
ANT 304 Political Anthropology Springs 20033
Room 227
Professor Mark Stefanovich
Monday-Wednesday 13:15-14:30
Office hours by appointment
Electronic Syllabus
Required Texts:
T. Lewellen Political Anthropology – An Introduction SECOND EDITION 1992 Bergin & Garvey, Westport, CN and London
S. Huntington The Clash of Civilizations Free Press 2002 London
Additional Recommended readings:
D. Bell The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism Basic Books 20th Anniversary Edition 1996
T. Earle How Chiefs Come to Power – The Political Economy in Prehistory Stanford University 1997
T. Earle Bronze Age Economics –The Beginnings of Political Economies Westview 2002
M. Sahlins Stone Age Economics Aldine New York 1974
GOAL: The course is designed to introduce the student to the development of political and legal institutions in cross-cultural
perspective. To understand the problems of political boundaries, allocation of authority and resolution of conflict. Impact of modern
nation-states on other states. It aims to teach critical teaching skills through the use of examples of interpretive ideas and the history of
their development.
All students will complete eight short essay homeworks [5% each =40%; a Final exam, which will comprise three essay questions and
20 identifications (45% 0f final). Students are also responsible to complete all of the assigned readings and visiting specific web sites
and be able to discuss the texts and web sites in class. Students are also required to be present at all video presentations. Class
participation 15%.
Grades will be based on the timely completion of the readings, short essay homeworks Students are also required to participate
actively in class discussions.
Reading and Discussion Schedule
Week 1 January 20-22 Theme: Development of Political anthropology in T. Lewellen Political Anthropology pp.5-20
New Era in World Politics ion in S. Huntington The Clash of Civilizations pp. 19-39
Week 2 January 27-29 Preindustrial Political Systems in T. Lewellen Political Anthropology pp. 21-45
Civilizations in History and Today in S. Huntington The Clash of Civilizations pp. 40-55
Week 3 February 3-5 Evolution of the State in T. Lewellen Political Anthropology pp.47-67
Universal Civilization? Modernization and Westernization in S. Huntington The Clash of Civilizations pp. 56-78
Week 4 February 10-12 Religion in Politics in T. Lewellen Political Anthropology pp. 69-81
Fading of the West: Power, Culture, and Indigenization in S. Huntington The Clash of Civilizations pp. 81-101
Week 5 February 17-19 Political Succession in T. Lewellen Political Anthropology pp. 83-92
Economics, Demography, and the Challenger Civilization in S. Huntington The Clash of Civilizations pp. 102-124
Week 6 February 24-26 Structure and Process in T. Lewellen Political Anthropology pp. 95-108
Cultural reconfiguration of Global Politics in S. Huntington The Clash of Civilizations pp. 125-154
Week 7 March 3-5 The Individual in the Arena in T. Lewellen Political Anthropology pp. 110-125
Week 8 March 10-12 BREAK
Week 9 March 17-19 Woman and Power in T. Lewellen Political Anthropology pp. 127-148
Core States, Concentric Circles and Civilization Order in S. Huntington The Clash of Civilizations pp. 155-182
Week 10 March 24-26 Anthropology in the World System in T. Lewellen Political Anthropology pp. 151-167
West and the Rest: Intercivilizational Issues in S. Huntington The Clash of Civilizations pp. 183-206
Week 11 March 31 April 2 Power of the People in T. Lewellen Political Anthropology pp. 169-180
Global Politics of Civilizations in S. Huntington The Clash of Civilizations pp. 207-245
Week 12 April 7-9 Politics in the Industrial State in T. Lewellen Political Anthropology pp. 182-197
Week 13 April 14-16 From Transition Wars to Fault Line Wars in S. Huntington The Clash of Civilizations pp. 56-78 pp. 246-265
Dynamics of Fault Line Wars in S. Huntington The Clash of Civilizations pp. 265-300
Week 14 April 21-23 Future of Civilizations in S. Huntington The Clash of Civilizations pp. 301-322
Week 15 April 29-Day 2 Final Exam week
A=100%-94%; A-93%-90%
B+=89%-87%; B=86%=84%; B-=83%-80%
C+=70%-77%; C=76%-74%; C-73%-70%
D+=69%-67%; D=66%-64%; D-63%-60%
Rules for electronic submission of assignments:
Send all assignments to the TWO following addresses: and
1. In the subject area put: POLITICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Homework if a homework assignment. Example Subject
2. Example Subject: Political Anthropology HW 2 ESSAY TITLE