OUTSIDE BODIES - ELECTED MEMBER REPRESENTATION Ardler Village Trust Councillor Stewart Hunter Association for Public Sector Excellence Councillor Craig Melville Dundee Trust Lord Provost Bob Duncan Councillor Will Dawson Councillor Stewart Hunter Depute Lord Provost Christina Roberts Councillor Alan G Ross Councillor Laurie Bidwell Councillor Tom Ferguson Councillor Lesley Brennan Bailie Derek Scott Broughty Ferry Benevolent Fund Councillor Kevin Cordell Councillor Laurie Bidwell Carolina House Trust Lord Provost Bob Duncan Central Waterfront Partnership Board Councillor Ken Guild Councillor Will Dawson City of Dundee Educational Trust Councillor Stewart Hunter Councillor Gregor Murray Councillor Alan G Ross Councillor Laurie Bidwell Councillor Georgia Cruickshank City of Dundee Sports Council Councillor Bill Campbell Lord Provost Bob Duncan Councillor Richard McCready Construction Licensing Executive Councillor Will Dawson COSLA - Convention Councillor Ken Guild Lord Provost Bob Duncan Bailie Willie Sawers Councillor Kevin Cordell Councillor Kevin Keenan COSLA - Executive Group - Community Wellbeing and Safety Councillor John Alexander COSLA - Executive Group - Education, Children and Young People Councillor Stewart Hunter COSLA - Executive Group - Health and Wellbeing Councillor Ken Lynn COSLA - Executive Group - Regeneration and Sustainable Development Councillor Will Dawson COSLA - Executive Group - Resources and Capacity Bailie Willie Sawers COSLA - Executive Group - Strategic Human Resource Management Councillor David Bowes COSLA - Older People's Champion Network Councillor Ken Lynn d:\726838495.doc COSLA – Task Group – Sports/Arts & Culture Lord Provost Bob Duncan Development of Social Enterprise in Dundee Development Board Councillor Craig Melville Councillor Georgia Cruickshank Dovetail Enterprises Councillor Craig Melville Bailie Willie Sawers Bailie Helen Wright Councillor Mohammed Asif Dundee Blind and Partially Sighted Society Councillor David Bowes Councillor Norma McGovern Dundee City Sports Association for the Disabled Councillor Alan G Ross Councillor Bill Campbell Councillor Richard McCready Councillor Lesley Brennan Dundee Contemporary Arts Ltd Councillor Vari McDonald Councillor Ken Lynn Councillor Craig Melville Councillor Laurie Bidwell Dundee Fairtrade Forum Councillor Bill Campbell Dundee Heritage Trust Councillor Vari McDonald Dundee International Women's Centre Depute Lord Provost Christina Roberts Dundee Partnership (a) (b) Dundee Partnership Forum Management Group Lord Provost Bob Duncan Councillor Ken Guild Councillor Will Dawson Councillor Bill Campbell Councillor Stewart Hunter Councillor Kevin Keenan Bailie Helen Wright Councillor Fraser Macpherson Councillor Ken Guild Councillor Kevin Keenan Dundee, Perth, Angus and North Fife Strategic Development Planning Authority Councillor Will Dawson Councillor Bill Campbell Councillor Tom Ferguson Dundee Repertory Theatre Lord Provost Bob Duncan Councillor Ken Guild Councillor Jimmy Black Councillor Richard McCready Dundee School Children's Holiday Fund Lord Provost Bob Duncan Councillor Stewart Hunter Councillor Gregor Murray Councillor Laurie Bidwell Councillor Tom Ferguson Dundee Science Centre Councillor Gregor Murray Dundee University Court Lord Provost Bob Duncan East of Scotland European Consortium Councillor Will Dawson or his nominee East of Scotland Loan and Development Fund Councillor Will Dawson Fleming Trust Supervisory Committee Lord Provost Bob Duncan Councillor Jimmy Black Focus on Alcohol Dundee Councillor David Bowes Grey Lodge Settlement Association Councillor Jimmy Black Councillor Mohammed Asif Highland Forces and Cadet Association Councillor Kevin Cordell International Mayors for Peace Lord Provost Bob Duncan Leisure & Culture Dundee Lord Provost Bob Duncan Councillor Stewart Hunter Councillor Brian Gordon Councillor Richard McCready Mars Training Ship Fund Lord Provost Bob Duncan Morgan Trust Councillor Stewart Hunter Councillor Gregor Murray Councillor Georgia Cruickshank Councillor Laurie Bidwell NHS Tayside Board Councillor Ken Lynn Nuclear Free Local Authorities (Scotland) Councillor John Alexander Royal Scottish National Orchestra Society Ltd Councillor Vari McDonald Councillor Lesley Brennan Scotland Excel Joint Committee Bailie Willie Sawers Scottish Council's Committee on Radioactive Substances Councillor John Alexander Scottish Council for Deafness Councillor Alan G Ross Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group - Supporting Veterans Lord Provost Bob Duncan SOLAR Cities Scotland Depute Lord Provost Christina Roberts Sustain (Dundee) Councillor John Alexander Depute Lord Provost Christina Roberts Councillor Lesley Brennan Tay Road Bridge Joint Board Councillor Jimmy Black Councillor Will Dawson Councillor Bill Campbell Councillor Ken Lynn Councillor Tom Ferguson Councillor Fraser Macpherson Tayside and Central Scotland Transport Partnership Councillor Will Dawson Councillor Bill Campbell Councillor Brian Gordon Tayside Area Support Team Councillor Alan G Ross Councillor Georgia Cruickshank Tayside Business Gateway Councillor Will Dawson Tayside Community Justice Authority Councillor Ken Lynn Bailie Helen Wright Tayside Contracts Joint Committee Councillor David Bowes Depute Lord Provost Christina Roberts Councillor Jimmy Black Councillor John Alexander Councillor Tom Ferguson Councillor Georgia Cruickshank Tayside Council on Alcohol Councillor David Bowes Tayside Regional Advisory Board Councillor Ken Guild Tayside Valuation Joint Board Councillor David Bowes Depute Lord Provost Christina Roberts Councillor Jimmy Black Councillor John Alexander Councillor Tom Ferguson Councillor Mohammed Asif Travelling People's Advisory Group Councillor Kevin Cordell Councillor John Alexander WaterAid (Tayside) Councillor Craig Melville Webster and Davidson Mortification for the Blind Lord Provost Bob Duncan