Beta Version. Project Proposal A Simulated Maze Solver Robot Submitted By: Muhammad Younas 2005-02-0110 Hassan Javaid 2005-02-0304 Danish Shah 2006-02-0225 A Simulated Maze Solver Robot We are planning to make a simulated robot that would solve a given maze problem using intelligent algorithms. The main objective of the maze-solving algorithm is to help the robot determine the next position it have to move to solve the maze from its current position that is where it has to go next in order to get to the centre of the maze or the end of the maze or the start of the maze. It can use wall information stored during the exploration of the maze to determine the quickest route from the start to the centre of the maze and then to end of the maze. There are different algorithms written by various people that can help a simulated robot to achieve this task. Some of the famous algorithms are Belman Flooding algorithm and the Genetic Algorithms. In genetic algorithms, Firstly a series of programs are randomly created, and the ones that work the best (produce results the closest to the required ones) are "bred" together (their genetic material combined) and another series of programs is created. As before, the bestperforming programs are picked out and the required qualities eventually become more and more focused as more "generations" of programs are created. So we are planning to make a simulated robot that will use genetic algorithm to solve the maze or in other words find its path through the maze. Briefly telling, at each stage, that is where the robot will have to make a decision to move to the north, south, east or west position it will use fitness value calculated for each direction and based on that it will chose any particular path. The measure of fitness here can be anything such as the number of "steps" the robot managed to take before colliding with any obstacles or anything else. After several iterations through the genetic system, the robot will be able to find a path through the maze. Reference: 1) 2)