General Information Presentations will be from published works

General Information
Presentations will be from published works (except Original Speech). All
selections must be taken from the ACSI selection manual.
All presentations must be memorized (notes and note cards are NOT
Students may not present a selection they have done in a past ACSI Speech
All presentations must begin with an introduction.
Students should communicate the message of the selection through vocal
and facial expressions, incorporating the speech techniques described on the
judging sheets.
Eye contact should be with the audience, not with the judges.
Body movement and gestures may be appropriate but are not required.
When used, they should not detract from the selection. Students should not
act, as in a play. Students may not walk about during the presentation.
Judges will be instructed not to penalize a student for lack of gestures and not
to reward students for the use of gestures.
Clothing should in no way be related to the selection, so as to be
misconstrued as costuming. Costumes and/or props are not permitted in any
of the categories.
Microphones will not be used for any of the categories.
Elementary speech presentations are not clocked, or timed.
Decisions of the judges will be final.
Student dress should be appropriate (neat and modest) for a public
Students will have minimal coaching at school so please note that the bulk of
the preparation will take place at home.
Visitors are not permitted.
Have fun with your student!
ACSI Speech Meet
Category Descriptions
Poetry (1st-4th): Students will announce the title and author and should make
the poem come alive through facial and vocal expression. Gestures should not
be overdone – the face and voice should tell the story.
Bible Memorization (1st-4th): Students will 1) state the Scripture reference; 2)
state the Bible version; 3) recite the Scripture; and 4) give a summary of the
Scripture’s meaning. The presentation is not to be dramatized. Facial and
vocal expressions and good speech technique should be evident.
Fable & Folklore (2nd-4th): Students must begin their presentation by
announcing the title, author, or source of the story (Aesop, etc.) and moral
application or introductory information regarding the selection. Students should
make the presentation come alive through facial and vocal expressions. Some
gestures and body movements may be appropriate to enhance the presentation
but not required. Gestures should not be overdone—the face and voice should
tell the story.
Patriotic Oration (5th-6th): This category is for patriotic material written by or
presented by famous persons. Students will begin with an introduction including
the title and some background information regarding the time or circumstances
surrounding the speech. Facial and vocal expressions and good speech
technique should be evident. Selections must not be controversial and must be
approved by the school coordinator. (Approximately 300-500 words).
Dramatic Bible Prose (5th-6th): Students will begin with an introduction
including the title and Scripture reference. This category is for the dramatic
presentation of a Bible story, in the form of a speech or an interpretation, but it is
not to be acted out as in a play.
See detailed instructions for Original Speech on the next page.
ACSI Speech Meet
Original Speech (5th-6th): Entries for original speech category must be written
and presented by the student. The speech should be at least 300 words and not
more than 500 words in length. A copy of the original speech must be submitted
to Denise Hunter one (1) week before the competition date so that each judge
receives a copy well in advance of the student’s presentation. An original
speech is a persuasive, informative, or inspirational essay with an introduction,
body and conclusion. The body should contain two (2) to five (5) points. While
the speech is not intended to be a sermon, the speech must reflect Christian
principles and/or Christian influence. Quotations from the Bible or other sources
may be used to support the writer’s position, but no more than 60 words of
quoted material may be used. The presentation should include facial and vocal
expression in addition to good speech techniques. Gestures should be minimal
and only used for emphasis. Topics for the speech are limited to those listed
below. Students may select their own title (the examples given may be used for
themes or titles). The chairperson has the responsibility and the authority to
disqualify an original speech entry if the content is deemed inappropriate for the
ACSI Elementary Speech Meet.
Speech Topics (select one)
1. Church
Example Titles
My Place in the Local Church
Is Regular Attendance Really Necessary?
The Church: Ministry or Social Registry?
2. Our Nation
Under God, In God We Trust
A Patriot I Admire
Freedom or Chains
Why I’m Proud of My Country
3. Friendship
Choosing the Right Leader to Follow
Choosing Who Will Control You
Somebody Is Out There
The Greatest Gift I Ever Received
4. Entertainment
Christians Can Have Fun
Finding Satisfaction in the Christian Life
Accent the Positive, Nix the Negative
5. Family
Family Communication
The Necessity of the Family
The Art of Listening
Love in Action
6. Christian Walk
A House Not Made with Hands
What Is a Disciple?
“Magnify the Lord with Me”
Character Without Compromise”
ACSI Speech Meet