Subsurface monitoring of anthropogenic CO2 injected in sedimentary basins: Results from the Frio-I brine test, Texas, USA Yousif K. Kharaka & James J. Thordsen U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California, USA Susan D. Hovorka & H. Seay Nance Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA David R. Cole & Tommy J. Phelps Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA Kevin G. Knauss Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, USA ABSTRACT: To investigate the potential for the long-term storage of CO2 in deep saline aquifers, 1600 t of CO2 were injected at 1500 m depth into a 24-m-thick “C” sandstone of the Frio Formation near Houston, Texas. Fluid samples obtained before CO2 injection from the injection well and an observation well 30 m updip showed a Na-Ca-Cl type brine with ~93,000 mg/L TDS at saturation with CH4, but only 0.3% CO2. Following CO2 breakthrough, samples showed sharp drops in pH, pronounced increases in alkalinity and Fe, and significant shifts in the isotopic compositions of H2O, and DIC. These parameters, together with perfluorocarbon tracer gases were used for monitoring migration of injected CO2 into the overlying Frio “B”, a 4-m-thick sandstone, separated from the “C” by ~15 m of shale and siltstone beds. Results from “B” 6 mo after injection show significant CO2 (2.9 % vs. 0.3% CO2) migration into the “B” sandstone. Results of samples collected 15 mo after injection, however, show no indications of additional CO2 in the “B” sandstone. 1 INTRODUCTION Global warming and the resulting climate change are arguably the most important environmental challenges facing the world in this century (White et al. 2003). There is now a broad scientific consensus that global warming results primarily from increased concentrations of CO2 and other atmospheric greenhouse gases emitted largely from the burning of petroleum and coal (Broecker 2006). Increased anthropogenic emissions of CO2 have raised its atmospheric concentrations from ~280 ppmv during pre-industrial times to ~380 ppmv today, and are projected to increase to up to 1,100 ppmv by 2100. Carbon sequestration, in addition to energy conservation and increased use of lower carbon intensity fuels, is now considered necessary to stabilize atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases and global temperatures at values that would not severely impact economic growth (White et al. 2003). Sedimentary basins in general and deep saline aquifers in particular, are considered attractive as repositories for large amounts of anthropogenic CO2, because they have huge potential capacity, and advantageous locations close to major CO2 sources (Hitchon 1996). In geologic sequestration, CO2 captured from power plants may be stored in: 1) structural traps such as depleted petroleum reservoirs, primarily as supercritical fluid (hydrodynamic trapping); 2) saline formation water as H2CO3o, HCO3- and other dissolved species (solution trapping); and/or 3) car- bonate minerals, including calcite, magnesite and siderite (mineral trapping) (Hitchon 1996). Initially, the bulk of injected CO2 will be stored as supercritical fluid because the target reservoirs are likely to have temperatures and pressures higher than 31°C and 74 bar, the critical values for CO2. The injected CO2 will rapidly dissolve in formation water that contacts the fluid, but mineral trapping would be slower, yet more permanent. In addition to storage capacity, key environmental questions include CO2 leakage related to the storage integrity and the physical and chemical processes that are initiated by injecting CO2 underground (Hepple & Benson 2005). In this summary, we discuss geochemical results from Frio-I, a US DOE-funded multi-laboratory field experiment to investigate the potential for geologic storage of CO2 in saline aquifers. We emphasize temporal changes in fluid compositions in the injection sandstone, the Frio “C”, and deep monitoring of fluid leakage from “C” into the overlying “B” sandstone. Data obtained for deep monitoring above the injection zone proved more conclusive than results obtained from four shallow groundwater wells and soil gases in the vadose zone. 2 REGIONAL SETTING AND METHODOLOGY The Frio site is located within South Liberty oil field, near Dayton, Texas, a region of the Gulf Coast where industrial sources of CO2 are abundant. Wells in this field were drilled in the 1950s, with production from the Eocene Yegua Fm at ~2900 m depth. An inactive oil well was recompleted and perforated in the Frio “C” sandstone at 1,528–1,534 m for use as an observation borehole. About 30 m down-dip, a new CO2 injection well was drilled and perforated also in Frio “C” at 1,541–1,546 m. The Frio Fm comprises several reworked fluvial sandstone and siltstone beds, separated by transgressive marine shale. The Frio “C” injection zone is a subarkosic fine-grained, moderately sorted quartz and feldspar sandstone, with minor amounts of illite/smectite and calcite. The zone has high mean porosity of ~32% and permeability of 2–3 Darcies. Situated above the “C”, the “B” sandstone has a ~4 m thick reworked fluvial sandstone bed at the top, but is separated from “C” by ~15 m of shale, muddy sandstone and siltstone beds (Fig. 1). However, the main barrier to CO2 leakage to surface is expected to be the overlying regional thick marine shale beds of the MioceneOligocene Anahuac Fm (Hovorka et al. 2006). Approximately 1,600 t of CO2 were injected during October 4–14, 2004. More than 60 samples of water and gas were obtained from the “C” sandstone of both wells before, during and following CO2 injection, using a variety of tools and methodologies (Kharaka et al. 2006), including a novel downhole U-tube system (Freifeld et al. 2005). Figure 1. Open-hole logs of the injection well. Note the relatively thick beds of shale and siltstone between Frio “C” and “B” sandstones. Surface and downhole fluid samples were also obtained (April 4-6, 2005) from the Frio “B” of the observation well, which was perforated (1506.01508.5 m) after cementing the earlier “C” perforations. Samples were collected after >300 bbl of brine were produced, and values of EC, pH, and alkalinity became constant, and concentrations of Rhodamine WT, the tracer used to tag the drilling fluids, were below background value of ~1 µg/L. To completely prevent any CO2 leakage from “C” to “B” through the earlier “C” perforation into the well casing, a plug was inserted between them before the final and more intensive fluid sampling carried out on January 23-27, 2006. Again sampling was initiated after values of EC, pH, and alkalinity became constant, and Rhodamine WT reached background values, which occurred after ~200 bbl of brine was produced. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Chemical analysis of formation water and gas samples obtained from both wells prior to CO2 injection show that the Frio brine is a Na-Ca-Cl type water, with a salinity of 93,000±3,000 mg/L TDS. The brine also has relatively high concentrations of Mg and Ba, but low values for SO4, HCO3, and DOC (Kharaka et al. 2006). The high salinity and the low Br/Cl ratio (0.0013) relative to sea water indicate dissolution of halite from the nearby salt dome. Careful measurements of the volumes of water and evolved gas obtained with downhole samplers show the Frio brine to have 40-45 mM dissolved CH4, which is close to saturation at reservoir conditions (65oC and 150 bar). Results show that CH4 comprises 95±3% of total gas, but dissolved CO2 content is low at ~0.3% (Table 1). During the CO2 injection, October 4-14, 2004, ~40 water samples were collected from the observation well, and on-site measurements showed only subtle increase in EC from a pre-injection value of ~120 mS/cm (at ~22C), but major changes in some chemical parameters as the CO2 reached the observation well, including a sharp drop in pH (from 6.5 to 5.7) and high increases in alkalinity (from100 to Table 1. Composition of gases (mole %) from Frio “C” and “B” sandstones. Note the relatively high CO2 in 3“B”. 1 2 3 4 Gas “C” “C” “B” “B” He 0.008 0 0.01 0.011 H2 0.040 0.19 0.92 0.012 Ar 0.041 0 0.13 0.010 CO2 0.31 96.8 2.86 0.28 N2 3.87 0.037 1.51 1.12 CH4 93.7 2.94 94.3 98.3 C2H6+ 1.95 0.005 0.12 0.11 1 – background from injection well, before CO2 injection; 2 – from observation well after CO2 breakthrough; 3 – from observation wells ~ 6 mo after injection; and 4 – from the observation well ~ 15 mo after injection. 3,000 mg/L as bicarbonate). Additionally, laboratory determinations showed major increases in dissolved Fe (from 30 to 1,100 mg/L) and Mn, and significant increases in the concentration of Ca (Kharaka et al. 2006). The most dramatic changes in chemistry occurred at CO2 breakthrough 51 hours after injection, as evidenced also by on-site analysis of gas samples from the U-tube system (Freifeld et al. 2005) that showed CO2 concentrations increasing from 0.3 to ~97% of total gas , with CH4 comprising the bulk of the remaining 3% (Table 1). Results showed significant shifts in the isotopic compositions of H2O, DIC and CH4 following CO2 injection. Results of geochemical modeling, using modified SOLMINEQ (Kharaka et al. 1988) indicate that the Frio brine in contact with the supercritical CO2 would have a low initial pH of ~3 at subsurface conditions, which would cause the brine to become highly undersaturated with respect to carbonate, aluminosilicate and other minerals in the Frio (Fig. 3 in Kharaka et al. 2006). Because mineral dissolution rates are generally higher by orders of magnitude at such low pH values, the observed increases in concentrations of Ca and equivalent concentration of HCO3 likely result from the rapid dissolution of calcite, as depicted in reaction (1). CO2(g) + H2O + CaCO3(s) = Ca2+ + 2HCO 3 (1) The large increases observed in concentrations of Fe and equivalent bicarbonate could result from dissolution of siderite, but no siderite was observed in the retrieved core. Hence these increases could be caused by dissolution of the observed iron oxyhydroxides, depicted in the redox-sensitive reaction (2). 2Fe(OH)3(s) + 4H2CO 30 + H2(g) = 2Fe2+ + 4HCO 3 + 6H2O (2). However, some of the increases in Fe and equivalent bicarbonate could also result from corrosion of pipe and well casing that contact low pH brine (Kharaka et al., 1980; Ahmad, 2006), as indicated by the redox-sensitive reaction (3). Fe(s) + 2H2CO 30 = Fe2+ + 2HCO 3 + H2(g) environmental implications with regard to creating pathways in the rock seals and well pipes and cements that could facilitate leakage of CO2 and brine. Maintaining reservoir integrity that prevents the ultimate escape of CO2 back to the atmosphere by limiting its leakage to extremely low levels is essential to the success of injection operations (Hepple & Benson 2005). Preventing brine and CO2 leakage into overlying sources of drinking water is also important, because toxic organic and inorganic chemicals are mobilized by the injected gas, in addition to those present in the pristine brine (Kharaka 2006). Results of chemical analysis of samples collected ~20 d, 6 and 15 mo after CO2 injection demonstrate decreases in the concentrations of Fe, Mn (Fig. 2), HCO3 and Ca, and increases in pH. Geochemical modeling indicates that the brine pH increases from dissolution of carbonate and iron oxyhydroxide minerals discussed, as well as from dissolution of oligoclase and other minerals present in the Frio. Aluminosilicate mineral dissolution generally follows an incongruent reaction (4), where dawsonite, gibbsite and amorphous silica are precipitated, and/or where kaolinite and amorphous silica are precipitated (White et al. 2003; Knauss et al. 2005). 0.4H+ + Ca.2Na.8Al1.2Si2.8O8(s) + 0.8CO2(g) + 1.2H2O = 0.2Ca2+ + 0.8NaAlCO3(OH)2(s) + 0.4Al(OH)3(s) + 2.8SiO2(s) (4) As the brine pH increases from mineral interactions and the mixing of CO2-saturated and pristine brines, modeling indicates that mineral saturations trend towards supersaturations, resulting in precipitation of carbonate and other minerals. The overall result is the brine gradually evolving toward its preinjection composition. Additional fluid sampling is planned for Frio-II to further investigate gas-waterrock interactions, and the source of Fe and other metal increases as a result of CO2 injection. (3) Similar reactions may be written for Mn that increased from 3–18 mg/L. There were also increases in the concentration of other metals, including Zn, Pb and Mo, which are generally associated (sorbed and coprecipitated) with iron oxyhydroxides, but could also be present in the low-carbon steel pipe used in petroleum wells (Ahmad, 2006). The chemical data coupled with geochemical modeling indicate rapid dissolution of minerals, especially calcite and iron oxyhdroxides and possibly pipe corrosion caused by low pH values of the brine that had contacted the injected supercritical CO2. Such rapid mineral dissolution could have important Figure 2. Concentrations of Fe and Mn in Frio-I brine from 6, 2004 to 1, 2006. Note the sharp increases in metal content during October 6, 2004, at the time of CO2 breakthrough, and slightly higher Fe and Mn in “B” samples from April, 2005. 3.1 Subsurface monitoring Monitoring at and close to the surface for CO2 leakage signal in soil gas was not effective primarily because of the induced perturbations as a result of injection operations. Significant amounts of CO2 were released during injection, and venting of CO2 with perfluorocarbon (PFT) and other tracer gases during the purge cycle of the U-tube sampling system, released tracer to the atmosphere and the soils around the wells. Monitoring results obtained from the four shallow groundwater wells showed rapid chemical changes during the monitoring period, with a preinjection region of high salinity water migrating down-gradient across the monitoring array. Groundwater monitoring is continuing, but the observed chemical changes are tentatively attributed to the extraction of large amounts of groundwater for drilling and other field operations and to the construction of a large fresh-water mud disposal pit (Hovorka et al. 2006). Because of the anticipated difficulty of near surface monitoring, we planned a rigorous program for monitoring immediately above the injection zone. Results of brine and gas analyses from the “B” sandstone, first perforated and sampled six months after CO2 injection, showed slightly elevated concentrations of bicarbonate, Fe, and Mn and significantly depleted 13C values (-5.9 to -17.5 vs. ~-4‰) of DIC relative to preinjection “C” composition. A more definitive proof of the migration of injected CO2 into the “B” sandstone is obtained from the presence of two of the four (PMCH and PTCH) PFT tracers added to the injected CO2 (Phelps et al. 2006). Additional proof of the migration of injected CO2 into the “B” sandstone is obtained from the high concentration (2.9 vs. ~0.3%) of CO2 in dissolved gas obtained from one of the two downhole Kuster samples (Table 1). Results of samples collected in January 23-27, 2006 gave brine and gas compositions that are approximately similar to those obtained from the “C” sandstone before CO2 injection. These results indicate the absence of significant amounts of injected CO2 in the “B” fluids sampled. However, a contrary conclusion is indicated from the fact that PMCH and PTCH were measured in the six samples also analyzed for PFT tracers (Phelps et al. 2006). It is possible that the measured PMCH and PTCH represent desorbed PFT tracers that were introduced into “B” earlier and do not require migration of additional injected CO2 into the “B” sandstone. The main conclusion from results obtained from the “B” sandstone is that significant amounts of CO2 migrated from the “C” to the “B” sandstone. We can not rule out migration through the intervening beds of shale, muddy sandstone and siltstone, but a more likely path is a short-term leakage through the failed squeeze on perforations in the “C” or remedial cement around the casing of a 50-year old well. These results highlight the importance of investigating the integrity of cement seals and pipes, especially in reused abandoned wells, prior to the injection of large quantities of reactive and buoyant CO2. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank G. Ambats, E. Kakouros and B. Topping for helping with sampling and analyses, and D. Collins and others at Sandia Technologies for logistical support. Funding was provided by US. DOE (NETL). (William O’Dowd, Program Coordinator). REFERENCES Ahmad, Z. 2006. Principles of Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Control. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Ltd. Broecker, W.S. 2006. The Holocene CO2 rise: Anthropogenic or natural? EOS 87: 27. 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