Recognition of Prior Learning Information Kit (RPL) WELCOME Thank you for your enquiry regarding Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) through Sunshine Coast TAFE. This RPL Information Kit has been designed to provide you with information about our RPL process and will assist you in meeting the requirements of your claim for RPL. WHAT IS RPL? RPL is the process of formally recognising the skills and knowledge you have acquired, regardless of how, when or where the learning occurred. Through the RPL process your existing skills and knowledge will be assessed against current industry standards/qualifications. Your current skills and knowledge may have been obtained through the following: Work experience – paid or unpaid Previous training that has not formally been recognised – employer based Community and volunteer work Other skills and knowledge obtained through life experience Your experience gained over the previous 2 years are most important however your assessor will consider all evidence when making a professional judgement about your competency. At completion of the RPL process you may be provided with a full or part time qualification. Where applicable, you will be advised of training options available to satisfy the requirements of a qualification. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? There are fees associated with RPL enrolments and although you may not be required to complete any classroom activities, there are still costs involved. Fees for RPL assessment are structured to minimise the cost to you as an individual. The exact enrolment cost will be determined once you have had an initial meeting with your assessor and your training plan has been received by the RPL administrative team. HINTS AND TIPS TO HELP YOU GAIN RECOGNITION OF YOUR SKILLS In order to have your skills formally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework, Assessors must make sure that they match the industry standards. Your skills and experience (usually but not always from the past two years) are the most important in the assessment because these are regarded as current. The Sunshine Coast TAFE internet site - or a member of our RPL Team will be able to advise what courses are currently offered through the Sunshine Coast TAFE. The Sunshine Coast RPL Team can be contacted by telephone at 5459 3000 or via email Skills assessment can happen in a variety of ways, however being prepared can save you lots of time and hassle. Here are some tips and hints to prepare you for the recognition process. COLLECT SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION: current job description and any performance appraisals from the last two years from any of the organisations in which you have worked. a résumé, or jot down a few points about where you have worked, either paid or unpaid, and what you did there. evidence of in-house training / professional development sessions or formal training you have undertaken in the past. certified copies of licences and School, TAFE or University reports. written references from employers and clients in business. photos or video evidence. workplace forms/samples (do not show client details). IDENTIFY PEOPLE WHO KNOW YOUR SKILLS: Consider the possibilities for workplace contacts: Are you in or have you been in a workplace that is supporting your goals to get qualified? Would you feel comfortable having the Assessor contact your workplace so your skills can be validated? Would the Assessor be welcome to observe you in the workplace? Think about: Contactable referee’s, who can confirm your skill level; current or recent supervisors who have seen you work in the past two years who will be able to confirm your skills; other people who can vouch for your skill level. PLAN WHAT YOU WANT TO DISCUSS WITH THE ASSESSOR Be prepared to talk openly, in confidence, about your: current job role present and past responsibilities work history [255] : Information Page 2 of 4 REGISTERING YOUR APPLICATION If you are satisfied that you have enough evidence and support to demonstrate your skill level, you will need to complete an ‘Application for RPL’ form and attach your supporting documentation. IMPORTANT: Please do not attach original documents; only copies certified by a Justice of the Peace (JP) or Commissioner of Declarations (Com Dec) Forward your ‘Application for RPL’ form and supporting documentation to: RPL Team Sunshine Coast Institute of TAFE PO Box 5252 SCMC Nambour QLD 4560 THE RPL ASSESSMENT After your application has been received, you will be contacted and an appointment will be made for you to attend an initial meeting with the Assessor. The Assessor is skilled in helping you think about your past experiences in terms of the recognition you are seeking. You will be asked questions about the skills and knowledge gained from your previous work experience, training, education, hobbies and interests as they relate to the outcomes of the elements. If you do not understand any questions during the assessment, or have any other concerns regarding the process please feel free to ask the Assessor to explain. At this stage, the Assessor will provide you with enrolment advice. You must enrol and pay the associated student fees before the assessment can proceed. Following enrolment, you may be required to participate in other assessment activities such as a practical demonstration and / or third party check (current supervisor’s verification). RPL ASSESSMENT REVIEW OR APPEAL If you wish to appeal against an unsatisfactory outcome, you have the following options available. Review: You may make an informal approach to the Assessor to reconsider their decision and ask to be re-assessed. Appeal: If you are still not satisfied with the outcomes of the review, you have a further right to appeal the decision to the Academic Appeals Committee as outlined in the Student Information and Obligations. The outcome of the appeal is final and associated costs apply. [255] : Information Page 3 of 4 THE STEPS TO RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING [255] : Information Step 1 Contact Sunshine Coast TAFE RPL Team to discuss your options Step 2 Obtain, complete and register your RPL Application Collect your supporting documentation Complete the RPL Application Form Complete the New Student Details Form Forward all Documents to the SCIT RPL Team. Step 3 Meet with the Assessor A teacher from Sunshine Coast TAFE will arrange a time to discuss your application and your previous work and life experiences. The teacher will use this information to determine your assessment and training plan, outlining Further meeting times Outstanding evidence requirements and Areas for GAP training. Step 4 Enrol Enrol into the competencies/qualification in which you are seeking RPL and pay associated fees. Step 5 Complete RPL Assessment The teacher will use the evidence provided by you to map your current skills and knowledge to competencies within the relevant training package. Evidence may include documents provided by you, assessor observations, verbal questioning/conversation and third party reports Step 6 Complete Gap Training (If required) Step 7 Receive qualification Page 4 of 4