Assessment Report Template


Assessment Report Template


List the grades of the intended audience, their parents and/or guardians, and the female engineering student program mentors.


Indicate the length of the program and what it introduces the girls to (e.g. basic engineering design, logic thinking, problem solving, and teamwork)


Provide a more detailed description of the program. This is usually the same description used to market the program. Indicate what tasks the participants will accomplish.


List the goals of the program. These directly correlate with the survey tools and are constant across all programs.

Explore the engineering experience

Engineering Profession – Enhance understanding of engineering profession (societal impact)

Math/Science Linkage – Link math and science knowledge to engineering

Skills – Develop skills essential for engineering (teamwork, communication, logical reasoning, problem solving, design)

Progress towards an engineering career

Preparation – Understand pre-requisite knowledge necessary for admittance into engineering

Interest – Build interest in pursuing a degree and career in engineering

Academic Success – Achieve academic success in engineering

Engage and excel within an engineering community

Connect – Connect with an engineering community

Mentor – Seek mentoring opportunities (as a mentor and protégé)

Lead – Develop leadership abilities (confidence, service, vicarious experiences, role model opportunities)

Graduate - Create awareness of advanced engineering education and research opportunities


List in a bulleted format the benefits of attending. Some examples are listed below:

Introduction to engineering activities and concepts

Have fun through team building and hands on activities

Form close working relationship with women engineering students

Learn about what engineers do and how they help people

Use engineering design process, problem solving and logical reasoning

 Visit to a college campus

Work with other girls the same age who like math, science and engineering

Discover how an engineering career can make a difference, be inspiring and rewarding

Learn how to successfully prepare academically to pursue engineering major

Be sure to include some benefits that are program-specific.

Include several pictures from the program activities here


Assessment Report Template


Sample Schedule




Assessment and Graphical Depiction of Program Event Survey Results

K-12 Participants

Discuss the participant survey results. Be sure to included the number of respondants that are included in the analysis.

Mention that the questions were grouped together by outcome category and are displayed in a table below. Include the scale that was used to measure responses (5-point Likert scale with 1 indicating a strong disagreement with the given statement while a response of 5 indicates strong agreement). Lastly, include a bar chart to compare the average percentage of participants reporting either a 4 (agree) or 5 (strongly agree) for questions within each outcome category before and after participation in the event.

Table 1: Questions for Each Outcome Category for the Participant Pre and Post Surveys

Outcome Category Questions

Indicate the results show from each outcome category in the bar chart. A noteworthy result to mention is the specific result from the question “In the future, I want to be an engineer.” Additional related responses that should be discussed are the questions “I am interested in studying engineering in college” and “I like learning about engineering.” Indicate how the level of agreement (rating of 4 or 5) increased.

Discuss how program participation has changed participants’ attitude towards attending future pre-engineering outreach events. Include the results from these survey questions: “I will recommend that my friend(s) attend this program in the future” and “I will participate in another pre-engineering outreach program like this one in the future.”

Figure 1: Comparison of Average % of Participants Reporting 4 (agree) or 5 (strongly agree) on Questions within each

Outcome Category Before and After Participation in Event


Assessment and Graphical Depiction of Program Event Survey Results (cont.)

Program Mentors (current female engineering students)

Discuss the mentor survey results. Be sure to included the number of respondants that are included in the analysis.

Mention that the questions were grouped together by outcome category and are displayed in a table below. Include the scale that was used to measure responses (5-point Likert scale with 1 indicating a strong disagreement with the given statement while a response of 5 indicates strong agreement). Lastly, include a bar chart to compare the average percentage of mentors reporting either a 4 (agree) or 5 (strongly agree) for questions within each outcome category before and after volunteering for the event.

Table 2: Questions for Each Outcome Category for the Mentor Pre and Post Surveys

Outcome Category Questions

* Include an (*) on the questions asked only on Mentor post event survey.

Indicate the results show from each outcome category in the bar chart. A noteworthy result to mention is the specific result from the question that program participation provided a positive experience that, when shared, will highlight their skills during a job interview. Additional related responses that should be discussed are the questions “I see value in an experience that requires me to serve as a mentor” and “Teaching others strengthens my understanding of the subject matter.” Indicate how the level of agreement (rating of 4 or 5) increased.

Figure 2: Comparison of Average % of Mentors Reporting 4 (agree) or 5 (strongly agree) on Questions within each

Outcome Category Before and After Participation in Event (or as noted)


Assessment and Graphical Depiction of Program Event Survey Results (cont.)

Participant Parents/Guardians

Discuss the parent/guardian survey results. Be sure to included the number of respondants that are included in the analysis. Mention that the questions were grouped together by outcome category and are displayed in a table below.

Include the scale that was used to measure responses (5-point Likert scale with 1 indicating a strong disagreement with the given statement while a response of 5 indicates strong agreement). Lastly, include a bar chart to compare the average percentage of parents/guardians reporting either a 4 (agree) or 5 (strongly agree) for questions within each outcome category before and after assistance in the event.

Discuss what was included in the parent session because it is a new overview session. Some of the topics include:

Overview of WE Build curriculum and program activities, sharing of the Engineer Your Life

campaign and research that focused on how to increase girls interest in engineering and inspire them to explore engineering as a career, appropriate and helpful websites that are “girl themed”, age appropriate, inspiring and informative, and other available WE@RIT outreach programs. The overall objective was to engage the parents/guardians in the messaging/educational process to sustain the participant excitement and interest gained from their weekend program experience. Also discuss any changes that were made to the parent session or that may be considered in the future.

Table 3: Questions for Each Outcome Category for the Parent/Guardian Post Survey

Outcome Category Questions

Indicate the results show from each outcome category in the bar chart. Discuss any areas of the parent presentation that may have affected the survey results.

Figure 3: Average % of Parents/Guardians Reporting 4 (agree) or 5 (strongly agree) on Questions within each

Outcome Category After Participation in Event


Select Survey Responses – Multiple Years

This is where the results from survey questions that remained the same over multiple years can be compared side by side.

Also show the count of program mentors that have participated year after year.

Show what percentage of mentors would volunteer for another event or recommend a friend.

Indicate how parent/guardian overall rating of the program has changed over the years.

Participation History




# of Program






Program Budget 2011

Program revenue: $_______ (Registrations: specific break down and T-shirt Sales: $_____)

Revenue minus Expenses = $______ Net Profit for WE@RIT


Food(Volunteer, Interpreters &


Supplies(Consumable & 1-time)

Facilities (equipment rental)

*WE student staff pay

Cost Cost/participant

Volunteer t-shirts + staff shirts

* Note: Student staff salary is during program implementation only- does not include program curriculum development, preparation or planning time, printing, existing office supplies. Also, does not include WE@RIT Program Manager Salary

Plans/Adjustments for 2012 Program

Discuss future plans or adjustments that will be implemented in future programs regarding:

Mentor Training

Survey to Parents

K-12 Participant Presentation

Parent Presentation

Participant teams

