Summary of the Performance Excellence Process

Associate Guide
Updated December 2009
Performance Excellence Philosophy
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare’s Performance Excellence Program (PEP) is designed to:
 Align each of us with our Mission, Vision, and Values
 Provide each individual with clear direction and developmental coaching
 Assess and provide feedback regarding associate performance
 Provide fair, objective information for pay and personnel decisions
The Performance Excellence Program is much more than performance management forms. The
performance management form is simply a tool to provide the road map for performance, record
significant conversations and milestones throughout the year and record the significant
outcomes of the annual review meeting between associate and leader. The quality of
interactions throughout the steps of the performance management process determines the
success of the overall Performance Excellence Program.
Across Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare, the Performance Excellence Program is a shared
responsibility of associate and leader. The Performance Excellence Program is grounded in the
belief that associates want to succeed and need recognition and want constructive feedback.
Trust, respect, and shared responsibility are critical for the success and credibility of the
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Performance Excellence Process – Flow Chart
Overall Organization Strategy
Mission, Vision and Values
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Strategic Goals
Step 1:
Leader Preparation
Department goals
Competency plans
Essential job duties and
SMART expectations
Essential Job Duties
SMART expectations
Values-based behavior
Developmental goals
Who will conduct
performance reviews
Step 2:
Leader’s Responsibilities
Step 5:
Review and Merit
Adapted from Grote Consulting Corporation
Updated 12.08.09
Communicate Openly
Provide coaching and feedback
Create conditions that motivate
Eliminate performance barriers
Update objectives
Provide development
Reinforce effective behaviors
Log performance and
Achieve objectives
Solicit feedback and coaching
Communicate openly
Collect and share data
Prepare a self-assessment in
preparation for review
Personal and professional growth
Step 4:
Performance Review
Step 3:
Mid-year Discussion
Introductory Review
Summary of the Performance Excellence Process
The Performance Excellence Program is Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare’s formal system to
manage performance and provide for the evaluation of the quality of an individual’s performance
over a specific period of time. To be successful, performance management should be an
ongoing process and not merely an annual event. The Performance Excellence Program (PEP)
has five key steps summarized below.
Step 1: Leader Preparation
To ensure the best outcome for the Performance Excellence Program, leaders are expected to
spend some concentrated time preparing and planning for the process. This preparation takes
place prior to engaging the associate in the performance planning discussion. During leader
preparation, department goals are set and communicated, essential job duties and SMART
expectations are written for each position that the leader oversees, and reviewers are identified
for each associate. All of this information is documented on the PEP form. It is also important to
note that for some of the preparation leaders will be expected to work with other leaders to
establish department/division goals, essential job duties and SMART expectations that are
consistent for similar positions.
Associate preparation checklist
 The associate has no specific role during this step of the performance excellence
Step 2: Performance Planning Discussion
Once prepared, the leader and associate meet for a performance planning discussion.
Generally, this session takes 20-30 minutes and allows discussion around what the associate
will achieve (and how the leader will support) over the next 12 months. This meeting is held
around the beginning of the fiscal year (approximately July) or during the first week of
employment. Specific attention should be paid to the essential job duties, SMART expectations
and how the Values relate to the associate’s specific role as documented on the PEP form.
This time may also include discussion of the associate’s development plan.
Associate preparation checklist:
 Review the PEP form provided by the leader
 Review the job description and think about goals/objectives to achieve in the next year
 Identify development areas and needs
 Share with your leader any barriers to successful performance
Step 3: Mid-year Discussion or Introductory Review
Over the review period, the associate works to achieve essential job duties and SMART
expectations and demonstrate our values. The leader provides coaching and feedback to the
associate to increase the probability of success. At mid-year (approximately December) the
leader and associate meet to discuss the associate’s performance so far against the plans and
goals that were discussed in the performance planning step. Generally, the discussion is 15 to
20 minutes. Notes from the discussion are captured on the PEP form.
Introductory reviews are completed by the end of the month in which the 90th day of
employment falls. Associates hired in the months of January, February and March will not
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receive an introductory review, rather the annual review in June will satisfy the requirement.
Additional information regarding introductory reviews can be found on page 9 of this guide.
Associate preparation checklist:
 Solicit performance feedback and coaching
 Communicate openly with your leader on progress and problems in achieving objectives
 Suggest that objectives be updated as conditions change
 Complete the development goals
 Keep track of achievements and accomplishments
 Actively participate in the mid-year review meeting
Step 4: Performance Review Preparation
Beginning April of each year, the leader reflects on the associate performance over the last
review period and completes the planning and review form. The leader may request peer and
key customer feedback to assist in the process. In turn, the associate is responsible to
complete a self-assessment for the period and provide it to the leader before the annual
performance review meeting. During this step, the leader may determine an appropriate
adjustment in base pay for the individual. Lastly, the leader will review their associates’
performance forms and performance based pay adjustments with their immediate leader.
Associate preparation checklist:
 Review personal performance over the year
 Assess personal performance and accomplishments against the development plan
 Prepare a list of accomplishments and achievements and send it to you leader
 Complete a self assessment using the form
 Consider any suggested revisions to key position responsibilities, essential job duties
and SMART expectations, values and goals for the next performance review cycle
 Prepare for the performance review meeting
Step 5: Performance Review and Merit Adjustments
The leader and associate meet to review the performance report that has been written by the
leader and the associate self-assessment. At this point, the leader may share with the
associate the overall rating and appropriate base pay adjustment. In some circumstances, the
leader and associate may need to schedule an additional meeting to finalize the review. The
final step includes an agreement to meet to hold a performance planning discussion for the next
review period. Both meetings combined should take approximately one hour.
Associate preparation checklist:
 Discuss the achievements list – essential job duties and SMART expectations and
 Discuss achievements against your developmental goals
 Compare assessment of performance with that of leader
 Seek clarification for any assessments or examples that are unclear
 Consider how the appraiser’s feedback will influence performance plan for the upcoming
review period
 Listen and respond appropriately to the appraiser’s perceptions and feedback
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Performance Excellence Form Overview
Throughout the performance excellence process key information is documented on the
performance excellence review form.
The PEP form contains the following components:
 Associate Information
 Purpose
 Organization Direction
o Mission
o Organizational Goals
 Department Goals
 Essential Job Duties
o SMART expectations
 Values-based behaviors
 Developmental Goals for continuous learning and improvement
 Mid-Year/Mid-Orientation Discussion
 Rating Summary
 Competency Summary
 Optional Leader & Associate Comments
 Signatures
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Rating Definitions for Essential Job Duties (Section 2)
Role Model
Does Not
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Independently identifies opportunities for improvement, finds
solutions and achieves results. Recognized as an expert and
mentor by peers and others; is self-motivated and seeks
additional duties/assignments. Work performance is
consistently superior to the standards required. Overall work
performance is outstanding and deserving of special
Consistently works toward continuous improvement and
“stretch” achievements. Work performance is consistently
above the standards required. The high quality of work is
readily differentiated from his/her peer group both in terms of
the results achieved and in interactions with others to achieve
those results.
Work performance in every area is entirely competent, efficient
and constructive. No areas of work performance require
specific improvement. Effort demonstrated, results achieved
and the way in which work is performed meets high
expectations. Well qualified for the position. Associate is a
solid contributor whose presence helps the organization move
Work performance is generally “acceptable” in some areas but
improvement is required in others. Work performance is
inconsistent. Often acts independently, but work requires more
supervision than should be necessary. Performance in many
ways is good, with associate exhibiting progress toward
performing at a fully competent level. It may be appropriate to
use this rating for a newly hired associate with limited
Work performance does not meet the minimal expectations or
minimal standards of the organization. Associate fails to
embrace continuous improvement opportunities. Immediate
improvement is required. Work performance is not acceptable
and cannot be allowed to continue. It is unacceptable for an
associate to receive two consecutive performance ratings at
this level.
Rating Definitions for Values-based Behaviors (Section 3)
Uniquely recognized as an outstanding example of how to
demonstrate the values in the workplace. Inspires others to live out
the values and behaviors. Consistently goes out of his/her way to
express the values through words and actions. Fully deserving of
special recognition.
Highly effective at displaying the values through words and actions.
“Stretches” his/her self to achieve interactions that are positive and
values-based. Guides or helps others to live out the values and
behaviors. Readily differentiated (stands out) from other associates
in demonstrating values and behaviors.
Fully effective at demonstrating the values and behaviors of this
organization. Behaviors are inherent in all he/she does in the work
setting. Words and actions reflect the values to those we serve and
each other. A valuable asset to our organization. Recognized as an
effective, values-based associate.
Inconsistently displays the values in words and actions. Needs
direction on how to demonstrate values in the workplace.
Expectations Improvement is required.
Seldom displays expected behaviors associated with the values.
Does Not
Words and actions are not aligned with the values. Actions and
behaviors contradict the values of this organization. Immediate
improvement is necessary.
Role Model
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Newly Hired and Transferred Associates
Upon hire or transfer, it is expected that a leader and associate will set up a Performance
Excellence document within the first 30 days of employment. This requires the leader and
associate to meet and discuss the SMART expectations that the associate will be evaluated on.
Developmental goals should be set and recorded on the Introductory Review Form.
New associates and transferred associates are reviewed within the first three months of
employment (like a mid-year discussion) and thereafter, on an annual basis. Individuals hired
between January 1 and March 31 of each year do not require an introductory review, rather an
abbreviated “annual review” would take place on the common review date as they would be
eligible for a performance based pay increase. Individuals hired between April 1 and June 30 of
each year will be eligible for a performance excellence review and performance based increase
in July of the following year.
Evaluation Dates for Newly Hired and Transferred Staff
Hire or
document is
discussed by
the leader
and new
within the first
30 days.
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Date of
Type of Review
Annual in June (satisfies Introductory and Annual)
Annual in June (satisfies Introductory and Annual)
Annual in June (satisfies Introductory and Annual)
Values-based behaviors:
Their role and importance in the evaluation process
Service excellence is rooted in Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare’s mission and values, is part of
our vision, and connects and transcends all of our strategic goals. It is an essential way
associates across the organization live out our values.
Service Excellence Our Values in Action describes the specific values-based behaviors and
actions we hold out as essential for meeting and exceeding the needs of those we serve. Every
associate, physician, volunteer, and other acting on behalf of the organization are expected to
understand, support and embrace these behaviors and actions as the things we do and say to
provide excellence service to everyone we serve.
It is important that leaders and associates understand whom it is we serve – we serve our
patients and their families, and we serve each other as well. We must treat each other with the
same values and behaviors as we work together to provide high-quality, efficient service. If we
do not honor those we serve through our values, they will choose to receive care from or work
for other organizations that better meet their needs. And if our patients, associates and
physicians choose to go elsewhere, we will be unable to live out our mission that was started
more than 100 years ago in each of the communities we serve.
In order for us to reach our vision of being the health care provider of choice, the employer of
choice, and the preferred partner of physicians, we need to hold ourselves – and each other –
accountable for demonstrating these service excellence actions that we hold as best practice.
Excellence and consistency in practice is what makes us great.
The actions in this guide come from our organizations’ lists of service standards, our patient
satisfaction survey questions and key driver data, and our associate opinion survey questions
about our commitment to service excellence. While not exhaustive, we believe these behaviors
and actions are things we need to do and say to live out our values and demonstrate our
commitment to service excellence.
The rating scale used for the values-based behaivors is similar to the one used to evaluate the
essential job duties and SMART expectations in Section 2. These ratings definitions reflect
“how” an associate demonstrates our values in the workplace versus the expected performance
of essential job duties.
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We value each person as sacred, created in the image and likeness of God, which gives worth
and meaning to each person’s life.
The Value of RESPECT requires us to:
Promote the sacredness of life from conception through death.
Treat all people with dignity, respect and compassion.
Honor diversity in practices of faith, traditions and culture.
Recognize the good work and accomplishments of others.
Invite and acknowledge concerns, suggestions and opinions of others.
Involve, wherever appropriate, people in decisions that affect them.
Protect personal and professional privacy and confidentiality.
Service excellence is an essential way of putting our values into action. Our value of respect
calls us to do and say the things that make those we serve feel welcome and comfortable.
Associates who demonstrate living our value of respect do so by:
Greeting people with a smile, making eye contact with them and calling them by name.
If I don’t know someone’s name, I introduce myself and ask how the person would like to
be addressed.
Assisting others in finding their way around the organization. I take them to their
destination or find someone who can.
Maintaining the privacy of our patients by knocking before I enter a patient’s room,
closing curtains and doors when I leave the patient’s room, and making sure patients are
fully covered when moving or transporting them.
Answering the telephone with a pleasant greeting, my name and my department; I ask
for permission to place the caller on hold; and I make sure the caller reaches a person
when I transfer their call.
Explaining to those I serve what I am doing and why, ask them if they have any
questions or concerns, and respond in a caring, unhurried manner.
Involving patients in their plan of care and ensure that the information I give them is
thorough and individualized to their needs.
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We value honesty and words and actions that build trust.
The Value of INTEGRITY requires us to:
1. Support in speech and actions our organizational beliefs as a ministry of the Catholic
2. Reflect on Mission, Vision and Values when making decisions.
3. Understand and follow all laws, regulations, and policies that apply to our work.
4. Place organizational success above personal gain.
5. Communicate truthfully and expect others to do the same.
6. Identify and resolve difficult issues.
Service excellence is an essential way of putting our values into action. Our value of integrity
calls us to do and say the things that will make those we serve feel confident in our
professionalism and our ability to meet their needs. Associates who demonstrate living our
value of integrity do so by:
Not talking about patients where others can hear me.
Listening to those I serve without becoming defensive or making excuses.
Apologizing for problems and inconveniences without placing blame.
Working to resolve complaints quickly so that I help to create an environment that makes
it easy for those we serve to express their concerns
Maintaining a neat, clean and presentable appearance and wear my ID badge at all
Speaking highly of my organization and co-workers.
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We value personal and professional growth that combines the physical, emotional, spiritual and
relational aspects of life and work.
The Value of DEVELOPMENT requires us to:
Understand how Mission, Vision and Values apply to our work.
Begin meetings and events with spiritual reflection.
Seek out and participate in opportunities for development.
View change as opportunity.
Accept and offer feedback that promotes respect and leads to development.
Organize work to maintain balance in our lives.
Seek out education and training to build job skills.
Service excellence is an essential way of putting our values into action. Our value of
development calls us to do and say the things that will make those we serve feel that we are
committed to understanding their needs and continually improving our service to them.
Associates who demonstrate living our value of development do so by:
Striving to learn more about those who speak different languages and come from
different racial, cultural, religious, and economic backgrounds.
Avoiding using confusing jargon, acronyms, and medical terms when I speak with those
I serve.
Anticipating the needs of others, offer assistance as needed without being asked, and
take action whenever someone has received less than excellent service.
Asking for and act on feedback from my co-workers and supervisor to help me improve
my service.
Asking those I serve about their religious and cultural practices and work to
accommodate their requests.
Accepting my responsibility for supporting and creating a culture of service excellence.
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We value superior performance in our work and service.
The Value of EXCELLENCE requires us to:
1. Exceed expectations of those we serve.
2. Strive to exceed the requirements of our jobs.
3. Focus our work on efforts that lead to achieving organizational priorities.
4. Seek to continuously improve the way we do work.
5. Address challenges and opportunities quickly and creatively.
6. Balance multiple and often competing priorities.
7. Work with others in the spirit of teamwork.
8. Use best practices to help the organization achieve its goals.
9. Make informed decisions, considering both short- and long-term implications.
10. Evaluate plans, meetings, work processes and behaviors based on expected outcomes.
Service excellence is an essential way of putting our values into action. Our value of excellence
calls us to do and say the things that will make those we serve feel we do everything we can to
provide them excellent service. Associates who demonstrate living our value of excellence do
so by:
Doing what is needed to be sure that my patients experience great teamwork between
their doctors, nurses and staff members.
Recognizing my co-workers for providing excellent service.
When I am working with patients, routinely asking them what I can do to make them
more comfortable.
If a patient complains of pain, taking appropriate action or notify the appropriate member
of the care team so that there is no delay in responding to the patient’s need.
Always asking those I serve if there is anything else I can do for them.
Knowing that serving others is the reason we are here, so I remember to say “thank
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We value our responsibility to use human, financial and natural resources entrusted to us for the
common good, with special concern for those who are poor.
The Value of STEWARDSHIP requires us to:
1. Carry out our work responsibilities to support strategic and financial objectives.
2. Be accountable for the successful completion of our work.
3. Advocate for public policy that provides basic services for those who have limited
4. Seek out opportunities to contribute our resources of time, services or money to help
those in need.
5. Make decisions about our time and work resources that avoid waste and duplication.
6. Conserve natural and environmental resources.
7. Maintain health, safety and security in the workplace.
Service excellence is an essential way of putting our values into action. Our value of
stewardship calls us to do and say the things that will make those we serve feel we care about
the environment in which we serve them. Associates who demonstrate living our value of
stewardship do so by:
Being respectful of others’ time by being on time for appointments and meetings; if I am
going to be delayed, I notify those waiting with a phone call or I send a messenger.
Picking up litter and debris that I come across in hallways, work areas, patient care
areas, and meeting rooms.
Alerting environmental services if I see something that needs attention, like a burned out
light bulb, a spill or a messy bathroom.
Maintaining a safe environment by keeping locked doors locked, making sure visitors
wear their visitor badges, and calling upon security to help keep our work environment
Parking only in designated areas.
Recycling whenever possible and encourage others to do so as well.
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