Fauna On the territory of the Republic there are 835 species of vertebrates, including mammals - 178 species, birds - 489 (396 of them nest in Kazakhstan, and other fly just for the winter or fly away in spring and autumn), reptiles – 49, amphibians – 12, fish – 104 and cyclostomes – 3. It is proposed that in Kazakhstan about 100 thousand species of invertebrates, including not less than 50 thousand species of insects live. 128 species and subspecies of vertebrate animals, including fish – 18 species, amphibians - 3, reptiles - 10 birds - 57 mammals - 40, 96 species of invertebrates, including annelids - 2, molluscs - 6, crustaceans - 1, arachnids - 2, insects – 85 are entered into the Red Book of Kazakhstan. The Fauna protection involves state inspectors of territorial bodies of the Committee of forestry and fauna, inspectors of services of Specially protected natural territories, state forest agencies, hunt service organizations. Saiga and rare endangered species of ungulates protection Saiga and rare endangered species of ungulates protection is implemented by “PA” “Ohotzooprom” RSE in the 10 administrative regions. Protection measures of “PA” “Ohotzooprom” RSE are carried out in more than 120,0 million hectares, using vehicles in a very difficult off-road mountainous terrain, desert and steppe areas. About 220 inspectors of protection of fauna and 114 units of with cross-country vehicles are involved in the protection process. In order to more quickly and effectively protection procuring of the saiga helicopters and airplanes are used, due to the extent and inaccessibility of many animal habitats (mountains, deserts, Betpakdala). According to spring 2014 aerial survey data saiga population reached 256,7 thousand species, i.e., it has increased more than 6,4 times compared to 2005. As a result of the taken measures for the protection the number of argali, gazelle, kulan, tugai deer is increased compared to 2006. Nowadays in order to study the problems of saiga disease the Committee with the “Scientific Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems” RSE of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan implement “Ecological epizootological monitoring and the development of means of specific prophylaxis and diagnostics against especially dangerous diseases of saiga” scientific and technical program. The program is approved by the Higher Scientific and Technical Commission of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Financing of this scientific and technical program was planned for the years 2012-2015. The fauna of Kazakhstan Mammals Birds Reptiles 178 489 396 of them nest 49 Amphibian Aquatic Total s animals 12 104 835 cyclostomes 3 Total 110 species of fauna of Kazakhstan included in the Appendices of CITES, precisely in Appendix I: - 20 species and in Appendix II: - 90 species. List of rare and endangered species of animals (endorsed by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 1034, October31, 2006) Vertebrates Mammals 40 Invertebrates Annelids 2 Birds Reptiles Amphibians Total 3 Aquatic animals 18 57 10 Molluscs 6 Crustaceans 1 Arachnids 2 Insects 85 Total 96 128 Rare and endangered species of animals are included in the Red Book of Kazakhstan: Volume 1, Part 1 “Vertebrates”; Volume 1, Part 2 “Invertebrates”. It is considered that on the territory of Kazakhstan about 50 thousand species of invertebrates, including not less than 30 thousand species of insects related to 550 kinds and 28 orders inhabit. Alone beetles are not less than 10 thousand. Species. In 2011, the fourth edition of the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan was published in the number of 3500 copies (Vertebrates, 2008), a model is developed by the Committee of Forestry and Hunting of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the Institute of Zoology of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. List valuable species of animals that are the object of hunting and fishing (endorsed by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 625, May 5, 2009) Mammals Aquatic animals Birds Total 34 50 59 143 Dynamics of the number of saiga populations for the years 2005-2014 years, thousands of species Name of 2005 200 200 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 population 6 7 Betpakdala 9,9 18,6 22,8 32,3 45,2 53,4 78 110,1 155,2 216 Ustyurt 19,6 17,8 16,4 10,4 9,2 4,9 6,1 6,5 5,4 1,7 Ural 10,1 12,9 15,6 18,3 26,6 27,1 17,9 20,9 26,4 39 Total 39,6 49,3 54,8 61,0 81,0 85,5 102 137,5 187 256,7 № Dynamics of the number of rare and endangered species of wild ungulates The number, individuals 2010 2011 2012 2013 1 2 3 4 Tugai deer Gazelle Kulan Argali 418 12150 2477 13246 421 12200 2496 13597 451 12397 2920 13872 465 12888 3222 14525 Hunting, as of January 1, 2014. Hunting lands Reserve fund (no fixed hunting lands) Fixed hunting lands The number of hunting farms, units The number of huntsmen, the number of people The number of vehicles, pieces. 223,3 million hа.100% 103,5 million hа. 47 % 119,8 million hа. 53 % 698 2482 2286