New York Institute of Technology Physician Assistant Program Course: Course Coordinator: Credits: Instructor: Phone: Office Hours: Office: PHAS 310 - Introduction to Clinical Medicine I Frank Acevedo, PA-C 9 NYCOM Faculty 516-686-3820 Wednesday 8:30 - 9:30 AM, 3 - 5 PM Not applicable Course description: This multi-component course explores the intricacies of human disease through a systems approach for: Clinical Nutrition, Infectious Disease, Pulmonary Medicine, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, and Hematology/Oncology. The student will learn about the etiologies, pathophysiolgy, clinical manifestations, appropriate diagnostic tests and management of common disease entities. Prerequisite: Permission of PA Program Chair Objectives: Students will: 1. Delineate clinical problems and develop appropriate management plans. 2. Recognize the need for specialty referral to other health care providers or agencies as appropriate. 3. Formulate a differential diagnosis based upon signs and symptoms, appropriate diagnostic tests, and physical examination findings. 4. Apply critical thinking skills to medical decision-making. Required Text: 1. Andreoli, et al. Cecil: Essentials of Medicine. 5th Edition. 2. Rakel. Saunders Manual of Medical Practice. 3. D. Dale, D. D. Federman. 2000 Annual CD Scientific American. (The NYCOM Scientific American On-Line Access Code vis the Library will suffice). 4. Handouts Professional Journals: Archives of Internal Medicine New England Journal of Medicine Journal of the American Medical Association Journal of Infectious Diseases Cardiology Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Journal of Respiratory Diseases Clinics in Hematology Cancer Diseases of the Chest Digestive Diseases and Sciences Use of Technology: All students must have access to a computer and an Internet Provider. Use of the NYIT computer facilities will meet this requirement for those without their own computers. Useful Websites: Glaxo Educational Center Nutrition Resources on the Internet Case Rounds in Infectious Disease AIDS Case Presentations me.htm University of Wisconsin-Madison Pulmonary Medicine Site cardiology.html Medscape Cardiology Homepage Gastroenterology Resources Yale Nephrology Med/HematologyOnc/HematologyOnc.html Virtual Hospital Hematology/Oncology Virtual Hospital Site/ Cross Reference to All Internal Medicine Required Equipment: None Special Dress Requirements: None Evaluation Methodology: Students will be evaluated by non-cumulative, multiple-choice examinations that are based on lectures, handouts, and assigned readings. D:\106735397.doc 02/15/16 2 Evaluation Criteria for Each Module: 1. Midterm 2. Quizzes 3. Final Percent of Grade: 45% 10% 45% The final grade for the entire course will be a cumulative grade derived by a weighted value. This weighted value is determined by assigning a percentage relative to the number of hours in a given module as a function of the total hours for the entire course. Clinical Medicine I is a total of 196 hrs. Pulmonary 32 hours = Cardiology 36 hours = Nephrology 22 hours = Gastroenterology 40 hours = Hematology 26 hours = Infectious Disease 24 hours = Clinical Nutrition 14 hours = 16.5% 18.6% 11.3% 20.6% 13.4% 12.4% 7.2% If you obtained grades of 90 and 80 on your Cardiology tests the average would be an 85 and the point earned towards your final grade in Clinical Medicine I would be 16.49. Course Requirements: 1. Midterm examination in each module. 2. Multiple-Choice Quizzes based on assigned readings. 3. Final examination in each module. D:\106735397.doc 02/15/16 3 Pulmonary Lecture No. Date/Time Topic Lecturer 1 2 Approach to the Pulmonary Patient Marcus, M.D. 2 2 Pulmonary Infections I Marcus, M.D. 3 2 Pulmonary Function Testing Schecter, M.D. 4 2 Tuberculosis Marcus, M.D. 5 2 Pulmonary Infections II Marcus, M.D. 6 2 Pulmonary Infections III Marcus, M.D. 7 2 Pulmonary Circulatory Disorders Hurewitz, M.D. 8 2 Pleural Disorders Groth, M.D. 2 Midterm Examination 9 2 Asthma Marcus, M.D. 10 2 Pulmonary Emboli Marcus, M.D. 11 2 Pulmonary Neoplasms Sirett, M.D. 12 13 2 2 COPD Respiratory Failure Schecter, M.D. Sorett, M.D. 14 2 Interstitial Disease Schecter, M.D. 15 2 Control of Ventilation; Sleep Apnea Waxner, M.D 16 2 2 Medical Imaging of the Thorax Final Examination Acevedo, PA-C Reading Assignments: Cecil Essentials of Medicine: 165 - 215, 788 - 797 D:\106735397.doc 02/15/16 4 Cardiology Lecture No. 1 Date/Time Topic Lecturer 2 Approach to the CV Patient I Grainer, M.D. 2 2 Approach to the CV Patient II Grainer, M.D. 3 2 EKG I Scheinbach, D.O. 4 2 EKG II Scheinbach, D.O. 5 2 EKG III Scheinbach, D.O. 6 2 EKG IV Scheinbach, D.O. 7 2 Aortic Diseases Scheinbach, D.O. 8 2 ASHD Scheinbach, D.O. 9 2 Ischemic Heart Disease Scheinbach, D.O. 10 2 2 Midterm Examination Valvular Heart Disease I Scheinbach, D.O. 11 2 Valvular Heart Disease II Scheinbach, D.O. 12 2 Myocardial Infarction Scheinbach, D.O. 13 2 Hypertension Grainer, D.O. 14 2 Pericardial Disease/RF Scheinbach, D.O. 15 2 Myocarditis Scheinbach, D.O. 16 2 Procedures in CV Medicine Grainer, D.O. 17 2 Shock and Hemodynamics Scheinbach, D.O. 18 2 Congestive Heart Failure Scheinbach, D.O. 2 Final Examination Reading Assignments: Dubin's EKG, Cecil Essentials of Internal Medicine: 19 - 164 D:\106735397.doc 02/15/16 5 Nephrology Lecture No. 1 Date/Time Topic Lecturer 2 Disorders of Water Metabolism Falk, D.O. 2 2 Disorders of Water Metabolism Falk, D.O. 3 2 Disorders of Potassium/Acid-Base Falk, D.O. 4 2 Disorders of Potassium/Acid-Base Falk, D.O. 5 2 Acute Renal Failure Falk, D.O. 6 2 Falk, D.O. 7 2 2 Acute Renal Failure/Chronic Renal Failure Midterm Examination Chronic Renal Failure 8 2 Nephrotic Syndrome Fisher, M.D. 9 2 Glomerulonephritis Fisher, M.D. 10 2 Glomerulonephritis Fisher, M.D. 11 2 2 Medical Imaging of the Renal System Final Examination Acevedo, PA-C Reading Assignments: D:\106735397.doc 02/15/16 Falk, D.O. Falk, D.O. Cecil Essentials of Medicine: 221 - 300 6 Lecture No. 1 Gastroenterology Topic Date/Time Lecturer 2 Introduction/Esophageal Disorders DeBeer, D.O. 2 2 History and Physical Examination Feinman, M.D. 3 2 Peptic Ulcer and GI Bleeding DeBeer, D.O. 4 2 Gastric Tumors Pasternak, D.O. 5 2 Functional Bowel Disorders DeBeer, D.O. 6 2 Hepatitis Feinman, M.D. 7 2 Cirrhosis Korsten, M.D. 8 2 Alcoholic Liver Disease Goldblum, D.O. 9 2 Liver Case Presentations Goldblum, D.O. 10 2 2 Midterm Examination Biliary Tract Disorders Feinman, M.D. 11 2 Inflammatory Bowel Disease DeBeer, D.O. 12 2 Pancreatitis Korsten, M.D. 13 2 Diverticulosis Pasternak, D.O. 14 2 Infectious Diarrhea Feinman, M.D. 15 2 Parasitic Diarrhea Feinman, M.D. 16 2 Vascular Anomalies of the GI Tract Feinman, M.D. 17 2 Diseases of Anus & Rectum Herbsman, M.D. 18 2 Oncologic Disorders DeBeer, M.D. 20 2 Medical Imaging of the GI Tract Acevedo, PA-C 2 Final Examination Reading Assignments: Cecil Essentials of Internal Medicine: 301 - 364 D:\106735397.doc 02/15/16 7 Hematology Lecture No. Date/Time Topic Lecturer 1 2 Normal Blood Development & Blood Cell Morphology Vinciguerre, M.D. 2 2 The Coagulation System in Health & Disease Allen, M.D. 3 2 B12 and Folate Metabolism Villani, M.D. 4 2 Normal Platelet Function/Diseases of Patients McNelis, M.D. 5 2 Practical Applications of Hematology Caruana, D.O. 6 2 Normal Red Blood Cell Development; Workup for Anemias and Hemoglobinopathies Schulman, M.D. 2 Midterm Examination 7 2 Plasma Cell Disorders Dr. Dolinspino 8 2 Hemolytic Anemias and Blood Cell Transfusions Zervos, M.D. 9 2 Lymphoid Development/Malignant Lymphomas Donahue, M.D. 10 2 Iron Metabolism, Deficiency and Overload Fetten, M.D. 11 2 Myeloproliferative Disorders Lichtman, M.D. 12 2 Aplastic Anemia/Bone Marrow Transplantation Buchbinder, M.D. 13 2 White Blood Cell Development/Leukemias Kolitz, M.D. 2 Final Examination Reading Assignments: Cecil Essentials of Internal Medicine: 403 - 482, 483 - 512 D:\106735397.doc 02/15/16 8 Infectious Disease Lecture No. Date/Time Topic Lecturer 1 2 Immunology Barese, PA-C 2 2 Specimen Collection Techniques Barese, PA-C 3 2 Ambulatory Infectious Diseases Barese, PA-C 6 2 Soft Tissue Infections Barese, PA-C 8 2 2 Midterm Examination STD's TBA 9 14 HIV/AIDS Eckert-Williams, M.D. 11 2 Infections in Immunocompromised Hosts Final Examination Barese, PA-C 2 Reading Assignments: Cecil Essentials of Internal Medicine: 725 - 874 D:\106735397.doc 02/15/16 9 Clinical Nutrition Lecture No. Date/Time Topic Lecturer 1 2 Nutritional Assessment; Antrhopometric Measurements and Malnutrition Ettinger, Lowell 2 2 Dietary Recommendations for Healthy Adults; The food Guide Pyramid and U.S. Dietary Guidelines; Macronutrients and Metabolism Ettinger, Lowell 3 2 Vegetarian Diets; Dietary & Lifestyle Modifications for the prevention and treatment of obesity. Weightloss programs and fad diets Ettinger, Lowell 2 Midterm Examination 4 2 Nutrition of Cardiovascular Disease; Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia and Syndrome X Ettinger, Lowell 5 2 Chemoprevention; Nutrients and Cancer; Osteoporosis Prevention and treatment Ettinger, Lowell 6 2 The Epidemic of Eating Disorders; Vitamins, Minerals and Nutrient Deficiency Ettinger, Lowell 2 Final Examination Reading Assignments: Handouts/PowerPoint Presentations, Cecil Essentials of Internal Medicine: 513 - 532 D:\106735397.doc 02/15/16 10