QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR GENETIC ENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES FOR THE DEVELOPING WORLD QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION ICGEB-TWAS-UNESCO/IBSP Joint Project on Capacity Building in Basic Molecular Biology Expression of Interest in Research Grant Applications GENERAL INFORMATION AND APPLICATION PROCEDURES The ICGEB-TWAS-UNESCO/IBSP Project aims to create a network of laboratories involved in research on the study of plant and animal pathogens that affect agricultural productivity in developing regions, that could stimulate South-South and North-South co-operation thus building research capacity in scientifically lagging countries and in the developing world at large. In particular, specific aims are as follows: to train young scientists from scientifically lagging countries in cutting-edge research in molecular biology and genomics on a problem of general relevance to the developing countries; to use well-established laboratories in scientifically proficient countries of the South and in industrialised countries to collaborate in research on topics of relevance; to promote bidirectional interactions between the developing countries and the developed countries in areas of capacity building and research on topics of interest to the developing world. The Programme will be implemented in four individual and consecutive phases: Phase 1 Researchers interested in applying for a ICGEB-TWAS-UNESCO/IBSP research grant are invited to submit a Letter of Intent (LI). Each Principal Investigator will be able to submit only one LI in this review round. Applications should normally consist of an international collaboration between 2 to 4 investigating teams (co-applicant/s) from different countries. In addition, one applicant (PI or co-applicant) should be from a country that is a member state of ICGEB (Annex 1) and another applicant (PI or co-applicant) should be from a country listed among those countries identified as scientifically lagging by TWAS (Annex 2). All countries listed in Annexes 1 and 2 are member states of UNESCO. To facilitate the submission of the Letter of Intent, Principal Investigators will be requested to submit just a brief research proposal indicating name and full affiliation of their potential collaborators. Letters of Intent will be reviewed and selected based on the scientific excellence of the research team, the importance and feasibility of the research proposed and the potential impact of the research results on the participating countries and opportunities for training young scientists from the scientifically lagging countries. Phase 2 In line with the main objective of the programme, ICGEB-TWAS-UNESCO/IBSP will organize a “Coordinating Workshop” which will take place during 2009, inviting the PIs of those Letters of Intent that are positively evaluated and extending this invitation to other scientists working in the countries involved (Annexes 1 and 2). The aim of this meeting will be to facilitate the incorporation of scientists from scientifically lagging countries in those projects that do not already include them. Phase 3 The authors of the short-listed projects will be invited to develop full research projects that will then be evaluated by peer-reviewers nominated by the 3 funding organisations. The call for fully developed applications will be circulated after the Workshop providing full details including the submission deadline. The maximum duration for the project is 2 years. The annual ICGEB-TWAS-UNESCO/IBSP grant will not exceed US$ 24,000 Phase 4 At the end of the two-years research, the leaders of funded projects would then meet again to review progress and jointly plan future collaboration activities. The submission deadline for the L.I. is: 31 March, 2009 Letter of Intent to be submitted to the following address: ICGEB - Office of the Director-General, attn. Ms. Barbara Argenti, Padriciano 99, I-34012 Trieste, Italy Tel: +39-040-3757382, Fax: +39-040-3757361, E-mail: bargenti@icgeb.org [Advance copies may be sent via fax or e-mail ahead of the original] Principal Investigator Contact Details Surname First Name Birth date (dd/mm/yy) Nationality Position title Institute address Tel: Fax: E-mail: Have you been awarded an ICGEB or TWAS or UNESCO research grant before? YES NO NO If yes, please indicate the Ref. No.: _______________________ Have you been awarded an ICGEB or TWAS or UNESCO Fellowship? YES If yes, please specify: ______________________________________ Curriculum Vitae Degree Year College/University Country Field of Study Positions held Please provide the following information for each position in the last 5 years (list the most recent first) Period Institution Publications Enclose a list of the 10 most relevant key publications. Position Held Letter of Intent Please complete each section in English A Title (maximum 60 characters, including spaces) B Keywords (maximum 5 words) C Abstract (maximum 1 page) D List of Potential Collaborators from other countries (please indicate complete name and full address, including Tel/Fax numbers and e-mail address) Potential Collaborator 1 Potential Collaborator 2 Potential Collaborator 3 Potential Collaborator 4 E Which aspects of the proposed project would be especially innovative? (maximum 500 characters including spaces and punctuation) F One of the project’s main aims is to promote the training of young scientists; please indicate how the project would contribute to this. Signature Date Annex 1 ICGEB Member States 1. Afghanistan 31. Mauritius 2. Algeria 32. Mexico 3. Argentina 33. Morocco 4. Bangladesh 34. Nigeria 5. Bhutan 35. Pakistan 6. Bosnia and Herzegovina 36. Panama 7. Brazil 37. Peru 8. Bulgaria 38. Poland 9. Burundi 39. Qatar 10. Cameroon 40. Romania 11. Chile 41. Russian Federation 12. China 42. Saudi Arabia 13. Colombia 43. Senegal 14. Costa Rica 44. Serbia 15. Côte d’Ivoire 45. Slovakia 16. Croatia 46. Slovenia 17. Cuba 47. South Africa 18. Ecuador 48. Sri Lanka 19. Egypt 49. Sudan 20. Hungary 50. Syrian Arab Republic 21. India 51. The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 22. Iran, Islamic Republic of 52. Trinidad and Tobago 23. Iraq 53. Tunisia 24. Italy 54. Turkey 25. Jordan 55. United Arab Emirates 26. Kuwait 56. United Republic of Tanzania 27. Kyrgyzstan 57. Uruguay 28. Liberia 58. Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 29. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 59. Viet Nam 30. Malaysia Annex 2 Scientifically Lagging Countries 1. Afghanistan 41. Kyrgyzstan 2. Angola 42. Lao People’s Democratic Republic 3. Azerbaijan 43. Lesotho 4. Bangladesh 44. Liberia 5. Belize 45. Madagascar 6. Benin 46. Malawi 7. Bhutan 47. Maldives 8. Botswana 48. Mali 9. Burkina Faso 49. Mauritania 10. Burundi 50. Mongolia 11. Cambodia 51. Mozambique 12. Cameroon 52. Myanmar 13. Cape Verde 53. Nepal 14. Central African Republic 54. Nicaragua 15. Chad 55. Niger 16. Comoros 56. Nigeria 17. Congo, Republic of the 57. Papua New Guinea 18. Côte d'Ivoire 58. Paraguay 19. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 59. Peru 20. Democratic Republic of the Congo 60. Rwanda 21. Djibouti 61. Samoa 22. Dominican Republic 62. Sao Tome and Principe 23. Ecuador 63. Senegal 24. El Salvador 64. Sierra Leone 25. Equatorial Guinea 65. Solomon Islands 26. Eritrea 66. Somalia 27. Ethiopia 67. Sudan 28. Gabon 68. Suriname 29. Gambia 69. Tajikistan 30. Ghana 70. Timor-Leste 31. Guatemala 71. Togo 32. Guinea 72. Tuvalu 33. Guinea-Bissau 73. Uganda 34. Guyana 74. United Republic of Tanzania 35. Haiti 75. Uzbekistan 36. Honduras 76. Vanuatu 37. Indonesia 77. Viet Nam 38. Jamaica 78. Yemen 39. Kenya 79. Zambia 40. Kiribati 80. Zimbabwe