Imperialism Writing Assignment

Indian Independence Dual Perspective Exhibit Board
Over the next two weeks will learn about the British rule in India as well as role Gandhi and others have taken
in their quest to free India from colonial forces. You will now research a specific aspect of the Indian
Independence Movement. In your analysis you must defend and refute a thesis statement which will be given to
your group by the teacher. Your thesis statements will pertain to one of the following topics: Gandhi’s role in
South Africa, Salt March and Homespun Cloth Movement, Satyagraha, Amritsar Massacre, Hindu/Muslim
conflict, Indian National Congress, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Jawaharlal Nehru, Gandhi’s
assassination, and or an approved topic by Mr. Ciferni.
Prior to Research
1. Read-over all the class notes, reading and video notes from the Indian Independence Movement
2. Select a few events and or movements that you analyzed during the video that you would like to
that you think will help you defend and refute the assigned thesis statement.
3. Explore your general topic in more detail using the data bases and outside research.
4. Create a short list of factual evidence that will help you to explain both aspects of the thesis
statement provided, and or convince others that your opinion(s) are valid.
5. Research should contain information from at least three sources.
Exhibit Board:
You will be assigned one of the following essential questions pertaining to one of the people or themes
* Gandhi’s nonviolent method of protesting the British presence in India, known as
Satyagraha, was ineffective contrary to worldwide opinion.
*Gandhi’s economic acts of civil disobedience weakened the British rule and ultimately won
India its independence.
*Gandhi’s nonviolent protests such as the salt march and homespun (khadi) movement were
more successful than any violent acts during the Indian Independence Movement.
*Throughout history economic boycotts have been the most successful at yielding meaningful
Hindu and Muslim Conflict
*Hindus and Muslims should have continued to operate as a single, united nation after receiving
independence from the British government.
*The brutality that occurred as a result of the Hindu- Muslim Conflict and the division of
Pakistan proved that India received it’s independence too early.
*Gandhi’s road for independence created further division between Hindus and Muslims.
*Although leaders of the independence movement are credited for the end of British occupation,
the British involvement in World War II is the main reason for India’s independence.
Gandhi Leadership
*Without Gandhi, the Indian Independence Movement would have ultimately ended in failure.
*Gandhi’s leadership throughout the independence movement caused much suffering and
sacrifice to the people of India.
*Due to Gandhi’s patience, his strong belief in civil disobedience and his belief in equality among
people, he was a stronger leader than Mohammed Ali Jinnah and Jawaharlal Nehru during the
Indian Independence Movement.
*Gandhi’s leadership during the independence movement paved the way for future worldwide
civil rights activists.
*The enormous size and scope of India’s drive toward independence soon became too much for
Gandhi to effectively lead.
*Although Nehru was typically seen as behind the scenes his actions were the real reason for\
India’s freedom
*Had it not been for the massacre at Amritsar, India would have not gained its
* The massacre at Amritsar was the turning point of the Indian Independence movement.
Jinnah’s Leadership
*Mohammad Ali Jinnah was the most effective leader of the Indian Independence Movement,
and his fight for the separate Muslim state of Pakistan was essential to the peace and
prosperity of the Indian subcontinent.
*If Mohammad Ali Jinnah had been more cooperative with Gandhi during the revolution,
much violence, tension, and death could have been avoided.
*Gandhi’s methods of civil disobedience were ineffective and unmatched to the ideas of Jinnah.
Gandhi’s Assassination
*The controversial politics of Mohandas Gandhi was the driving force behind his assassination by
Nathuram Godse on January 30, 1948.
*Assassination for activists and public figures like Mohandas Gandhi is evitable.
South Africa
*Gandhi’s experiences in South Africa inspired and mapped out his future role as a great leader
in the Indian Independence Movement.
 Gandhi’s leadership in South Africa paved the way for other leaders of the country to resist
Creating the Product/Content Requirements
 Obtain a large poster or exhibit board
Neatly place the essential question in the center of the poster paper.
Students should then divide their poster board into two sections. The right section of the board
can show one perspective of the thesis/essential question while the left side of the board will
show the opposing perspective
Both sides of the poster board should contain a visual representation containing pictures,
political cartoons, and or propaganda highlighting the major side(s) of the issue. Each side
should also contain research similar to a museum exhibit. Where necessary text should explain
the major concepts/visuals used on your exhibit board to aid in supporting the essential
Groups will be assigned an essential question above. If a student decides to develop an
alternative question for research, they may do so at the discretion of the teacher.
After the conclusion of the Gandhi movie, you will spend several days researching in class.
While researching in class, you are expected to research in the same way that we researched for
the Africa project. You are expected to take good notes and keep track of your sources on
either notebook paper or note cards.
 All students will bring in exhibit boards a day before the start of presentations. On this day,
students will do a walk about to review all exhibit boards. In viewing all of the exhibit
boards during the presentation, students will write down questions that they will ask the
groups following the presentations.
Presentation Day
 Display exhibit board in front of the class
 Each member of the group should have a key role in the presentation. In a group of three
one person explain the perspective the supports the essential question. A second person
should focus on the body of the presentation that refutes the essential question. The Third
person should focus on the introduction and the conclusion. After the presentation ask
classmates for their opinion on the essential question. Which side do they agree with and
why. Perhaps try to generate a discussion.
 During the presentation be sure to explain all major visuals and propaganda on the display
 Each presentation should last at least five to ten minutes in length
 Groups will hand in a separate works cited page in MLA format and their note cards which
are used during the presentation.
Gandhi’s vision for
a free and united
India was a vision
destined to fail.
Gandhi Video Notes Sheet- Day 1
Directions: During the video consider important people, conversations and political groups which
are mentioned, discussed and their role within the Indian Independence Movement. As you are
taking notes consider the major themes such as:
Gandhi’s Role in South Africa
Satyagraha/Civil Disobedience (Salt March and Homespun Cloth Movement
Amritsar Massacre
Ongoing Hindu-Muslim Conflict
Indian National Congress
Muslim League
Mohandas Gandhi
Jawaharlal Nehru
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Reasons for Gandhi’s Assassination
Gandhi Video Notes Sheet -Day 2/3
Directions: During the video consider important people, conversations and political groups which
are mentioned, discussed and their role within the Indian Independence Movement. As you are
taking notes consider the major themes such as:
Gandhi’s Role in South Africa
Satyagraha/Civil Disobedience (Salt March and Homespun Cloth Movement
Amritsar Massacre
Ongoing Hindu-Muslim Conflict
Indian National Congress
Muslim League
Mohandas Gandhi
Jawaharlal Nehru
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Reasons for Gandhi’s Assassination
Gandhi Video Notes Sheet- Day 4/5
Directions: During the video consider important people, conversations and political groups which
are mentioned, discussed and their role within the Indian Independence Movement. As you are
taking notes consider the major themes such as:
Gandhi’s Role in South Africa
Satyagraha/Civil Disobedience (Salt March and Homespun Cloth Movement
Amritsar Massacre
Ongoing Hindu-Muslim Conflict
Indian National Congress
Muslim League
Mohandas Gandhi
Jawaharlal Nehru
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Reasons for Gandhi’s Assassination
Presentation Rubric