Dr. Akhtar Naeem Khan CV: Civil Engineering Expertise

Dr. Akhtar Naeem Khan
Ph.D Civil/Structural Engineering
University of illinois
Urbana-Champaign USA
Tel(Office) : +92 91 9216775,Fax : + 92 91 9216396
chairciv@nwfpuet.edu.pk, drakhtarnaeem@nwfpuet.edu.pk
Deptt : of C.E.NWFP UET Peshawar.P.O.Box(25000)
Earthquake Engg, Bridge Engg, Finite Element Modeling, Static & Dynamic Analysis of Structures,
Soil Structure Interaction, Design of Steel, Pre-Stressed, RCC and Masonry Structures
Professor & Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, NWFP, University of
Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan.w.e.f August 2005-to date
Project Director, Earthquake Engineering Centre, University of Engineering and
Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan.w.e.f August 2004 to date.
(Latest First)
July 2001 till date
a. Research and development:
1. Established Earthquake Engineering Centre first of its kind in the region &
subsequent request for developmental fund of Rs. 487 million (Approx 8
million dollar) to up-grade it to a full fledge Institute of Earthquake
Engineering & Engg: Seismology, has been approved by Government of
2. Scccessfully supervised first Ph.D of Pakistan in Civil /Structure
Enginering Programe of any Public Sector University & currently
supervising 6 PhD students
3. Developed linkages/collaborative programs with international institute/
centers,and, MoU signed with (i) European School for Advanced Studies
in Reduction of seismic Risk(ROSE), Pavia, Italy (ii) Earthquake
Engineering Centre SKOPJE Macedonia, (iii) MCEER (Multi Diciplinary
Center for Earthquake Engineering research, State University of Newyork,
Buffallo, USA.
4. Organized International Conferences/workshops ofter October 8, 2005
Kashmir earthquake on Seismology, Stuctures, codes and Disaster
5. Developed Earthquake Engineering curriculam and up dated curriculam in
Structural Engineering by, introducing new courses of
Engineering, steel structure, pre-stressed concrete, FE Methods.
6. As refree & member editional board Journal of Engineering and applied
science for Engineering University Peshawar reviewed a number of
national & international scholars research work for publication.
7. Organised National Seminars with foreign experts on diversified topics
such as (i) Computer Aided Analysis/design with expert of AIT Bangkok,
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(ii) Use of waste materials in concrete with expert of Hydro Cubec
Canada, and, (iii) Fire resistance & safety of buildings with expert from
old dominion University USA.
8. As advisor Post Graduate Program of Civil Engineering Department,
involved with University-Industry interaction on multifarious research
projects of Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Water
Resource Engineering.
9. As member of University Academic Council and University Board of
Advance studies and research (BOASAR), involved in upgrading and
updating the curriculum of undergraduate and post-graduate students,
Review Research Project of various scholars.
10. Currently deliberating colaboration with Agha Khan Building Authoritiy
on Earthquake Engineering aspects
11. Supervising research projects of PhD, MSc and Bachelor Students of Civil
Engineering Department.
12. Currently managing a number of Consultancy Project under University
industry interaction, specially after October 8 Kashmir Earthquake
engaged on development of interim seismic building code, Field practicing
& construction material manual for repair/ retrofil of damaged building,
seismic resistant modular design for school, health & housing units.
13. Engaged Foreign Faculty under Higher Education Commission programme
of foreign faculty hiring for Civil Engineering Department, UET, Peshawar
14. As research investigator to be associated with international panel of
researchers on special research project in the field of Earthquake Engg: to
be jointly sponsored by Govt. of Pakistan and Govt of Italy under cooperation in Advance Education and Research in the field of Earthquake
Egineering seismology & disaster management. Also, submitted
b. Teaching
1. Currently teaching EQ Engineering, structural Dynamics, & Bridge
Engineering to postgraduate students. Also teaching design of steel
structures course to undergraduate students.
2. Taught Finite Element methods, Advance steel structure and pre-stressed
concrete to post-graduate students.
c. Chairman & other administrative Assignment:
1. Responsible for U.G. & P.G. Programmes of Civil Engg at main
Peshawar Campus, U.G. program of Civil Engg at Bannu Campus &
Architecture at Abbottabad Campus, primarily responsible for Curriculum
development & upgradation of course at UG & PG level.
2. As member of semester system committee introduced semester system for
Undergradute Programe in place of old Annual System of University of
Engineering & Technology, Peshawar.
3. As convener, Tennure Track System committee remained instrumental in
introducing the HEC sponsored TTS pay packages in University service for
4. Currently as member of university re-structuring committee responsible for
re-defining & re-assigning the current university authorities & entities a
role & scope for much broader spectrum.
5. Managing affairs of National Institute of Urban infrastrucrture planning to
be Established through HEC Funds.
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6. Member of Project Executive Committee on various developmental
programs sponsorved by HEC, such as strengthening of satellite campuses,
main campuses Advance Technical Resource Center.
Associate Professor,
Sep, 1996 to June 2001
1. Initiated Ph.D programme in Civil Engineering Deptt: by enrolling first Ph.D
student of engineering and subsequently supervised a number of Ph.D
research scholars in Civil/Structural Engineering.
2. Taught a number postgraduate courses such as F.E. methods, structural
dynamic/E.Q Engg. and pre-stressed Concrete/Bridge Engg. to post-graduate
students. Also, taught steel structures and strength of material courses to
undergraduate students.
3. Supervised research projects of M.Sc and Bachelor Students of Civil
Engineering Department.
4. As member department Board of studies, University Academic Council and
Board of Advanced Studies extensively contributed in policy formulation related
to research & academic programe Postgraduate and Undergraduate students.
5. Advisory & consultancy services in Public/Private Sector.
Assistant Professor,
1987 to 1996
1. Taught basic courses in structural analysis to undergraduate students.
2. Taught Advance Course in Structural Analysis to postgraduate students.
3. Supervised a number of undergraduate final year projects related to design
of building and bridges, materials study of concrete composition
4. Pursued Ph.D degree from 1992-1996 at UIUC under central overseas training
scholarship, Govt. of Pakistan.
March 2004
Consultancy Services
Taught basic courses in Structural Analysis to undergraduate students.
Supervised a number of undergraduate final year projects related to design
of building
Provided over last 21 years (1984 onwards)
Consultancy/Design Services,
1. Advisory/ consultancy services offered to P & d Deptt: Govt. of NWFP for
Development of seismic resistant modular designs, interim seismic building code
2. Load testing of historic provincial Assembly building of NWFP through Nondestructive testing.
3. Static and Dynamic load testing of Ayub bridge ,Havilian NWFP.
4. Structural Design of Nazim-e- Alla Block and other buildings in charsadda Works
& Services Department Government of NWFP.
5. As Incharge Material Testing Laboratory provided Advisory/ Consultancy services
related to various types of Material testing for various developmental projects
related bridges, Dams, Roads, Communication Towers, Irrigation Project in the
province for different department.
6. Structural design of first of its kind Earthquake Engineering Centre, at NWFP
University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar.
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7. Structural design of New Administration Block, at NWFP University of
Engineering and Technology, Peshawar.
8. Structural Design of Governer House Extension Nathia- Gali and, Degree College
Nathia Gali for Works & Services Department Government of NWFP.
9. As technical expert on various consultancy assignments remained associated on
resource planning, management, business discussion/demonstration & guidance
to engineers and other staff. Also, carried out field visits for reconnaissance and
solution of problems.
10. Vetting of structural design of 5 No. Underpasses in Peshawar for PDA.
11. Structural design of Overhead Water Tank at D.I. Khan PHE Deptt: Govt. of
12. Structural design of number buildings of Governemnt Schools, Colleges and
Universities (KUST, Hazara, UET).
13. Sub- structure Design of Modern Bus terminal in Peshawar for PDA.
14. Providing Advisory/ consultancy services related to various types of Material/
testing for Reconstruction of Afghanistan under Joint Venture of Civil
Engineering Department University of Engineering and Technology and National
Engineering services of Pakistan (NESPAK).
15. Supervised Structural Design of Al-Kuwait orphanage complex (7000 sq.m).
16. Supervised complete Design of all Maira Irrig. Project components Irrig. Deptt.
17. Review of Structural Design of 45 cases of overhead reservoirs for different
capacities, heights and seismic zones for Dorsch Consultant, PHE Deptt. NWFP.
18. Review of feasibility study/ design of chair lifts at Gilyat Sarhad Tourism Corp.
19. Review of Kanju Township extensions and detail designing of modular houses.
20. Review of Master Plan for Tourism in NWFP, for Sarhad Tourism Corporation.
21. Reviewed & supervised complete design of Topi-Darband Road Project, which
included design of 1km long span pre-stressed bridge at Darband.
Involved with structural (sub and super structure) and architectural design of
over hundred residential buildings with about 50,000 sq.m of covered area.
22. Involved with structural design (super structure) of over 50 commercial plazas
in various locations of N.W.F.P with over 50,000 sq.m of covered area.
23. Supervised constructions of building with over 10,000 sq.m of covered area.
24. Structural design of hockey stadium at Hayatabad Sports Complex, Peshawar.
25. Structural design of squash courts for Kohat Development Authority.
26. Involved with structural design of bus stand at Hangu/Kohat.
27. Structural design of a number of hostels for Directorate of Works, UET Pesh.
28. Structural designs of a number of mosques in the province of N.W.F.P.
a. Refered Journals
1. Akhtar Naeem Khan and Mohammad Riaz “Use of Karak bentonite as partial
replacement of cement” JEAS Vol. – 22 No. 2 July – December (2003) 48-56.
2. Qaisar Ali, Akhtar Naeem and Siddique Akbar, “ Simulted earthquake vibration
tests on brick masonry model through contained underground explosions”, JEAS
Vol.24 No.2 July-December 2005
3. Akhtar Naeem Khan and Tahir Hussain “A study on plain and composite brick
masonry columns” JEAS Vol. – 22 No. 1 January – June (2003) 47-57.
4. Akhtar Naeem Khan and Irshad Ahmad “Modeling of Pile-Soil Interaction in a
Standard Finite Element Based Program (SAP2000)” JEAS Vol-21 No.2 JulyDecember (2002) 83-90
5. Akhtar Naeem Khan and Irshad Ahmad “Analysis of load settlement curves of
pile load tests conducted in various NWFP localities” JEAS Vol-21 No.2 JulyDecember (2002) 1-10
6. Akhtar Naeem Khan “Influence of skew angle on live load distribution in an I-
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beam composite bridge” JEAS Vol-21 No.1 January-June (2002) 29-51.
7. Akhtar Naeem Khan and Irshad Ahmad “ Formulation of Numerical Technique to
develop t-z curve using load settlement data from pile load test” JEAS, Vol-21
No.1 January-June (2002) 115-118
8. Akhtar Naeem Khan “ Bridge longitudinal span influence on wheel load (LL)
distribution in an I-beam bridge” JEAS Vol.-21 No. 2 July-December (2001) 8-19
9. Akhtar Naeem Khan “ Influence of girder spacing on lateral distribution of
bridge live load” JEAS Vol.-21 No. 2 July-December (2001) 35-44
10. Akhtar Naeem Khan and Latif ur Rehman “Evaluation of various quarry site
aggregates for Alkali Aggregate Reactivity (AAR) in Peshawar NWFP Pakistan”
JEAS Vol-20 No.1Jan-June (2001) 17-26.
11. Akhtar Naeem Khan,Attaullah Shah and Qaisar Ali “Use of fly ash as
cementatious material in concrete” JEAS Vol-20 No.1 Jan-June (2001) 37-45.
12. Akhtar Naeem Khan and Qaisar Ali “Effect of maximum size of aggregate and
its gradation on the shear capacity of R.C beams without web reinforcement”
JEAS Vol-19 No.2 July-December (2000) 49-54.
13. Akhtar Naeem Khan , Amjad Ali and Fazal Khaliq “The effect of Solids loading
on head loss in slow Sand filters” JEAS Vol-11 No.1Jan-June (1992) 29-31
14. Akhtar Naeem Khan, Amjad Ali and Fazal Khaliq “The effect of Solids loading on
the performance of slow sand filters” JEAS Vol-11 No.1 Jan-June (1992) 23-27
15. Akhtar Naeem Khan, Abdul Jabbar and Fazal Khaliq “Effect of rate of filtration
on the performance of slow sand filters in terms of the filter run length” JEAS
Vol-10 No.1,2 Jan-December (1991) 87-93
16. Akhtar Naeem Khan, Abdul Jabbar and Fazal Khaliq “Effect of rate of filtration
on the performance of slow sand filters in terms of the removal of the
suspended solids”JEAS Vol-9 No. 1,2 Jan-December (1991) 95-99
17. Akhtar Naeem Khan, Abdul Jabbar and Fazal Khaliq “Low cost reinforced
concrete I-shaped roof panels”JEAS Vol.-9 No. 2 July-December (1990) 31-37
18. Akhtar Naeem Khan and Qaiser Ali “A critical review of the seismic hazard
zoning of Peshawar and adjoining areas” JEE Vol.9, No.5 (2005) 587-607.
19. Qaisar Ali and Akhtar Naeem, “Seismic performance of brick masonry structural
systems”, Accepted for publication in Journal of Earthquake Engineering.
20. Irshad A., Akhtar N.K., and M. Hesham El Naggar “ Neural Network for
Evaluating Shear Capacity of Concrete in RC beams”, Journal of Computing in
Civil Engineering, ASCE. (Submitted for review)
21. Irshad Ahmad, Akhtar Naeem Khan, "Kinematic Seismic Response Of Piles In
Layered Soil Profile" J.eng. & Appl. sci. JEAS Vol 25 No 1 Jan- June (2006) 33-38
b. Conference Papers
1. “Application of Neural network for Evaluating Shear Capacity of Reinforced
Concrete Beams”. (Dr. Akhtar Naeem Khan, Irshad Ahmad & Ehsham-al-Nagar),
Con Mat’05, Third Intrernational Conference on Construction Material
Performance, Innovations & Structural Implicationa Vancouver, Canada
2. Syed Muhammad Ali, Dr. Zia Razzaq & Dr. Akhtar Naeem Khan “Effect of
warping restraints on Lateral-Torsional Buckling of FRP Beams”.
3. Qaisar Ali, Akhtar Naeem and Siddique Akbar, “Simulated earthquake vibration
tests on brick masonry model through contained underground explosions”,
International conference on Earthquake Engineering in the 21st century, Skopje,
Macedonia, 27th August to 1st Sept 2005.
4. Akhtar Naeem Khan, Zia Razzaq and Mohammad Adil, “Load-Carrying
Capacity Of FRP Columns With Partial Rotational Restraints” 12th International
Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-12) held from August 1 to 6,
2005 in Tenerife Spain.
5. Abstract Submitted to 12 ECEE in Geneva, Switzerland Sept 2006. Muhammad
Javed Dr. Akhtar Naeem Khan, Andre Penna, Megenesse. “Behaviour of
Masonary Structures during Kashmir Earthquake 2005”.
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6. Irshad A., Akhtar N. K. “Kinematic Seismic Response of Piles-Importance and
Modeling" GeoCongress'06, Atlanta (Accepted for publication).
7. Abstract accepted by International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical
Engineering (4ICEGE). Irshad Ahmad, Akhtar Naeem Khan, M. hesham El-Naggar
“Kinematic Response Factors of Pile”
8. Dr. Qaisar Ali, Dr. Akhtar Naeem Khan, Engr. Mazhar Ali, “ Mechanical
Properties of Brick Masonary Structural System in Pakistan (Abstract Accepted)
13 ECEE in Genera, Switzerland September 2006.
Special Report
"A Summary Report on Muzaffarabad Earthquake, Pakistan" by Dr. A. Naeem,
Dr.Qaisar Ali, Muhammad Javed, Zakir Hussain, Amjad Naseer, Syed Muhammad
Ali, Irshad Ahmed, and Muhammad Ashraf
2. “First Report on the Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005” Dr. A Naeem, Dr.
Qaisar Ali, Muhammad Javed, Zakir Hussain, Amjad Naseer, Syed Muhammad
Ali, Irshad Ahmed, and Muhammad Ashraf
PhD Research Supervision:
List of Ph.D Research Project Supervised.
1. Dr.Qaisar Ali Ph.D “ Seismic Performance Study of Brick Masonry Building System in
Peshawar Region”.
List of Ph.D Research Project under supervision.
1. Seismic response of brick and reinforced concrete structures in passive energy dissipating mode to strong
earth-quake motion
2. To study the inelastic response of Girder Bridges & propose design guidelines for girder bridges in Pakistan.
3. Seismic Risk Assessment of Masonary buildings of Northern Pakistan using displacement based techniques.
4. Seismic Risk Assessment of Bridges using Displacement Based Techniques.
5. Application of Neural network for predicting seismic soil pile structure interaction.
6. Experimental Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Bridges using force & ambient testing procedures &
subsequent development of Seismic/Dynamic design guidelines.
Research Evaluation Committee member (REC) of PhD students:
 Application of expert Network to short Term load Forecasting in Electric Power System.
 Effect of high Strain Rate on Material Response during High Speed Machining of Stainless Steel.
 3rd Ph.D student of Khawaja yahya, Communicaton Engineering.
M.Sc Research Supervision:
List of M.Sc Projects Supervised:
1. Effect of Maximum Size of Coarse Aggregate & its gradation on shear Capacity of Reinforced
Concrete beams Without Web reinforcement.
2. The Study of various Aggregate Quarry sites
for Alkali Aggregate Reactivity in Peshawar
3. Use of Fly Ash as Cementations material in concrete.
4. Development of Design Guidelines for Soil-Structure Interaction of Bridge Pile Foundation in
Various N-W. F. P. Localities.
5. A Study to Establish Strength Relationships & to Determine the effect on Strength of Plain &
Composite Brick masonry Columns due to Variation in quality of Materials: Cross-Sectional area &
6. To study various perameters affecting the performance of long span prestressed segmental Box Girder
7. Use of Jehangira Betonies as Partial replacement of Cement
8. Cost and Performance Optimization of Post- Tensioned prestressed Girder Bridge superstructures.
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9. Experimental Verification of Elastic Response for composite I- Beam Bridge Superstructure to Critically
Review the Current Bridge Design Guidelines in Pakistan.
10. To Study the Behaviour of Steel Plate Girders for Short to Medium span composite bridges and its
comparison with pre-stressed concrete girder bridges based on overall cost of the bridge, constructional
problems associated with both the systems, weight of the girders, seismic response, and fatigue life.
11. To Develop General Dynamic Analysis Procedure for Design of Civil Engineering Structures and Compare it
with international code and specifications.
M.Sc student research evaluation as external.
1. Use of Rice Husk Ash in Concrete.
2. Development of Low Cost composite mortar for Brick Masonry by missing non-Hydraulic line with various
indigenous materials.
3. Use of natural pozzolana as partial replacement of cement.
4. Correlation between pulse velocity & crushing strength of concrete.
5. Strengthening of Unreinforced Brick masonry columns by ferrocement.
6. To study the behavior of un-burnt compressed earthquake block (CEB) masonry walls & columns.
7. Study of highly stressed composite soil blocks.
8. Design optimization of Masonary Buildings for Gravity loads by Field test of existing structures
9. Strengthening Of Unreinforced Brick Masonary Columns By Ferrocement.
M.Sc Under Supervision.
1. Rutting Potential of different Asphalt Mixtures and its bahaviour under light temperature.
2. Critical assessment/review of various design parameters related to strength, servicibility and
quality control: Adoipted at Ghazi Barotha Power Complea (Siphon Spillway)
3. Assessment of Seismic Design Provision for Peshawar.
4. To Study the Behaviour of Unreinfored humped Brick Slab.
M.Phil student research evaluation as external in Center of Excellance in Geology, Peshawar University.
1. Concrete feasibility for the limestone of the kohat formation, District Kohat.
2. Feasibilty study of limestone of Gandghar Range & Associated deposit for cement manufacturing
Miscelleneous Assignments.
Remained member of Academic Council and Board of Advance Studies and Research University of
Engineering and Technology, Peshawar.
Currently Referee on evaluation of Technical Publication for journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences
University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar.
Remained External Examiner of Military College of Civil Engineering, Risalpur, Baluchistan University of
Engineering Technology Khuzdar, and, center of excellence for geology in Peshawar University.
Collaborative Research Proposals approved or under review:
1. Pak_US Joint Proposal titled“Development of Research and Training Program in Transportation
Engineering- Application of Imaging and Micro Mechanical Comutational Modeling
2. Proposal submitted jointly by Dr. Akhtar Naeem Khan and Amr Elnashai Titled “Seismic Code
Calibration for Safty and Economy.
3. Proposal accepted Titled “ Loss-Assesment and Consequence-Based Risk Management”
4. Proposal accepted Titled “Seismic Loss Assessment and Risk Management of Critical Structures
and Lifelines in Muzzafar abad, Pakistan.
5. Proposal accepted Titled “ Response Modification Factor of Typical Pakistani Buildings”
6. Proposal accepted Titled “Reconstruction of Rural Homes Destroyed During the 2005 Pakistan
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Awards/Professional Affiliations:
Awarded central oversees training scholarship by Ministry of Education, GOP.
Member of Pakistan Engineering Council (No.Civ/7119).
Member in Pakistan Engg. Congress (No 2847).
Membership of ASCE. (No.465125)
Membership in International Institute of Structural Health Monitoring for Intelligent Infrastructure, Canada
List on approved Ph.D supervisors list of HEC, Pakistan.
Member provincial scientific committee for Civil awards.
Nominated for Best University Teachers Award for the Year 2004.
Seminars & Conferences Organized:
1. Organised International Conference on Seismology, Structure, code and Disaster Mitigation after
Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005 November 18-19,2005.
2. Fire Resistance and Safety of Buildings (with experts of ODU, USA).
3. Use of Waste Materials in Concrete (with experts of Quebec Hydro, Canada)
4. National seminar on Computers Aided Analysis and Design (with experts of AIT Bangkok).
1993 – 1996
PhD (Structural Engineering)
University of ILLINOIS at Urbana Champaign, USA.
Postgraduate Research Work in Structural/Bridge Engineering which led to Award of PhD
Degree from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA.
M.Sc. (Structural Engineering)
University of ILLINOIS at Urbana Champaign, USA.
M.Sc. (Structural Engineering)
NWFP University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan.
B.Sc. (Civil Engineering with honors)
NWFP University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan.
Computer Literacy
Structural Engineering Softwares:
ABAQUS, SAP2KNL, and FINITE software packages basedon finite element
procedure for Linear/Non-Linear, Static/Dynamic Analysis of
Solid/Structural members in 1-, 2- and 3-D.
PATRAN, Computer Aided Modeling Software compatible with pre and
post process input and out files of all the leading finite element softwars
in the world, prepares models for F.E.A in 1 to 3D.
CADS, Computer Aided Design Software like CAD 8110, STAAD-III
Developed a number of case specific programmes in FORTRAN/BASIC
languages compilers.
General purpose Softwares:
Worked extensively on DOS/WIN95/ WIN NT/2000/XP based personal
Worked on INTERLEAF (Unix/Dos based) technical desktop publishing
Worked on Microsoft Office-2000 (Word/Excel), Lotus/QuatroPro Spread
Sheets and W.P 6.0 Word Processor)
Worked on LOGOS a graphic and regression analysis package.
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