Sociology 433 2009-05-07 Samuel Clark Problem Set 4 Fertility & Reproduction Complete the assignment in an Excel spreadsheet and Word file. Email the completed files as attachments to by 5:00pm May 22nd. Name your files using the following convention: <first name>.<last name>.problemset4.<date sent>.<file extension>. You will find Chapter 5 in Preston et al. very useful when completing this assignment. When answering the questions on the biometric model of fertility use the model I presented in class NOT the model described in the book. Fertility 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. How is the term “fertility” used by Demographers; what does it mean and what family of concepts are included in the study of fertility. [Don’t use too many words; two or three sentences will suffice!] Define: a. Fecund, b. Fertile, c. Fecundability, d. Primary sterility, and e. Secondary sterility. What are some of the reasons why the study of fertility is more complex than the study of mortality? Again, use as few words as possible to communicate your points. Provide two representations of the crude birth rate (CBR); one as a simple ratio, and one as a sum of two components. Your answers should take the form of equations. Is it possible to age standardize the crude birth rate; why is this not often done? What is the “general fertility rate” (GFR); write the equation that defines it. How is the GFR related to the CBR? Write the equation that relates them. What is an “age-specific fertility rate”? Write the equation that defines it. What is the intuition behind an age specific fertility rate; define it briefly in words. What results from exposing a woman to an age-specific fertility rate for five years? Define the “total fertility rate” (TFR): a. In words (include your own intuitive understanding of what it is), and b. By writing an equation. What are typical values for the TFR? Page 1 of 8 12. 13. What is the “total marital fertility rate” (TMFR) and why would we want to calculate it? Using the data in Table 1 calculate: a. The crude birth rate (CBR), b. The general fertility rate (GFR), c. Demonstrate the validity of your answer to question 7, d. Age-specific fertility rates, e. Age-specific marital fertility rates, f. The total fertility rate (TFR), and g. The total marital fertility rate (TMFR). Table 1: Assignment 4 Data Age Person Years Female Male 0 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+ 7,525 36,815 34,140 26,123 19,760 14,266 10,352 6,732 5,299 4,830 4,380 3,936 2,949 2,067 1,208 607 7,947 41,508 39,629 31,875 25,446 18,961 13,189 9,602 7,878 7,306 6,728 5,883 4,421 3,084 1,857 984 Total 180,989 226,300 Married Female All Births Married 7,888 8,590 8,217 6,722 6,303 6,210 6,055 2,399 4,518 4,130 2,591 1,682 635 117 480 3,841 3,717 2,461 1,514 604 116 49,984 16,072 12,732 1. As used by demographers, fertility refers to the risk of producing a live birth. It accounts for the biological components of fertility, that is the biological ability to give birth, or fecundity. It also accounts for social behavior designed to reduce or increase the chance of birth, known as contraceptive and proceptive behaviors. Finally it accounts for abortions, or births terminated either from intentional or unintentional causes. 2. a. Fecund refers to the biological capability of a woman to conceive and give birth. b. Fertile refers to a woman who is actually bearing children. c. Fecundability is the probability that a fecundable woman (a woman who is capable of conceiving, but not necessarily giving birth) will conceive during a given month. Page 2 of 8 d. Primary sterility refers to a woman or man’s state of being permanently unable to conceive (or sterile) throughout one’s entire life. e. Secondary sterility refers to the state of being sterile acquired during the reproductive years. 3. Fertility is more complex than the study of mortality because fertility can happen more than once to a single member of the population, not all members of the population or even the female population are at risk of fertility, among fecund women, there may be periods of infecunability, that is a woman’s risk of fertility is not constant throughout an age-span, and fertility relies heavily on other social behaviors such as intercourse and contraception, which may or may not rely on behaviors such as marriage. 4. As a ratio: CBR[0, T ] B[0, T ] PY [0, T ] where B[0,T] is the number of births in a population between time 0 and time T and PY[0,T] is the number of person-years lived by the entire population during the same interval. As the sum of two components: I I CBR[0, T ] Fi C S i i 1 where i 1 BiF PYi F CiS BiF is the number of births to women in age interval i and PYi F is the S number of person years lived by the women in age interval i, and C i is the proportion of the total population (male and female) comprised of women in the age interval i. 5. Yes, crude birth rate can be standardized between several populations in the S same way as crude death rate, by choosing standard values for C i . However this is uncommon because such standardization introduces an element of arbitrariness into the already complex situation especially since the rate will be heavily susceptible to gender imbalances or large numbers of young and old women, whereas other measures such as TFR present neater interpretations and do not account for these infecund populations. 6. The general fertility rate (GFR) is the fertility rate of women of child bearing age (typically 15 to 50) and is expressed by the equation: B15F [0, T ] GFR[0, T ] F 35 PY15 [0, T ] 35 Page 3 of 8 Where 35 35 B15F [0, T ] is the number of births to females aged 15 to 50 and PY15F [0, T ] is the number of person years lived by females aged 15 to 50. 7. Assuming no births occur outside ages 15 to 50, B[0, T ] for the whole population should equal 35 B15F [0, T ] defined above. Thus GFR is simply a refinement of the ‘exposure’ element of the rate, that is the person years lived by those at risk giving birth. Accordingly, CBR[0, T ] GFR[0, T ] 35 C15F [0, T ] where 35 C15F [0, T ] is the proportion of women aged 15 to 50 out the total population (males and females) during the interval 0 to T. 8. An age-specific fertility rate is the fertility rate for only women in a given age interval, given by the equation: n Fx [0, T ] with 35 B15F [0, T ] and 35 BxF [0, T ] F n PYx [0, T ] n PY15F [0, T ] analogous to above for the age interval age x to age x+n. 9. An age-specific fertility rate is the number of births per year an average woman surviving from age x to x+n would have each year during that age interval. Thus, the number of births a woman would most likely have during the five year age interval (x,x+5) is 5 n Fx [0, T ] . 10. a. The total fertility rate (TFR) is the total number of births expected by a women surviving through her reproductive span if she was subjected to the age-specific fertility rates of that population. Thus, it is the sum of the age specific fertility rates at each age (the integral of the fertility density function), or discretely the sum of the age-specific fertility rate over an interval multiplied by the length of the interval for age intervals covering ages α to β (making the assumption that no births occur outside this interval). b. The equation for TFR (defined discretely) is: n TFR[0, T ] n n Fx [0, T ] x 11. Typical values for TFR range from around 1.2 to 7 or 8, with a TFR of around 2.1 necessary for replacement in a population with low mortality. Low TFRs (below 2.0) are found much of Western Europe and Eastern Asia and usually indicate heavy use of effective contraceptive measures. Especially high TFRs (above 4.0) are found in most of Africa. High TFRs are needed to replace the Page 4 of 8 population if mortality at young and middle ages is high. TFRs for the rest of the world range between these extremes usually reflecting differences contraceptive habits. 12. Total marital fertility rate (TMFR) is the number of births expected by a woman who is married throughout her reproductive span and experiences the period age-specific fertility rates of married woman in that population at each age interval. This is useful to calculate because it shows the contribution of marriage to child-bearing. In most societies, married women are much more likely to give birth than non-married women, also this varies greatly, and this effect is diminishing in societies where out-of-wedlock births are becoming more common and socially acceptable, such as Northwestern European countries. 13. CBR 16,072 0.039462 180,989+226,300 See sam.clark.problemset4.2006-05-11.xls Reproduction 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. How is the term “reproduction” used by Demographers; what does it mean and what family of concepts are included in the study of reproduction. [My favorite refrain – don’t use too many words; two or three sentences will suffice!] Define the gross reproduction rate (GRR) using both words and an equation. Define the net reproduction rate (NRR) using both words and an equation and compare it to the GRR, what important component is added to create the NRR? What do the following NRR values indicate about reproduction of a population: a. NRR < 1, b. NRR = 1, and c. NRR > 1. How is the NRR related to the GRR; write an equation and explain it. How is the TFR related to the GRR and NRR; write equations and explain them. Assuming NRR = 1, what is the relationship between the TFR and p(A m)? Explain how increases in mortality work through this relationship to dictate the TFR necessary to maintain replacement reproduction. 14. The term reproduction is used by demographers to describe the process by which a population replaces itself, thus reproduction accounts for both the fertility and mortality and is analogous to the natural growth component of the balancing equation. 15. The gross reproductive rate (GRR) calculates the total number of female births born to a woman who lives through her entire reproductive span and is subjected to the age-specific female birth rates of that population. It is Page 5 of 8 calculated analogously to the TFR substituting age-specific female-birth fertility rates for overall age-specific fertility rates, given by the equation: n GRR[0, T ] n n FxF [0, T ] x where F n Fx [0, T ] is the age-specific female birth rate for ages (x,x+n), or the number of female births per year by a woman in the age interval. 16. The net reproductive rate (NRR) is the number of female births a woman can expect to have if she is subjected to the period age-specific female fertility rates at each age between α and β and the age-specific female mortality rates at each age between 0 and β. It is calculated as the sum of the products of the agespecific female fertility rates and the average number of person years lived by a woman born into the cohort during the age interval (x,x+n): n L NRR[0, T ] n FxF [0, T ] n x l0 x Where GRR assumes that all women born into a cohort survive through their reproductive span, the NRR accounts that some women die before their reproductive span or during their reproductive span, thus giving an accurate number of the female births that can be expected by a woman born into a cohort. Under this assumption made by GRR that l0 lx n , Lx n l0 n , so l0 l0 n under this (unrealistic) assumption NRR=GRR. 17. a. NRR<1 indicates that on average each women born into a cohort bears less than one female into the next cohort, thus the next female cohort will be smaller than the preceding. b. NRR=1 indicates that on average each woman born into a cohort bears exactly one female birth into the next cohort, thus the next female cohort will be exactly the same size as the preceding c. NRR>1 indicates that on average each woman born into a cohort bears more than one female into the next cohort, thus the next female cohort will be larger than the preceding. 18. NRR is related GRR by the equation: NRR where p( Am ) GRR p( Am ) is the probability of surviving to the mean age at birth (Am). This approximation will be equality if the probability of a newborn dying during a given age interval is constant during the reproductive period (indicating a linear survivorship), since then the mean age at birth is equal to the average number alive at each age weighted by age-specific maternity. In words, this means that the net reproductive rate is approximately equal to the gross reproductive rate times the probability of surviving to the mean age at birth, since this will Page 6 of 8 decrease the GRR by the number of births that would occur for the average woman after she dies. 19. TFR (1 SRB ) GRR (1 SRB) NRR p ( Am ) where SRB is the sex ratio at birth (males/females). First, the second equality is derived by assuming the equality of the approximation given in 18 and dividing by p(Am). The first equality is because the TFR is the number of female births expected per woman plus the number of male births expected per woman. The expected number of male births is the ratio of males to females born multiplied by the number of female births expected. Factoring this appropriately gives the desired equality. 20. Assuming NRR = 1, a perfect replacement rate, gives TFR (1 SRB ) . p ( Am ) Assuming that the sex ratio at birth remains constant as female mortality varies, as the probability of surviving to the mean age at birth increases, TFR decreases, and vice versa. If mortality increases for ages less than p(Am), p(Am) will decrease, so according to the relationship above, TFR must increase to maintain a NRR = 1, or replacement reproduction. Biometric Model of Fertility 21. 22. 23. Define L, p, e, S, K and S* and write the TFR as a function of these quantities. In your own (few!) words describe what the equation you wrote to answer question 21 means; how does it work, how would changes in each parameter affect the TFR? Assuming L=240, p=0.2, S=22, K=0.1, and S*=4, draw a plot of the TFR as a function of e where the value of e runs from 0 to 0.999. Change the value of K to 5.0 (an average of 5 miscarriages per live birth) and draw another line on your plot. Compare these two lines and try to explain the differences you see. 21. TFR L 1 1 S K S * (1 e) (1 e) where L is the average lengths of a woman’s reproductive span (in months), ρ is the probability of a fecund woman conceiving in a given month, e is the effectiveness of a contraceptive methods being employed, S is the number of months of sterility associated with a live birth, K is the ratio of conceptions leading to abortion to those leading to live births, and S* is the average number of months of sterility associated with a conception leading to abortion. Page 7 of 8 22. The above equation asserts that the number of births to a woman is the number of months is of her reproductive span divided by the number of months between births. It further distinguishes the interval between births into the period of sterility resulting from conception and the waiting period between conceptions. Finally it asserts that the waiting period between conceptions is the inverse of the probability of conceiving in a month, which decreases proportional to the effectiveness of contraceptive methods. It accounts for the variability of period of sterility S associated with a live birth and an abortion by adding this period and the probability of an abortion. While biologically unrealistic, increasing L would increase TFR. As noted, decreasing ρ or increasing e would decrease TFR. Finally increasing S or S* would decrease TFR, likewise increasing K would decrease TFR. 23. 10 9 8 7 TFR 6 K=.1 K=4 5 4 3 2 1 0.99 0.96 0.9 0.93 0.87 0.84 0.81 0.78 0.75 0.72 0.69 0.66 0.6 0.63 0.57 0.54 0.51 0.48 0.45 0.42 0.39 0.36 0.3 0.33 0.27 0.24 0.21 0.18 0.15 0.12 0.09 0.06 0 0.03 0 e We see that both lines decrease to zero as e goes to 1, that is as contraceptive methods become 100 % effective, the number of births go to zero. However, the TFR is much higher in the K=.1 situation than the K=4 situation for all values of e. This asserts that with many more abortions per live birth the number live births per woman would be less. This makes sense, because with of the probability of conception (weighted by contraceptive efficacy) held constant, more conceptions aborted would imply that less go to live births. Page 8 of 8