RUBISLAW PARISH CHURCH Sunday 24 APRIL 2011 8.00 am Short Communion Service with Breakfast C hr i s t ha s Ri s e n D e a t h h a s b e e n c on q u e r e d Minister: The Rev Dr Andrew Wilson Pianist: Mrs Gloria Kochman WORSHIP at DAYBREAK ‘Very early on the Sunday morning at sunrise, they went to the grave ……………………they looked…………….. The grave was empty ……….He is Risen!’ CALL to WORSHIP (all stand) Minister: The Lord is Risen Congregation: He is Risen indeed. CH3 291 Again the morn of gladness Again the morn of gladness, The morn of light, is here; And earth itself looks fairer, And Heaven itself more near; The bells, like angel voices, Speak peace to every breast; And all the land lies quiet To keep the day of rest. ‘Glory be to Jesus!’ Let all His children say; ‘He rose again, He rose again, On this glad day!’ Again, O loving Saviour, The children of Thy grace Prepare themselves to seek Thee Within Thy chosen place. Our song shall rise to greet Thee, If Thou our hearts wilt raise; If Thou our lips wilt open, Our mouth shall show Thy praise. John Ellerton 1826-93 Prayers of Praise RESPONSE Minister: Congregation: Jesus lives, the Lord of All Christ is Risen; Halleluiah! Hymn 408 At dawn the women made their way St Matthew Ch 28 vs 1 – 10 Pg 43 Good News NT THE EASTER GOSPEL PROCLAIMING THE MYSTERY OF FAITH (said together standing) Christ has died, Christ is Risen, In Christ shall all be made alive. Blessing and honour and glory and power be to our God for ever and ever. Amen. EASTER MESSAGE CH3 572 (Tune 501) Come, risen Lord Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest; Nay, let us be thy guests; the feast is thine; Thyself at thine own board make manifest In thine own Sacrament of Bread and Wine. We meet, as in that upper room they met; Thou at the table, blessing, yet dost stand: "This is my Body"; so thou givest yet: Faith still receives the cup as from thy hand. One with each other, Lord, for one in thee, Who art one Saviour and one living Head; Then open thou our eyes, that we may see; Be known to us in breaking of the Bread. George Wallace Briggs1875-1959 altered HOLY COMMUNION Hymn 410 Jesus Christ is risen today Benediction (Breakfast will be served following the service in the Raven Room – all are welcome) RUBISLAW CHURCH NEWS CHURCH CENTRE open for coffee, tea, home bakes, in the mornings Tuesday – Thursday. Enjoy the hospitality of our Centre Lounge and entertain your friends there. CHURCH CENTRE HOLIDAYS The Centre will be closed on the following dates – Monday 25th April, Easter Monday Friday 29th April, the day of the Royal Wedding Monday 2nd May, May Day Holiday SUNDAY 1ST MAY 9.30 am Short Service, 10.30 am Morning Worship. TRAIDCRAFT Monthly stall will be available after worship next week, 1st May. Please come along and show your support for the world's poorest producers. PRESBYTERY CENSUS SUNDAY Presbytery is conducting a mini worship survey in every congregation on Sunday 8th May. At the service you will be encouraged to complete a short census form indicating how often you attend worship, your gender and age group. We would encourage a good representative congregation for the day of the census. CENTRE SPRING FAIR – Saturday 14th May In addition to the usual stalls and attractions we are planning to have a Plant stall. Donations for this and all the other stalls will be most welcome. Further details to follow. ITALIAN EVENING in aid of CAIRN'S COUNSELLING CENTRE to be held in Queen’s Cross Church on Saturday 21st May 2011 (6.30 for 7pm). 3 course Italian meal with glass of wine (bring your own if you would like more!) plus Entertainment and Raffle. Tickets, price £18, from Mrs Olive Fraser 591187 BOOKS WANTED for Queen’s Cross Parish Church GIANT BOOK SALE to be held each day 7th & 9th – 14th May 2011 for CHRISTIAN AID. Spring Cleaning? We shall be grateful for books, Maps and old Postcards, old Photographs, Scraps, Stamps and Ephemera, Sheet Music, Records, C.D’s, Audio Books, framed or unframed pictures and prints. Donations may be left (with a note of your name and Tel No. if you wish) at the Church Office, Albyn Place, Tuesday to Friday 9am – 12 noon OR collection can be arranged by telephoning: Queen’s Cross Church Office 644742 or Elizabeth Ferguson 315949. Thank you. ..……………..……..…………....…..……………………...….………....…….….... NEW TO RUBISLAW You are very welcome. If you would like more information about the Church please complete this tear-off slip and place it in the offering bag. NAME: ….……………………………...…...….…..….… Tel. No. ……………...….... ADDRESS: ………………………………..……..……..…………........………..……... e-mail ………………………………...………....……..…………..………………..…….. Rubislaw Parish Church of Scotland, Aberdeen Scottish Charity No. SC015841