English as a Second Language Lesson Plan Teacher: Jessica Harper Day/Date: Tuesday 4-3-11 Grade Level & Subject: 4-English/Language Arts Lesson and/or Unit Title: Action Verbs-Parts of Speech Amount of Time: 60 minutes Common Core Standard(s): 0401.1.1 Know and use appropriately the meaning, forms, and functions of nouns (including singular and plural, common and proper, singular and plural possessives), verbs (including action and linking, regular and irregular forms, correct tenses, agreement in person and number with both simple and compound subjects), adjectives (including proper comparison forms, articles), pronouns (including subject, object, and possessive; singular and plural; agreement with antecedents), and adverbs (i.e., proper comparison forms, negatives). SPI 0401.1.2 Identify the correct use of verbs (i.e., agreement, tenses, action and linking) within context Language Proficiency Level: Intermediate Fluency Student Learning Objective(s): 1. The learner will be able to identify the verb in a sentence. 2. The learner will know how to use an action verb in sentences. Assessment For Learning: Summative- The students will be asked to take a quiz on the internet. The purpose of this assessment is to measure objective #1. http://www.quia.com/quiz/799985.html Formative- The students will play a game on the computer that uses action verbs in a sentence and/or a game where the students are asked to identify the verb in a group of 6 words. This assessment measure objective #2. http://www.eslgamesworld.com/members/games/ClassroomGames/Billionaire/Action%20Verbs%2 0Grammar%20Billionaire/index.html www.sheppardsoftware.com/grammar/verbs.htm Lesson Outcome(s): The learner will feel more comfortable speaking the English language. Key/Essential Questions: Why do we use action verbs? How can you find an action verb in a sentence? Key Vocabulary (CALP) Activity: 1. Verb-Introduce the word verb. Show them the word. Let them write the verb. Write the definition of a verb. Show how a verb is used. 2. Action Verb- Explain the difference of an action verb. Give them examples of action verbs. Let them see the words written and then have them write action verbs. Let them see a picture of that word being acted out and then let them act that word out. Materials/Items Needed: 1. KWL Chart-(Pre-assessment) 2. Action Verb Bingo boards 3. Action Verb Flash cards 4. Action Verb Picture worksheet 5. Computers 6. Paper 7. Pencils 1 Hook/Engage: We will begin the lesson by talking about action verbs and what they are. We will practice demonstrating the verbs shown on the Action Verb picture worksheet (Those will be the action verbs the students need to know how to do to complete other activities) We will then do a Write It, Do It, Say It activity. I will give them a verb (i.e. walk, run, sleep, etc.) They will be asked to write the word on their paper, act the verb out, and then say the word out loud. I will show the children the specific pictures on the worksheet that stand for every action verb. The students will then be asked to cut out the picture from the Action Verb Picture worksheet and glue it next to the word written on their paper. Activities: Activity 1- The students will divide into groups of 4. We will play a game called Know That Verb. The first player writes any verb on a piece of paper and passes it to the second player. The 2nd player then has to draw that verb. If the 3rd person thinks he knows what it is then he has to act it out. If he doesn’t know then the paper will get passed on to him and he will act out the correct verb. The 4th person then has to write that verb on the bored. The team that gets it correct the fastest gets one point. The team that gets to ten first will win the game. Activity 2- Everyone in the class will be assigned a partner. I will then pass out Action Verb Flashcards. The flashcards will have pictures on the verbs from the Action Verb Picture worksheet. Each group will test each other on the verbs until each person gets every picture correct. We will then move on to play Action Verb Bingo. Every student will get a Bingo card with the pictures from the flashcards on their card. I will them draw pictures from a bag and show the students. If you have that picture on your board you have to write the word above the picture on your board. The first student to get three in a row (any way) will win. They then have to stand up and tell us each verb that was in their bingo and act it out. Activity 3- The students will them be released to the computers to play a verb game where you have to find a verb in a group of 6 words or a game that uses action verbs in sentences. (Both if time allows). www.sheppardsoftware.com/grammar/verbs.htm http://www.eslgamesworld.com/members/games/ClassroomGames/Billionaire/Action%20Verbs%2 0Grammar%20Billionaire/index.html Real-Life Connection: Verbs are everything you do. It is important to know the parts of speech and how they are correctly used. This activity can also be used as a way to help students become more active outside of class by participating in activities that they like to do. It can encourage them to play outside more and become more active. Assignment Extension: The students will be asked to take pictures of their selves doing their favorite thing to do (i.e. jumping rope). They will then be asked to write a short paragraph explaining what they are doing in the picture, identify the verb you are doing, and tell why you like to do that activity. Differentiation Notes: Students will be able to work at their own individual pace and choose among a variety of activity choices to meet unique learning styles. Modifications for special education students with IEPs and other students with exceptional needs will be discussed with the mentoring teacher. Technology Integration Highlight desired bullets; check all that apply Word Processing Power Point Internet Resources Graphics/Charts Internet Research Web 2.0 Tool(s) Interactive whiteboard Other: Teacher Strategies - Best Practices (Highlight the row you wish to select; check all that apply) 2 Student choice Modeling reading strategies Modeling writing strategies or the writing process Cooperative learning Reading aloud Independent Reading Writing before and after reading Implementing pre, post, or during reading activities Teaching metacognitive strategies/reading strategies Hands-on learning/manipulatives utilized Small group Higher-ordering thinking skills Real-world connections Criteria charts created (student-driven; supports learning by defining and clarifying a task ) Rubrics created (student-centered) Mentor texts Anchor charts (a reference tool that “anchors” new and ongoing learning to key concepts previously introduced) Research/research materials Evidence of assessment for learning (teacher modifies instruction based on students’ understanding) Classroom/Literacy library Writing workshop time Teaching grammar and mechanics in context Conferencing Other (please explain) 3