Serving the dairy industry by providing

April 2014
Medford office 715-748-2341
Dr. H.H. Hildebrandt
Dr. J.M. Osen
Dr. M. Ortengren
Colby office 715-223-2858
Dr. C.A. Miller
Dr. B.M. Grandaw
Dr. H.J. Grandaw
Dr. M.R. Moodie
Dr. A.L. Ahles
Serving the dairy industry by providing prevention, treatment, and promoting efficiency – since 1958
Bovine Viral Diarrhea
Breeding Soundness Evaluation Clinic
Most dairy farmers are aware of BVD
virus and vaccinate against it and many farmers in
our area have had problems with it. What you
may not know is that it’s probably the most
complex cattle virus today; even the best
vaccinated herd could have serious BVD
BVD infects cattle as well as other
ruminants like llamas and deer. It has two main
groups, Type 1 and Type 2, based on genetic
differences and those are split into different groups
as well. The disease causes diarrhea, abortion,
general illness, immunosuppression, and oral
ulcers. Severity of the disease depends on the type
and strain of the virus.
Persistently infected animals (or PI) are
cattle that got infected as a fetus and weren’t
aborted. These cattle shed BVD virus their entire
life and are the primary cause of most BVD
Vaccination is still a key part of BVD
control. There are many different vaccines
available that have different types of coverage--so
be sure to consult with your herd vet on which one
is best for you, if you haven’t already done so.
Some vaccines only prevent against Type 1, some
prevent Type 1 and Type 2, and some include
protection against creating PI calves.
Biosecurity is another key aspect of
preventing BVD problems. Keeping a closed herd
with no cattle movement onto your farm is great if
possible but for most who buy cattle, testing and
quarantining incoming animals is the next best
thing. A quarantine period is also helpful for
many other diseases, as shipment can cause
subclinical disease to breakout.
Testing for BVD can become a long
process when you already have a problem;
however, screening for prevention is simpler. The
main goal of BVD screening is to find PI animals.
This can be done by ear notching individual
animals or using a bulk tank milk sample to screen
for PI lactating cows. If you’ve never done these
tests, talk to your vet to find out if you should.
The North Central Wisconsin Cattleman’s
Association (NCWCA) and UW-Extension Taylor
County is holding a Breeding Soundness
Evaluation Clinic. Bull’s will be examined for
reproductive soundness including a semen
evaluation to ensure your bull can get the job
done. Nearly 1/3 of all bulls have reproductive
inadequacies, including both beef and dairy. If
you are using bulls, you should take advantage of
this great and inexpensive service. The cost will
be $45 per bull for non-NCWCA members and
$30 for NCWCA members.
The clinic will be held May 6th at the
Taylor County Fairgrounds starting at 8 a.m. For
timely service, 20 minute appointments will need
to be made in advance. Call 715-657-0233 for
more information and to schedule an appointment
by April 23rd.
LongRange Dewormer by Merial
LongRange is a new injectable dewormer
for cattle which works for 120-150 days and can
be used on beef animals and dairy heifers under 20
months of age. This product was released last
year and had exceptional results at increasing
weight gains on pasture. It also had consistent
reports of boosting health, reducing pinkeye, and
fly control, which are not on label claims.
Using another type of dewormer, you can
get a one-time deworming up to one month
duration with a product like Eprinex. The problem
with animals on pasture is that once this dewormer
wears off, the animal will simply be re-infected by
the worm load on the pasture. To get real parasite
control, you would have to use the pour-on
monthly for 5 months.
Since LongRange lasts for 5 straight
months, all of the parasites on the pasture only
have 2 options, die in the larvae stage on the
pasture, or get killed by the treatment in the cattle.
Ask us about starting to use LongRange when you
turn cattle to pasture this Spring, even if it is in