Saint Dominic School DRAMA RULES Dress Rehearsals: February 16, 17, 18, 19 2016 /Final Rehearsal- February 22 2016 Performance Dates: February 23, 24 2016 1. The priority of all students in St. Dominic School is to strive towards and achieve academic success. All students in the Drama program must maintain passing grades. Learning to follow the rules and listening to directions is equally important. In the event of academic or behavioral problems, the Principal will determine the course of actions which may include removal from the Drama program. 2. Drama students will respect ALL adult supervisors and ALL of their fellow cast and crew members! All Drama students will give 100% effort to the rehearsals and performances. 3. Drama students must attend their assigned rehearsals. Students will be picked up at the Parish Center promptly after rehearsals. Rehearsal times will be posted on the School website. Please pick up your child on time. Children picked up late will be charged a $5 late fee in 15 minute increments. 4. School rules for technology use apply during drama rehearsals and will be strictly enforced. Cell phones must be kept in back packs during rehearsal. 5. Costumes and props will be handled with care. Costumes will be folded/ hung neatly after use. No one may eat or drink while in costume. Costumes are property of the School Drama Club or may be a rented or borrowed. Costumes may not be carelessly left behind stage, in the bathroom, or on the floor. A $10 fee will be charged for each costume/prop piece that is found “lying around” after the rehearsal/ performance. 6. The Parish Center must be cleaned after rehearsal. Throw out all trash and push in chairs at the end of rehearsal. 7. The success of the drama program relies on volunteerism. All parents of drama students will volunteer for at least one volunteer activity. Please indicate your 3 preferred activities on the form attached. 8. Mandatory Parent Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 22nd at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. All students participating must have 1 parent attend the meeting. 9. Non-refundable student dues are $35 for the year. All paperwork and dues are due by September 25. This is a firm date and NO paperwork will be accepted after September 25th! To receive drama emails please be sure to write your email address on the form- please pay attention to capitals and punctuation. Please Note: Rehearsal times are posted on the school website under the Faculty & Staff tab, Miss Walling’s (Mrs. Liguori) Questions: or DRAMA CLUB FORM 2015-2016 Name____________________________________________ Grade/Class________ Please check one: ____CAST (1st-8th grade) ____Stage Crew (open to 7th & 8th grade only) I have read the Rules and will follow them. Signature of Student_________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian_________________________________________ Emergency Phone ______________________________________________ EMAIL______________________________________________(please write clearly) In an unforeseen circumstance when a rehearsal is cancelled please: ___send my child to aftercare (fee) ___ have my child wait at school for (name) __________________________________ ___ Send my child on the bus For costuming and t-shirt: Shirt size_______ Pant Size _______ Parent Volunteer Activity Form Please check all activities with which you would like to assist. Please indicate if you would like to be a committee head for one of the activities below. ___Scenery/Prop design and Construction ___Costumes and accessories (create and find costumes- thrift stores, online, etc) ___Hair and makeup ___Fundraising committee ___Ticket sales and publicity ___Set-up and break down- tables and chairs (dress rehearsals and performances) ___Striking the Set ___Loading the Set The $35 non-refundable Drama fee is attached to this form. Please make checks payable to: St. Dominic School Student Activities