8_Compost Bins - Grass to Compost in 21 days

COMPOST BINS- Grass to compost in 21 days
Turn grass to compost in 21 days?
Equipment: Start with one 27 cu.ft (0.73 cu.m) Compost Bin with Lid, aerating-Base, Biotal for Grass, Compost
Aerator, moisture meter, thermometer and Insulation. Fill the Compost Bin entirely with green grass. Add 10ml of
Biotal for grass to a 10ltr watering can and water in. Cover the contents with the insulating material.
Procedure: After allowing the contents to settle for 36 hours aerate and mix the contents with the Compost
Aerator daily for 1 minute. Within 36 hours the contents will have heated up to as much as 70°C (158°F) and
remain at that temperature for a consecutive 7 days. The temperature will slowly cool down over the next 14 days
returning to the ambient outside air temperature. The contents will decrease by as much as 75% in volume within
21 days. Moisture content will go from dry, to moist to wet before returning back to dry. After 21 days the green
grass will look brown and crumbly and is ready to be used on the garden or allowed to further compost down in
the compost bin. Leave it long enough and there will be nothing left!
Single Close Boarded Compost Bin
Triple Slatted Compost System
ARCHWOOD GREENHOUSES, Robinswood, Goodrich, Herefordshire. HR9 6HT.
Tel: 01600 890 125
©2008 Archwood Greenhouses 01/12/08