Page 1 of 33 106749115 CHAPTER ONE: NEW WORLD BEGINNINGS New World A social and political experiment Will never happen again Huge, Fertile, Temperate, “Uninhabited” USA will one day reach its peak…… Native Americans maize, beans, squash (productive, healthy, trio) Small, scattered, impermanent settlements Slavery & Plantation system from the Portuguese Columbus’s Voyage Renaissance ideas = questioning & use of technology Created interdependent global economic system Europe provides – markets, capital, technology Africa provides – labor New World provides – raw materials (metals & soil) 90% of natives killed by 1592, primarily by disease Treaty of Tordesillas divided New World between Spain & Portugal EXPLORERS Balboa Magellan Ponce de Leon Coronado De Soto Pizarro Cortes John Cabot Cartier La Salle Father Junipero Serra Pacific Ocean circumnavigation of globe Florida Arizona & New Mexico Mississippi River Incas (Peru) Aztecs (Mexico) Northeastern North America St. Lawrence River Mississippi River California missions SETTLEMENTS St. Augustine, Florida Jamestown, Virginia Quebec, Canada Santa Fe, New Mexico 1st permanent settlement in North America Spanish (1565) English (1607) French (1608) Spanish (1610) Page 2 of 33 106749115 CHAPTER TWO: THE PLANTING OF ENGLISH AMERICA England under Elizabeth promote Protestantism, seize Spanish ships, raid Spanish settlements Defeat of the Spanish Armada weakened Spanish spirit Ensured British naval dominance Encouraged British nationalism Increased the Queen’s popularity Factors promoting colonization… 1) enclosure system – landlords fenced areas for sheep grazing, forced small farmers out 2) primogeniture laws – only first-born sons inherited land 3) invention of joint-stock company – investors could pool capital 4) peace with Spain Jamestown – 1607 Joint Stock company to find gold (“get rich quick”) Settlers unaccustomed to fending for themselves Colonists ate cats, rats, dogs, corpses John Smith “He who shall not work, shall not eat” Saved colony Lord DeLaWar tough policies against Indians Powhatan Wars 1st War > fragile peace John Rolfe married Pocahantas (Powhatan’s daughter) nd 2 War > banishment and extinction of Indians tobacco perfected by John Rolfe ruinous to soil fluctuating prices created demand for fresh labor Dutch sold 20 Africans in1619 House of Burgesses 1st representative self-government in colonies Page 3 of 33 Maryland – 1634 106749115 founded by Lord Baltimore For financial profit & refuge for Catholics Maryland Act of Toleration Catholics were quickly surrounded by Protestants and passed this Act of religious freedom for all Christians to guarantee Catholic rights in the face of a Protestant majority Carolinas – 1670 North Carolina – 1712 Georgia – 1733 founded by Charles II during “Restoration Period”> (Charles I dismissed Parliament, beheaded, Oliver Cromwell ruled with no king, finally Charles II “restored to throne) Slave-oriented; rice growing Virginia outcasts moved south to Carolina Independent-minded, democratic, NOT aristocratic Broke away to form their own colony founded by James Oglethorpe 1) buffer from Spanish Florida and French Louisiana, received $ from British gov.) 2) haven for British debtors No slavery allowed at first PLANTATION COLONY SIMILARITIES Staple crops (tobacco, rice, indigo, later cotton) Slavery Aristocratic Scattered population Few churches or schools Followed the Church of England Need to expand westward for soil County government Page 4 of 33 106749115 CHAPTER THREE: SETTLING THE NORTHERN COLONIES Puritans wanted total purification of Church of England Total de-Catholicization Some people pre-destined for salvation Strict adherence to Puritanism a sign of salvation Separatists extreme Puritans Wanted to break from Church of England Migrated to Holland > negotiated to settle in Virginia (less than ½ of settlers actually Separatist) blown off-course – landed at Plymouth Plymouth-1620 Mayflower Compact agreed to submit to the “will of the majority” & follow rules First step toward self-government William Bradford governor of Plymouth (30 times) (Plymouth merged with Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1691) Massachusetts Bay – 1629 John Winthrop non-Separatists Brought their charter to America – went against King’s rules Governor – wanted to create “City on a Hill” Congregational Church tax-supported (“established”)- ministers hired, fired, salaried by members - clergy not allowed to hold political office - church attendance legally required “freemen”adult, male, church members, VOTE Town Meetings all male property holders Discuss issues Majority vote DISSENTERS Anne Hutchinson truly “saved” need not bother to obey laws of God or man (anti-nomianism) banished , traveled to Rhode Island, then New York only she and 1 child survived Indian attacks Page 5 of 33 Roger Williams Rhode Island – 1644 INDIAN WARS Pequot Wars – 1637 King Philip’s War – 1675 106749115 extreme Separatist Wanted to compensate Indians Said to have “new & dangerous” opinions Banished formed Rhode Island complete freedom of religion Full manhood suffrage Freedom of opportunity Pequots annihilated Metacom formed an alliance, coordinated attacks Throughout the English countryside Lasting defeat for New England Indians COLONIAL UNITY New England Confederation – 1643 Plymouth and Massachusetts Formed primarily for defense Dominion of New England – 1686 imposed by London To promote efficiency in carrying out Navigation Acts Headed by Sir Edmund Andros Curbed town meetings, restricted courts, press, schools Glorious Revolution Catholic James II replaced by Protestant William and Mary Dominion of New England collapsed – Andros tried to flee in women’s clothes but was sent back to England MIDDLE COLONIES New York – 1664 originally New Netherland est. by Dutch West India Feudal estates along Hudson River, patroonships given to promoters who would settle with 50 people Peter Stuyvesant defeated Swedish intruders on the Delaware Eventually surrendered to England and renamed New York after the Duke of York (Wall Street built by Dutch on Manhattan Island to protect from Indian attacks) Page 6 of 33 Leislers Rebellion (1689) Pennsylvania – 1681 Paxton Boys Rebellion New Jersey – 1664 106749115 animosity in NYC between landholders and merchants William Penn - Quaker Well-advertised Liberal land policies Benevolent toward Indians Freedom of worship No provision for military frontier Paxton boys marched on Philadelphia to protest Quaker leniency toward Indians proprietors received land grant from Duke of York SIMILARITES OF MIDDLE COLONIES Fertile soil = grain Much land Lumber, commerce, farms Ethnically mixed Religious toleration Page 7 of 33 106749115 CHAPTER FOUR: AMERICAN LIFE IN THE 17TH CENTURY CHESAPEAKE Disease! ½ of population did not reach 20 years old Immigrants young, single men Weak families many unwed mothers Tobacco need for more land and labor overproduction > low prices > more acres planted > Labor Headright System – whoever paid passage for laborers received 50 acres Led to masses of impoverished freemen Bacon’s Rebellion (1676) Slavery resentment of Governor Berkley’s friendly Indian policies Indian attacks prompted Bacon and others to attack Indians and sack Jametown Bacon died of disease and Berkley crushed remaining rebels (20 hanged) fewer English workers due to: rising wages and fear of mutiny like Bacon’s Rebellion 10,000 Africans to American between 1700 & 1710 -early slave codes made adults and their children slaves for life -Chesapeake only society ever where slaves maintained their population through reproduction Society Great Planters (slaves, huge estates) Small Farmers Blacks Isolation/Scattered Water is primary means of transportation NEW ENGLAND Healthy lived 10 years longer than Chesapeake (Mass. Gov. came from family of 27 kids from same mother) Page 8 of 33 106749115 Immigrants families Early marriages Frequent childbirth Family Stability meant less women’s rights Society small villages Settled in orderly fashion Massachusetts School Law ‘Ye Olde Deluder Satan Law (1647) Towns of more than 50 families required to provide elementary education Harvard College (1636) first in America Religion Half-Way Covenant (1662) Life trouble with declining membership -partial Church membership rights to those not yet converted -Gradually erased distinction between “elect” and others -Strict purity sacrificed for wider participation farming difficult due to rocks Timber= shipbuilding Harbors (cod) Page 9 of 33 106749115 CHAPTER FIVE: COLONIAL SOCIETY IN THE 18TH CENTURY Population doubled every 25 years 1 colonist for every 3 Englishmen 90% rural/agricultural Ethnically mixed: German/Scots-Irish Professions clerics most honored Industry agriculture Triangular Trade: rum>slaves>sugar Lumbering Molasses Act – 1773 designed to cut colonial trade with the French West Indies “established” churches: Anglican: NY, MD, VA, NC, SC, GA Congregational: Mass, CT, New Hamp. Religion Great Awakening 1730s-1740s -began in Massachusetts where Puritan piety had been eroding -Preachers said spirituality could be emotional and that salvation was open to all who appealed to God Jonathan Edwards “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Men completely dependant on God’s graces George Whitefield spellbinding orator Revolutionized spiritual life for colonists “old lights” skeptical of emotionalism & theatrics “new lights” wanted to revitalize religion Page 10 of 33 106749115 EFFECTS Of Great Awakening Baptist religion created Increased number of churches Missionary work began More centers of higher learning: Princeton, Dartmouth, etc. Trend toward equality in America ** First spontaneous mass movement of colonists Press John Peter Zenger Trial (1734) charged with libel from corrupt Royal Governor Convicted by judges from England; Jury of colonists declared him “not guilty” ** precedent for Freedom of Expression Politics Royal Governors – appt. by King Proprietors – chose governors Self-governing – elected governors varied structure Power of the Purse – colonial assemblies could withhold governor’s salaries if dissatisfied Assembly Lower House – elected by colonists Suffrage ½ of males disenfranchised because of property or religious restrictions BUT land was easy to acquire Enlightenment John Locke – natural rights God gave man powers of observation & reason God created world & then left it to man Reason & man more important than God Page 11 of 33 106749115 CHAPTER SIX: DUEL FOR NORTH AMERICA French in North America EUROPEAN CLASHES King William’s War & Queen Anne’s War slow population growth Fur traders (beaver pelts) Jesuit missionaries Got along well with Native population British vs. French guerilla-style warfare British won War of Jenkins’ Ear English captain had ear sliced off by Spanish Took ear back to England to encourage war War of Austrian Succession England won Ohio River Valley spot of contention btwn. Britain & France FRENCH & INDIAN WAR- 1754 Albany Congress (a.k.a. Seven Year’s War) -called by Britain to try to achieve coordinated colonial action -prompted Ben Franklin’s “Join or Die” cartoon Col. Braddock 1st British General; haughty Lost to French at Fort Duquesne William Pitt Braddock’s replacement Liked by colonists; “the Great Commoner” Wolfe captured Quebec for the British after siege Defeated Montcalm George Washington proved himself militarily Treaty of Paris – 1763 French out of North America Spain received Louisiana & Cuba England got Florida and land to Miss. River Page 12 of 33 106749115 EFFECTS of French & Indian War Pontiac’s Rebellion – 1763 Proclamation of 1763 colonial self-confidence Valuable military experience Feeling that British were incompetent Iroquois Confederacy destroyed Colonists desire to push westward past Appalachians Britain had HUGE war debt alliance of Indians tried to drive British/colonists out of Ohio Valley - 2,000 were killed British retaliated with smallpox blankets -prohibited colonial settlement beyond Appalachians -Designed to work out Indian problem -Colonists resentful and ignored -British becoming annoyed with “unruly” colonists Page 13 of 33 106749115 CHAPTER SEVEN: THE ROAD TO REVOLUTION English Economic Policy – Pre-French & Indian War Mercantilism Export more than import Accumulate precious metals Colonies used to support mother country: Furnish ships, sailors, trade Provide markets for English goods Keep gold & silver within Empire Navigation Laws – 1650 restricted commerce to & from colonies Manufactures that competed with Britain were restricted, such as: wool & beaver hats (Hat Act) Currency Act forbade colonists from issuing their own money – colonists ignored Board of Trade – 1696 controlled colonial economy (“joke”) BENEFITS of Mercantilism -loosely enforced (Salutary Neglect) -Gave colonists sense of “Rights of Englishmen” -Britain obligated to protect colonies -Colonists not taxed MENACE of Mercantilism -economic entrepreneurship stifled -Southern colonies favored because they had no manufacturing that competed -Feeling of being “used” by Britain English Economic Policy post-French & Indian War Prime Minister George Grenville – 1763 Sugar Act – 1764 Quartering Act – 1765 ordered enforcement of Navigation Acts designed to raise revenue for Britain to pay back debt of French& Indian War colonists to provide food & lodging for British troops left in colonies (New York legislature suspended for failure to comply) Page 14 of 33 106749115 Stamp Act – 1765 -tax on paper goods -Led to cries of “No Taxation W/Out Representation” -Colonists wanted Actual Representation (a seat on Parliament) -British claimed colonists had Virtual Representation (Parliament represented all British subjects) Stamp Act Congress met in New York City 27 delegates from 9 colonies statement of rights & grievances policy of “non-importation” from Britain Virginia Resolves colonists should have same rights as all Englishmen Sons of Liberty Sam Adams Took law into own hands Forced stamp agents to resign Declaratory Act – 1766 repealed the Stamp Tax Declared Parliament had binding right over colonies in all cases Townshend Acts – 1766 import duty on glass, lead, paper, tea “Indirect Tax” – paid at ports Boston Massacre – 1770 British troops in colonies to keep law & order Colonists taunted troops > were fired upon John Adams defended British troops Committees of Correspondance organized by Sam Adams in Massachusetts Spread propaganda Soon became inter-colonial Tea Act – 1773 British East India Co. facing bankruptcy Granted monopoly in America Led to Boston Tea Party Page 15 of 33 106749115 Repressive Acts – 1774 Quebec Act First Continental Congress – 1774 a.k.a. Coercive Acts, Intolerable Acts Designed to punish Boston for Tea Party Closed Boston Port until damages paid Mass. Charter rights revoked Town Meetings restricted French Quebecois guaranteed Catholicism Boundary extended to Ohio River Alarmed colonial land speculators & antiCatholics -all colonies BUT Georgia -Sam Adams, John Adams, George Washington, Patrick Henry -Demands rejected by Parliament Declaration of Rights rights of Englishmen The Association called for complete boycott of British goods Suffolk Resolves delivered by Paul Revere declaring Virginia fully supported Boston, Mass. Lexington & Concord – 1775 gunpowder British troops ordered to seize colonial Colonial “minute men” refused to disperse Shots fired, 300 British killed COLONIAL STRENGTHS Outstanding leaders (George Washington, Marquis de LaFayette) Fighting on home terrain Belief in a just cause COLONIAL WEAKNESSES Lack of unity Sectional jealousy Inflation due to “worthless” currency Lack of military supplies (esp. clothes, shoes) 1/3 Loyalist; 1/3 Patriot; 1/3 ambivalent Page 16 of 33 106749115 CHAPTER EIGHT: AMERICA SECEDES FROM THE EMPIRE Second Continental Congress – 1775 selected G. Washington to lead colonial army Olive Branch Petition professed American loyalty Begged King George to end hostilities Rejected by King *contradiction colonists professing loyalty while fighting British Common Sense by Thomas Paine – 1776 -radical, influential, eloquent call for independence AND republicanism -“These are the times that try men’s souls” INDEPENDENCE Richard Henry Lee’s Resolution (6/7/1776) Thomas Jefferson appointed head of committee to prepare statement justifying declaration of independence BATTLES Trenton Washington vs. Howe Washington crossed the Delaware on 12/26 and captured 1,000 hungover Hessian mercenaries Saratoga -Gates vs. Burgoyne -Colonial victory showed French colonists could win -French began sending: money, equipment, navy, ½ of all colonial troops were now French - 1778 Franco-American alliance Yorktown – 1781 colonists were on verge of mutiny Cornwallis was surrounded by Washington on land & French at sea > surrendered Page 17 of 33 106749115 Benedict Arnold plotted with British to sell out West Point George Rogers Clark seized various western forts John Paul Jones destroyed British merchant shipping Peace of Paris – 1783 -Ben Franklin, John Adams, John Jay sent to negotiate -France scheming with Spain to confine United States to east of Allegheny Mtns. -US made treaty without consulting French allies TERMS -United States gained independence -Boundaries of US: Mississippi River at West (France has rest), Great Lakes at north (Britain has Canada), Florida at south (Spain has rest) - loyalists not persecuted Page 18 of 33 106749115 CHAPTER NINE: THE CONFEDERATION & CONSTITUTION RESULTS OF REVOLUTION “leveling” reduced property qualifications for voting trade organizations for artisans separation of Church & State Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom (1786 gradual emancipation many northern states abolished slavery all states but Georgia eliminated slave trade women idea of “Republican motherhood” – mothers duty to teach civic virtue to children State constitutions most had….. State sovereignty ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION a.k.a. “Firm League of Friendship” POSITIVES Bill of Rights Annual elections Weak executive & judicial branches Powerful legislatures Some state capitals moved west coined money Raised armies Erected tariffs point of contention over western lands, some had, some didn’t – why not just give it all to the federal government?... -stepping stone toward workable Constitution (dubbed the “Critical Period” by Charles Fiske) -Created system for orderly settlement of western lands Land Ordinance (1785) -authorized sale of land to pay national debt -System to survey land -Established 6 square mile townships Page 19 of 33 106749115 -Every 16th section reserved for public school Northwest Ordinance (1787) -60,000 residents meant territory could apply for statehood with all rights & privileges -Forbade slavery in territories PROBLEMS RESULTS no executive No judicial Each state had only 1 vote (regardless of size) 2/3 vote needed to pass legislation no power to regulate commerce no power to collect taxes no one took USA seriously… -England refused to send Foreign Minister -Spain closed mouth of Mississippi River -Algerian pirates destroyed Mediterranean shipping States quarreled over boundaries States levied taxes against each other States printed their own currency Hard to fight internal rebellions EVENTS LEADING TO CONSTITUTION Shays’s Rebellion -1786 backcountry farmers of western Mass. Farms foreclosed upon Demanded paper money, lighter taxes, end to foreclosures Massachusetts sent in troops Upper classes very frightened ** clear need for stronger federal government Annapolis Convention – 1786 called for by Virginia Only 5 states attended Called for convention in Philadelphia the following year Page 20 of 33 Philadelphia Convention – 1787 “COMPROMISES” Great Compromise 106749115 meant to “revise” the Articles of Confed. All states but Rhode Island attended Held in complete secrecy - didn’t want arguments public - didn’t want to give enemies info. - going against public’s wishes VA Plan – representation by population NJ Plan – equal representation Compromise – rep. in House by population Rep. in Senate equal Three-Fifths Compromise slaves count as 3/5 to determine population for representation Slave Trade would continue until 1807 “SAFEGUARDS” against strong executive “indirect election” of President & Senators through electoral college against federal judges appointed with life terms against powerful federal gov. written Constitution based on the “consent of the governed” “checks & balances” Anti-Federalists disliked… dropping of annual elections Federal stronghold in D.C. Creation of a standing army No reference to God Ratification with only 2/3 vote No Bill of Rights Federalist Papers -propaganda articles for NY newspaper -No. 10 said Republican form of gov. would work well for such a large country -Written by Hamilton, Jay & Madison Page 21 of 33 State ratifying conventions 106749115 reps. Elected to vote for or against the new Constitution Last 4 states to ratify = VA, NY, NC, RI Finally realized they could not exist independently Page 22 of 33 106749115 CHAPTER TEN: LAUNCHING THE NEW SHIP OF STATE NEW GOVERNMENT President Cabinet Secretary of State Secretary of the Treasury Secretary of War George Washington – 1789 Elected unanimously not mentioned in Constitution Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton Henry Knox Bill of Rights -drafted by James Madison -Meant to protect people from the federal government NOT state governments -9th amendment – enumerated rights does not mean that other rights are not retained by the people - 10th amendment – implied powers to do what is “necessary and proper” Judiciary Act – 1789 -organized the Supreme Court with a Chief Justice and 5 others -federal, district & circuit courts Hamilton’s Economic Program 1) bolster national credit & public confidence (US credit meant more countries would have stake in success of US) 2) fund US debt plus interest 3) assume state debts (chain states more tightly to fed. Gov.) > Virginia didn’t agree SO Trade-off: Virginia let federal gov. take its debt in exchange for capital located on Potomac River 4) Tariffs to protect infant industries 5) Excise taxes (whiskey) 6) Bank of the United States Hamilton (loose construction of the Constitution) VS. Jefferson (strict construction) **Washington sided with Hamilton Page 23 of 33 106749115 Whiskey Rebellion – 1794 excise tax collectors tarred & feathered Washington sent US troops to PA ** new respect for federal government FEDERALISTS Aristocratic rule Powerful central government Loose interpretation Protective tariffs for industry Pro British Central bank of the US Debt Strong navy DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICANS rule by “informed masses” state’s rights strict interpretation agriculture preferred pro French state banks no national debt minimal navy FRANCE VS. ENGLAND Neutrality Proclamation – 1793 British sales of guns to Indians set precedent to stay clear of entangling alliances -Indians used guns to attack pioneers -“Mad” Anthony Wayne crushed Indians at -Battle of Fallen Timbers -Indians ceded part of Ohio River valley British impressment of US seamen Jay’s Treaty – 1794 British to evacuate Northwest posts Pay damages for seizure of US ships NOT pay pre-Revolutionary debts British largely ignored this treaty Pinckney’s Treaty – 1795 gave US free navigation of the Miss. River Disputed Florida territory given to US Citizen Genet French ambassador to US Recruited for the French army Dismissed XYZ Affair Adams sent delegates to France Demanded bribe to see Talleyrand Page 24 of 33 Washington’s Farewell Address – 1796 106749115 avoid permanent alliances Avoid political parties Undeclared War with France – 1797 France seized American ships US established the Marine Corps US added ships to the Navy Federalists mad Adams didn’t declare war Convention of 1800 Alien & Sedition Acts – 1798 Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions Napoleon wanted to free himself for Europe Formally ended the Franco-American alliance France paid damages to the US -Adams (Federalist) directed at Dem-Rep. -Imprison or deport “dangerous” foreigners -Fine or imprison those who slander/libel officials - written by Jefferson & Madison -states at heart of government, therefore could judge federal laws “null” if disagree - Federalists said people, not states, formed gov. & only Supreme Court could judge laws - Madison switched from Fed. To Dem-Rep. over this issue Page 25 of 33 106749115 CHAPTER ELEVEN: JEFFERSONIAN DEMOCRACY ”Revolution of 1800” Jefferson president tied with Burr (House of Reps. Decided **peaceful regime change from Federalists to Dem-Rep Inaugural Address “We are all Republicans; we are all Federalists” Secretary of the Treasury Secretary of State Albert Gallatin James Madison Marbury v. Madison – 1801 - Judiciary Act of 1801 created 16 new judgeships -Adams filled with Federalists before leaving office -Madison refused to deliver commission to Marbury -John Marshall dismissed Marbury’s case, avoiding political controversy -Marshall ruled part of Judiciary Act unconstitutional **established principle of Judicial Review Samuel Chase impeachment hearings - simply because he was Federalist -failed **est. precedent NOT to use impeachment to shape Supreme Court JEFFERSON AS REPUBLICAN abolished excise tax JEFFERSON AS FEDERALIST kept many of Adams’ advisors Tripolitan War – 1801 Barbary pirates attacking in Mediterranean Jefferson sent marines Peace treaty negotiated developed respect for US Page 26 of 33 106749115 Louiana Purchase – 1803 WHY - Jefferson was ready to ally with hated England if France held New Orleans -Napoleon suddenly decided to sell for $15 million -France lost Santo Domingo for which LA was to be a granary, in revolt led by Toussant L’Ouverture -he didn’t want US to ally with England Lewis & Clark – 1804 sent to find overland trail to Pacific Zebulon Pike explored headwaters of Miss. River & Colorado Jefferson was torn as a Republican spending SO much money, increasing navy, etc.!! Aaron Burr’s schemes 1) called for secession of New England & New York -failed because Hamilton caught him, challenged to duel, Hamilton died 2) separate western US & form new country - arrested, tried for treason, acquitted ENGLAND VS. FRANCE (again…) In Europe England ruled waves; France ruled land Orders in Council closed continental ports under French control to foreign shipping unless ship 1st stopped at British port Berlin & Milan Decrees ordered seizure of all merchant ships that stopped at British ports Chesapeake/Leopard incident -Leopard stopped Chesapeake, demanded surrender of 4 alleged deserters -American commander refused, British fired British impressment of Americans Page 27 of 33 106749115 Jefferson’s Embargo Act – 1807 -Jefferson thought if US cut off supplies to Europe they would respect American rights -appeared that Jefferson was punishing Americans, not Europeans (“O grab me”) -repealed in 1809 Non-Intercourse Act – 1809 reopened trade with Europe EXCEPT Britain & France POSITIVES forced US to begin industries of our own Page 28 of 33 106749115 CHAPTER TWELVE: JAMES MADISON & THE WAR OF 1812 Macon’s Bill No. 2 – 1810 -if either England or France would repeal its trade restrictions, US would resume nonimportation against the other -Napoleon lied & said France would comply -Britain angry War Hawks -young men from South & West eager for conflict -eager to take Canada -want to wipe out Indian threat Tecumseh & the Prophet WAR OF 1812 Why Britain and not France? -formed Indian confederacy in northwest -Wm. Henry Harrison defeated at Tippecanoe -Tecumseh killed at Battle of Thames -Andrew Jackson defeated Creek at Horseshoe Bend **paved way for settlement in Ohio River valley Republican dislike of British British arming of Indians British impressments The call of Canada Burning of Washington D.C. British captured & burned White House Star Spangled Banner Francis Scott Key wrote while watching bombing of Baltimore New Orleans Jackson crushed British – 2,000 killed in ½ hour Two weeks after Treaty of Ghent signed American ships “old Ironsides” (the USS Constitution) Well-crafted, well handled Page 29 of 33 Treaty of Ghent – 1814 FEDERALIST GREIVANCES Hartford Convention – 1814 106749115 armistice signed Christmas Eve Stop fighting & restore territory -Mass, Conn, RI, NH, Vermont -met in secrecy for 3 weeks -wanted: financial assistance, more power for New England, Constitutional amendments -small group proposed secession **death of the Federalist party, no one took seriously RESULTS OF WAR OF 1812 1) new respect for US armed forces 2) death of Federalist Party 3) brilliant naval tradition 4) War heroes: Harrison & Jackson 5) hostile Indians crushed & their land taken 6) US industry stimulated 7) sense of nationalism 8) turn away from Europe & toward the West 9) bitterness toward England 10) Rush-Bagot Treaty (1817) – btwn. England and US to disarm the Great Lakes Page 30 of 33 106749115 CHAPTER THIRTEEN: POSTWAR UPSURGE OF NATIONALISM “nationalism” literature Washington Irving James Fennimore Cooper Nicer capitol built Expanded US armed forces Revived Bank of the United States (1816) New states in west are tied to nation “American System” proposed by Henry Clay protective tariff internal improvements -because British were “dumping” goods into US, undercutting US manufacturing Tariff of 1816 first US protective tariff Led to sectional debate: -John C.Calhoun – nationalist, supported tariff -Daniel Webster – opposed tariff, thought would ruin New England shipping (later these two would reverse positions, Calhoun for state’s rights, Webster for Union) ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS Why?? Panic of 1819 “The West” Land Acts New States Only one political party President Monroe’s “goodwill” tour overspeculation in frontier lands Economic depression 1804 minimum purchase of 160 acres, $2.00/acre, $80.00 down payment 1820 minimum purchase of 80 acres,$1.25/acre 9 frontier states added btwn. 1791 & 1819 Page 31 of 33 West demanded cheap $ Missouri Compromise 1819 Tallmadge Amendment 1820 Clay’s compromise John Marshall’s key decisions: BENEFITS 106749115 did not like the Bank of the US -no more slaves brought to MO -emancipation for children of current slaves -defeated in the Senate ** South sees threat to way of life ** South developing own nationalism MO=slave state Maine, carved from Mass.= free state Slavery prohibited in rest of LA Purchase above 36’,30 *kept balance in Senate -strengthened Union -Created stable, uniform environment for business -checked excesses of popularly elected state legislatures Marbury v. Madison -1803 **Judicial Review (see above) Fletcher v. Peck – 1810 -Georgia granted 35 million acres to private company after bribery, public outcry caused contract to be cancelled **Sup. Ct forbid state laws to impair contracts **Sup. Ct could invalidate state laws that conflict with the Constitution Dartmouth v. Woodward – 1819 NH wanted to change Dartmouth’s charter **Sup. Ct. ruled states could not alter contracts McCulloch v. Maryland – 1819 -Maryland taxing its branch of the Bank of the US to destroy it -Marshall said it had no power to do so ** federal over state ** affirmed “implied powers” clause Page 32 of 33 106749115 Gibbons v. Ogden – 1824 OREGON & FLORIDA Treaty of 1818 Western Florida – 1810 Andrew Jackson -NY wanted to grant private company a monopoly on water trade btwn. NY & NJ **Marshall said only Congress could regulate interstate trade -Between Britain & USA -US to share Newfoundland with Canada -Border of LA Territory set at 49th parallel -10 year joint-occupation of Oregon -uninvited Americans tore down the Spanish flag -was to respect all Spanish posts -Overzealous: began hanging Spanish, Indians and British -Rather than apologizing, John Quincy Adams convinced Monroe to demand that Spain either control the area or cede it to the US Florida Purchase Treaty – 1819 -a.k.a. Adams-Oniz Treaty -Spain ceded Florida, US gave up claims to Texas MONROE DOCTRINE – 1823 -European monarchs in process of crushing rebellions -Fear they might try to step in and crush South American revolts 1) no European colonization in western hemisphere (aimed at Russia in NW) 2) non-intervention from Europe in affairs of western hemisphere (aimed at Spain/England in South America) Page 33 of 33 106749115