NAME: PERIOD: ______ DATE: Pronoun Notes outline A pronoun


NAME: _____________________________________ PERIOD: ___________ DATE: ____________________

Pronoun Notes outline

 A pronoun takes the place of one or more ____________________ or ____________________.


-Susan watched the monkey make faces at her little brother and sister.

-She laughed at it more than they did.

Personal Pronouns

 A personal pronoun refers to:

 the one speaking (____________________ person)

 the one spoken to (____________________ person)

 or the one spoken about (____________________ person)


 I, me, my, mine

 You, your, yours

 He, him, his, she

her, hers, it, its we, us, our, ours you, your, yours they, them, their, theirs

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

 The word that a pronoun ____________________ or ____________________ is called the ANTECEDENT.

Ex: (the arrow points from the pronouns to their antecedents)

 The tour guide showed the students where they could see Mayan pottery.

 Why did Oscar give his camera to the film school?

 Darius scored a field goal. It was his first of the season

PRACTICE: In the following paragraph, draw an arrow from each italicized pronoun to its antecedent:

Since numerous people told the same story, the historian believed it. Supposedly, a young boy and girl with bright green skin had been found wandering the fields. They spoke a foreign language and wore clothing made of an unknown material. At first, the two children would eat only green beans, but after they learned to eat bread, their skin gradually lost its greenness. After learning English, the girl said she and her brother had come from a land called Saint Martin. The story sounds like science fiction, doesn’t it? Perhaps the villagers invented it to amuse their friends and fool historians.

 All pronouns must agree with their antecedents in:

 ____________________ (singular or plural)

 ____________________ (masculine, feminine, or neutral)

 Person (first, second, or third)


 I subscribe to this magazine for the magazine’s monthly column on writing.

 I subscribe to this magazine for its monthly column on writing.

Jane called her friend.

(singular, neutral pronoun)

 Jane and her are both singular and feminine.

John called his friend.

 John and his are both singular and masculine.

 The girls finished their job.

 The plural pronoun agrees with the plural antecedent.


 Masculine antecedent = masculine pronoun

 ____________________ ____________________

 Feminine antecedent = feminine pronoun

 ____________________ ____________________

 Neutral antecedent = neutral pronoun

 ____________________


 A ____________________ pronoun should be used with a compound antecedent joined and

Julian and Taryn ran until they were exhausted.

 When compound antecedents joined by and refer to the same person or thing, the pronoun is


 My lawyer and friend said she would attend the meeting for me.

 The secretary and treasurer of the corporation said he would also attend.

 A singular pronoun is used to refer to two or more ______________________________ joined by or or nor.

Garrett or Chase will give his presentation today.

 A plural pronoun is used with two or more ____________________________________joined by or or nor.

 Either the juniors or the seniors are singing their class song.

 When a singular antecedent and a plural antecedent are joined by or or nor, use a ____________________ that ____________________ with the ____________________ antecedent.

 The boy or his parents will present their idea.

 The parents or the boy will present his idea.

 Use a _________________ pronoun when a collective noun refers to a group as a ____________________.

 The class decided it wanted to do the project.

 Use a ______________ pronoun when the collective noun refers to a group’s members as ______________.

 The class stayed in their desks.

 Use ____________________ pronouns to refer to indefinite pronouns used as antecedents.

Each of the boys had his assignment ready.

Everyone on the women’s team improved her time.

Many a girl has invested time in improving her appearance.

Everybody on the committee had his or her own agenda.

 Some indefinite pronouns are always ____________________. Others are always ____________________.

Always Plural:

 _____________

 Few

 Many

 Several

Always Singular:

 Anybody

 ____________________

 Anything

 Each

 ____________________

 Everyone

 Everything

 Neither

 ____________________

 No one

 Somebody

 Someone

Complicating Agreement:

 ____________________ ____________________ can complicate agreement of pronoun with antecedent.

 ____________________ phrases such as as well as, along with, together with, and make sure the pronoun

____________________ with its antecedent.

 The president, along with the members of city council, is disclosing his new budget.

Types of Pronouns:

 Personal

 Reflexive and Intensive

 Demonstrative

 Interrogative

 Relative

 Indefinite

Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns

 A ____________________ pronoun refers to the subject of a sentence and functions as a

____________________ or as an object of a preposition.

 Elena treated herself to a snack.

 An ____________________ pronoun ____________________ its antecedent and has no grammatical function.

 Albert himself organized the fund-raiser.

Demonstrative Pronouns

 A ____________________ pronoun is used to point out a ____________________ person, place, thing, or idea. this that these those


That is Soon-Hee’s favorite restaurant in San Francisco. The tacos I made taste better than those.

Interrogative Pronouns

 An ____________________ pronoun introduces a ____________________. whose who whom which what


Which of the songs is your favorite?

What is your dog’s name?

Relative Pronouns:

 A ____________________ pronoun introduces a ____________________ clause. that which who whom whose


 The ship that you saw is sailing to Greece.

 Isabel is my friend who is training for the Boston marathon.

Indefinite Pronouns:

 An ____________________ pronoun refers to one or more persons, places, ideas, or things that

____________________ ____________________________________________________________.

All Each Most One


















No one


Something both More Nothing Such

 Angelo has everything he will need to go rock climbing.

 Is anyone at home?

Most of the birds had already flown south for the winter.

PRACTICE: Underline all the pronouns in the sentences below:

The tea ceremony at Hideko’s house was more like some I have seen in movies than the traditional one shown in this picture. “What happens during the tea ceremony, Hideko?” I asked as we entered the house. According to Hideko, the purpose of the tea ceremony , a custom that dates back hundreds of years, is to create a peaceful mood. In the ceremony, everyone sits quietly and watches the tea being made. Before entering the room for the ceremony, I reminded myself to take off my shoes. During the ceremony, each of us kneeled on a straw mat. Hideko’s mother was our tea hostess, the person who conducts the ceremony and prepares all the tea. She prepared the tea and served it in bowls that had been in the family for generations. Then she served us sweet cakes called kashi. Afterward, Hideko herself game me a box of tea leaves to take with me.
