CHAPTER 9 INTRO TO GENETICS _________________________________ -FATHER OF GENETICS ________________________-STUDY OF HEREDITY ________________________-PASSING OF CHARACTERISTICS FROM PARENT TO OFFSPRING ______________________-INHERITED CHARACTERISTIC ______________________-PURE FOR A TRAIT ___________________________________ -produced offspring whose parents differed by one trait (height) Offspring were called _____________________________. RULES TO REMEMBER 1. EACH PERSON RECIEVES TWO COPIES OF A GENE -ONE FROM EACH PARENT -WHEN REPRODUCTION TAKES PLACE. 2. THERE ARE ALTERNATE FORMS OF A GENE CALLED __________________. YOUR TRAITS ARE DETERMINED BY THE ALLELES YOU RECEIVE FROM YOUR PARENTS 3. WHEN TWO ALLELES OCCUR TOGETHER, ONE OF THEM MAY BE EXPRESSED (PHYSICALLY SEEN) WHILE THE OTHER MAY NOT BE OBSERVED IN THE ORGANISM’S APPEARANCE (HIDDEN) a. The expressed gene is called the ______________________________. (represent by capital letters) b. The hidden gene is called the _________________________________. (represented by lower case letters) 4. ______________________________________- When gametes are formed during meiosis, the alleles separate so that each gamete receives only one allele for each trait. 5. If the two alleles of a gene are the same the individual is said to be ______________________ (TT tt) 6. If the two alleles of a gene are different the individual is said to be ___________________________ (Tt) 7. The set of alleles an organism receives from their parents is called the _____________________. 8. The physical appearance of an organism (which is determined by the genotype) is called the _____________________. 9. _______________________- Diagram that predicts the possible genotypes and phenotypes of offspring 10. _______________________ crosses (DI=2) Cross that involves parents who differ by two traits 11. __________________________________________-the inheritance of one trait had no effect on the inheritance of another trait. Complex Patterns of Heredity and Human Genetics I. Incomplete Dominance- The phenotype of the heterozygous is ___________________________ between those of the two homozygous individuals. II. Codominance a. The phenotypes of both homozygous individuals are visible in _____________________ individuals. b. __________________ alleles are expressed equally. c. Example of Codominance in Humans i. Sickle cell carriers ii. Heterozygous individuals have normal and sickle shaped cells. iii. Carry sickle cell trait and can pass on to offspring. A A I I IA i IB IB IB I IA IB ii Homo Heter Homo Heter Codominat O (recessive) III. Multiple Alleles a. Traits controlled by more than ________________ alleles. b. EX: blood type- A, B, AB, O 1. Mixing incompatible blood causes __________________ in death. 2. Determining ______________________ IV. Sex-Linked Traits a. Traits controlled by genes located on ________________ chromosomes (X or Y) are sexlinked traits. b. The alleles for sex-linked traits are written as superscripts (XR Y, XR YR ) c. Traits carried on Y chromosomes are only passed from a ___________________ to his son. d. X-linked traits can be passed to a son or a daughter from a mother or a father. i. Sex-linked traits in humans 1. ___________________________-(X-linked disorder) Can’t differentiate between red and green. 2. ___________________________-(X-linked disorder) Inability to ___________. Males inherit from carrier mothers. V. Polygenic Inheritance a. The inheritance of a trait that is controlled by two or more ______________ that may or may not be on the same chromosome. i. ________________________________ ii. ________________________________ iii. ________________________________ VI. Environmental Influences a. The _________________ makeup determines an organisms potential to develop and function. b. Many factors can influence how a gene is expressed. i. External 1. ______________ 3. ______________ 2. ______________ 4. ______________ ii. VII. Internal 1. ______________________ 2. ______________________ Simple Recessive Heredity a. ____________________________________ b. ____________________________________ c. ____________________________________ VIII. Simple Dominant Heredity 3. _________________ a. ____________________________________ CHAPTER 12 PEDIGREES AND GENETIC DISORDERS I. ______________________-DIAGRAM THAT SHOWS HOW A TRAIT IS INHERITED OVER SEVERAL GENERATIONS II. PEDIGREE SYMBOLS a. MALES=SQUARES b. FEMALES=CIRCLES c. PARENTS=HORIZONTAL LINE BETWEEN CIRCLE AND SQUARE d. OFFSPRING=VERTICAL LINES e. ROMAN NUMERALS=GENERATIONS f. DEATH=SHADED CIRCLE OR SQUARE WITH A LINE CROSSING g. CARRIER=HALF-SHADED CIRCLE OR SQUARE III. ___________________-PERSONS WITH THE RECESSIVE ALLELE BUT DO NOT HAVE THE DISEASE/TRAIT; CARRIERS DO NOT EXPRESS THE DISEASE BUT THEY CAN PASS IT TO THEIR OFFSPRING IV. ____________________ ________________________ a. DISEASES OR DISABLING CONDITIONS THAT HAVE A GENETIC BASIS b. MOST GENETIC DISORDERS ARE CAUSED BY _______________________ ALLELES 1. CYSTIC FIBROSIS 2. SICKLE CELL ANEMIA 3. TAY-SACHS 4. PHENYLKETONURIA (PKU) 5. HEMOPHILIA V. VI. VII. c. DOMINANT GENETIC DISORDERS i. A SINGLE DOMINANT ALLELE IS REQUIRED TO INHERIT THE DISORDER 1. ___________________________ 2. HARMLESS DOMINANT TRAITS a. TONGUE ROLLING b. HITCHHIKER’S THUMB c. FREE EARLOBES d. MIDDIGITAL HAIR DETECTING GENETIC DISEASE a. ______________________________________ -AN TEST OF A PERSON’S GENETIC MAKEUP TO DIAGNOSE GENETIC DISORDERS i. BLOOD TESTS ii. DNA TESTS iii. ____________________________-PICTURE OF CHROMOSOMES (DURING METAPHASE) THAT ARE MADE FROM A BLOOD SAMPLE iv. _____________________________-ANALYZE FETAL CELLS FROM AMNION FLUID TREATING GENETIC DISEASE a. ____________________________________PLACE A HEALTHY COPY OF THE GENE INTO THE CELLS OF A PERSON WHO HAS A DEFECTIVE GENE _______________________________________________ a. INFORMING A PERSON/COUPLE ABOUT THEIR GENETIC MAKEUP b. INFORMS COUPLES ABOUT THE PROBLEMS THAT MIGHT AFFECT THEIR OFFSPRING