STREAM EXECUTIVE BRIEFING Subject Cardiac Echo-sonography Training Date of Stream Executive Team Meeting 02/04/09 Author Kane Wyborn Workforce Planning and Development Officer SITUATION Currently there is an area wide need for cardiac sonographers to meet demand in echocardiography services There is particular need in Tamworth and surrounding districts for cardiac sonography services BACKGROUND To become an accredited sonographer, persons with an appropriate degree (for example, in medical imaging, nursing, health or science) can undertake a relevant two-year diploma through a university or the Australian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine. Most courses require students to be employed as sonographers and therefore most students will be experienced sonographers by the time they graduate. Sonography procedures do not attract a Medicare rebate unless the sonographer is accredited. Many of the larger public and private hospitals attempt to meet their own need for sonographers by offering training to those of its medical imaging staff who are interested in entering the specialisation. The number of persons completing relevant courses averaged 65 a year in the three years to 2005 which represents a training rate of 5.7 per cent a year based on estimated employment of 1000 to 1100. There are no precise figures on supply to the occupation from interstate and overseas immigration. However, data from the Australian Sonographer Accreditation Registry suggest that supply from sources other than local graduations averaged 38 a year between 2002 and 2005. The number of newly-accredited sonographers in NSW increased to 105 in 2006 but it is unclear how many of these would be working predominantly in NSW (DEEWR, 2007). Shortages were evident in both the public and private sectors in Sydney and regional NSW. The majority of advertisements attracted few responses and these were mostly from current student sonographers or from science and health professionals wishing to become student sonographers. Positions requiring specialised skills in areas such as cardiac or vascular sonography proved particularly difficult to fill. In a typical example, one prominent public hospital advertised for three cardiac sonographers but only attracted one applicant who was recruited despite the need to provide her with further training (DEEWR, 2007). In the Hunter New England Area Health Service (HNEAHS) the majority of cardiac sonography in the public health system takes place at the John Hunter Hospital. Additional services are provided at the Calvary Mater Hospital, Belmont Hospital and Maitland Hospital. Cardiac Sonography in the HNEAHS is undertaken mainly by cardiac technologists; however in areas where access to cardiac technologists with appropriate skills is limited radiographers and medical officers perform cardiac sonography STREAM EXECUTIVE BRIEFING The NSW (Public) Health Employees State Award states the following: 1) Cardiac Technician - means a person who performs ECGs, Exercise Stress Testing and Holter Loop Recorders. 2) Cardiac Technologist - Grade 1 - means a person who has attained a Bachelor of Science Degree or qualifications or competencies deemed equivalent by the employer and may be required to perform ECGs, Exercise Stress Testing, Holter-Loop event recorders as well as VVI pacemakers, dual chamber pacing/cardiac catheter and Implantable Cardiac defibrillators (ICDs). 3) Cardiac Technologist - Grade 2 - means a person who has attained a Post Graduate Degree in Sonography or qualifications or competencies deemed equivalent by the employer and performs Cardiac Sonography or Electrophysiological Studies (EPS). 4) Senior Cardiac Technologist - means a person who can perform all duties of Cardiac Technologist Grade 1 and assists the Chief Cardiac Technologist with management, either through; Undertaking supervisory duties in a Deputy or Second in Charge role overseeing other Cardiac Technicians and/or Cardiac Technologists; and/or have responsibility for the day to day running of a discreet function within the department. 5) Chief Cardiac Technologist - means a person who can perform all the functions of a Cardiac Technologist and who is responsible for the management of the department including the development of operational protocols. Cardiac Technologists Award Rates from the Health Employees State Award Grades Rate from Rate from Rate from Grade 1 1.7.2008 1.7.2009 1.7.2010 Year 1 917.90 953.70 990.90 Year 2 952.30 989.40 1,028.00 Year 3 1,010.90 1,050.30 1,091.30 Year 4 1,080.10 1,122.20 1,166.00 Year 5 1,154.80 1,199.80 1,246.60 Year 6 1,228.40 1,276.30 1,326.10 Year 7 1,288.00 1,338.20 1,390.40 Year 8 1,329.60 1,381.50 1,435.40 Year 1 1,288.00 1,338.20 1,390.40 Year 2 1,329.60 1,381.50 1,435.40 Year 3 1,430.10 1,485.90 1,543.90 Senior Cardiac Technologist Year 1 1,430.10 1,485.90 1,543.90 Year 2 1,478.00 1,535.60 1,595.50 Chief Cardiac Technologist Year 1 1,519.20 1,578.40 1,640.00 Year 2 1,685.70 1,751.40 1,819.70 Grade 2 Source: NSW Health STREAM EXECUTIVE BRIEFING ASSESSMENT Workforce Profile of Cardiac Technologist Grade 2 Cardiac Technologist Grade 2: Current Active Staff all HNE at 26/3/09 Employee Base Cost Code Award Code Description Description Award Profile Description Cardiac Technologist Grade 2 Cardiology - C.S.U. ~John Hunter ECG Cardiac Technologist Grade 2 Cardiology - C.S.U. ~John Hunter ECG Cardiac Technologist Grade 2 Cardiology - C.S.U. ~John Hunter ECG Cardiac Technologist Grade 2 Cardiology - C.S.U. ~John Hunter Heart/Lung Tech & Assistant Cardiac Technologist Grade 2 Cardiology - C.S.U. ~John Hunter ECG Cardiac Technologist Grade 2 Cardiology - C.S.U. ~John Hunter ECG Cardiac Technologist Grade 2 Cardiology - C.S.U. ~John Hunter Heart/Lung Tech & Assistant Cardiac Technologist Grade 2 Cardiology - C.S.U. ~John Hunter Heart/Lung Tech & Assistant Grand Total Source: HNE Business Objects Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 Current figures on activity at the JHH are as follows JHH and Belmont: Echo: 285 Echo Adult: 762 Echo - Paediatric: 259 There are problems in classifying and coding. This may only represent a small proportion of actual activity Outside of the JHH echocardiography is performed by various staff Manning: Dr Wickremesinghe(Physician) Dr Connor(Anaesthetist/Intensivist) No figures available at time of tabling Tamworth: Average of 5/week conducted by the Advanced Trainee – no cardiac echo-sonographer Dr Sam Adera and Dr Alexander Levendall offsite echo-sonography Armidale: No Public echo-sonography service Maitland: Advanced Trainee Sonographer No figures available at time of tabling Calvary Mater: No figures available at time of tabling STREAM EXECUTIVE BRIEFING There are a number of programs to facilitate training in echocardiography at various institutions. As stated above, the program is at graduate diploma level and is offered by universities and professional groups. Please see the list below for educational options Current Programs in Ultrasonography at 26/3/09 Conferring Body (Please Click Hyperlink) ASAR Accredited Qualifications Diploma of Medical Ultrasonography (Cardiac) Australasian Society for Diploma of Medical Ultrasonography (General) Ultrasound in Medicine (ASUM) Diploma of Medical Ultrasonography (Vascular) Diploma of Medical Ultrasonography (Obstetric) Graduate Diploma of Applied Science (Medical Charles Sturt University Ultrasound) Master of Applied Science (Medical Ultrasound) Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Imaging Science — Curtin University of Technology Ultrasound (for students enrolled prior to 1/1/2000) Master of Medical Sonography, incorporating the Graduate Diploma Monash University Graduate Diploma in Medical Ultrasound Master of Medical Ultrasound Graduate Diploma in Applied Science (Medical Ultrasound) Master of Applied Science (Medical Ultrasound) Queensland University of Technology Graduate Certificate in Applied Science (Breast Ultrasound) Graduate Diploma in Cardiac Ultrasound Master of Cardiac Ultrasound Source: Australian Sonographer Accreditation Register (ASAR). STREAM EXECUTIVE BRIEFING Current Programs in Ultrasonography at 26/3/09 Conferring Body ASAR Accredited Qualifications Graduate Diploma (Sonography) RMIT University Graduate Diploma of Ultrasonography Master of Applied Science (Sonography) Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Medical Sonography) Graduate Diploma of Health Science with Certificates of Specialisation in Vascular Sonography Graduate Diploma of Health Science with Certificates of Specialisation in Cardiac Sonography (for students University of Sydney— Cumberland Campus enrolled prior to 31/3/2006 and students enrolled after 8/3/2009) Master of Health Science (Medical Sonography) Master of Health Science with Certificates of Specialisation in Cardiac and Vascular Sonography (for students enrolled prior to 31/3/2006 and students enrolled after 8/3/2009) Source: Australian Sonographer Accreditation Register (ASAR). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that: Training program be investigated and endorsed by the Cardiac Stream after a cost/benefit analysis Discussions commence with cardiac technologists and other trainers regarding the amount of time required to facilitate training Review possible positions that may be used as training positions STREAM EXECUTIVE BRIEFING APPENDIX v) RISK ASSESSMENT Please write a brief risk description, including the current risk rating and the acceptable targeted risk rating. Treatment Number Current risk rating Targeted risk rating Risk Description Current Treatments Please complete additional and/or proposed treatment/s required, and tick the impact (high, medium, low) each treatment is expected to have in achieving the targeted risk rating. Treatment Number Impact the proposed treatment/s Proposed Treatments will have on the risk (Tick) High Medium Low Guide for Completion: the HNEAHS Corporate Risk Matrix below uses the same Consequence and Likelihood criteria as the NSW Health Severity Assessment Code System. LIKELIHOOD CONSEQUENCE Frequent Likely Possible Unlikely Rare Serious A C E F G Major B D H I M Moderate J K L N O Minor P Q R V W Minimum S T U X Y