Albert, Simon

Albert, Simon
University of Queensland, Australia (Marine Studies)
Marine biology, ichthyology: Marovo
UQ Marovo Project
Current affiliation, academic qualifications and contact details
Dr. Simon Albert
Environmental Engineering, The University of Queensland
BAppSc (Env)
PhD (Marine Science)
Phone: +61 7 4758 1442
Since early 2004 I have been involved in marine research in Solomon Islands. This
began as part of a large University of Queensland project assessing the environmental
status of Marovo Lagoon. My role was specifically to understand water quality
conditions in Marovo, assess the health of coral reef communities and document the
likely external factors impacting on the lagoon (e.g., logging and overfishing).
During this period of research, from 2004 to 2006, I spent 6 months in Marovo and
became aware of the need to communicate the scientific results back to local people.
To achieve this I worked with a graphic artist (Kate Moore) to develop a range of
reports and handouts in the local vernacular which described the outcomes of the
I have an extensive vocabulary of vernacular terms, but I cannot converse in Marovo
language. However, through a combination of Marovo, Pijin and English I am able to
communicate effectively. The University of Queensland’s work in Marovo has
expanded from being purely research to include a large education and capacity
building component. Through the training of local staff it is anticipated the ongoing
research on and management of marine resources will be conducted by Marovo
Over the past two years (2006-2008) I have become involved in a range of other
project in the Western Province of the Solomons. I have been working with Shankar
Aswani in Roviana Lagoon to conduct scientific surveys of the marine protected area
program. I was also involved in a post earthquake/tsunami survey of Ranongga to
assess potential impacts on fisheries in the area. I have maintained communication
with WWF and World Fish Center with the aim to assist further with fisheries issues
on Ranongga.
Key publications/reports/materials Key publications/reports/materials
Albert, S., Udy, J., Tibbetts, I., Duke, N., Neil, D., Love, M., Roelfsema, C. and
Ross, A. 2006. Chiniena ba lineana pa Marovo Lagoon [Condition of the marine
environments in Marovo Lagoon]. Report to Marovo community. University of
Queensland, Brisbane.
Albert, S., Love, M., Roelfsema, C., Duke, N., Udy, J. and Tibbetts, I. 2007.
Marovo: A lagoon and people facing change, in N. Duke et al. (eds) Conserving the
marine biodiversity of Marovo Lagoon: development of environmental management
initiative that will conserve the marine biodiversity and productivity of Marovo
Lagoon, Solomon Islands, 29-41. The University of Queensland, Brisbane.
Albert, S., Love, M., Udy, J., Tibbetts, I., Roelfsema, C., Neil, D., Marion, G.,
Hough, S., Ross A. and Duke, N. 2007. Science addressing community concerns
about the marine environment. In N. Duke et al. (eds) Conserving the marine
biodiversity of Marovo Lagoon: development of environmental management initiative
that will conserve the marine biodiversity and productivity of Marovo Lagoon,
Solomon Islands, 43-83. The University of Queensland, Brisbane.
Albert, S., Udy, J. and Tibbetts, I. 2008. Responses of algal communities to gradients
in herbivore biomass and water quality in Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands. Coral
Reefs. 27: 73-82
Albert, S., J. Udy, G.B.K. Baines, and D. McDougall 2007. Dramatic tectonic uplift
of fringing reefs on Ranongga Is., Solomon Islands. Coral Reefs 26(4): 983-983.
Albert, S. 2007. The health of Melanesian coral reefs: Environmental drivers and
social responses. PhD Thesis, Centre for Marine Studies, The University of
Queensland, Brisbane.
Albert, S., Udy, J., Tawake, A. and Vave, R. submitted Indicators of community
based marine management success in Fiji. Ocean and coastal management.
Aswani, S., Albert, S., Sabetian, A. and Furusawa, T. 2007. Customary and
management as precautionary and adaptive principles for protecting coral reefs in
Oceania. Coral Reefs 26(4): 1009-1021.
Albert, S., J. M. O'Neil, et al. 2005. Blooms of the cyanobacterium Lyngbya
majuscula in coastal Queensland, Australia: disparate sites, common factors. Marine
Pollution Bulletin 51(1-4): 428-437.
Udy, J., Gall, M., Longstaff, B., Moore, K., Roelfsema, C., Spooner, D.R. and Albert,
S. 2005. Water quality monitoring: a combined approach to investigate gradients of
change in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 51(1-4): 224238.