British Council Researcher Links Workshop in Kazakhstan CALL

British Council Researcher Links Workshop in Kazakhstan
“Promotion of clean energy in resource-rich countries: case study of Kazakhstan”
17-19 August, 2015
Astana, Kazakhstan
The Centre for Euro-Asian Studies of Henley Business School at the University of Reading (UR) jointly
with the JSC “Economic Research Institute” affiliated with the Ministry of National Economy of
Kazakhstan (ERI) are organizing a three-day workshop on “Promotion of clean energy in resource-rich
countries: case study of Kazakhstan”, sponsored by the British Council Newton – Al-Farabi Partnership
Programme in association with the JSC Science Fund.
The workshop aims to serve as a platform to contribute to the discussions on key topics related to
promotion of clean energy resources in Kazakhstan and to connect together early career and
established researchers in UK and Kazakhstan working on energy economics, natural resource
economics, renewable energy development, etc.
Promotion of clean energy in natural resources-rich countries is a formidable task due to the abundance
of cheap energy and their economic structure being heavily reliant on energy resources. Cheap energy
resources served as competitive advantages in these countries; hence, industry in majority resource-rich
countries is highly energy-intensive. However, given the exhaustible nature of natural resources and
high pollution intensity of the industry, it is critical to establish environment favorable for penetration of
clean energy in energy-abundant countries. This is a challenging task considering that most of the clean
energy technologies are in infant stage and hence significant policy measures are required to support
these technologies in these countries.
Workshop Sessions
Areas of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
Challenges of promoting clean energy sources in energy-rich and energy-poor countries;
Positioning of Kazakhstan on a world arena and fulfillment of obligations aligned by the Green Growth
Strategy and Kyoto Protocol;
Potential of renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan;
Smart grids;
Energy efficiency;
Sustainable transportation and public transportation;
Carbon capture and storage;
Policies tailoring on promoting low-carbon development in Kazakhstan.
Publication in a Journal
The workshop offers possibility to presenters to publish their research papers in the ERI’s “Economics,
Finance and Research Journal”, published quarterly. This will be helpful for the broader community to
enhance their capacity in renewable energy and to respond to issues with innovative solutions.
Important dates
Timely submission of the papers is critical to be accepted for the participation in the workshop. The
procedures and timetable enumerated below will apply.
Deadline for proposals:
7 July 2015
Accepted papers confirmed:
20 July, 2015
Workshop dates:
17-19 August, 2015
Importantly, the authors should submit a two-page proposal along with the application form including
the title, literature review, relevance of the subject, approach that will be taken, and expected results.
The application form and an example of two-page proposal can be downloaded here.
Funding opportunities
A contribution to travel and accommodation expenses is available to selected participants under this
Prize Competition
All papers submitted and accepted in response to the call and meeting the minimum standards
established by the Committee will be included in the Best Paper on Clean Energy Prize Competition.
Prizes will be presented to the author(s) at the workshop “Promotion of clean energy in resource-rich
countries: case study of Kazakhstan”. The criteria for evaluation will reflect:
Originality of ideas;
Applicability to Kazakhstan’s energy sector;
Clarity of presentation;
Contribution to reinsurance literature; and,
those ideas.
The University of Reading and Economic Research Institute look forward to receiving proposals in
response to the call.
Feedbacks and contact information
Questions and papers should be sent to the workshop coordinators via e-mail to Professor Yelena
Kalyuzhnova at and Dr. Zhanna Kapsalyamova at
Your participation in this effort to produce new papers will contribute to the written body of knowledge
for the British Council and to the success of the Newton – Al-Farabi Partnership Programme.