2/16/16 BIOLOGY 207 - Dr.Locke Lecture#13 - Independent Assortment (Mendel’s second Law) Required readings and problems: Reading: Open Genetics, Chapter 3, 6 Problems: Chapter 3, 6 Optional Griffiths (2008) 9th Ed. Readings: pp 89-109 Problems: 9th Ed. Ch. 3: 1-20 (not #6 or #9) Campbell (2008) 8th Ed. Readings: Concept 14.3, 15.3 Concepts: How do genes on different chromosomes behave in meiosis? 1. Mendel observed allele pairs, at different gene loci, segregate independently (independent assortment). 2. When independent assortment occurs it results in predictable frequencies of F2 progeny. 3. Test crosses are more effective than F2 cross's to study several genes simultaneously in one cross. Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#13 Fall'11 page 1 2/16/16 Review: Mendel's First Law - Segregation of Alleles Each unit of heredity is discrete (particulate) -> an allele. The segregation of alleles ensures that one allele in the pair is present in a gamete and in equal numbers. Example: Simple monohybrid (one-heterozygote) cross with dominant and recessive alleles: Rr Gametes R r Rr R RR Rr Progeny r Rr rr Genotype Ratio Phenotype ratio RR 1 3 1/3 breed true Rr 2 2/3 don't rr 1 1 breed true This offers the simple test: Test for single locus Mendelian Inheritance 1) Choose pure lines that show a character difference P1 (R,r) 2) Cross the line --> F1 progeny 3) Cross the F1 individuals (P2) --> F2 progeny F1 are Round therefore Round is dominant to wrinkled (assume single gene character) F2 are 3/4 Round and 1/4 wrinkled -> segregating as a single locus, with dominant and recessive alleles Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#13 Fall'11 page 2 2/16/16 Mendel's 2nd Law -> Independent Assortment - dihybrid cross Two distinct loci - each with single locus, with dominant and recessive alleles Example: Locus 1 - Round (R) vs. wrinkled (r) Locus 2 - Yellow (Y) vs. green (y) Parents: - true breeding (pure) lines cross Round; green with wrinkled; Yellow RR yy x rr YY Gametes: Ry rY RrYy F1 Round Yellow Rr Yy x Rr Yy P2 These two gene loci are located on different chromosomes so they will segregate with their chromosomes and independently of each other. Chromosome alignment at anaphase I has two equally frequent possibilities RY or Ry ry rY 50% 50% Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#13 Fall'11 page 3 2/16/16 Meiosis Result: gametes of four types in equal proportions RY ry Ry rY four types of gametes in the F2 progeny Called a “Punnett” Square Haploid (1N) gametes fuse to form the zygote (2N) If male has 4 types and female 4 types-> 16 possible combinations of genotypes but only 4 possible phenotypes Note: Round/wrinkled Yellow/green 9 Round, Yellow 12 (3) 12(3) 3 Round, green 3 wrinkled, Yellow 4 (1) 4(1) 1 wrinkled, green Result: get a characteristic 9:3:3:1 ratio of the F2 progeny Note: - each gene locus acts the same as in a mono-hybrid cross - no interaction between the two genes that favors the formation of particular gamete combinations - 9:3:3:1 ratio is expected for genes loci that assort independently Gene loci that assort independently may be 1) on different chromosomes, or 2) far apart on the same chromosome. NOT located near each other on the same chromosome. Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#13 Fall'11 page 4 2/16/16 What if the parents are: Round, Yellow x wrinkled, green (RRYY) x (rryy) The cross: RRYY x rryy Round, Yellow wrinkled, green RY ry RrYy Round, Yellow P1 gametes progeny (F1) We expect the same results in the F2 if the F1 were crossed to themselves. Examination of the progeny would show the 9:3:3:1 ratio Note: the above crosses are called F2 crosses If one wants to focus on the genotypes underlying the dominant phenotypes then a test cross should be done. Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#13 Fall'11 page 5 2/16/16 Test cross - a cross between 1 - an individual of unknown genotype, and 2 - one of known genotype - tests the unknown genotype with the known to determine the unknown genotype A/? (not sure if AA or Aa) - must show the dominant phenotype for one or more gene loci - use a tester individual, which is known to carry only the recessive alleles of the genes in question a/a -> The idea here is to reveal the genotype of the tested parent (AA or Aa) by crossing it with the tester parent. Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#13 Fall'11 page 6 2/16/16 Example of a test cross with two loci R? Y? ( use the RrYy as an unknown example to be tested) “Unknown” Round, Yellow RrYy RY ry Ry rY (4 types) RY Ry rY ry (tester individual) wrinkled, green x rryy ry (one type) ry Rr Yy Rr yy rrYy rr yy P1 gametes phenotype Ratio Not Round, Yellow 1 9 Round, green 1 3 wrinkled, Yellow 1 3 wrinkled, green 1 1 **The frequency of progeny reveals the RrYy double heterozygote nature of the “unknown” genotype Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#13 Fall'11 page 7 2/16/16 Suppose the unknown individual to be tested was RRYy instead Unknown (tester individual) Round, Yellow wrinkled, green RRYy x rryy P1 RY Ry ry gametes (one type) (2 types) ry phenotype Ratio RY Rr Yy Round, Yellow 1 RY Rr Yy Round, Yellow 1 Ry Rryy Round, green 1 Ry Rryy Round, green 1 Or RrYy Round, Yellow 1 RrYy Round, green 1 all Round therefore must have been RR not Rr 1:1 Yellow:green --> must have been Yy not YY ***Test cross reveals - the genotype of the tested individuals - if the two gene loci are assorting independently RrYy = RrYY = RRYy = Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#13 Fall'11 RRYY = page 8 2/16/16 Independent assortment - Expected for gene loci on different chromosomes - In the F2 cross it predicts a 9:3:3:1 ratio in the 4 phenotypes of the progeny (Fig) - In the test cross one expects a 1:1:1:1 ratio when the F1 are test crossed to the double recessive homozygote But what about two gene loci are close on the same chromosome. These two loci would not be expected to show independent assortment. Instead they show linkage. (next lecture) Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#13 Fall'11 page 9