Level 5 to 6+ Writing Paper Booster Programme

Level 5 to 6+ Writing Paper Booster Programme
A suite of lesson plans, with resources, organised around the
writing marking strands: Composition and Effect (CE), Text
structure and organisation (TSO), and Sentence structure and
punctuation (SSP).
Important Note:
The TSO lessons need to be taught before the CE since pupils
return to a piece of work planned during the TSO sequence.
Text structure and organisation
Lesson one: planning an argument
Lesson two: connectives as signposts
Lesson three: opening an argument
Composition and Effect
Lesson one: levels of formality
Lesson two: persuasive devices
Sentence structure and punctuation
Lesson one: complex sentences – non-finite
Lesson two: complex sentences - adverbials
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Writing: Text Structure & Organisation (TSO) – writing
to argue
Mark scheme
First bullet: coherence
- how the whole text hangs together, including order and sequence, and structural
features such as openings and closings
Second bullet: cohesion
- how different sections of texts are organised, including grouping of material,
connecting and elaborating within paragraphs/sections
Lesson One
Understand how to plan an argument and secure this skill through practice
Numbers 1 to 10 written large on pieces of scrap paper and spaced along one
classroom wall
Handout/slide Complete the planning grid…
Tell students that 1 = strongly agree and 10 = strongly disagree. Then ask
groups of 6-8 to stand in front of the number that best reflects their opinion.
The statement for them to consider is: Capital punishment should be
reintroduced in the UK. Whilst pupils are standing, ask some to explain their
reasoning. Use the ‘no hands’ rule so that all must prepare to share their
thoughts in this way.
Refer students to ‘Complete the planning grid…’ handout/slide and explain the
concept of counter-argument as a chance to have the last word in each
paragraph. Model this by competing the first counter-argument section on the
planning grid.
Students, in pairs, complete the planning grid.
Students first attempt at an argument plan was scaffolded in that the
argument was provided. Challenge them now, in just 5 mins, to write a three
paragraph plan for an argument entitled: School uniform should be banned.
Remind them of the central learning point – that each paragraph, ie left side of
the plan, must begin with the opposition’s point so that it can be demolished
through the counter-argument.
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Complete the planning grid with no more
than 12 words per box
For Capital Punishment
People who take a life should give
Prisons are over-crowded
Tax payers should not have to pay
to keep worthless people alive
The families of victims deserve
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Against Capital
Lesson Two
Clearly signpost an argument for the reader by using a range of connectives
Understand how to write a coherent and convincing paragraph of argument
Set of connectives, one per table/group of 4/5
Sample paragraph handout – 1 each
Completed planning grid from TSO lesson 1
Model text – Don’t Talk to me Now (argument against driving and using a
Ask students to categorise the connectives they are given as cards and to
prepare to explain one or two categories to the rest of the class. (eg. ‘all of
these words are linked with time’)
Explain that certain connectives are vital when writing to argue. In particular, a
connective is needed to show the reader that the argument is about to
attacked through the counter-argument. Read Don’t Talk to me Now to the
class and then annotate the second paragraph with a slash between
argument and counter-argument and circle the linking phrase: This argument
is brainless. Ask students to annotate the final paragraph in precisely the
same way.
Next, ask them to select other connectives that could be used instead of
‘However’ (For L6+, a range of connectives is key) Word-bank these.
Referring again to the model text, ask students about the length of the
counter-argument compared with the argument and then to account for the
fact that it tends to be longer. Point out that to develop a counter-argument so
that it is really convincing, a different type of connective is needed. Encourage
students to select from their cards ‘addition’ connectives like ‘moreover’.
Students should now write one perfect paragraph of argument using the
sample paragraph template. They should choose a paragraph from their plans
on capital punishment.
Students should swap paragraphs and ensure all of the features are in place.
Then ask them to choose whose they will share with the class and to read it
using two voices – the second for the connectives so that these stand out.
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(Connective Cards for Categorising)
For example
As a result
In contrast
For instance
On the other hand
To begin with
At the outset
On the contrary
In spite of this
In other words
What is more
In addition
Of course
Strangely enough
Oddly enough
In conclusion
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How to Structure an Argument
within a Paragraph
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Don’t Talk to Me Now
How many different things can you do at once? One
American president supposedly couldn’t walk and
chew gum at the same time, but we all have our
limits. Psychologists agree that the brain is not
incapable of doing two things at once, but you won’t
do them as well together as you would separately.
So why do people think it’s safe to conduct a
telephone conversation while driving a car? Great
play has been made of the idea that ‘hands free’
phones allow drivers to safely use a mobile phone.
This argument is brainless because it ignores the
fact that it is not just your hands that are involved in
these activities – you use your brain as well. What
is needed is a ‘brain-free’ phone – though to judge
from some of the inanities I have overheard, this
may not be entirely unrealistic.
Another ‘point’ frequently made by phoning fanatics
is that it can be no more distracting to drivers than
listening to the radio or talking to a passenger.
However, listening to the radio doesn’t require me
to talk when I need to attend to a road hazard. And
most car passengers will keep quiet when they see
the driver needs to concentrate. The caller on the
other end of the phone might, however, make
demands of the driver at the critical moment….
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Lesson Three
Develop a range of opening strategies for an argument text
Don’t talk to me now OHP/slide
Ask students to imagine that the argument they planned on school uniform is
one they will eventually put to the school’s governing body by way of a formal
letter to the Chair. Leaving aside the detail of the argument, ask pairs to come
up with two of three strategies they could use in the opening paragraph to
ensure that their argument is read by the chair, and taken seriously. Record
feedback on flipchart.
Return to Don’t to talk me now and annotate the strategies used by the writer
of the argument to engage the reader. (eg reference to psychologists make
the writer sound like an authority, subject deliberately withheld to intrigue,
humour disarms, direct address to the reader etc).
Next, reflect on which of these strategies could be used in letter to the chair of
governors. Provide students with three key ingredients to an effective opening
to an argument:
1. Make it clear what you think from the start, without giving the reasons
2. Establish your credibility. (an expert, somebody with real experience
3. Get the reader on your side. (direct address, subtle flattery, politeness
Individually, pupils should compose an opening to the letter to the Chair.
Pupils should annotate each others’ work with numbers 1, 2 and 3 – the key
features outlined above. If they can identify any other strategies used by their
partner to engage, these should also be annotated ready for sharing with the
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Writing: Composition and effect (CE)
Mark scheme
First bullet: adaptation to purpose, form and reader
Second bullet: viewpoint
- establishing and maintaining the position/stance of author, narrator,
character and others
Third bullet: style
- rhetorical effect, choice of language and technical or literary devices
Lesson One
Sample Longer writing task slide/OHP
Sample response slide and handouts, one each
To manage levels of formality according to audience
In pairs or small groups, pupils should note all of the texts they have written
this week – eg text messages, note to mum, history essay.
Introduce the notion of a formality continuum: 1 = highly informal, 6 = highly
formal and ask students to position the texts they have produced this week on
the continuum. Take feedback and alert students to the dangers of informality
when it becomes a habit (because we do so much of this kind of writing.)
Ask them to decide on the level of formality needed in the texts below, using
the six point scale:
A letter to an older relative, eg uncle
A letter to the local newspaper
A review of a PS2 game in a games magazine
A local newspaper article about a school incident
A leaflet offering advice on post 16 options
A speech at a public meeting
Refer pupils to the sample Longer writing task and ask them, on the 1 to 6
scale, how formal this text should be, and why.
Next, model how to edit the first paragraph of the sample response to that it is
consistently formal.
Pupils should continue this process individually until they get to the end of the
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Pupils should prepare to explain two edits to the rest of the class. It should
then be possible to create a ‘Features of formality’ list/poster, either as a class
or as an extension task.
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Sample Longer Writing Task
Music festival for all the family
You are employed by the local council to organise a music festival
which takes place every year.
You receive this note from the council:
Family festival
These were the comments we received after last year’s festival:
‘I live nearby and the traffic, noise and litter were terrible.’
‘The music was good but there weren’t enough facilities like food
‘There needs to be a wider range of attractions for teenagers and
Please provide an explanation of why things went wrong last year,
including how you plan to overcome these problems and any
other ideas you have to improve this year’s event.
Write a detailed explanation for the local council of why
things went wrong last year and plans for this year.
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Sample Response
Last year’s festival was awesome but there are a few things we
can do to make it even better this year so that there are no moans
from locals.
Firstly, there were complaints about noise, litter and traffic. The
lack of parking was a problem. Although parking was planned, we
didn’t expect so much traffic so there weren’t enough spaces and
quite a few roads were blocked. This ended up causing problems
for the emergency services when a woman was taken ill. To
prevent this happening again, we’ve organised a ‘park and ride’
service and we’re recommending a new route to the festival in
case we get even more visitors this year.
You’re never going to get rid of noise and litter at a festival, but we
can improve things a bit. Last year, there weren’t enough litter
bins, especially near the food areas, and they weren’t emptied
often enough. This year, we’ll site more bins, employ people to
empty them regularly and make sure the site is properly cleaned
after the event. We’ll also put the stage further back so that there’s
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not so much noise for locals. If the roads are quieter with the park
and ride, this should also lessen noise.
The lack of facilities such as food stalls is one we’re looked at
closely. It has to be said, there weren’t enough caterers last year.
Many people complained that food was limited to burgers, fizzy
drinks etc. This year, we’ve improved things no end by organising
some local cafes and restaurants to come in providing much more
Finally, there are more attractions for teenagers planned this year.
We’ve got face-painting, puppets, clowning to name a few. Another
new facility is a crèche where tired parents can leave their kids to
play safely. Teenagers will also get more out of the festival this
year – we’ve got some great bands lined up, as well as workshops
where people can try out unusual instruments etc.
I hope this reassures you that everything has been put in place,
that the problems have been sorted and that we can look forward
to a great success next year.
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Lesson Two
Does Tony have any idea… article as handout, one each
Revise the persuasive toolkit handout
To identify and make effective use of a range of persuasive devices.
Small groups should brainstorm all of the persuasive devices they are able to
recall. Promote active listening by asking for just one device per group at a
time until all groups have ‘passed’.
Read, a second time if the relevant reading lesson has taken place, the antiIraq war article. Then ask students to complete the ‘revise the persuasive
toolkit’ template by quoting an example of each device in the relevant cell.
Refer pupils back to the paragraph of argument they wrote to the Chair of
governors about school uniform. Ask them to strengthen this by using at least
two persuasive devises within the counter-argument.
Go through the persuasive device checklist and investigate how broad the
range of devices used by the class has been by asking for examples for each.
Challenge them to make use of a wider range in the future – and in the SAT if
appropriate to the task.
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‘Does Tony have any idea what the flies are like that feed
off the dead?’
On the road to Basra, ITV was filming wild dogs as they tore at the
corpses of the Iraqi dead. Every few seconds a ravenous beast would rip
off a decaying arm and make off with it over the desert in front of us,
dead fingers trailing through the sand.
That of course was in 1991. The ‘highway of death’ they called
it. Today, when I listen to the threats of George Bush against
Iraq and the shrill moralistic warnings of Tony Blair, I wonder
what they know of this terrible reality. Does George, who
declined to serve his country in Vietnam, have any idea what
these corpses smell like? Does Tony have the slightest
conception of what the flies are like, the big bluebottles that
feed on the dead of the Middle East, and then come to settle on
our faces and notepads?
Soldiers know. I remember one British officer asking to use the
BBC’s satellite phone just after the liberation of Kuwait in 1991.
He was talking to his family in England and I watched him
carefully. ‘I have seen some terrible things,’ he said. And then
he broke down, weeping and shaking and holding the phone
dangling in his hand over the transmission set. Did his family
have the slightest idea what he was talking about? They would
not have understood by watching television.
Thus can we face the prospect of war. Our glorious, patriotic
population – albeit only about 20% in support of this particular
Iraqi folly – has been protected from the realities of violent
I remember once a man in Iran, a piece of steel in his forehead,
howling like an animal – which is, of course, what we all are –
before he died; and the Palestinian boy who simply collapsed in
front of me when an Israeli soldier shot him dead, coldly,
murderously, for throwing a stone; and the Israeli with a chair
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leg sticking out of her stomach outside the Sbarro pizzeria in
Jerusalem after a Palestinian bomber had decided to execute
the families inside; and the heaps of Iraqi dead at the Battle of
Dezful in the Iran-Iraq war – the stench of their bodies wafted
through our helicopter until the mullahs aboard were sickened;
and the young man showing me the thick black trail of his
daughter’s blood outside Algiers where armed ‘Islamists’ had
cut her throat.
But George Bush and Tony Blair and Dick Cheney and Jack
Straw and all the other little warriors who are bamboozling us
into war will not have to think of these vile images. For them it’s
about surgical strikes, collateral damage and all the other
examples of war’s linguistic mendacity. We are going to have a
just war, we are going to liberate the people or Iraq – some of
whom we will obviously kill – and we are going to give them
democracy and protect their oil wealth and stage war crimes
trials and we are going to be ever so moral and we are going to
watch our defence ‘experts’ on TV with their bloodless sandpits
and their awesome knowledge of weapons which rip off heads.
Come to think of it, I recall the head of an Albanian refugee,
chopped neatly off when the Americans, ever so accidentally,
bombed a refugee convoy in Kosovo in 1999 which they
thought was a Serb military unit. His head lay in the long grass,
bearded, eyes open, severed as if by a Tudor executioner.
Months later I learned his name and talked to the girl who was
hit by the severed head during the US air strike and who laid
the head reverently in the grass where I found it. Nato, of
course, did not apologise to the family. Nor to the girl. No one
says sorry after war. No one acknowledges the truth of it. No
one shows you what we see. Which is how our leaders and our
betters persuade us – still – to go to war.
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Revising the Persuasive Toolkit
Persuasive Device
1. Rhetorical Questions
2. Emotive Language
3. Sound Patterns
4. Figurative language
5. The ‘rule of three’
6. Repetition
7. Hyperbole
8. Short, emphatic
9. Contrast
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Writing: Sentence structure and punctuation (SSP)
Mark scheme
First bullet: variety, clarity and accuracy of sentence structures
Second bullet: variety and accuracy of punctuation
Lesson One
Improve writing style by using non-finite subordinate clauses to add detail,
and variety.
Building complex sentences handout
Provide the class with a main clause: The athlete spent hours in the gym.
Then provide them with a non-finite subordinate clause: struggling to regain
fitness. Tell them that they must now create three new complex sentences by
inserting the subordinate clause into the main clause in three different places.
Either point out or ask pupils to explain the important role of the comma in
separating the subordinate clause from the main. Also emphasise the mobility
of this kind of subordinate clause and the fact that it makes for a variety of
sentence structures.
Show pupils how to tackle the ‘Building Complex sentences’ exercise by
completing the first example. Try to find a humorous example.
Pupils complete the exercise individually and share responses. Tell them that
this type of complex sentence is particularly useful when writing to describe
because of the way it enables details to be included. Ask them to write a
single paragraph description of the view outside the classroom window, using
at least three non-finite complex sentences. Model an opening sentence: eg.
Forming a bleak backdrop, the distant chimneys belch out grey smoke.
Ask for examples in pupils’ work of non-finite subordinate clauses beginning
sentences, of embedded examples and of those used to add detail at the end
of a sentence. Hear a paragraph that employs the full range effectively.
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Building Complex Sentences 1
Use a non-finite verb to join a subordinate clause to
these sentences.
1. …………………. , Pat ran down the grassy hill.
2. Sam,………………………. , slowly licked her
ice cream.
3. …………………….. , Rob pulled the fish to the
4. Jeremy, ……………., made a great fuss about
5. …………………… , Barbara knelt next to the
6. Derek, …………… , carefully sipped his drink.
7. ………………………. , the wolves attacked.
8. Uncle Chris, ……………, rolled up his trousers.
9. ……………….. , Betty peered through the
10. P.C. Gerald, ………………. , continued on his
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walking running
Lesson Two
Use complex sentences to increase the precision and style of formal writing
Building complex sentences 2 handout, one each
Letter of complaint outline, one each
Ask pupils to complete the Building Complex Sentences 2 exercise
Point out that this type of complex sentence, where the subordinate clause is
an adverbial, can lend a sense of authority and precision to formal writing.
Explain that the class will produce a letter of complaint – the content is
provided so that the focus can be on sentence construction. Each paragraph
must contain a complex sentence. Each paragraph must also end with a
simple sentence. Model this before giving out the handout:
Despite making numerous phone calls to your help desk, I am still
unable to connect to the internet. Given that I have paid a month’s
subscription already, this is deeply frustrating. My direct debit is
now cancelled.
Point out that a final simple sentence can make for a sharp, clear close to a
paragraph – and that the complex sentences add authority and clarity to the
Using the letter of complaint outline and concentrating on sentence
construction, pupils should write the letter of complaint.
Choose the most effective paragraph from partner’s writing and prepare to
explain reasoning for this to the rest of the class.
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Building Complex Sentences 2
1. Although…….., Mrs Taylor ………..
2. After…….., the cat
3. Although……., my best friend……..
4. Despite…….., the dolphin……..
5. Whenever…….., I ……….
6. Wherever………, they………….
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Letter of Complaint Outline
It is with intense frustration that I write to outline the series of
problems that I have had with the vehicle that I bought from you, in
good faith, last month. I expect no less than a full refund.
Paragraph One – states what the salesperson told you about the
Paragraph Two – outlines the series of problems you have had.
Paragraph Three - describes the reaction of members of your
Paragraph Four – explains the action you will take if there is no
Yours sincerely
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