157 - Centennial Christian School

Nutrient Cycling Questions- Chapter 4
The Carbon and Oxygen Cycle
1. Identify the organic molecule that matches each description
a. Forms structural components of organisms
b. Provides immediate energy
c. Controls body functions
d. Insulates against heat loss
e. Long-term storage of energy
2. List 5 sources of carbon. Which ones are biotic? Which are abiotic?
3. Explain how trees are a carbon reservoir.
4. Explain why photosynthesis and cellular respiration are complimentary processes.
Use your own words.
5. List 5 processes that release carbon dioxide
6. Draw a simple diagram of the carbon cycle, using the following terms:
consumers, photosynthesis, combustion, fossil fuels, and decomposers.
7. How do changes in oxygen levels in the atmosphere affect living things?
8. Explain the important role phytoplankton play in the carbon cycle
The Nitrogen Cycle
1. Name three compounds that contain nitrogen
2. Why is nitrogen gas not useful as a nitrogen source for organisms?
3. Name the nitrogen molecule that results from nitrogen fixation. Write its formula.
4. Explain the symbiotic relationship between nitrogen-fixing bacteria and the plants
they inhabit.
5. How do most plants get their nitrogen? Most animals?
6. Explain the difference between nitrogen fixation and nitrification.
7. Farmers sometimes alternate crops that require large amounts of nitrogen, such as
corn, with alfalfa that usually is less valuable in the market than corn. Explain
why farmers would plant a crop that provides less income.
8. Draw a simple diagram of the nitrogen cycle using the following terms: nitrogen
fixation, nitrification, , decomposition, and denitrification.
9. Page 95 in text questions # 7 and #17
The Phosphorus Cycle
1. Where is phosphorus found in living things (list 3)
2. What is the original source for phosphorus?
3. What form of phosphorus can plants absorb? Where does it come from?
4. How do consumers get their needed phosphorus?
5. Explain the differences between the long and short phosphorus cycle.
6. Draw a simple diagram of the phosphorus cycle using the following terms:
weathering, decomposers, ocean sediments, geological uplift.
7. Explain the symbiotic relationship between mycorrhizae and plants as well as its
8. Phosphorus is sometimes called a limiting nutrient because without it, plants
cannot grow properly. Explain how there could be a shortage of phosphorus in
the soil.
9. The rate of phosphorus is linked to the rate of decomposition. Explain this