ST PATRICK’S CATHEDRAL, ARMAGH MUSIC LIST: June 2014 10am Holy Communion every Sunday (Rite1) Sunday 1st June – The Seventh Sunday of Easter: Sunday after Ascension Day 11.00am Sung Eucharist (Rite 2) Setting: Schubert Psalm 68: 1-10, 32-35 Anthem: Lord, I trust Thee (Handel) Hymns: 267, 398, 418, 285 In residence: The Dean Sunday 8th June – The Day of Pentecost: Whitsunday 11.00am Sung Eucharist (Rite 2) Setting: Schubert Psalm 104: 24-34, 36 Anthem: Veni Creator (Plainsong) Hymns: 299, 313, 293, 318 In residence: The Venerable Raymond Hoey, Archdeacon Sunday 15th June – Trinity Sunday 11.00am Sung Eucharist (Rite 2) Setting: Thompson Psalm 8 Anthem: Holy, holy (Schubert) Hymns: 6, 319, 507, 492 In residence: The Dean 3.15pm Choral Evensong Service: Walmisley in D minor Psalm 47 Anthem: O come, ye servants of the Lord (Tye) Hymns: 275, 263(omit verse 2) Organ: 3.15pm The Rite of Confirmation & Sung Eucharist Psalm 133 Anthem: Come, Holy Ghost (Attwood) Hymns: 294, 301, (293), 416, 425, 634 Organ Celebrant & Preacher: The Archbishop 3.15pm Choral Evensong and Admission of Choristers Service: Sumsion in A Psalm 150 Anthem: Hymn to the Trinity (Tchaikovsky) Hymns: 321, 476 Organ: Sunday 22nd June – The First Sunday after Trinity 11.00am Sung Eucharist (Rite 2) Setting: Thompson Psalm 86: 1-10, 16-17 Anthem: God so loved the world (Goss) Hymns: 638, 84, 403, 108 Organ: In residence: The Reverend Canon Robert Boyd 3.15pm Choral Evensong & Litany (sung by the choir of Normandale Lutheran Church) Psalm 46 Hymns: 20, 145 Organ: Sunday 29th June – The Second Sunday after Trinity 11.00am Sung Eucharist (Rite 2) Setting: Thompson Psalm 13 Anthem: Ave Verum (Elgar) Hymns: 597, 400(omit verse 3), 87, 323 Organ: In residence: The Dean 3.15pm Choral Evensong Service: Thompson Psalm 50: 1-15 Anthem: Be thou my vision (Chilcott) Hymns: 381, 509 Organ: Dr Stephen Timpany Acting Master of the Choristers The Very Reverend Gregory Dunstan Dean CATHEDRAL NOTES SAINTS DAYS Mon 9th June at 9.30am Wed 11th June at 9.30am Tues 24th June at 9.30am Mon 30th June at 9.30am Thurs 3rd July at 9.30am St Columba St Barnabas The Birth of St John the Baptist St Peter (Transferred) St Thomas ST PATRICK’S CATHEDRAL, ARMAGH -----------Service Sheet: June 2014 SPECIAL SERVICES Sun 8th June at 3.15pm Rite of Confirmation Preacher: The Archbishop CONCERT Tues 1st July at 7.30pm Choir of St Michael's Grammar School, Melbourne, Australia – in aid of the Charles Wood Summer School (Retiring Collection). RECITAL in memory of Dean Herbert Cassidy Sun 22nd Jun at 4.15pm Final Recital by the choir of Normandale Lutheran Church, USA (Retiring Collection) CATHEDRAL ROTAS Readers Jun 1 8 15 22 29 Anne Rosborough/Fiona Chapman Carol Conlin/Malachy Donaldson Corrine Hamilton/Amber McSorley Anthea Chalkley/Anne Rosborough Stephen Hartley/Dominique Ballantine Stewards Jun 1 8 15 22 29 Roger Weatherup/Fiona Chapman Ivor Edgar/James Stewart Alan Jones/Olwyn Jones David Hamilton/Corrine Hamilton Stephen Hartley/Dominique Ballantine Flowers Corrine Hamilton " " " " Rosemary Armstrong " " Intercessions Corrine Hamilton Fiona Chapman Dominique Ballantine Betty Beamish Anne Rosborough Acts 2: 1-4 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.