Curriculum Planning Guidelines – Progression Points – Familiarisation tools English – Writing (Level 3) Students write narrative and imaginative texts, in both print and electronic form of typically one or two paragraphs of three or four sentences in a logical order describing familiar topics. They write simple and some compound sentences that join two events by using appropriate conjunctions. They are starting to use the features of character, plot and setting in their narratives. They select the most appropriate, nouns, adjectives and verbs to convey a message and can write in a way to tell someone who was not there what happened. They use full stops, question marks and exclamation marks correctly most of the time. They spell most one-syllable words with regular spelling patterns and make plausible attempts at one-syllable words with irregular spelling patterns. Students write narratives, imaginative and informative texts, in both print and electronic form of three paragraphs that describe a recent experience, with the events written in an appropriate sequence. Reference is made to characters and to setting. They write a paragraph that expresses their point of view and correctly sequences the main ideas and at least one supporting reason. They write compound sentences that join two events and use verb tenses correctly. Their writing uses adjectives, verbs, pronouns and nouns appropriately and is punctuated correctly using full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. They correctly use quotation marks and commas most of the time. They spell frequently used words that have less regular letter patterns including silent letters. Students write narratives, imaginative, informative and descriptive texts and explanations, in print and electronic form of more than typically three paragraphs that are logically ordered. Explicit reference to characters and to setting is made. Their narrative writing includes some reference to the plot and how it evolves. Their writing takes account of different audiences. They write texts that give their point of view about a familiar topic identifying two or three main ideas and the subordinate ideas that relate to each of them. Their writing uses adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns and nouns appropriately and is punctuated correctly most of the time. They spell correctly two-syllable words that have regular spelling and the first/second vowel unstressed and they predict how to spell unfamiliar two-syllable words of these types. At Level 3, students write texts containing several logically ordered paragraphs that express opinions and include ideas and information about familiar topics. They write narratives which include characters, setting and plot. They order information and sequence events using some detail or illustrative evidence, and they express a point of view providing some information and supporting detail. They combine verbal and visual elements in the texts they produce. They meet the needs of audiences by including appropriate background information. They write a variety of simple and compound sentences and use verb tenses correctly. They use punctuation to support meaning, including exclamation marks and quotation marks, and accurately use full stops, commas and question marks. They use vocabulary appropriate to context and spell most one- and two-syllable words with regular spelling patterns, and frequently used words which have less regular spelling patterns. They use sound and visual patterns when attempting to spell unfamiliar words. Office of Learning and Teaching DE&T