Final Report on Phases 1 and 2 of the Building Bridges: Enterprise Learning in the Middle Years Action Research Project1 for the Vocational Education in Schools Directorate NSW Department of Education and Training a Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) Initiative2 July 2006 1 This report is provided as part of the NSW DET Building Bridges: Enterprise Learning in the Middle Years Project 2005 – 2007. Funding for this project has been provided by the Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) as part of their Enterprise Learning in the 21st Century Initiative. 2 The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Australian Government Department of Education Science and Training. Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 1 Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 3 THE ACTION RESEARCH MODEL ........................................................................................................ 3 KEY FINDINGS ON THE FIRST PHASE ................................................................................................. 4 Structure and organisation ................................................................................................................... 4 Middle schooling ................................................................................................................................ 5 Curriculum ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Enterprising learning .......................................................................................................................... 5 Community and parent partnerships ...................................................................................................... 5 Support ........................................................................................................................................... 6 KEY FINDINGS ON THE SECOND PHASE ............................................................................................. 6 Structure and organisation ................................................................................................................... 6 Middle schooling ................................................................................................................................ 8 Curriculum ......................................................................................................................................11 Enterprising learning .........................................................................................................................12 Community and parent partnerships .....................................................................................................17 Support ..........................................................................................................................................19 THE PRINCIPAL HELPING FACTORS ...................................................................................................20 THE PRINCIPAL HINDERING FACTORS...............................................................................................21 SUSTAINABILITY AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS ......................................................................................22 CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................................22 Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 2 Building Bridges Action Research Project Final Report on Phases 1 and 2 1. Introduction The Building Bridges Project is an initiative of the Vocational Education in Schools Directorate of the New South Wales Department of Education and Training. The project commenced in late 2005, with an associated primary school and high school from each of the State’s 10 regions participating in an introductory workshop. The Building Bridges Project has three focus areas: the science and technology curriculum area middle schooling enterprising learning. The participating primary and high schools developed proposals that incorporated the three project focus areas, and these proposals constituted the basis for the work that they then undertook in the Building Bridges Project. 2. The action research model An action research model was established in order to track the implementation of the project in the ‘partnered’ schools over time and to gain understandings of its impact in the three focus areas. Each project school was provided with a comprehensive kit of resources to assist them in the action research. The kit included: the teacher journal the enterprise education measurement framework student, teacher and parent surveys an overview of enterprise education a data entry spreadsheet. All schools were provided with a timeline regarding points at which data should be collected and provided for analysis. The focus of the action research was around nine case study schools in five regions. The consultants visited each case study school twice during the course of the project. The purpose of the first visit (Phase 1) was to gather and analyse ‘baseline data’ in order to establish understandings about the ‘starting point’ for each school in the context of the project objectives. Qualitative data were gathered through interviews with teachers, executive staff and randomly selected students in small groups. In some schools small group discussions were also held with parents and community members. Schools were provided with the enterprising learning survey and asked to arrange for it to be completed by students, staff and parents and returned for data entry. In some schools, the regional consultant was Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 3 present during the visit. Following the visit, each school received a ‘baseline’ report, including issues for consideration in the future development of the project at the school level. The second consultancy visit (Phase 2) was held some three months later, towards the concluding phase of the project. The consultants’ generally met with same groups from the first visit, with a focus on gathering data about the progress of each school’s project and understandings about change and impact in each of the three focus areas. Schools were asked to again administer the enterprising learning survey. In a number of instances it was possible to do the data entry for this during the visit. This then facilitated discussion with the contact teacher/s about the impact of the project on students’ enterprising behaviours and characteristics. Following the visit, each case study school received a final report for the project. These reports included charts from the enterprising learning survey. The following table shows the five regions and nine case study schools and the dates of the consultants’ visits. Region Case Study Schools North Sydney Region Riverina Region South Coast Region South-Western Region Western Region 3. Turramurra North Public School Phase 1 Visit Phase 2 Visit 21 Feb 23 May Ku-ring-gai Creative Arts High 21 Feb School 23 May North Wagga Public School 20 Feb 22 May Wagga Wagga High School 20 Feb 22 May Ulladulla High School 17 Feb 25 May Ulladulla Public School 17 Feb 25 May 22 Feb 24 May Robert Townson Public School 22 Feb 24 May Portland Central School 15 Feb 24 May Sydney Robert Townson High School Key findings from the first visit (Phase 1) The following is a summary of the key findings from the first visit3: Structure and organisation 3 in some schools considerable planning had been undertaken, with well established project management structures A fuller account of these findings is provided in the First Progress Report Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 4 typically, school projects involved Year 6 students and Year 7/8 students working in combined small teams to undertake research and associated activities, leading to a culminating event or resource project goals were not always understood with great clarity, and had often not been communicated to all stakeholders school leaders were typically very supportive of the project, especially in its context as a middle schooling initiative Middle schooling there was a view amongst school leaders that the project could provide a model for further work in middle schooling it was possible to identify a range of interpretations of middle schooling, ranging from ‘having fewer teachers for Year 7 classes’ to developing shared approaches and pedagogies across Years 5 to 8 both primary and high school students were generally very positive about the middle schooling context of the project Curriculum there was a high level of confidence about the curriculum aspect of the project most teachers had mapped the curriculum in order to align curriculum outcomes with work to be undertaken in the project there was little knowledge, prior to the project, of the extent of alignment between primary and high school curriculum outcomes. Enterprising learning understandings in relation to the enterprising learning ‘bridge’ were, in most instances, tentative the fuller understandings about enterprising learning contained in the contemporary research base were largely unknown most schools acknowledged that the project should have outcomes around students showing greater initiative and personal self-responsibility students generally commented that they were not significant risk-takers as learners the enterprise learning survey data showed generally that students viewed themselves as largely conforming in their behaviours and did not demonstrate a wide range of enterprising characteristics above the quantum line. Community and parent partnerships while planned for, most schools had not established significant community linkages at the time of the first visit Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 5 in general, ‘community’ was perceived as a resource by the case study schools, rather than as a partner in the project both primary and high school parents were generally positive about the projects in which their children would be involved a number of parents were very enthusiastic about the ‘life skills’ aspect of enterprising learning. Support in general, schools felt well supported in terms of resources provided by the Directorate the most important resource identified by school was ‘time’ and they believed that the project provided sufficient scope for flexibility about the allocation of resources to cover time there was some uncertainty about whether the budget could be used to purchase technology equipment there was some uncertainty about the envisaged role of regional coordinators and of the level of engagement that they should have in projects case study schools were welcoming of the ‘action research’ that would accompany their projects, seeing it as an opportunity for structured reflection and guaranteeing clear directions for the project. 4. Key findings from the second visit (Phase 2) Structure and organisation The case study schools varied significantly in their management approach to the project. These approaches can be categorised as follows: The first category included those management structures limited to the individual high and primary school contact teachers liaising independently with each other, with little or no involvement from other staff. These arrangements conveyed a strong impression of the teachers being quite ‘isolated’ or ‘independent’, irrespective of any perceptions they may have held that executive staff members were supportive of their efforts. Management decision making tended to be somewhat ad hoc over the course of the project, rather than based on well considered and developed project plans. Interestingly, the teachers involved tended to be very positive in the comments they made about the support and encouragement extended by the teacher in the ‘partner’ school. However, there was invariably a sense that ‘challenges’ were not easily addressed and that scope in pushing the boundaries was limited. The extent of wider ‘influence’ of the project teachers operating in this management structure seemed to be limited. Indeed, in one instance there was a belief about wider antipathy towards the project. There was typically little sense of wider school, business or community interest in the project as a model for further work, or there Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 6 was ambivalence about the lessons learnt from it. As a consequence, single class teacher based individual management is the structural arrangement that is probably least likely to lead to longer sustainability from the Building Bridges initiative. The second management category involved a cooperative structure in which some two primary teachers would work together with a single high school teacher, or vice versa. As for the first category, the management decision making in the model tended to be ad hoc, with only limited evidence for longer term planning. However, it is clear that where more than one teacher in a school was involved in the project, the sense of isolation referred to above was not as evident. As a consequence, even though the ‘partner’ school may have involved just the one teacher, the sense of shared partnership even between the two schools tended to be somewhat heightened in this category. In other words, the greater the density of the management structure in the arrangements between the two schools, the greater was the likelihood of genuinely shared decision making. The third management category involved a structure where the arrangements were formalised, irrespective of the number of teachers involved. Two examples serve to illustrate the approach. In one case study school, three high school teachers from the one faculty, and one primary school teacher worked in a well developed decision making structure. Their processes were characterised by excellent planning, identification and accessing of resources, strong community linkages, and strong reflection on the impact of the project against its goals. This structure appears to have been especially effective in gaining support or interest from others – executive staff, parents and community members. In the other example, teachers from different curriculum areas worked through an existing middle schooling structure and incorporated their decision making into a wider structure with which they were familiar and to which they were strongly committed. It was clear over the course of the project that the teachers enjoyed a high level of trust from the school leadership and that they were able to exercise considerable scope in their decision making. Challenges around such issues as raising the profile of enterprising learning, organising technology resources or developing business and community linkages appeared to readily met. Conversations with executive leaders were about how the school could build on conceptual understandings from the project to move forward. The influence of the teachers involved appears to have been substantial. No schools moved to have students, parent, business or community members included in the management structures for their project.. However, in some instances high school students especially were sought for advice on some issues such as usage of particular technologies or protocols for contacting community members whom they knew. The potential for a ‘deeper’ level of student involvement, although identified early in the action research, was not taken up by any of the case study schools. Schools generally found it difficult to engage parents in the project, beyond the level of providing them with information or encouraging them to be supportive of their children. In Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 7 any event, most parent respondents indicated that they would have found it difficult to have been involved in any management structure due to other commitments such as work or caring for younger siblings. In one school, a parent was directly involved through assisting the school with the use of technology, but otherwise parents did not play a major ‘hands-on’ role in the case study schools. However, in some schools parents expressed such a range of insights into their children’s learning and the potential of the project that there may have been potential to engage them in other ways. For example, in one school parents explored ethical considerations about learning in the community that could have added significant value to the project approach and practice. The keenness of their insights indicated a richer source of potential contribution across all schools. In the event, this potential was probably never fully identified or utilised by the case study schools. Parents were generally enthusiastic about the ‘real life’ learning approach that underpinned the project and thought that their children should be more generally encouraged to acquire ‘life skills’. Their views on these ‘life skills’ are ones that project schools could have benefited from by more purposefully seeking to engage them. A high school parent commented: “I think schools should be doing much more about ‘life skills’. I want my child to learn how to get on with a wide range of people, and to do things that will be useful later on. Even picking up the telephone to call an adult that they didn’t know – that was terrific.” In some situations close working relationships were established between teachers and business or community members. Typically, these involved teachers identifying relevant ‘community resources’ and setting up processes whereby students could access them. In some situations this provided a basis for teachers and community members jointly exploring and accessing the potential for community involvement. In one case study school this led to what was envisaged as essentially support for technology tasks being broadened to include a wider range of learnings. However, no business or community members were involved in project management structures. In the management sense, this ‘bridge’ to the community was never really built. Middle schooling To a very substantial extent, the project was initially perceived across most of the case study schools as a middle schooling project over and above its purposes in relation to the curriculum or to enterprising learning. This perception was largely driven by the requirement that primary schools and high schools form partnerships to undertake the project, focused on the Years from Year 5 to Year 8. The middle schooling focus was strengthened by the necessity to meet with staff from the partner school and to share ideas about local project design and implementation that would ‘satisfy’ both partners. Thus, because many participating teachers found themselves involved, perhaps for the first time, in a structure quite unlike their normal teaching experiences, the focus on middle schooling was heightened. “I enjoyed working with (the primary school teacher). What is going on in the primary school seems way ahead of what is possible here, I had no idea.” It is interesting to note that the project title, Building Bridges, was one that teachers in the case study schools used with their students. Thus, student respondents talked about “doing Building Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 8 Bridges work” or “going to Building Bridges lessons”. To a very considerable extent they saw the ‘bridge’ in the project as the bridge between primary and secondary schools. Their strong internalisation of the title is perhaps an indication of the extent to which the project was promoted to them as a middle schooling project. Only in the central school that was a case study school could it be said that there was already in place an existing middle schooling structure. This school has invested very substantially in middle schooling, and is nationally recognised for the excellence of its structures, approaches and practices. There was early recognition by participating staff of the existing synergies between what the school was already doing and Building Bridges. These synergies were key underpinnings for the school’s approach. Thus, cross-Year classes and innovative practices around the pedagogies of middle schooling were established features of practice and enabled Building Bridges to be viewed seamlessly from that context. “Building Bridges just fitted in – the activities may have been different, but the middle school part of it was already there.” In the other case study schools, it was apparent from the outset that there was a wide range of views about what ‘middle schooling’ actually meant. As alluded to in the summary of the key findings made in the first progress report, these meanings could be markedly different. In some situations middle schooling was interpreted almost exclusively as what needed to be done to facilitate the transition of students from Year 5 to Year 6. This is how Year 6 students especially viewed the project, as did many teachers. This was especially the case for high school teachers. “It’s good to have contact between the two schools so that the primary school students see what it’s like in high school. They can then feel confident that everything will be alright when they enrol in Year 7.” Indeed, one case study involved the two schools working together on a project that was essentially designed to promote the high school as a preferred destination for primary students. This project incorporated associated activities, such as dancing and a bar-b-que that were designed to make the primary students feel comfortable about the high school environment and to perceive it as a welcoming and positive place. Similarly, most parent respondents put the view that middle schooling was about assisting their children to make the move from primary to high school and about becoming used to things such as a school timetable, having different teachers and the ringing of lesson bells. To that extent, they thought the Building Bridges was a worthwhile initiative and were pleased that their children were involved. However, in one case study school, a high school, some parents were quite critical of Building Bridges because they believed that it would disrupt the ‘settling in’ of their children in a high school environment. They did not wish their children to feel that they were ‘going back to primary school’. “Why are the kids getting involved with primary school again? This is going to disrupt them getting adjusted to high school.” It was in this school that students were noticeably vociferous about not wanting to undertake any of the Building Bridges work on the primary school campus. Such data point to the importance of building parent understandings of and engagement with any work around middle schooling. Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 9 Another view of middle schooling was that it was primarily about reorganizing classes in Years 7 and 8 so that students had fewer teachers. This view of middle schooling perceived it as fundamentally a ‘high school’ issue. In this view, the first two years of high school would be more effective for students if they were not confronted so quickly by so many teachers, separate classes or movements during the school day. “We are looking at having fewer teachers for Year 7 students so that it is a middle school, and the students will adjust more quickly.” It was difficult for these schools to make a connection between their beliefs about the meaning of middle schooling and Building Bridges. In a very real sense, Building Bridges sat outside their work, or planned work, in middle schooling. It is interesting to note that the consultants had only minimal contact with executive staff that had responsibility for middle schooling in these schools. There was certainly no conversation with their associated primary schools around the high school view. The third view of middle schooling was that it was fundamentally about the pedagogies that should underpin school approach and practice in the Years from Year 5 to Year 8. This was articulated strongly in the case study school that was a central school. Additionally, there was also evidence over the course of the project in some schools that ‘middle schooling’ should be seen more in these terms. Both high and primary teachers talked about how their mapping of the curriculum had made them realise the level of alignment that already existed between the syllabuses and caused them to question why approaches needed to be so different. Irrespective of issues associated with factors such as physical distance between partner schools, there was appreciation of the opportunity to use Building Bridges as a model for new approaches to middle schooling. “There’s something about students in that age range from say about 10 years to about 14 years that we should be looking at as a ‘whole’. Middle schooling should be about what occurs over those years that addresses their learning needs.” The project outcomes in the middle schooling area were, in a number of the project case study schools, demonstrable. In particular: many teachers worked effectively across the primary/high school interface to develop shared approaches to pedagogy relationships between some primary and high schools developed a new focus, more broadly based than simply addressing immediate transition issues a significant number of students was engaged by teaching and learning arrangements that promoted shared responsibility and leadership in cross-age groupings there was accessing of a wider pool of existing resources and expertise, through schools working together there was identification of the scope for aligning work in the science and technology key learning area and for better utilising the synergies that existed. Overall, the middle schooling arrangements appeared to orient schools towards a much stronger community focus. By reducing traditional boundaries, Building Bridges appears to have promoted a more holistic view of the contexts in which students’ learning could occur. Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 10 Curriculum As noted in the account of the key findings arising from the first visit, most case study schools invested considerable effort in mapping the curriculum in order to align curriculum outcomes with work to be undertaken in the project. Indeed, this was one of the key tasks that participating teachers set themselves. A motivating factor was the need to ensure that the project did not function as a ‘curriculum overlay’. A primary school teacher commented: “I don’t have time for ‘extras’ in the classroom that will take up a lot of my time. There just isn’t room. Building Bridges had to fit into the curriculum; otherwise we would have pulled out.” A high school teacher made a similar observation. “We were always confident that Building Bridges fitted in with what we doing in TAS but we know there would be some schools that would look at it and would never have gotten involved. It wouldn’t suit how they’re trying to teach the syllabus.” These sentiments were still prominent towards the conclusion of the project. Both primary and secondary teachers spoke of the attention they gave to measuring and reporting syllabus outcomes, and were overwhelmingly confident that they had been able to do so within the parameters of the project. A high school teacher stated: “I can report the syllabus outcomes quite easily through Building Bridges – it’s not going to be a problem.” At the same time, observations were made in another case study high school that there was discernible unease within the faculty as to whether the syllabus content could be adequately covered by the project. These views obviously affected conclusions about the relationship between the syllabus and the project, leading the teacher to state: “If I did a project like this again, I’d make sure the unit covered more of the content. The students felt that they were missing out (on the content) and I’d have to make sure that they knew that they weren’t. The primary school probably wouldn’t need to be involved either, or involved in the way they were. But I would keep the good things.” Nevertheless, the greater problem seems to have been the many competing demands on teachers, especially for primary school teachers. A primary school teacher succinctly stated the issue in the following terms. “The curriculum is very ‘urgent’. There’s always the danger of being sidetracked by a project like Building Bridges and suddenly finding that not everything has been adequately covered.” Primary and high school teachers overwhelmingly expressed the view that it was easier to achieve curriculum alignment between their syllabus documents than they had initially envisaged. Thus, they spoke about synergies between the two. “We looked at their curriculum and they looked at ours and it was obvious straight away that they fitted – we could do what we needed to do in Building Bridges, and they could do what they needed to do. Neither of us had any idea that they would ‘fit’ like this.” Most case study schools agreed that Building Bridges had led them to focus on the importance of relevant pedagogies. A number drew a distinction between ‘syllabus content’ and the pedagogies that would enable the syllabus to be well taught. Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 11 We looked closely at the syllabus and started to see that we had enormous scope around the content. Building Bridges got both schools more focused on the teaching and learning side of things. That was a really important outcome for us. In our project meetings, primary and high school people actually had to work out how to teach it – that was the harder part, the ‘what we will do’ part of it, that was comparatively easy.” In a number of projects, it quickly became apparent that the project could not be limited to an explicit focus on ‘science and technology’. Some teachers expressed regret that they had not realised this at the commencement of the project. “We got a bit too much focused I think on the technology thing, all the resources and so on...I think if we’d known we would have not made it so isolated. We finished up doing a lot of work, for example, that related to the English syllabus and that went very well…” In another school, the contact teacher identified potential to actually start making linkages across the different faculty areas. There were a couple of teachers in other faculties who were interested in what we were doing. If we ever did something like this again, perhaps they could become involved and we could cover different areas, but working together…” Such a view was powerfully confirmed by teachers in the case study school that embedded the project in its wider work in middle schooling. In this instance, the teachers immediately recognised that the project could readily cover different syllabus areas and planned explicitly for this to happen. While not universal across the case study schools, issues were encountered about access to appropriate technologies in order for students to undertake the project. These included the adequacy of equipment levels and issues associated with access to specialist rooms. The project outcomes in the curriculum were, in a number of the project case study schools, demonstrable. In particular: there was widespread recognition across primary and high schools of the high level of synergy between their respective curricula in science and technology explicit syllabus outcomes for both primary and high schools were achieved readily from within the parameters of Building Bridges the project offered significant scope for syllabus outcomes to be achieved in other key learning areas, including English and HSIE students reported the acquisition of new technology-related skills and expertise in applying them in ‘real life’ situations teachers identified significant professional learning through the project in the science and technology area. Enterprising learning As noted in relation to the key findings for the first visit, the enterprising learning ‘bridge’ was, very substantially, the least prominent area across the case study schools at the commencement of the project. Only in one case study school did it appear that there was more than a relatively superficial awareness of enterprise education or familiarity with the Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 12 principles involved in it as an approach to learning. Typically, teachers cited examples where students had been extended opportunities to be entrepreneurial or where they may have been encouraged to work in small groups on a particular project. Understandings from the wider literature and research were not in evidence to any considerable extent. “We haven’t really ever talked about enterprise education all that much. It’s not a subject, is it?” Therefore, while teachers focused on the ‘curriculum’ and ‘middle schooling’ aspects of Building Bridges, the role and potential of the project in relation to enterprising learning were largely unidentified from the outset. For example, relatively limited consideration had been given in a number of instances as to how the structure of the project at the school level could be organised to promote students’ enterprising qualities and characteristics. “Now I think about it, we could have gotten the children more focused on being enterprising right from the outset. I think we were more worried about them getting to know each other and feeling comfortable. The dances we organised for them, and that sort of thing.” Indeed, understandings about what could be said to constitute the qualities and characteristics of an enterprising person appeared relatively limited. For example, when the enterprising learning survey was discussed with teachers, they often made observations about its value. “The survey will help me think about my students. I can concentrate on where they can develop these skills. Otherwise, it’s all a bit vague.” The first phase individual school reports all point to how much effort was invested during the first visit to engaging with teachers around the enterprising learning domain of the Building Bridges project. It would seem that the introductory program conducted in 2005, for whatever reason, did not sufficiently resonate with participants in order to identify the very great potential of the project in this area. The following is a typical comment: “I didn’t think that the project was really about enterprise education. I could see the technology and middle school aspects, but not the enterprise education area.” High school teachers especially observed that ‘enterprise education’ was ‘difficult. The greatest inhibiting factor was the timetable. “It’s easy for the primary school. (The teacher) can shift things around so that there is a lot of flexibility. Enterprise education needs pretty lengthy time blocks. That’s not ‘on’ in a high school – the bell goes, and the students are off to another class that has absolutely nothing to do with what you have just been doing with them. How can you get enterprise education into that sort of arrangement? You’ve got no idea how difficult it has been to negotiate time so that the kids can be involved in Building Bridges.” Despite the slow start with regard to enterprising learning, over the course of the project most schools attempted to engage with the enterprising learning domain. The evidence suggests that many teachers in the project created learning environments where students would have greater scope to develop and apply enterprising qualities and characteristics. Thus, quantitative data gathered during the second visit encompassed more detail about the notion of scaffolding students’ learning. “I used the design brief to set the boundaries for the project, but we let the students make as many decisions as possible about their directions. I then talked with them. We discussed the Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 13 strengths of what they were proposing, and the problems that could emerge. I stood back but I always knew what they were doing, and I always came in whenever things weren’t going so well. There were some hiccups. Building Bridges was great for their confidence. This was especially for some of the lower ability kids – some were a real surprise!” The student data from the commencement of the project indicated that they generally did not have strong perceptions of themselves as enterprising learners. Most made comments suggesting that they were largely confirming in their behaviours. These qualitative data were confirmed very substantially by the first survey. The following chart is for students in a primary school at the commencement of the project. It shows student, teacher and parent responses. The report noted: “In terms of the overall results, the high points are using technology, behaving appropriately, sticking to beliefs and completing tasks. By themselves, these are fairly conforming behaviours. More enterprising behaviours such as using own time, cross curriculum application, setting priorities, using opportunities, seeking feedback and leading tend to be lower. While the students usually score themselves higher than their parents and both tend to be higher than the teacher (a usual result on this survey), the students appear to have a more positive view of their behaviours in organising, persuading, acknowledging viewpoints and listening.” The extent of how conforming many students’ behaviours appeared was a marked feature of the data gathered during the first visit. Students spoke about such things as the importance of listening and paying attention, and making sure that tasks were completed on time. The following chart, for a high school, compares student responses from visits one and two. The result here is typical of those displayed across the case study schools, and indicates the very significant impact that occurred in growth in many enterprising characteristics. Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 14 Enterprising Behaviour Student Response Visit 1 Student response visit 2 Responses as Means 4 3 2 1 “On most characteristics, students rate themselves more highly. Indeed, in relation to some characteristics perceptions of ‘growth’ are quite marked. These include ‘contributing to groups’ suggesting a wide range of collaborative learning skills that have been developed. They also include ‘using own time’, an area that students rated themselves at a relatively low level in the first survey. Also noteworthy is the sustained growth for those characteristics in the ‘ethicality’ domain, suggesting almost certainly the influence of community engagement.” In discussions with students, it became clear that they attributed their ‘growth’ as enterprising learners to a number of key factors. They especially identified the following: opportunity to work in small groups opportunity to “take what we did outside the school”, i.e. applying their learning in community-based contexts opportunity to set their own directions and “own” what they were doing the fact that the teacher “stood back” but was always ready to assist having to work out their ‘own problems’, including some issues in the ethical domain (e.g. whom to contact first in a business) identifying people’s different skills, so that everyone felt they could contribute “doing something good ”, i.e. actually making a positive difference through effort. In one case study school, students felt that the project should have focused much more on what they could have done to have been enterprising learners. A primary-aged student observed, insightfully: Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 15 Being optimistic The report noted: Sticking to beliefs Challenging wrong Thinking out consequences Contributing to right Being confident Resisting conformity Working through ambiguity Leading Buidling own strengths Using others' strengths Behaving appropriately Seeking feedback Responding positively Using opportunities Setting priorities Cross curriculum application Aknowledging viewpoints Using own time Completing tasks Organising a project Contributing to community Adjusting actions Role modelling Caring Contributing to groups Listening Persuading Using Technology Setting goals Enterprising Indicators “I liked filling in the survey. Those things are very important. It would have been better if we had all talked about those things at the beginning and then done our projects. We could have made our projects so that the things in the survey happened.” The quantitative data obtained through the survey also enabled understandings to be gained about difference in boy/girl response. The following chart for a high school compares male and female responses towards the end of the project. The report noted: “While the trends are broadly identical, there are some obvious differences. The girls are generally ‘higher’ in their responses, with significant differences in such areas as ‘listening’, ‘role modelling’, ‘adjusting actions’ and ‘contributing to community’. There is also a significant difference in relation to ‘behaving appropriately’. These trends and differences reflect these data on a nation-wide basis.” The project outcomes in the enterprising learning area were, in a number of the project case study schools, demonstrable. In particular: students were much more articulate about what it meant to be an enterprising learner at the time of the second visit compared to their understandings at the time of the first visit most students felt that they demonstrated evidence of being more enterprising over the course of the project teachers and parents generally felt that students had become more enterprising as a consequence of Building Bridges most teachers purposefully ‘scaffolded’ students’ learning so that there was greater scope for students to develop and display enterprising characteristics Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 16 understandings about the ‘meaning’ of enterprising learning in the case study schools deepened markedly over the course of the project dialogue and reflective discussion around the enterprising learning survey instrument was seen as a valuable contribution to the project in most case study schools. participating high schools generally held the view that ‘enterprise education’ was very difficult to implement well because of the constraints imposed by the timetable at the level of best practice, where middle schooling was based on a pedagogical approach it was perceived as “ideally suited’ to enterprise education parents were overwhelmingly supportive of their children engaging in the enterprising learning activities provided through Building Bridges parents valued enterprising learning because of its relevance to the life skills that they want their children to acquire. Community and parent partnerships While there was recognition of building community partnerships at the commencement of the project, over its course it could not be said that this was always a prominent feature of the work undertaken. In some instances the ‘partnership’ did not progress beyond accessing the assistance of a small number of parents and community members. In others, students accessed the community as a resource in their activities but with only limited suggestions that schools saw the work as having been untaken in a ‘partnership’ context. At the same time, some projects had a strong community focus particularly from a community service perspective. Towards the end of the project there was emerging evidence in these schools of shared endeavour around the project between schools and community members and groups. It is interesting that in these school students spoke of their pride in having done something that would assist the community. A student observed: “What we are doing will help people. That makes us feel good.” What accounts for the varying levels of partnership over the course of the project? In part, it was undoubtedly a factor of project design at the individual school level. Some design briefs had a strong community focus, others, to all intents and purposes, had none. Where schools sought to encourage students’ learning to take place in authentic contexts, the likelihood of a partnership emerging was greater, though not necessarily guaranteed. Another factor was the perception of ‘community’ held within the school. In many instances, ‘community’ was perceived as a resource for students (and teachers) to access. In some instances this was at the relatively superficial level of accessing equipment or seeking the assistance of a skilled individual. Where this perception was held, there was always an inherent risk that the wider ‘partnership’ potential would remain unseen. However, in some instances the design brief envisaged students undertaking much of their work in the community, thus enabling changes to occur in traditional approaches to teaching and learning. Interestingly, many parents were strongly supportive of community-based learning as a positive aspect of the project. “It is excellent that the school is getting out into the community. (My son) enjoyed the contact he had with people in the community.” Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 17 There was generally not a strong sense of learning-based community partnerships in which school projects could be embedded. In most instances, there was a sense of the case study schools attempting to chart new directions in this area. There was, generally, little to leverage from. Students often canvassed how ‘different’ their learning was in the project and how limited had been previous opportunities to learn in ways that were ‘authentic’. Furthermore, the idea of applying learning in a wider context was something that students very largely saw as something they had not previously done. However, many thought that Building Bridges provided a challenging and interesting learning environment and were welcoming of the community-based experiences it provided. This was especially the case where the experiences provided scope for personal initiative and the opportunity to be ‘more adult’. Some students said that they would prefer that more of their learning would be like Building Bridges. “It would be good if other lessons let us do ‘real things’.” With a small number of exceptions, parents were not ‘prominent’ in the projects. Indeed, there were many instances where schools were unable to arrange meetings between parents and the consultants as part of the action research. No schools sought to actively involve parents in any numbers as partners, although some did contribute technical expertise. Typically, parent involvement was limited to assisting their children with logistics associated with travelling to and from sites in the community where work was occurring. Schools typically kept parents informed through their newsletters. Most parents were aware of the project, although few felt that they were ‘well informed’. Schools indicated that they received very little parent feedback over the course of the project, other than incidental comments made by parents when they met staff members. These comments were always positive. “They’ll stop me in the street, and say ‘the project is great’ and that their child is ‘really enjoying it.’.” As alluded to elsewhere, parents were generally positive about both the middle schooling and enterprising learning ‘bridges’. This was especially true for enterprising learning. For example, a number of parents observed that they wanted schooling to have a much stronger ‘life skills’ orientation. They believed that Building Bridges was providing their children with opportunities to develop ‘common sense’ skills that would be useful later in life. These skills were especially those associated with interacting successfully with a range of other people, especially adults. They liked the fact that the situations their children were involved in with Building Bridges ‘mattered’. They saw engagement and relevance being heightened as a consequence. Parents identified the transition from primary to high school as a very significant one for their children. Parents of primary school children thought that the project was worthwhile in that it gave their children an opportunity to learn alongside high school students and to see what high school learning was like. Parents of high school students generally expressed the view that their children gained benefit from the opportunity to learn alongside younger children. They thought that this may have contributed to the leadership and caring domains. As noted in relation to the first visit, a small number of parents of high school students expressed considerable opposition to the project on the grounds that it would unsettle their children as they made the adjustment to high school. There was no opportunity to meet with Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 18 these parents during the second visit in order to gauge their views towards the end of the project. This was the only case study school, however, in which students objected to working in any way at the primary school campus. Support All case study schools thought that the level of resourcing for the project was adequate. They expressed the view that the budgetary arrangements gave them sufficient flexibility to make local choices. All schools commented that ‘time’ was the most important resource. With one exception, all case study schools observed that the project made significant time demands on teachers and that the hours involved would have been unsustainable over the longer term. “I put hours and hours into Building Bridges – there was lot of organising, phone calls, getting things ready, it was good but I don’t think I would do it again in a hurry.” Interestingly, the exception was the one school in which a middle schooling structure was well established and in which there was a broadly based management group. These teachers observed that the work they did in Building Bridges was synergistic with other approaches and did not make unmanageable imposts. There was some uncertainty about the extent to which the budget could be used to purchase equipment. Most schools took the view that, where necessary, they would allocate part of the funding to such a purpose, and did so. Only in one school was the conclusion reached that the budget could not cover the purchase of equipment. Issues related to accessing and using equipment figured prominently in the school’s account of the project. This school felt that the level of regional support could have been greater because of the equipment difficulties it was having. The school cited only half of the promised equipment being made available, and that a major piece of technology did not work. “The equipment issue was very frustrating; lots of things seemed to go against us.” Case study schools did not express strong positive views about the role of the regional coordinators. Typically, they were perceived as ‘outside’ the project structure and as fulfilling a role perhaps best described as ‘interested observers’. None was identified as a partner or as an active source of support. There was no evidence of extensive discussions between schools and the coordinators to ‘mine’ the data and understandings associated with the project. In one case study school the observation was made that support was principally “internal” through teachers assisting each other – this was viewed as the best support. “We help each other and learn from each other, you don’t have time to get on the phone and chase things, sometimes with no result.” Case study schools were affirming of the value of being involved in the action research. This was especially in relation to setting future directions from the first visit, and being attuned to the data that would enable understandings to be developed. A number of schools referred positively to the value of having an external ‘sounding board’. The often detailed discussion around enterprising learning that occurred during the first visit obviously impacted on the design and direction of a number of the projects. “The enterprising learning area was a bit of a revelation – it is now much clearer and we’ll see if it can be extended into other areas.” Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 19 Similarly, case study schools affirmed the value of and support provided by the Curriculum Directorate. Visits in particular, where practical ideas linked directly with the respective syllabuses, were seen as especially useful. Resources provided by the visiting personnel or highlighted as relevant were praised. However, there was some concern at the perceived distance of the Vocational Education in Schools Directorate from the project on the ground. High praise was given for the Directorate officers who visited the schools and helped talk through the issues. The newsletter was seen as useful although infrequent. The support provided by the Directorate project officer in answering any questions about administration or expenditure was praised. Despite these positive elements, overall, the Directorate was seen as sponsor and organizer rather than on the ground support, adviser and confidante. In particular, areas where central support might do more were identified during the action research. These included the development and implementation of a less information filled orientation to the purpose and scope of the project. While it was understood that much of the information was necessary, some vital elements appeared to have been rushed. The inadequate emphasis on enterprising learning was cited as an instance. The heavy emphasis on the use of technology in the introduction was not seen as supported in practice over the life of the project. This was especially the case in relation to the Centre for Learning Innovation which, by virtue of its demanding schedule, was unable to provide hands on support direct to case study schools. During the course of the project, common areas where there was a need for scaffolding of learning were identified. It was felt that the Directorate or the Centre for Learning Innovation could perhaps provide common resources to address these areas. For example, all projects undertook project management methodology. Information and useful project planning resources and technologies for students to use would have been relevant for all schools. Similarly, all projects undertook goal planning, development of objectives, scheduling of tasks and establishment of roles. Teaching resources such as flow chart technologies would have been useful for all schools. Budget and business planning methodologies might also have been useful. Time constraints prevented teachers from identifying, adapting or developing these resources themselves. Certainly, such observations indicate the desirability of a much greater level of resource development generally around areas that school leaders and teachers find especially challenging. Deeper understandings about middle schooling and enterprising learning would have facilitated the project greatly in all of the case study schools. 5. The principal helping factors Across the case study schools, a number of principal helping factors were identified. These especially included: the extent to which the leadership in schools were generally highly supportive of the project the commitment of coordinating teachers to planning for success and working cooperatively across schools the resilience of participating teachers in contexts that could be challenging and frustrating Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 20 the very significant level of potential to gain active community support the very significant level of parent endorsement of their children’s learning taking place in authentic contexts the investment in project management structures, such that many participating teachers developed new decision making structures likely to bring about change the detailed planning work that was undertaken, including development of a timeline, initial briefs and the identification of supporting resources the extent to which there was recognition that the Building Bridges project at the school level had potential to act as a model for work in the areas of middle schooling and enterprising learning the curriculum synergies that were identified in many instances the enthusiasm of the students for learning environments that were different and unpredictable the level of funding provided by the project, and the flexibility accorded each school in its application. 6. The principal hindering factors Across the case study schools, a number of principal hindering factors were identified. These especially included: uncertainty about the purposes and objectives of the Building Bridges project, at the school level, and the relative emphases that its component parts should have been given the depth and appropriateness of project management structures in schools views held by high school executive staff, external to the project, that may have limited the innovative scope of the project the extent to which the project could be ‘embedded’ into wider and established school practices in areas such as middle schooling and enterprising learning generally low level of awareness or understanding of enterprising learning the need for a greater level of prior resourcing in schools around enterprising learning and middle schooling, or development of insights into why existing resources appear to have had such limited penetration the scope that teachers had to be highly innovative in the sorts of project designs that were developed the limitations imposed as a consequence of the secondary school timetable instances of limited and limiting views of the meanings of middle schooling differing views of appropriate pedagogies between primary and secondary schools difficulties in identifying or obtaining appropriate or sufficient technology resources parent uncertainty about the purposes of the project, irrespective of their general endorsement of its enterprising learning component time demands placed on primary school teachers particularly, viewed in the context Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 21 that most had a wide range of other responsibilities the commencement of the project at the beginning of the school year made momentum difficult to achieve in some instances some primary school students feeling that their confidence reduced by learning in a ‘bigger pool’, including the tendency of some high school students to ‘take over’ uncertainty about how best to identify or access regional and directorate support. 7. Sustainability and future directions To what extent will Building Bridges be sustainable on the basis of the evidence gathered and analysed over the course of the project? Three key points can be made in response to the question: Sustainability is likely to be greatest in those schools that embedded the project in well developed and well informed approaches to middle schooling. The evidence suggests that, of itself and without wider systemic effort, Building Bridges is unlikely to create or lead to such approaches. To think that it could, or will, would be a denial of the depth of the change management processes that will be required. The capacity of school leaders to leverage off the outcomes of Building Bridges will be vital if any level of sustainability is to be achieved. It may be that what is now required is systemic effort that will provide opportunity for school leaders to gain deeper understandings about the achievements and potential of Building Bridges, as well as the facilitating and hindering factors. Density of teacher engagement will be critical for sustainability to be achieved. In perhaps too many instances it appeared that teachers were ‘on their own’, without any notion of active or deeply engaged leadership support. Leaders need to be doing more than simply ‘acknowledging’ the efforts and commitment of participating teachers. There will need to be built a wider base of support and leadership if Building Bridges is to have deeper impact and sustainability. This includes the range of engagements that will be appropriate through the regional structure. In addition, sustainability will require the development of partnerships with other key stakeholders, including the community. The evidence points to the desirability of structuring future effort to be inclusive of the approaches that will enable these partnerships to be identified, developed and nurtured. With these partnerships, there could be great potential for Building Bridges to be a basis for innovation in schooling around curriculum, middle schooling and enterprising learning. Without them, it is improbable that Building Bridges can ever be more than a ‘project’, albeit a successful and important one. 8. Conclusion Building Bridges can point to a very significant level of success. Substantial work has been undertaken across the project schools in the three bridges – curriculum, middle schooling and enterprising learning. The level of student satisfaction with their learning and with the learning environments provided through Building Bridges has been very high. Surely there is no more significant indicator of educational success than such a perception. Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 22 Additionally, the quantitative data point to quite significant impacts on student outcomes, complementing the extent to which teachers observed the success of many students in achieving syllabus outcomes. In particular, the data show that students’ enterprising qualities and characteristics have ‘lifted’ over the course of the project. Collectively, they now present as a less conforming group. Rather, they present as a group more likely to take appropriate learning risks, show initiative and work successfully in teams. The project has illuminated some quite key issues that will need to be addressed and resolved before further substantial work is taken around the goals of Building Bridges. The data suggest enormous diversity in understandings about the meanings of middle schooling across the NSW government school system. Some of the meanings that emerged from the project appeared to be so limiting as to make the ‘best practice’ implementation of Building Bridges problematic. However, where there was a focus on building understandings about the pedagogies of the middle years, from Year 5 to Year 8, it seemed that Building Bridges was able to be implemented with a greater likelihood of significant impact on students’ learning. In a number of the case study schools, the action research pointed to substantial progress to develop students’ enterprising learning qualities and characteristics. The area was, however, by-and-large not prominent in the thinking of most case study schools at the commencement of the project. Where processes were established that enabled teachers to engage in informed dialogues about enterprising learning, it became obvious that the learning environments for students were structured to achieve ‘enterprising’ outcomes. Where such a dialogue did not occur to any significant extent, the learning environments appeared little influenced. One of the most telling findings from the project was the extent to which primary and secondary teachers recognised curriculum synergies. By the concluding phase of the project, there was a strong sense in many instances of a sequenced view of learning in the science and technology key learning area and the technological and applied studies key learning area. Students valued greatly the opportunity to work creatively within their design briefs and to explore the authentic application of technological knowledge and skills. Stronger community partnerships, however, would need to be developed for potential in this area to be fully realised. Building Bridges gained a unique identity in the participating schools – for teachers, students and for parents. It was overwhelmingly perceived as an initiative that added value to students’ learning. Despite the issues of teacher time and a crowded curriculum, Building Bridges was also seen as a project that offered the potential of wider transformation in how learning environments are structured in schools and how students could achieve outcomes that would have real consequence in the context of being life-long learners. Atelier Learning Solutions Pty Ltd 23