with learning needs and curricular adaptations and/or modifications. c. Design and maintain systematic procedures for evaluation of instruction, programs, and instructional materials. d. Design and implement appropriate professional development activities at the building level and the district level. e. Communicate with parents of students with disabilities, persons of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, teachers, other professionals and non professionals in the community, regarding district wide special education services. f. Identify the variety of forms and cite the procedures required by the state for the purpose of state monitoring of special education programs by KDE and design corrective actions when needed. g. Conduct an audit of files to prepare for state monitoring. h. Locate, comprehend, and interpret new federal and state special education regulations specific to procedural safeguards, comprehensive system of personnel development, and free appropriate public education. i. Interpret procedural safeguards mandated by the federal and state regulations j. Cite major Due Process rights of students with disabilities to their parents. k. Distinguish between mediation and due process hearings. l. Prepare for a Due Process hearing. E. Course Outline Week #1 Introduction, Syllabus, etc. Week #2 Section 504 Week #3 FERPA and Confidentiality Week #4 Evaluation Basics Week #5 Work Session Week #6 Discipline and related cases Week #7 Evaluation Reports and eligibility criteria Week #8 Midterm Week #9 Case Discussions Week #10 Case Discussions Week #11 Work Session Week #12 KCMP Week #13 Child Count and Exit Report Week #14 Due Process, Mediation, and the Complaint process Week #15 Final Prep Work Session Week #16 Final F. Course Requirements a. Come to class regularly, prepared, and having read each topic. b. Actively participate in class discussions at each class meeting. c. Submit all assignments typed in Standard English, either in person or as and email attachments, on or before the due date. d. Students are required to create, design, develop and produce all assignments themselves. School or district documents will not substitute for student assignments. Professional Development Unit : Professional Development Plan for your Special Education Staff You are beginning the school year and a school within your district is staffed with four out of five emergency certified special education teachers. As their director of special education how will you assess their professional development needs? Develop a comprehensive Professional Development plan for your staff within this school. Define your roles as their DoSE in this process. Identify the resources that you will access to assist. How will you monitor their success? Professional Development Unit : Growth and Professional Development Plan for a teacher You have a teacher within your Moderate to Severe classroom that will be receiving 4 students with Autism into her classroom this semester. Develop an individual PD plan for this teacher and develop a growth plan for her as well. Develop your own form, method(s) of assistance, and assessment method to determine if the teacher meets your expectations. Professional Development Unit : Corrective Action Plan for a Teacher During a review of Due Process folders within your district you discover a teacher that has numerous errors in their due process procedures. Please develop an Individual Corrective Action Plan for this teacher to correct both the errors in due process, and check the teacher’s future due process understanding. Develop your own corrective action form, method of assistance, and assessment technique that you will use to ensure compliance. Walk-Through Assignment Using the form provided, you will be expected to conduct at least 6 different “walkthroughs” of your fellow special education teachers. After compiling your data into a “useable” form, you will share the results with your fellow teachers and the instructor. A written summary will be provided to the instructor outlining your results, and how you would use this data to improve the instruction of your fellow special education teachers. Folder Review Assignment Using the KDE approved folder review document you will be expected to conduct a review of the folders on your caseload. Please summarize your findings for the instructor and develop a plan to correct any errors that you discovered. Professional Development Trainings Many times a DoSE is called upon to conduct PD trainings for you staff, parents, and community members. You will be assigned a topic from this class and be expected to prepare an outline of a parent/community member training on this topic. You will prepare a copy of this outline for distribution to your fellow classmates. Interview Questions Bank You will develop a set of interview questions for a particular position within the special education field. You will be expected to prepare a copy of your interview questions for your fellow classmates. Mock Due Process Hearing As part of your final exam we will conduct a Due Process hearing in which you will prepare a chronology of events, witness list, and conduct proceedings. This will be a group project. G. Additional Requirements for Graduate Students: Not applicable H. Evaluation method and relative weight of each course requirement Weekly Simulations Activities Professional Development Unit “Walk Through” activity Parent Community Training Folder Review Activity Interview Question Assignment Mid-term Evaluation Due Process Chronology and Presentation 15% 20% 5% 5% 5% 5% 25% 20% Letter Grade: 90% to 100% A 80% to 89% B 70% to 79% C **Writing proficiency is a significant criterion in the grading of each assignment. One letter grade will be dropped for students whose writing difficulties and errors interfere with their communication and expression of ideas. I. Student Progress: Students are responsible for monitoring their progress in the course by computing their grades continually as each graded assignment or test is returned to them by the instructor. J. Attendance Policy: Regular class attendance is expected. Missing class will have a direct correlation with student success. K. Last day to drop course or to withdraw from the university are included in the class schedule L. Disabilities Statement If you are registered with the Office of Services for Individuals with Disabilities, please make an appointment with the course instructor to discuss any academic accommodations you need. If you need academic accommodations and are not registered with the Office of Services for Individuals with Disabilities, please contact the Office on the third floor of the Student Services Building, by email at disserv@eku.edu or by telephone at (859) 622-2933 V/TDD. Upon individual request, this syllabus can be made available in alternative forms. See note 2 below M. Academic Integrity Statement. Students are advised that EKU’s Academic Integrity policy will strictly be enforced in this course. The Academic Integrity policy is available at www.academicintegrity.eku.edu. Questions regarding the policy may be directed to the Office of Academic Integrity. Revised Fall 2008 Dr. Kristina Krampe Course P/N Course Title SED 814 Special Education and Supervision Techniques CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ELEMENTS CF1: Knowledge - Enables candidates to construct understanding of the complexity and richness of the teaching/learning process. CF2: Pedagogical Skills - Enables the professional educator to facilitate learning for all students. CF3: Dispositions - Includes the professional attitudes, values and beliefs that support student learning and development. CF4: Technology - Focuses on preparing candidates who are able to use educational technology to help all students learn. CF5: Diversity - Reflects the Unit’s commitment to preparing candidates to support learning for all students RELATIONSHIP TO: College of Education Conceptual Framework K- Basic Knowledge, A- Application, PA- Portfolio Artifact, KA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6- Key Assessments CF1 CF2 CF3 CF4 CF5 K, KA1 K K K TEACHER STANDARDS (2008) STANDARD 1: STANDARD 2: STANDARD 3: STANDARD 4: STANDARD 5: STANDARD 6: The teacher demonstrates applied content knowledge The teacher designs and plans instruction The teacher creates and maintains learning climate The teacher implements and manages instruction The teacher assesses and communicates learning results The teacher demonstrates the implementation of technology STANDARD 7: Reflects on and evaluates teaching and learning STANDARD 8: Collaborates with colleagues/parents/others STANDARD 9: Evaluates teaching and implements professional development STANDARD 10: Provides leadership within school/community/profession Kentucky Teacher Standards – Advanced K- Basic Knowledge, A- Application, PA- Portfolio Artifact, KA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6- Key Assessments TS1 TS2 TS3 TS4 TS5 TS6 TS7 TS8 TS9 TS10 K, K K K K K A KA1 EKU GOALS EKU-G1. To promote and support an inclusive climate that respects and celebrates diversity by attracting, developing and educating a diverse student, faculty, and staff population. EKU-G2. To continuously assess and improve the services and infrastructure of the University to support and maintain high quality programs. EKU-G 3. To promote learning through high quality programs, research, and support services. EKU-G4. To develop and enhance an environment facilitating intellectual curiosity, cultural opportunities and problem-solving abilities for members of the University community. EKU-G5. To increase and enhance external and internal constituency engagement, while maintaining a connection with the southeastern region of Kentucky. EKU Goals EKU-G1 X EKU–G2 - EKU-G3 X EKU-G4 X EKU-G5 - KERA Initiatives Identify the initiative number(s) for each category Learner Program of Studies: Program of Studies: Goals/Academic Understandings Skills & Concepts Expectations - Core Content - EPSB Themes K- Basic Knowledge, A- Application, PA- Portfolio Artifact, KA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6- Key Assessments Diversity Technology Literacy Code of Ethics Leadership K K A SPA Council for Exceptional Children (Special Education Administrators) Standard 1: Foundation Standard #2: Development and Characteristics of Learners Standard 3: Standard #3: Individual Learning Differences Standard 7: Instructional Planning Standard 8: Assessment Standard 9: Professional and Ethical Practices Standard 10: Collaboration