RFQ # 07-209 NE 8th Street Widening Design Project, PW-R-152 ATTACHMENT D NE 8 TH CITY OF BELLEVUE STREET PROJECT, PW-R-152 DRAFT SCOPE OF SERVICES PROJECT OBJECTIVE The NE 8th Street project, PW-R-152 will improve area traffic circulation with the addition of a westbound right-turn lane between 108th Avenue NE and 10th Avenue NE. The Bellevue’s Downtown Implementation Plan Update determined that the NE 8th Street project was a cornerstone project necessary for the efficient operation of subsequent circulation projects in the downtown core. This project removes a major checkpoint on NE 8th Street heading west from I405 through Downtown. It benefits customers, employees, and transit by reducing delay entering the City. A Major element of the Consultant’s work will be the identification and evaluation of engineering discipline reports to satisfy federal grant and NEPA environmental permitting requirements with the creation of a complete set of roadway plans, specifications and estimate (PSE). PROJECT DESCRIPTION The NE 8th Street project includes the addition of a westbound lane on NE 8th Street (between 108th Ave. to 106th Ave.) becoming a right turn lane at 106th Avenue NE with street frontage improvements on the north side of NE 8th Street. Street frontage improvements will include: 6foot wide concrete sidewalks, street lights, storm drainage facilities, curb and gutter, and driveway openings. The Design will include: Creation of base mapping of existing conditions; Complete set of Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PSE); Traffic analysis of the NE 8th Street intersections of 108th Avenue and 106th Avenue; Potential landscape design elements depending on the timing of adjacent development; Storm drainage design; Utility coordination; Federal grant process support including elements of the WSDOT Environmental Classification summary (ECS) which includes other environmental investigation (for example, Air, Noise and Hazardous Waste removal) ITEMS FURNISHED BY THE CITY All available “As-Built” information; d:\106745469.doc City of Bellevue 1 Scope of Services RFQ # 07-209 NE 8th Street Widening Design Project, PW-R-152 Existing right-of-way alignment and plans, legal descriptions, records of survey plats, short plats and right-of-way negotiations and acquisitions; City of Bellevue horizontal and vertical control tied to the right-of-way alignment; Updated underground utility information for City owned utilities in the form of utility grid maps; AutoCAD layering standards; Preparation, printing and mailing of newsletter for public involvement process; City of Bellevue TFP-EIS background data. PROJECT PROCESS AND TASKS PROJECT MANAGEMENT Periodic monitoring of the Consultant’s design budget will occur over the course of the Project. Current status, as well as budget projections, will be developed. This work element includes preparing the monthly progress reports, invoices, earned value updates, attending progress meetings, and planning work items for the following month. This work element is intended to help monitor costs and budgets and to propose corrective actions. All communication between the City of Bellevue and the Consultant shall be through the City of Belleuve Project Manager. SUBCONSULTANT COORDINATION Direction of Subconsultants and review of their work over the course of the Project shall be provided by the Consultant. This work element includes reviewing monthly progress, invoices, attending meetings, and scheduling and coordinating work items for the following month. Monthly monitoring of the Subconsultant’s design budget will occur over the course of the Project. Current status, as well as projections, will be developed. This work element is intended to help monitor costs and budgets and to propose corrective actions. These actions could include formal requests for scope modifications and respective budget adjustments. MODIFIED PROJECT WORK PLAN Consultant shall develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) to identify tasks necessary to complete the PS &E and determine assignments, schedule and budget for each task. A schedule shall be developed from the WBS by the Consultant to track progress of the PS&E deliverables. The schedule shall establish dates for submittal of PS&E, as well as dates when City action is required. The schedule shall be developed based on a project advertisement no later than May 2007. This information shall conform to the City’s project template and will be incorporated into the project’s MS Project critical path schedule. The schedule will be updated monthly. The schedule timing and sequencing in this contract is subject to adjustment by the City, as affected by cash flow, mitigation, or other factors that may influence the scheduling of work. Any adjustment in the schedule shall be coordinated between the City and the Consultant. No modifications shall be made to the schedule without prior written approval from the City. The d:\106745469.doc City of Bellevue 2 Scope of Services RFQ # 07-209 NE 8th Street Widening Design Project, PW-R-152 Consultant will develop strategies/recommendations for keeping the project on schedule and within budget, if changes are required. QUALITY CONTROL/QUALITY ASSURANCE REVIEW This task is for QC/QA review of the Consultant’s deliverables by a designated QC/QA staff member. The review shall cover documents, reports, plans, specifications, cost estimates and pertinent information on an ongoing basis. The QC/QA program entails the periodic review of design assumptions, concepts and presentation of product format and assures that the overall Project objectives are being fulfilled. The consultant will need to use the City’s quality control checklist and provide a summarized list of all review comments. The City will provide additional quality review. This will be coordinated with the Consultant Project Manager and pertinent staff members. Support groups within the City will review and provide direction of pertinent work items and will coordinate with the Consultant Project Manager and pertinent staff members. BASE MAPPING COMPILE BASEMAPPING The City of Bellevue will supply an electronic copy of the alignment survey depicting existing centerline and right-of-way lines for NE 8th Street and an electronic copy of an aerial map of the project limits. The base map shall include: Topographic survey within existing right-of-way. Survey shall include all significant features including roadway, edge of pavement, utility covers, signs, trees over 6 inches in diameter, driveways, fences, walkways, walls and other significant topographic features; Survey within right-of-way at a maximum of 25 foot intervals along existing centerline; The topographic survey shall be completed so that 0.5 foot contours can be generated from the raw data points. Base maps shall be tied to existing monument control and defined on the plans. The plan boundaries shall extend from the east side of the intersection of NE 8th Street and 108th Avenue to the west side of the intersection NE 8th Street and 106th Avenue NE. All elevations shall refer to the North American vertical datum. (NAVD 1988). Control and reference shall be NAD 8391.Horizontal control shall be referenced to City of Bellevue local project datum as depicted on the alignment survey. The consultant will have to verify their base mapping and check the accuracy of their digital terrain model (DTM). d:\106745469.doc City of Bellevue 3 Scope of Services RFQ # 07-209 NE 8th Street Widening Design Project, PW-R-152 UTILITIES The Consultant shall develop and verify a list of utility companies within the existing City rightof-way, and provide that list to the City. The consultant’s work shall include the identifications of all necessary pothole locations needed to verify the consultant design assumptions. Potholing of existing utilities will be the responsibility of the consultant and shall be included in this scope of work and should be accounted for. The Consultant shall notify the City and franchise utility companies and request utility as-builts. The Consultant shall field verify all as-built information of existing underground utilities. A topographic survey of surface utilities will be conducted and all catch basins and manholes will be opened to verify pipes or invert elevations. ADDITIONAL SURVEY The Consultant shall perform additional topographic survey as directed by the City, and must be approved by the City prior to execution. Additional survey needs may include: Retaining wall locations; Detention/water quality facility locations; Locate utility potholes; Topographic survey outside of R/W; and Locate test pits/borings for geotechnical investigators. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Preliminary NEPA environmental documentation for the project has been completed by the City and is represented by the FEIS for the Transportation Facilities Plan. Supplemental site investigations, reports and mitigation plans may be necessary for the design and permitting of this new work within the project limits. In order to determine what, if any, additional studies are necessary the Consultant shall: Provide support of any environmental permit issues Prepare additional environmental reports or studies that may be required include water quality, hydrology, noise, air quality, sensitive areas, and hazardous waste. Finally, since federal funds will be used on this project additional permitting information may be required. d:\106745469.doc City of Bellevue 4 Scope of Services RFQ # 07-209 NE 8th Street Widening Design Project, PW-R-152 TRAFFIC SIGNAL OPERATIONS NE 8TH STREET TRAFFIC OPERTATION EVAULATION AND DESIGN The Consultant shall design support for the operations of the two (2) major project intersections and identify other traffic channelization and roadway signing needs The Consultant shall include the following traffic operation tasks: Evaluation of the traffic signal timing and phasing at the two project intersections (NE 8th Street/106th Avenue NE and NE 8th Street/108th Avenue NE); Review existing traffic operations and accident data; Review and design of roadway channelization and signing; Verification of vehicular and pedestrian sight distance; and Lighting level analysis; DESIGN The Consultant shall prepare a design including plans, specifications and estimate (PS&E) for a westbound traffic lane on NE 8th Street from 108th Avenue NE becoming a right turn lane at 106th Avenue NE. This project also contains street frontage improvement along the north side of NE 8th Street between 108th Avenue NE and 106th Avenue NE. Street frontage improvements include 6-foot sidewalk, curb and gutter, storm drainage facilities and street lights. REVIEW EXISTING DATA AND ESTABLISH DESIGN STANDARDS The Consultant shall review existing data for the project and design criteria, based on applicable design standards. All elements shall be reviewed with City staff prior to the start of detailed design. The Consultant shall prepare all drawings using current version of AutoCAD in conformance with City standards. Project schedules shall be prepared using Microsoft Project, spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel (version 2003) and text documents in Microsoft Word (version 2003). d:\106745469.doc City of Bellevue 5 Scope of Services