Mowgli`s Brothers

Mowgli's Brothers
1. Create an illustration and explanation of the following animals:
Wolf, Jackal, Panther
2. Write a paragraph summary of what happened with the "Wolf
3. Find out something about how wolf-packs behave as a group.
Write and/or illustrate an explanation.
4. Find out what the word "Victorian" means, and explain.
5. Provide an illustration of a woman in a sari.
The Rules:
1. Create an illustration means DRAW OR PAINT.
2. Provide an illustration may be drawing or computer print-out.
3. For animal illustrations, use a 81/2 by 11 piece of white paper.
Drawings should be neatly, carefully done. The explanation should be
NEATLY typed or printed below, about a paragraph.
All information and pictures gathered must be labeled correctly and neatly
done. Wrinkled, sloppy, incomplete or incorrect work will not be accepted.
***Students are encouraged to scan drawings/illustrations and save other
work in a Power Point format. This will eliminate spelling & grammar
errors and make it easier to present to the class. If you save your group’s
info As a Power Point, save it on the shared drive under Thompson, then by
class period. Call them “”
Kaa's Hunting
1. Create an illustration and explanation of the following animals:
Vulture, Python, Hanuman Monkeys or monkeys with prehensile
2. Find out 5 facts about Buddhism, and provide an illustration of
3. Find out 5 facts about Hinduism, and illustrate a temple.
4. Write an explanation of how snakes use reticulation to kill.
5. Provide an illustration of Bamboo.
The Rules:
1. Create an illustration means DRAW OR PAINT.
2. Provide an illustration may be drawing or computer print-out.
3. For animal illustrations, use a 81/2 by 11 piece of white paper.
Drawings should be neatly, carefully done. The explanation should be
NEATLY typed or printed below, about a paragraph.
All information and pictures gathered must be labeled correctly and neatly
done. Wrinkled, sloppy, incomplete or incorrect work will not be accepted.
***Students are encouraged to scan drawings/illustrations and save other
work in a Power Point format. This will eliminate spelling & grammar
errors and make it easier to present to the class. If you save your group’s
info As a Power Point, save it on the shared drive under Thompson, then by
class period. Call them “”
1. Create an illustration and explanation of the following animals:
Tiger, Indian Boar, Peacock.
2. Write a short page/poster explaining the caste system in India.
Also, explain what is an outcast.
3. Write a paragraph about why cows are sacred in India.
4. Write a paragraph explaining why poaching has been a problem for
India, and list any animals that are endangered in India.
5. Pretend you are a hunter/ poacher in India. Create a small
catalogue, explaining what you have for sale. Illustrate.
The Rules:
1. Create an illustration means DRAW OR PAINT.
2. Provide an illustration may be drawing or computer print-out.
3. For animal illustrations, use a 81/2 by 11 piece of white paper.
Drawings should be neatly, carefully done. The explanation should be
NEATLY typed or printed below, about a paragraph.
All information and pictures gathered must be labeled correctly and neatly
done. Wrinkled, sloppy, incomplete or incorrect work will not be accepted.
***Students are encouraged to scan drawings/illustrations and save other
work in a Power Point format. This will eliminate spelling & grammar
errors and make it easier to present to the class. If you save your group’s
info As a Power Point, save it on the shared drive under Thompson, then by
class period. Call them “”
Rikki Tikki-Tavi
1. Create an illustration and explanation of the following animals:
Cobra, Mongoose, Tailorbird or Warbler
2. Create a poster illustrating a cobra, and explain everything you can
about their unusual abilities.
3. Find out something about snake charming, and write a short
paragraph explaining the idea.
4. Find an illustration of bamboo, and make a list of its uses.
5. Explain what "service" a mongoose provides. List a few animals
that provide services here in America.
The Rules:
1. Create an illustration means DRAW OR PAINT.
2. Provide an illustration may be drawing or computer print-out.
3. For animal illustrations, use a 81/2 by 11 piece of white paper.
Drawings should be neatly, carefully done. The explanation should be
NEATLY typed or printed below, about a paragraph.
All information and pictures gathered must be labeled correctly and neatly
done. Wrinkled, sloppy, incomplete or incorrect work will not be accepted.
***Students are encouraged to scan drawings/illustrations and save other
work in a Power Point format. This will eliminate spelling & grammar
errors and make it easier to present to the class. If you save your group’s
info As a Power Point, save it on the shared drive under Thompson, then by
class period. Call them “”
Toomai of the Elephants
1. Create an illustration and explanation of the following animals:
Elephants, Bats, Indian Rhinos
2. Make an illustration, showing and explaining the differences
between an African and Indian Elephant.
3. Find out what reincarnation is, and write a paragraph explaining it.
4. Make a chart showing the different ways Indian people have used
5. Find out about the books The Secret Garden and The Little
Princess. Explain what the books were about, and what they have
to do with India.
The Rules:
1. Create an illustration means DRAW OR PAINT.
2/ Provide an illustration may be drawing or computer print-out.
3. For animal illustrations, use a 81/2 by 11 piece of white paper.
Drawings should be neatly, carefully done. The explanation should be
NEATLY typed or printed below, about a paragraph.
All information and pictures gathered must be labeled correctly and neatly
done. Wrinkled, sloppy, incomplete or incorrect work will not be accepted.
***Students are encouraged to scan drawings/illustrations and save other
work in a Power Point format. This will eliminate spelling & grammar
errors and make it easier to present to the class. If you save your group’s
info As a Power Point, save it on the shared drive under Thompson, then by
class period. Call them “”
1. Create an illustration and explanation of Brahma.
2. Create a poster explaining karma, dharma, and reincarnation.
3. Write a paragraph about Mahatma Gandhi and explain what he did
and why he was important.
4. Find a photo of the Ganges River and write a caption explaining
why it is important to people of India.
5. Provide a picture of the Taj Mahal, and include a brief explanation
of why it was built and why it is important.
The Rules:
1. Create an illustration means DRAW OR PAINT.
2. Provide an illustration may be drawing or computer print-out.
3. For animal illustrations, use a 81/2 by 11 piece of white paper.
Drawings should be neatly, carefully done. The explanation should be
NEATLY typed or printed below, about a paragraph.
All information and pictures gathered must be labeled correctly and neatly
done. Wrinkled, sloppy, incomplete or incorrect work will not be accepted.
***Students are encouraged to scan drawings/illustrations and save other
work in a Power Point format. This will eliminate spelling & grammar
errors and make it easier to present to the class. If you save your group’s
info As a Power Point, save it on the shared drive under Thompson, then by
class period. Call them “”
The Story of Divaali
1. Create an original illustration which would make a good cover for a
book or movie poster about the story of the Ramayana.
2. Make a storyboard OR powerpoint, retelling the story of Ramayana
(or Divaali) in 6-10 frames.
3. Write a short (half a page to a page) description of the festival of
Divaali that takes place in India each year. Include customs, events,
decorations, etc.
4. Locate several pictures of the real festival going on in India. Make a
poster collage of these images.
5. Define henna. Write a one-paragraph description of why and how it is
used. Include 2 or 3 photos on the page.
The Rules:
1. Create an illustration means DRAW OR PAINT.
2. Provide an illustration may be drawing or computer print-out.
3. For animal illustrations, use a 81/2 by 11 piece of white paper.
Drawings should be neatly, carefully done. The explanation should be
NEATLY typed or printed below, about a paragraph.
All information and pictures gathered must be labeled correctly and neatly
done. Wrinkled, sloppy, incomplete or incorrect work will not be accepted.
***Students are encouraged to scan drawings/illustrations and save other
work in a Power Point format. This will eliminate spelling & grammar
errors and make it easier to present to the class. If you save your group’s
info As a Power Point, save it on the shared drive under Thompson, then by
class period. Call them “”
Queen Victoria
1. Provide 2 or 3 pictures of Queen Victoria from different times in
her life, including her coronation.
2. Create a poster or collage showing at least 5 inventions or
developments in science that happened during the Victorian
3. Write a paragraph about Queen Victoria, including a list of what
you think were her greatest accomplishments. Also, provide a
brief timeline of her life.
4. Find and include a map of the world, showing the expanse of the
Victorian Empire at its height.
5. Discuss and prepare to answer the following questions (you do not
need to write it out)
*How did Queen Victoria feel about slavery?
*Queen Victoria was an IMPERIALIST. Is that a positive
accomplishment, or a hostile and racist way to treat people in other
parts of the world (or both).
The Rules:
1. Create an illustration means DRAW OR PAINT.
2. Provide an illustration may be drawing or computer print-out.
3. For animal illustrations, use a 81/2 by 11 piece of white paper.
Drawings should be neatly, carefully done. The explanation should be
NEATLY typed or printed below, about a paragraph.
All information and pictures gathered must be labeled correctly and neatly
done. Wrinkled, sloppy, incomplete or incorrect work will not be accepted.
***Students are encouraged to scan drawings/illustrations and save other
work in a Power Point format. This will eliminate spelling & grammar
errors and make it easier to present to the class. If you save your group’s
info As a Power Point, save it on the shared drive under Thompson, then by
class period. Call them “”