Lecture Schedule for Plant Anatomy, Biology 2335, Section 07854, Spring 2003 Lecture in Rm 138 SRI, 2:30-4 PM Tuesday and Thursday. Date, Topics and Examinations January 14 Organization of the class 16 Cellular organization, we will watch a laser disc 21 Cellular organization, we will finish watching the laser disc 23 Origin of life, Cyanobacteria and eukaryotes 28 Cytology of eukaryotes, internal cellular organization of plants and alternation of generations 30 Higher fungi, lichens and lower fungi February 4 Overview of the algae and Rhodophyta 6 Heterokont algae 11 "Glaucophyta", Euglenophyta, Pyrrhophyta, Chloroarachniophyta and protists related to the algae 13 Green algal groups 18 First examination (topics covered 1/14 to and including 2/13) 20 Early land plants, non-vascular embryophytes and the three major plant tissue types 25 Origin and radiation of the Tracheophyta and the structure of ferns 27 Progymnospermopsida and the evolution of the ovule and the stucture of the Pteridospermales March 3-8 Spring holidays 11 13 18 20 25 27 April 1 3 8 10 15 17 22 24 29 The diversification of gymnosperms Origin of the angiosperms Formation of apical meristems generates the bipolar plant axis Xylem Phloem, secretory cells and tissues and mineral deposition Second midterm examination (topics covered 2/20 to and including 3/25) Epidermis and stem anatomy and last day to drop a course Leaves Roots Vascular cambium and secondary vascular tissues Periderm and anomalous secondary growth of angiosperms Flowers and fertilization Fruits, seeds and seedlings Third midterm examination (topics covered 4/1 to and including 4/22) Reading period, time to study April 30-May 8 Examination period for all classes held spring 2003 May 6 Final examination for BIOL 2335 (a comprehensive examination) 2-4PM An individualized course packet will have your Homework Assignments, Lecture Notes and Test Questions for Biology 2335; each packet will have a unique four-digit number that will be used to report your scores on this web site. Additional illustrative material will be distributed in class. Grades will be determined from the distribution of the overall percentage correct on homework and lecture examinations: four lecture tests (three midterms and the final) will be given. All tests will be of equal value and total to 84% of your grade. In your individualized packet there will be four homework assignments worth 4% each [for a total of 16%]; each packet will have an unique homework assignment. Tests will be curved. No makeup tests. Tests formats may be multiple choice, fill in the blank or short answer. Word to the wise: You will need to consistently do your reading to pass the course. You cannot assimilate the material by studying the night before the examination. Take note! If you need help please go on a regular basis to the SIBS Tutors in the Science Building, rm 114; do not wait until the night before the examination to look for help. I have noted that some students have found it useful to form study groups of several students to quiz each other. Let's work together! Dr. Alfred R. Loeblich III’s office hours & place: 10:30-11:30 AM Fri in Rm 216 S. If this time conflicts with your schedule you should make special arrangements. My phone number is (713) 743-2644 and my e-mail address is loeblich@swbell.net.