PD5830_Abt the Sheffield Kidney Institutes Transitions Team.qxd

These constitute guidelines for the diagnosis/management of the condition stated, for use by immunology doctors and nurses
within the Sheffield Clinical Immunology and Allergy Service.
Clinical judgement supersedes these guidelines whenever necessary.
Index No:
LG 55
Approved for
local use at this
centre by:
Version No:
LG 55.01
Dr Egner/ Dr
Shrimpton/ Dr
Date operational:
Date for review:
MARCH 2014
MARCH 2016
Location of copies on this site:
Operational /Controlled
This is copy number:
Summary of changes compared to
previous version:
Copy 1: Immunology Office CIAU
Copy 2: Shared Drive Limited Access
Copy 3: Nursing Station CIAU
Nil - this is first version
Information for patients and carers
The Sheffield Clinical
Immunology and Allergy Unit
Transition Team
Northern General
LG 55 01 Transition from Paediatric to Adult Service – Expires March 2016
Sheffield Immunology and
What is this leaflet about?
We have written this leaflet to give you information about the Sheffield
Clinical Immunology and Allergy transition team. It will tell you how the
transitions team might help you, and the people who look after you.
What does the word ‘transition’ mean?
‘Transition’ is another word for a change. The transition will be a gradual
move from the Children’s service to the adult team; this will take place when
you feel you are ready to transfer. As you become an adult there will be
many changes in your life. For you, one of these changes is that you will be
joining the adult Clinical Immunology and Allergy (CIAU) services at the
Northern General Hospital here in Sheffield.
Who do the Sheffield CIAU transitions team h e l p ?
We offer help and support to all young people who are new to adult CIAU
services. This will include:
• Young people who are moving from children’s services to adult
• Young people who are new to Immunology and Allergy services
• The people who look after young adults who are new to Immunology
and Allergy services.
We will carry on offering you, and the people who look after you, support for
as long as you need it in order to settle into adult services.
What will happen when?
We would normally start discussing transition from Children’s to adult
care at the age of fourteen. This is to prepare you for the move to
CIAU and the adult team
We would usually expect to start talking about transition when you are about
14 years old. Although this sounds quite a young age to be thinking about
moving to adult services, it’s just the starting point. We may ask you if you
LG 55 01 Transition from Paediatric to Adult Service – Expires March 2016
want to come in to your regular consultation at the Children’s Hospital on
your own to “practice” answering questions and telling us how you’ve been.
You can do this without your mum or dad being there and they can be
invited in later in the session.
When you’re about 15, we will invite the Adult team over to the Children’s
Hospital transition clinic from the Northern General Hospital. There will be 1
Doctor and 1 Nurse so it’s not too overwhelming. There will be other young
people your age at the same clinic.
Your second clinic will be at the Northern General Hospital, where you will
see the same adult team you met at the Children’s but you will still see your
team from the Children’s there too.
If you are receiving treatment for your condition at home, the Children’s and
adult nurse will do a joint visit at your home so you can meet her at home
and ask any questions.
After that, and if you feel ready, you will start to have your appointments at
the Northern General Hospital with the adult team.
What might t h e Sheffield CIAU transitions team d o to help me
settle in?
The move from Children’s services to adult services is a very important
time for you and your family. The transitions team is here to make this
change go as well as possible for you and the people who look after
The transitions team will help and support you in many different ways.
These may include:
A named member of the transitions team to welcome you and to help
you settle into adult services. They will show you around the unit and
will keep working with you to help you to settle in, for as long as you feel
you need their help.
You may also be introduced to one of our patients who has already
settled into the adult services. They can talk to you about the unit and
may be able to answer some of your questions about adult services.
Please ask us if you think this may help you.
LG 55 01 Transition from Paediatric to Adult Service – Expires March 2016
Who is in the Sheffield CIAU transitions team?
The transitions team has many different people in it. This includes:
• Medical staff
• Nursing staff
• Other people working at the adult CIAU unit like dieticians and
You can find out a bit more about each member of the transitions team in
our transitions team information folder. Please ask your named worker if
you would like to look at a copy of this.
Where is the Clinical Immunology and Allergy Unit?
We are located at the Northern General Hospital. We have a dedicated unit
to look after people with primary antibody deficiency and allergies.
What happens if I do not find it easy to settle into adult services?
Firstly, your named worker will talk to you and the people who look after you
about what you are finding difficult in adult services. They will do everything
they can to make things easier for you. You are free to ask any questions
you wish and tell us about any anxieties you have about moving to the adult
services in confidence.
Then we can work together to improved things.
What happens when I think I have settled into adult services?
A meeting will be set up. You will be able to invite anyone you want to the
meeting. Your named worker will come along too, and maybe anyone
else at the hospital who knows you well.
At this meeting, we will ask you how you think you have settled into adult
services. We will also ask other people who know you how they think
you have settled in.
If everyone agrees that you do not need any more support to settle in to
adult services then the transitions team will close your case.
LG 55 01 Transition from Paediatric to Adult Service – Expires March 2016
The transitions team will still be there for you to contact in the future if you
need them.
How do I find out more about the Sheffield CIAU transitions
You can ask any staff member here at the Sheffield Immunology and
Allergy Unit. They should be able to put you in touch with their ward or
department's link worker from the transitions team.
You can also contact the transitions team directly using the contact
details we have put on the next page.
Can I still contact the Children’s team?
You can contact the team until you feel you are comfortable with the
team at the Northern General.
Can my parents / carers attend my appointments with me?
We would encourage you to have the consultation alone for experience but
have your parents with you and they can be invited to the consultation at a
time you wish them to be there.
How do I contact the Sheffield CIAU transitions team?
• You can ring
Dr Egner via his secretary
0114 2269052
Sister Fran Ashworth
0114 2266964 or bleep 2918
• You can email
Fran Ashworth
LG 55 01 Transition from Paediatric to Adult Service – Expires March 2016
• You can write to us with our name and job title to:
Clinical Immunology & Allergy Unit
The Northern General Hospital
Herries Road
Sheffield S5 7AU
You can also ask any member of staff at Sheffield Clinical Immunology and
Allergy unit to contact Fran Ashworth.
We hope to have reassured you by this information leaflet. We will support
your at all times during your transfer to the adult service. Please feel free to
contact us at any time for an informal chat.
Clinical Immunology and Allergy Unit opening times
Monday –Wednesday
Tuesday –Thursday
8am - 4.30 pm
8am - 5.30 pm
8am - 3pm
This information can be made available on request in alternative
formats including Braille, large print, audio, electronically and
other languages. For further details email:
© Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 2010.
Re-use of all or any part of this document is governed by copyright and the “Re-use of Public Sector
Information Regulations 2005” SI 2005 No.1515. Information on re-use can be obtained from the
Information Governance De pa rtmen t , Sheffield Teaching Hospitals. Email infogov@sth.nhs.uk
LG 55 01 Transition from Paediatric to Adult Service – Expires March 2016